Astrology Forecasts

January 2025 Astrology Forecast: How to Be Truly You to Create Huge Opportunity

Welcome to Your Star-Powered Monthly Planner

Your typical monthly planner is missing a key ingredient and that’s magic – the magical powers of the stars, your energies and the earthly seasonal elements. You’re made of soil and stars, so aligning with these influences improves your chances of success.

You’re not required to know a single thing about astrology or earthly energies, yet clearing your mind and opening your heart to this level of support helps you develop your own intuitive skills.

Letting your mind accept the opportunities from the cosmos and the earth, while marking key dates and noting how your own calendar lines up with these events, helps you avoid pitfalls and take advantage of these positive forces.

Watch the video on Youtube on how to unpack this monthly planner. 

Monthly Planner Best Practices

  1. Bookmark this link to refer to throughout the month or print out the planner for easy reference
  2. Peruse the monthly summary at the top of the planner to get the overall vibe and read the tips for your Intuitive Success Signature at the bottom of the planner
  3. Note the big star events and mark your calendar
  4. Review the monthly magical tools of oracle card, crystal, spiritual animal and flower essence
  5. If you’re feeling troubled by the monthly energies, keep the monthly magical tools handy, either physically in your own space or mentally within your imagery for the month
  6. At the start of each week, read the weekly tips for that particular week (I also do a weekly reel on social media every Monday morning)
  7. Follow the moon cycles and set aside space to celebrate the New and Full Moons. I also do rituals on Your Star Path to Success Podcast. Subscribe on your favorite player.

Monthly Planner Tips for Each Intuitive Success Signature

Each Intuitive Success Signature has a tendency, so let’s follow it.

Wise Strategists – Read the seasonal energies to get your overall strategy for the month, then take note of the weekly energies and review your activities so you get a jump on the month.

Intuitive Visionaries – Listen to the podcast episode instead of NOT reading this planner despite your best intentions.

Collaborative Explorers – Read your tip at the bottom of this planner and journal how to create space for you to incorporate it into your monthly plans.

Ruling Warriors –  Click here to hop on a call with me so we can strategize your best steps.

Creative Superstars – Jump right to the monthly magical tools and figure out how to use them during the month.

Loving Alchemists – Go to Your Star Strategy Center to get your reels, podcast episodes and articles.

New Era Success Formula is Stars + Signatures + Strategy = Success


The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly star-powered planner sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you remove the blocks to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.


Your energetic signature known as, your Intuitive Success Signature, measures how you enter your day. You may put everything through your mind to think about your best path forward or you may want to connect with others as your first inclination. This is the ‘what you know’ versus ‘who you know’ alternatives. Or you may take action (or procrastinate against it) as your first response.

Wise Strategists and Intuitive Visionaries push everything through their minds. Collaborative Explorers and Ruling Warriors are concerned where they lie in comparison with other people. Creative Superstars and Loving Alchemists either take action or not depending on what’s going on around them.


Proven strategies involve personal and business actions that you incorporate into your daily, weekly or monthly routines to develop habits more aligned with your soul mission. Relying on the cosmos and the earthly energies supports you in saving time, money and resources.

New Era Success Formula

January Summary

January: Create Your Own Opportunities

Sun signs – Capricorn & Aquarius

Seasonal energies: Fine-tuning potential into purpose
Energetic Element: Earth/air
Overall meaning:  January is an up and down month, but brings huge opportunities when you’re aligned with your soul mission. You’ll know whether you’re aligned or not based on what’s happening for you, who you’re meeting and how people are responding to you. Staying on track and being uniquely you provides your greatest opportunity.

If you want to know what’s happening in the stars for 2025, check out Your Star Strategy Center for the highlights and to stay up to date. 

Seasonal insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Potential

Seasonal Attributes

Months: November, December, January
Astrological signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Earthly Element: Earth
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Samhain
Affinity: Feminine Energy
Impact: Inner Life

The stillness of the season welcomes potential for all of your dreams. Go inward to reflect on what you desire most.

Let your mind wander and imagine.

Plant seeds in the fertile soil of endless possibility.

This is primarily a yin, reflective time, however, using your yang tendencies expands your potential as you actively pursue the unfamiliar by asking questions, letting your mind wonder and exploring your edges.

This is primarily a feminine expression with its inner life exploration. Think of words such as; opening, deepening, gathering, strategy, intentions, themes, milestones.

Magically, this season offers deep intuitive connection enhancing your ability to commune with your inner voice and the universal energy. Practically, this is the perfect time to set strategy, determine your annual word, themes and intentions as well as to anchor your pillars and milestones for high level navigation through the year.

Season of Potential is the quietest season that stabilizes itself with the earth element. It also relies on ether, so it’s a yin energy that’s expansive into both the known (earthy) realms and the unknown (ether) realms. The key to this season is to recognize that both the yin power of strategy and the yang power of direction create your best strategic plan.

Seasonal Business Tips for Potential

It’s the time of strategy and holidays during the season of potential and that’s the perfect blending of the business meaning behind this season. Work and play is the right rhythm to employ when devising your strategic plan for the coming new year.

Getting away from the day-to-day is necessary to gather the higher purpose for your life and business.

Replenish yourself, your team and your business by spending time with friends and family. Then take another look at your strategic direction with a fresh mind and heart.

Read the new article on “How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success”.

Big star shift dates

Big Star Shifts: (in chronological order)

  • January 3rd – Pressurized power with Mars opposing Pluto
  • January 6th – Mars retrograde reenters Cancer
  • January 5th – Mars supports collective soul destiny
  • January 11th – Soul destiny in Pisces & soul karma in Virgo
  • January 30th – Uranus stations direct

Big star shift meanings

Mars & Pluto: Pressurized Power

With Pluto newly in Aquarius, you experienced pressure to free yourself from other’s expectations to show up authentically for 18 months between March 2023 and November 2024. This back and forth energy felt edgy and uncomfortable. Then, Mars added to the mix as he aggressively opposed Pluto from November through April 2025.

Leo Mars Rx opposite Aquarius Pluto @ 1°
January 3rd @ 2:22 am ET

Leo Mars opposite Aquarius Pluto @ 3°
April 26th @ 9:05 pm ET

Leo and Aquarius involve the development of your personality. Leo desires to be seen, heard and known through authentic expression. Aquarius seeks freedom of expression through uniqueness and originality. Leo leans in and Aquarius leans out.

These opposing forces become epic energies with Mars and Pluto.

When Mars, the God of War, opposes Pluto, the God of Hell, there’s a wave of power that can’t be measured.

Mars asks you, “Where in your life do you need to be more assertive?” Pluto asks you, “How can you love yourself limitlessly?”

Both of these planets push you beyond your comfort zone and put you into emotionally unsafe circumstances. They do it on purpose as they’re asking you to become more fully yourself.  You will explore parts of yourself you don’t want to reveal. Remember you’re perfectly imperfect and use this time to get to know yourself better.

Mars adores Leo, yet not when he’s being smothered through the fire as he is when he’s retrograde. Then, he becomes volcanic. Add Pluto pushing you to break free to be you without apology. You can be unstoppable when you accept yourself, flaws and all.

If you’re feeling insecure, experiencing fear of missing out (FOMO) or constantly seeking approval, then remember how you’re different from others and celebrate yourself. You can also plan unusual experiences for the flamboyant or indulgent imprint as a way of self-soothing.

If you’re dissociating or relying too much on your mind, then get creative; go to the theater, a comedy club or your favorite museum to stir your heart. Be forthright with others in relationship and show up for yourself in creative ways.

Having fun is also a quick way to interrupt negative thoughts and impressions.

Mars Retrograde: Caring Support or Victimhood

With Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer, you can either choose to take extra care of yourself or you can drop into being the victim, feeling sorry for yourself and taking it out on others.

Mars retrograde in Leo & Cancer
December 6, 2024 – February 23, 2025

Mars in Cancer and Leo exact dates:

  • September 4, 2024: Mars enters Cancer
  • November 3, 2024: Mars enters Leo
  • December 6, 2024: Mars stations retrograde at Leo 6°
  • January 6, 2025: Mars moves back into Cancer
  • February 23: Mars stations direct at Cancer 17°
  • April 18: Mars exits Cancer
  • May 2: Mars returns to Leo 6°

At the beginning of the year, Mars retrograde moves from 6° – 0° in Leo and then reenters Cancer again, where he stays until April 18.

Mars adores spending time in Leo and would have loved continuing his path in this sign, but he doesn’t get the chance. He has to reenter Cancer, which he doesn’t appreciate. He loathes the watery, overly sensitive, home-bodied Cancer. He feels trapped by the ‘over-caring for others’ nature. Mars is more selfish, active and bold than Cancer lets him be.

For 3 ½ months, Mars marinates in the Cancer syrupy family soup with its past history and stories about your early years.  You have the opportunity to explore the depths of love with your loved ones, yet it depends on your patience and tolerance for hearing about your cute and embarrassing antics while growing up.

Typically, Cancer opens into Leo to take the love, connection and deep sense of belonging to come out into the spotlight and confidently express your passion, authenticity and creativity. The anchoring support of Cancer centers Leo to ensure he’s feeling safe and secure. When Leo feels powerful, he’s generous, stylist and an excellent leader.

However, in a retrograde cycle, Leo pulls back into Cancer suppressing his enthusiasm and knocking him off center. Mars feels unstable, fostering self-doubt and inducing a fragile ego. This is not a positive combination. The fire erupts without an outlet, so with each passing day the fire grows hotter without any star tools to cool it.

It’s up to you to provide the tools to cool Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer.

For more information, check out “How Mars Pushes You Beyond Your Breaking Point” right here.

Mars with Collective Soul Destiny Front & Center

Martial Support

Mars, the energizer, supports the collective soul destiny twice in the first part of 2025. He supports the overall soul mission of the world and can help you individually as well. Know what’s happening with Mars and push through things that require courage.

Leo Mars Rx trine Aries True Node 0°
January 5 at 
1:20 am ET

The first-time Mars acts as a supportive force in 2025 occurs during the first week of the year to bring home the world’s soul destiny that’s been stirred for the last 18 months.  The fiery energy to reverse entitlement and exclusivity helps create opportunity for anyone with the fortitude and courage to live their lives the way they truly desire.

Soul Destiny Changes

There’s a shift in the collective soul destiny in January and stays there until July 26, 2026. With the new Pisces soul destiny and Virgo soul karma the focus is wellness. This Pisces & Virgo configuration induces you to accept yourself as a spirit having a human experience.

These changes reflect how the cosmos pressure everyone on earth to open up to soul destiny while removing blocks due to karma. This similar collective soul energy happens every 18 years and its opposition occurs every 9 years.

On January 11th, you move from how you express yourself in relationship to how you experience the world. Release servitude, undervaluing yourself and giving your power away and move into your value, your inner voice and being generous with yourself and others.

For more information on this 18-month influence, check out the article right here.

Weekly star power

Week 1: December 30 – January 5

This is a great week to solve problems and find solutions to complex issues. You feel the pressure, but are getting used to this energy since you’ve been feeling it since the beginning of November and will until the end of April.  Positioning yourself within your relationships requires creativity and generosity with yourself and others.

Set aside time to envision what you truly want and take action based on your top priorities.

Week 2: January 6 – 12

This is a confusing week. The New Era tests you by taking your mind and scrambling it into many pieces. Your thoughts run amuck and you want to go in too many directions.

Take a deep breath and slow down.

Gather yourself and review your goals. Doing what serves you is the only solution this week. Either that or take the time to connect to yourself and your intuition. Following your energy, intuitive nudges and opening to your creativity is the key right now and actually, forever.

It’s better to learn now than to procrastinate.

If you want support for the year, check out the Soul-driven success series. It gives you the support you need to develop your intuition to let your soul lead.

Week 3: January 13 – 19

What uplifting energy this week! Good luck, success and changes to clear your pathway reign this week. Hooray.

After last week, this is such a welcome feeling. There can be problems in unstable relationships, otherwise you are good to go right now.

Think clear thoughts, connect with like-minded people and take right action based on your priorities.  It’s a good week for sales, negotiations and meeting new people. If you have a few moments, take a peek at your strategy to ensure you’re going in the right direction.

Week 4: January 20 – 26

Powerful forces begin the week and make you cocky about the influence you yield. Watch out for power struggles and others lashing out at you. Stay ahead of the competition by focusing on your own work.

Fortune favors the brave.

This is the perfect time to make changes because they will happen quickly and relatively smoothly.

When you gather your energy for yourself, you experience good luck and excellent sales when you remember its relational and not transactional. Celebrate yourself at the end of the week by getting social and fun.

Week 5: January 27 – 31st

Grand ideas, creative solutions and epiphanies bring opportunities this week. Huge growth and serious exploits to envision your future begins now. Be imaginative and take risks.

Take steps to clear your success pathway. It’s time to take good care of yourself without being concerned with others.

Moon Magic

The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3.  The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

You can get everything Moon magic when you subscribe to Your Star Path to Success podcasts. We do Full and New Moon rituals every month.

Full Moon: Ch-Ch-Changes

Details: January 13 @ 5:27 pm ET with Sun in Capricorn & Moon in Cancer at 23°

Uranus stimulates the Moon and supports the Sun while these two oppose each other to test your balance between your inner life and outer world. How do you show up for yourself while also showing up in the world to deliver your gifts and talents? Take a leap of faith and step into your future. This is a time of opportunity and solution. Get creative. It’s your time.

New Moon: Big Opportunity

Details: January 28 @ 7:37 am ET with Sun & Moon in Aquarius at 9°

This New Moon brings huge support for the new era which involves inclusion, freedom and independence. The stars are very supportive right now. Jupiter is the star of opportunity and the Sun and Moon favor Jupiter. It’s time to get creative and imagine your best future. Create the life of your dreams.

Magical tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Card: #39 – Deepen

#39 "Deepen" card from Kim Woods' Intuition Oracle deck, featuring intricate mandala art, a woman reflecting in a creative space, and the message: "Go beneath the surface to gather energy & seek creative solutions."

You’re coming into a huge period of growth, but first you must go inward to deepen, solidify and crystallize your efforts. When you deepen, you ensure your chances of success. When you ignore this prompting, your opportunity for growth is stifled.

“It’s a quiet gathering time as you fortify yourself, your loved ones and your business. Dive deeply inward to reflect, rejuvenate and restore.”

As part of the expansion path, the deepen card comes to you to remind you that expanding and deepening go hand-in-hand. You can’t have sustainable growth without each of these forces.

Spirit Animal: Vulture

Two vultures perched on a gnarled tree branch, set against a blurred green natural background.

Vulture reminds you to take everything into account and don’t waste any time, energy or resources. It’s time to sheer off that which doesn’t serve you. This includes people too. Get rid of waste. Sharpen your focus and only bring what you want to carry into your future.

Crystal: Pyrite

A shiny, gold-colored pyrite crystal cluster, also known as "fool's gold," displayed against a white background.

Pyrite is also known as fool’s gold. This is a prosperity stone, but not when you’re fooled by shine, especially when you ignore the deep inner worth. The surface is only that- the surface. You can be fooled by what’s on the outside or performative.

January gets you ready for the wakeup call at the end of March. Take care to discern what and who really matters to you and more importantly, who and what matters to your future.  Don’t take anything at face value. Go beneath the surface to find the treasure inside.

Flower Essence: Gorse

A close-up of vibrant yellow gorse flowers blooming on a spiky green shrub, with a blurred background of additional blossoms.

Gorse is a bright yellow flower to remind you that life is bright and shiny. Take gorse when you feel fatigued and feel despair. Before you give up hope, reach for gorse. It’s like sipping on sunshine and you need it, especially when you see who and what is really important to you while getting rid of what and who doesn’t serve you.

Intuitive success signature forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Wise Strategist

You love the planning, strategy and clear-mindedness of the 1st and last weeks of the month, but the confusion and challenges in the middle of the month drive you crazy. Stay focused on yourself and your goals. Think long term and take baby steps to realize your goals.

Intuitive Visionary

You love the flow of ideas and innovations, especially when the Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th. Yet, the distractions increase too. Take care to follow your strategy and plans so you don’t knock yourself off course. People are pushing and pulling you in too many directions. Curate opportunities that support your long-term goals. Stay on track.

Collaborative Explorer

People are stepping on your toes and trying to get you to focus on them instead of yourself. Don’t fall for it. You are the leader right now. This New Era energy has your name written all over it. People feel this, even if they don’t know it. Own your value. Know your path. Use your discernment. It’s your time. Take full advantage of it.

Ruling Warrior

Slow and steady wins the race this month and this isn’t your favorite rhythm. Going deep and seeing beneath the surface is the key to making January work for you. Opportunities are created through relationships – work for the loyalty, not the transaction. Your wins are based on how you end the year, not how you start it.

Creative Superstar

The last 2 weeks are more your speed than the others this month, however, Venus moves into Pisces and she’s your best friend. She adores love, creativity and magic. She’s romantic and sweet while also being kind and generous. Act like Venus this month and see who you attract. Use your influence to lead people into your paid offers.

Loving Alchemist

Going deep into powerful energies is your jam and when you show up aligned with your soul mission, you become a magnet to the marketplace. How are you showing up this month? Do you have any events where you can shine your brilliance? If not, set up at least one event. People won’t be able to find you unless you lead them toward you.

Bottom line

January doesn’t quite hit the reset button and begin at the starting line. This month continues with the same energies of 2024 and for most of you, you want to leave 2024 behind and start anew. Yet, you learned a tremendous amount last year. Setting your priorities and creating opportunities based on these is the key to your success.

Think long term and take small steps to get you there. January holds tons of opportunity when you deepen your intention, galvanize your energy and connect with people and situations that create the dreams of your future. Everything else falls away.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


Astrology Forecasts

December 2024 Astrology Forecast: What Future Are You Creating?

Monthly Summary

December: Which Side Are You On – Positive or Negative?
Sun signs – Sagittarius & Capricorn
Seasonal energies: Apex of Potential with the Solstice on the 21st
Energetic Element: Earth/ether

Overall meaning: The perfect window presents itself. It’s the one you’ve been longing for throughout lifetimes. Your soul recognizes it, but will your mind? It’s time to reassess based on your proclivities, instincts and natural tendencies. You may be following the beat of another’s drum. Adjust your tune.

Dance to your own music, rhythm and style. Fine tune your approach for 2025.

December is a Black Moon month with 2 New Moons during the 31-day period. A Blue Moon month is one with 2 Full Moons in one month.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions.

Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact.

Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success. 

Season of Potential

Seasonal Attributes

Months: November, December, January
Astrological signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Earthly Element: Earth
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Samhain
Affinity: Feminine Energy
Impact: Inner Life

The stillness of the season welcomes potential for all of your dreams.

Go inward to reflect on what you desire most. Let your mind wander and imagine. Plant seeds in the fertile soil of endless possibility.

This is primarily a yin energy, reflective time, however, using your yang tendencies expands your potential as you actively pursue the unfamiliar by asking questions, letting your mind wonder and exploring your edges.

This is primarily a divine feminine expression with its inner life exploration.

Think of words such as; opening, deepening, gathering, strategy, intentions, themes, milestones.

Magically, this season offers deep intuitive connection enhancing your ability to commune with your inner voice and the universal energy.

Practically, this is the perfect time to set strategy, determine your annual word, themes and intentions as well as to anchor your pillars and milestones for high level navigation through the year.

Season of Potential is the quietest season that stabilizes itself with the earth element.

It also relies on ether, so it’s a yin energy that’s expansive into both the known (earthly) realms and the unknown (ether) realms.

The key to this season is to recognize that both the yin energy power of strategy and the yang power of direction create your best strategic direction and  plan.

Seasonal Business Tips for Potential

It’s the time of strategy and holidays during the season of potential and that’s the perfect blending of the business meaning behind this season.

Work and play is the right rhythm to employ when devising your strategic direction for the coming new year.

Getting away from the day-to-day is necessary to gather the higher purpose for your life and business.

Replenish yourself, your team and your business by spending time with friends and family. Then take another look at your strategic direction with a fresh mind and heart.

Read the new article on “How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success”.

Star Dance

Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • Now: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15
  • December 6: Mars retrograde from Leo 6° – Cancer 17° (until February 23, 2025)
  • December 7: Neptune stations direct
  • December 21: Solstice with the Sun entering Capricorn
  • December 24: Jupiter square Saturn (2nd time, August 19, 2024 & June 15, 2025)
  • December 29: Chiron stations direct
  • December 30: Black Moon in Capricorn

To prepare for the wakeup call in March 2025, claim your spot in my 2025 forecast workshop at the beginning of the month. Register here (as always, the replay is available).

Now through December 15: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius

Mercury asks you to shift your perspective about your current ideals and beliefs. This isn’t actually the time to engage and debate with others, but it is the time to review your position.

You’re not actually right and Mercury wants to show you how.

One of my favorite questions is, “How am I wrong?” This is an excellent time to ask this question and then sit back and watch Mercury show you.

You’ve forgotten something or someone you deem small that can really help you.

Pause. Reflect. Let go.

See who or what presents and then ponder how your current situation can be improved with this additional support.

December 6: Mars retrograde Leo 6° – Cancer 17° through February 23, 2025

Mars adores spending time in Leo and would have loved continuing his path in this sign, but he doesn’t get the chance yet.

He has to move backward, reenter Cancer, which he doesn’t appreciate. He loathes the watery, overly sensitive, home-bodied Cancer.

He feels trapped by the ‘over-caring for others’ nature. Mars is more selfish, active and bold than Cancer lets him be.

From December 6 – January 6, Mars moves from 6° – 0° in Leo and then enters Cancer again, where he stays until April 18.

For 3 ½ months, Mars marinates in the syrupy family soup with its past history and stories about your early years.

You have the opportunity to explore the depths of love with your loved ones, yet it depends on your patience and tolerance for hearing about your cute and embarrassing antics while growing up.

December 7: Neptune Retrograde since @ Pisces 29 – 27°

When Neptune stations retrograde at the edge of Pisces 29.55° to be exact. Wow, this is a wake-up call.

The idealism, overly optimistic and escapist behaviors get a jolt back into reality. Any overextension snaps back so you can see how your actions create your circumstances.

Absolutely do not follow or buy from anyone who says they have all of the answers based on easy 1-2-3, ‘one size fits all’ or ‘it worked for me’ solutions. These people are charlatans preying on your gullibility or desperation.

With Neptune retrograde, you can see more clearly, but this may make you react by making a big change.

This isn’t the time for change. It’s the time for reflection and consideration. It’s the time for using your intuition and internal compass to be your guide. It’s the time for compassion and healing.

This period prepares you for the massive wakeup call in March 2025.

December 21: Solstice with Sun ingress Capricorn

The solstice marks the apex of potential to bring your big dreams into reality through hard work and effort.

It’s a buzz kill, but it’s an important energy to create the future you desire.

When you only participate in dreams and intentions, it’s fun and satisfying to your mind.

These dopamine hits, however, don’t actually help you realize your dreams. Discipline, precision and integrity are required to create your success.

As the Sun enters Capricorn, you have the opportunity to buckle down after the wild energy of Sagittarius.

With the Moon and Saturn opposing each other, you feel the need to get serious. Jupiter provides a great lift to this otherwise suppressed influence.

Other stars also give you the push to be original, get innovative and connect with those who lift you up, instead of put you down.

If you’re looking for a slower pace, this timing meets your wishes. If you adore the pace you’ve experienced over the last month, you can continue, yet you may not find as many willing people to join you on your adventures.

December 24: Gemini Jupiter Square Pisces Saturn @ 14°

From August 2024 through June 2025, Jupiter and Saturn confront each other and ask you, “What have you been doing since December 21, 2020 when we brought the New Era into your daily life?”

This Jupiter-Saturn cycle began with its connection at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 opening the New Era portal for the future way of living and leading.

This New Era signals the time for the divine feminine to equally position itself with the divine masculine.

This is new and unfamiliar and you’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out along with everyone else.

Leadership, sales and money work differently now and it’s hard to determine how to connect the dots to make it work for you.

Last year in June of 2023, Jupiter stimulated Saturn’s strengths to create sustainable growth. Did you plant seeds and help them germinate? Did you take advantage of this opportunity-creation energy to construct the pillars for your success?

Now, with Jupiter confronting Saturn for the next 7 months, you’re asked to be brave enough to note anything unstable in your life and business, then to get rid it.

Where ever you have shaky ground, bad habits or overextension, you’ll reach a breaking point.

This initially feels uncertain and you’ll do anything to deny the truth of it. But when you buckle down and wrangle with your inner conflict, you’ll come to terms with the truth Jupiter and Saturn have laid at your feet.

When you shift your focus to withdraw from unhealthy routines, people and situations, you’ll fortify your foundation.

This isn’t going to be easy or simple, but it’s worth it.

Your continued success depends on it.

Read more about this important configuration right here “Prioritize Your Grand Vision”.

December 29: Chiron retrograde since July 26 @ Aries 23 – 19°

Once again, you have the opportunity for great healing. You observe old wounds and release your ties to them. You reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others in order to understand your past to give way to your future.

In Aries, Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world.

Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough.

Mercury retrograde in April gave you insights into how Chiron can help you know. Did you take note? Think back to remember what was happening for you in April.

Ask Chiron to help heal you now.

December 30: Black Moon Sun & Moon in Capricorn @ 9°

Lasting change becomes the norm. This New Moon, also at the 9th degree just like the first New Moon in December, speaks to the culmination of your intentions.

With the fire of Sagittarius until the 21st and the influx of earthly Capricorn, you have the ability to dream big, fuel your intentions with energy and create constructs to begin and set your strategy for 2025.

Star Power

Week 1: December 1 – 8 The stars have a lot to say this week with lots of activity and a few major star events thrown in for good measure.

With the month starting off with the first New Moon beginnings, Mars retrograde and Neptune moving direct, mark your calendar to position yourself positively.

The opening salvo has you stepping out of your normal routines to embrace new ideas, solutions and creative pursuits. There may be a new person or situation sprinkled into the mix too.

The expansive start to the week becomes complicated, limiting and disruptive to your goals.

Set aside time to review your style and refresh your image while claiming your true power.

Transformation comes with confusing thoughts, unsettled feelings and inability to know which strategic direction to go in as this is new territory.

Relationships are front and center once again, so knowing exactly what you want, who can help you and who isn’t helpful is an excellent way to ensure you’re creating the future you desire.

Taking a trip down memory lane to show appreciation and gratitude is your best bet to get through the week. Then, make that list of helpful and not helpful people and circumstances.

When it’s time to trim down, this list will come in handy.

Week 2: December 9 – 15 This week feels much less chaotic than the first week of the month, yet holds big energies that push you to make changes based on your innovative solutions and original creations. 

Yet, use caution when saying YES to change. Big changes aren’t always required. Even a few degrees of change can set a trajectory to big results in the future.

The stars conspire to lift you up and inspire you to pursue your originality and brilliance by providing fun social engagements and new love interests.

Express appreciation for your conquests in life and business.

It’s a great time to give gifts to show your gratitude.

Week 3: December 16 – 22 Take it slow this week and delve into your own power to explore the fighter within. 

Assert yourself for self-care and self-love as this is a pathway to owning your self-worth. You can find the genesis of your power by using the solstice energy and the martial internal exploration.

Delegate to those around you, including yourself, to align with your best next steps.

Remember you set the tone of what you expect of yourself and others.

Make sure you align your actions with your visions. Getting ready for the holidays?

This week is a great one to get those last-minute gifts. Keeping it intimate and simple is your best bet.

Week 4: December 23 – 30 The big star event goes back to December 2020 and continues until 2040, with the first confronting influence pressing you to prioritize yourself and your grand vision. 

Beginning in August, this squaring off creates pressure to make sure you don’t forget what you truly desire. Think of it like your soul is sitting on your shoulder making sure you put your potential front and center.

Revisit what came up for you on November 18th and during the first week of December. This isn’t a far-reaching recollection, so hopefully you can remember.

These insights are super informative to how you can attain your big dreams.

Adding in your desire to break free from restraints puts you in a great position to serving your unique path. Reconcile the actions you actually take versus the ones you think you should take.

Serve you, not somebody else.

Moon Magic

All of the phases of the Moon help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon beginnings is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Embrace Your Leadership

Details: New Moon with Sun & Moon in Sagittarius at 9°December 1st @ 1:21 am ET

Your leadership style is up for review. Are you leading yourself or are you investing yourself in the right leader for you? Leadership is the key during this New Moon with the Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. Who is your guru? Does this person or group of persons have your best interest at heart or are you following them blindly?

Have you given your voice and power over to the right influences?

This is the time to step out of your comfort zone and ask yourself questions that have to do with how you value yourself.

Do you connect with those who are like-minded?

Are you showing up as YOU or are you foregoing parts of yourself to fit into a mold? If so, is this mold shaping your future or is it reinstating your past?

This month is filled with possibility to bring about the future you want to create. What are you creating with your choices, priorities and daily routines?

Each and every day you wake up and you begin the future creation process with the first awakened breath of the day.

Do you wake up with joy or with obligation?

Are you refreshed and excited or are you just marking time until you can go to bed again?

Sagittarius is the sign for discovery, different experiences and seeking adventure and possibility.

On this New Moon, you set the intentions of what you want to create in your life. But, do you back up your intentions with actions?

In the collective, the soul karma for divine feminine empowerment is stimulated to bring equity and resolution.

Yet, the divine masculine aggressive strength is harmonized and may override the potential for rebalancing the energies. How each person leads their lives creates the change the world seeks.

For more information about how the 10-month energy can set you up for success in 2025, read the full Choose Important Priorities to Achieve your Grand Vision article here.

Full Moon: Change is Here

Details: Full Moon with Sun in Sagittarius & Moon in Gemini at 23° on December 15th @ 4:02 am ET

Mars is tracking with the collective soul karma and destiny. The last few weeks have been an active review of how each person shows up in their life, either choosing to lead it or succumb to other’s influence.

This Full Moon is about change. With the 23° of the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Gemini.

How are your thoughts backed up by your actions?

Are you creating what you desire or are you giving your power away?

This becomes obvious when you look at where you started the year versus where you are now. In April and May, I talked about making choices that put you on the path you want to set for your future.

I said, “You’ll know on November 3rd whether you’re on track or not.”

Talk about 10 or 12-degree changes versus wholesale ones.

You’ve entered the New Era in earnest and it’s time to determine how to live and lead during these times.

If you want more information about the New Era, check out my special 3-part series. It’s an exciting time to unlock your potential, but it requires you to be in alignment with your soul mission.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

New Moon: Lasting Change Becomes the Norm

Details: Black Moon with Sun & Moon in Capricorn at 9° on December 30th @ 5:27 pm ET

This New Moon, also at the 9th degree just like the first New Moon in December, speaks to the culmination of your intentions.

With the fire of Sagittarius until the 21st and the influx of earthly Capricorn, you have the ability to dream big, fuel your intentions with energy and create constructs to begin the process of achieving your goals.

There are 3 sharpened star points that push you into your power to align with your soul mission.

It’s becoming more and more difficult to avoid what your soul agreed to when you were born.

Pressure to break free and liberate yourself from others’ expectations is key to you shining your brilliance and embodying your full potential.

Magic Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Cards: #25 Brilliance

A card from Kim Woods' Intuition Oracle Deck titled "Brilliant," featuring an intricate mandala design and the text, "Shine your brilliance into the world."

Shining your brilliance requires you to show up completely without reservation.

Reservations typically include hiding your gifts, doubting your worth or giving away your power. Showing up brilliantly entails accepting exactly who you are without reservation.

Most of my clients and those engaged with my offerings have the issue of visibility. Like attracts like and this has been one of my biggest obstacles in standing unwaveringly in my power and brilliance.

My remedies work and here are a few for you:

Let your mind ponder the words; magnificent, luminous and genius. Let your thoughts savor their meanings, roll them around in your mouth and say them to yourself repeatedly.

Whisper and speak each word throughout the day and see how they open your mind to your brilliance.

Magically, the Sun loves to shine brightly and wants to help you through its radiance. Discover what sign the Sun is travelling through right now (Hint: Sagittarius and Capricorn in December). Embrace the meaning of each sign and lean into the fire of Sagittarius and the earthly actions of Capricorn.

Do a ritual or celebration during the solstice (my Podcast always has rituals and celebrations for you to follow.) Subscribe so you get rituals on your favorite player.

Practically, observe how you’re showing up in your brilliance and how you’re holding yourself back. Give yourself permission to shine brilliantly by coming out of hiding in real and practical ways. Make a list of at least 7 ways to shine and 7 ways to change your habits of hiding.

Crystal: Kyanite

Polished blue kyanite gemstone with a glossy surface.

Kyanite aligns your mind, heart and will to help you live your soul mission.

This stone soothes you by quieting your thoughts to relieve doubt. You may also clear limiting beliefs. Kyanite also opens your heart to deepen your appreciation for the people and circumstances in your life.

This is a highly spiritual stone and is often combined with other crystals such as ruby or calcite. In its purest form, the most available colors are blue, green and black.

Blue – This is the most common color of Kyanite. This crystal supports your communication and mental faculties. Choose a blue Kyanite crystal when your mind distracts you from your truth.

Green – Relating to your heart, green Kyanite brings balance to your divine feminine desires and divine masculine strengths. This centering energy lifts your spirits and assists in connecting you to your intuition.

Black – Aids in removing ancestral blocks and anchors your highest potential. This stone also provides protection when enhancing your psychic skills.

Unless tumbled, this stone is too fragile to carry in your purse or pocket, so keep a Kyanite crystal on your desk, fireplace mantle or night stand. When treated correctly, you can wear Kyanite in jewelry form.

Kyanite was the crystal for November 2019 and January 2022.

Spirit Animal: Snake

Vibrant blue snake coiled on a branch, flicking its tongue with a blurred green background.

Snake continues to bring its transformative and healing energies

The snake spirit animal continues to bring its transformative and healing energies that began in November where you’ve had the opportunity to realize your dreams through your intentions and this month you bring them into form through right action.

Snake transmutes and marks significant change in your life. With snake power, you’re an alchemist seeking wholeness. You’re a healer, facilitating your own healing to remove blacks and create space by letting go of misaligned habits, energies and external input.

The snake spirit animal also loves the ancient rituals, customs and practices, allowing you to connect to them to ease your burdens and amplify your potential.

With snake, you heighten your sensitivity to the energies carried by people and circumstances to prompt your positive outlook.

Call on snake when you need to shred your identity, desire healing or want to increase your energy and natural vitality.

Combining snake energy with hornbeam is an excellent combination to accelerate you into your future.

Snake is the Chinese New Year animal for 2025, so this is a peek into next year’s magical support.

Flower Essence: Hornbeam

Close-up of hornbeam leaves and small yellowish flowers in bright sunlight.

Hornbeam is the flower essence of 2024, so it’s no coincidence you’re closing the year this flower’s support.

Hornbeam connects to your soul potential while removing the perception of overwork or being overextended. Your soul wants you to relieve your mental fatigue and reinstate your natural vitality.

When you slip into a rut, your mind finds ways to stimulate itself. Oftentimes, these distractions don’t serve you. Actually, most times, your mind finds ways to hold you back by pursuing other’s success methods, comparing and contrasting to stimulate feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out). Your mind pushes you into a spiral that can create confusion and doubt.

With the hornbeam flower essence, you can move your mind to restore it into mindfulness, instead of pursuing useless distractions.

You move from a mental fatigue into spontaneous thoughts that lead to synchronous connections. You seek opportunities that align with your soul potential and you attract support from people who have your best interests at heart.

Last month, thoughts became things and this month, you have the chance to create the future you truly desire. The key is to clear your mind and let your soul lead.

Hornbeam soothes your mind to open it to possibilities, striving to ask the right questions instead of finding contorting yourself to fit into easy answers.

Intuitive Success Signature Forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link

Wise Strategist

Rely on your instincts by following through on their directives. Tapping into your internal compass gives you strength to step into courage.

2025 is going to require you to be bold and brave in new ways you don’t particularly like.

Being honest with yourself, with your heart and with your soul is your best approach. Your mind isn’t helpful and doesn’t have the capacity you need for your continued growth.

Intuitive Visionary

Your intuition is your guide. Let it speak for you and through you. This isn’t a call to become a channel. It’s a call to allow your brilliance to be apparent, front-facing and in front of your mind with its perceptions and opinions.

Ignore your mind in favor of your intuition right now.

Having faith in your intuition is a gift you hold. Tap into this gift without question.

Collaborative Explorer

Explore your edges. Do you know where they begin and end?

Allowing yourself to reach for growth in different and new ways puts the explorer into focus. You rely heavily on the collaborative aspects, but now it’s time to fully flex your exploring ways. 2025 pushes you to pursue your fiery aspects.

Get ready by touching base with them now.

Ruling Warrior

Listen to your heart, not your head. I recognize how difficult this is for you unless you’ve had tons of practice. Now’s the time to perfect this approach.

Your heart has wisdom you’re not using and being the expert in sustainable ways requires your heart and soul.

The mind was never supposed to be the driver for strategy or leading.

Your heart’s been patient long enough.

Creative Superstar

Make an actual plan for 2025, not the idea of a plan or an outline of one.

An actual plan with a strategy based on intentions, themes and milestones. Build in goals, targets and dates.

Fill in details based on you, your desires and your energy. 2025 is going to blast into you, so being prepared is imperative.

Get support for your strategic direction. Doing this the right way matters.

Loving Alchemist

Set your course for 2025 as this year has set you up perfectly.

To build on your success from 2024, review what worked really well and filled you up.

Then take those things away that didn’t fuel you, either your energy or your bank account.

Be objective. 2025 is going to burn through you, so preparing now lines you up for your best trajectory.

Bottom Line

December is a great month to create the future and you have the choice, as you always do, to either have a positive creation or a negative one. When you set intentions, the key is to back them up with actions. Take action this month to dive deeply into what truly matters to you personally and professionally.

Until next time, happy soul tidings!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

November 2024: Are You Ready for Your Cosmic Forecast?

Welcome to Your Culminated Dreams

Monthly Summary

November: The Culmination
Sun signs:  Scorpio & Sagittarius
Seasonal energies: Origin of Potential with Samhain on the 1st
Energetic Element: Earth/ether

Overall meaning: Whatever you focus on, becomes real this month. The beginning of the month is elusive, lacking clarity at every level. The energy gathers through the month and your focus becomes obvious in the world. It’s a powerful trajectory. You are launched. Have you been swept along someone else’s path or are you on your own? This is a slingshot of power creating more of what you ‘want’, i.e.; where your focus is – worry, stress and lack or joy, power and abundance.

It’s the Wiccan New Year and it’s not an intentional one, it’s a digestive one. Are you demonstrating the ability to integrate, digest, accumulate? Or are you out of alignment with your soul mission? It’s completely apparent and underscores the entirety of 2024.

Watch the video on YouTube on how to unpack this monthly guide.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success. 

Season of Potential

Seasonal Attributes

Months: November, December, January
Astrological signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Earthly Element: Earth
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Samhain
Affinity: Feminine Energy
Impact: Inner Life

The stillness of the season welcomes potential for all of your dreams. Go inward to reflect on what you desire most. Let your mind wander and imagine. Plant seeds in the fertile soil of endless possibility. This is primarily a yin, reflective time, however, using your yang tendencies expands your potential as you actively pursue the unfamiliar by asking questions, letting your mind wonder and exploring your edges.

This is primarily a feminine expression with its inner life exploration. Think of words such as; opening, deepening, gathering, strategy, intentions, themes, milestones.

Magically, this season offers deep intuitive connection enhancing your ability to commune with your inner voice and the universal energy. Practically, this is the perfect time to set strategy, determine your annual word, themes and intentions as well as to anchor your pillars and milestones for high level navigation through the year.

Season of Potential is the quietest season that stabilizes itself with the earth element. It also relies on ether, so it’s a yin energy that’s expansive into both the known (earthy) realms and the unknown (ether) realms. The key to this season is to recognize that both the yin power of strategy and the yang power of direction create your best strategic plan.

Seasonal Business Tips for Potential

It’s the time of strategy and holidays during the season of potential and that’s the perfect blending of the business meaning behind this season. Work and play is the right rhythm to employ when devising your strategic plan for the coming new year. Getting away from the day-to-day is necessary to gather the higher purpose for your life and business. Replenish yourself, your team and your business by spending time with friends and family. Then take another look at your strategic direction with a fresh mind and heart.  Read the new article on “How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success”.

Read the new article on “How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success”.

Star Dance

Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • 11/3 Cancer Mars opposite Capricorn Pluto @ 29°
  • 11/15 Saturn direct
  • 11/19 Pluto Aquarius 20 years
  • 11/25 – 12/15 Mercury retrograde

Empowering Action with Mars Opposite Pluto

Cancer Mars opposite Capricorn Pluto November 3 @ 29°

There are opposing forces at play, where on the one hand, you have incredible tenacity with a propulsion for winning to ultimately achieve the goal you’ve always desired. One the other hand, you want to play, have fun and socialize with abandon. Frivolity overcomes the hard knocks of power grabs and emotional wrangling for control or responsibility wins out with a lighter touch and self-indulgence.

From November 2018 – May 2020, you’ve felt the impact of your work-life balance in ways that you may not have been cognizant of prior to this time. This pressure hasn’t gone away in the last few years.

Right now, your work life balance is teetering on the edge. Which will you choose – love and family or work and success? You can have both if you figure out your own tempo and design your schedule to accommodate it. Get creative. This is your time to finally come to terms with what’s really important to you and to set up your life to reflect your terms.

Make Your Dreams Real with Saturn Direct until Next Spring

Saturn direct on November 15 @ Pisces 12

Saturn churns once again, entering into your life forcing you to assess how you’ve reprioritized your inner life. If you’ve used your time for journaling and soul searching to create the life and business YOU truly desire, you can apply what you’ve gained for forward motion now. If not, you won’t get this deep introspective opportunity with Saturn again for another 30 years, so you’ll have to rely on Neptune in Aries beginning on March 30, 2025.

There’s No Turning Back from the New Era with Pluto in Aquarius until 2044

Pluto reenters Aquarius for 20 years
November 19 at 8:28 pm ET

Aquarius is such a confusing energy as it wants to break free from what everyone else wants, but also desires to make the entire world a better place. So, Aquarius is both individual and universal. This is good news as working together makes the humanitarian world-wide effort less fraught.

With Aquarius, everything is possible as this sign sees the future, creates a vision and leads people toward that common vision. Leaning into the intelligent, innovation and inspiration aspects of Aquarius helps you accept the chaos-creating work of Pluto. As Pluto stirs things up for healing, it behooves you to take stock, fortify yourself with Pluto’s tenacious gifts and move through the healing to the other side.

Imagine feeling lighter, more free and able to love yourself and others more fully. Envision yourself joined with hundreds of others toward making the world a better place. Dream this world into being with your thoughts and actions. This is possible with Pluto in Aquarius.

Yet, isolation and disconnection are lower energetic expressions of Aquarius when overwhelm sets in. The antidote is bending your mind in positive ways, staying engaged in your growth and connecting with others.

To set yourself up for success for the next 20 years, read the NEWLY published article to Unlock the Hidden Treasure of Success, Power and Love.

Shifting Beliefs with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

Mercury retrograde Sagittarius 22° – 6° November 25th – December 15th

Mercury asks you to shift your perspective about your current ideals and beliefs. This isn’t actually the time to engage and debate with others, but it is the time to review your position. You’re not actually right and Mercury wants to show you how. One of my favorite questions is, “How am I wrong?” This is an excellent time to ask this question and then sit back and watch Mercury show you.

You’ve forgotten something or someone you deem small that can really help you. Pause. Reflect. Let go. See who or what presents and then ponder how your current situation can be improved with this additional support.

Star Power

Week 1: November 1 – 10

The stars push you off the diving board right now, making you take the plunge into your wildest dreams. It’s thrilling and scary at the same time. How about choosing exhilaration?


November starts off with the New Moon in Scorpio and weirdly, the New Moon is a side hustle to the overall power-packed energy kicking off the month. Truth, power and magic give you a boost to your creativity, intuition and ability to persuade. However, this isn’t comfortable or light-hearted. This is deep. You’re traveling to the bottom of the ocean to find your hidden treasure.

Hint: It’s your soul truth.

Hint, hint: Take time to connect to your heart to hear its whispers. If you want ways to do this, check out my Heart Connecting Protocol – free for a limited time.


Transparency and radical honesty bring you creativity and success this week. You have the ability to strive for great success when you fine tune how you make business deals, focus on long term plans and revise your strategies to include your own satisfaction.

Week 2: November 11 – 17


Venus is the star at the beginning of the week and Uranus at the end. Venus in Capricorn gets super bossy and unbelievably selective. She’s reserved and accepts nothing less than the best. She’s looking for the long term and no frivolous connection will do. She wants a ring (figuratively or literally) and she wants it now. So, what commitments have you been avoiding? Stop avoiding. It’s time, especially when….

Uranus takes his shock and awe show on the road again over the weekend and he’s not shy about throwing you under the bus. Try not to be surprised by unexpected honesty or shifting feelings about relationships. Perhaps this is what you’ve been avoiding. Surprise!


Priorities are realigned, stories are edited and facts are checked. Be careful with anything legal and get serious when something complicated arises. Roll up your sleeves and deal with it right away. You don’t want your thoughts to make it worse. Your mind will create an unbelievable story and the reality isn’t nearly as difficult as your mind makes it out to be.

Week 3: November 18 – 24


This is leap of faith week. Huge epiphanies and outrageous ideas have you wanting to jump off a cliff without any safety net. If it’s in alignment with your soul, go for it. If it’s not, you can go for it anyway, but you may have to course correct during the next few months and that’s not going to be effortless. My advice? Take big leaps in your thoughts and smaller actions to make them real.


Imagine your best outcome for any scenario and take a few moments to jot down the first few steps. Better yet, get your team involved in a brainstorming session and see what comes. Pick a few of the better ideas and get creative. Construct a wireframe for each. Solutions are here for you.

Week 4: November 25 – 30

Mercury is the star this week and what a pain in the ass he is right now. He’s mucking up your connections on the personal side and pipeline on for your business.


You have incredible drive to tackle anything, so it’s an active time. You want to get going in every direction. Yet, carve out some time to align your mind, heart and will by staying present to experience life around you right now. Giving yourself permission to live fully adds so much juiciness to both your life and business.


All of those ideas you had last week, have to be put on hold for a few weeks and that seems aggravating. But, actually, it’s not. It’s better to let them percolate to be revisited and reimagined. They’ll be 100x better for it.

Moon Magic

The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Sharpened Arrow from the Heart

Details: Sun & Moon at Scorpio 9° on November 1st @ 8:48 am ET

Happy New Magical Year!

This New Moon is the story of 3 triangles. The Truth, Power and Magic triangles work together to crack open your mind, heart and soul. The piercing nature of star power gives you tremendous courage and you’re going to need it.

The Sun and the Moon are almost an afterthought in this cosmic dance, yet for you, the luminary light shines your personal truth, power and magic. The typically unattainable star power is within your grasp.

The key to this kite shape is to successfully navigate its spine where Mars opposes Pluto, making you dive into your own wholeness before opening your heart to yourself and others.

The bow of Mars and Pluto gets pulled back to set your trajectory into the next 20 years where the truth triangle of Mercury-Pluto-Neptune lays the foundation propelling your powerful course. How far will you launch yourself into your life? What actionable steps will you take to reach your full potential? In what ways will you love yourself limitlessly?

Full Moon: Unexpected Truth in Relationships

Details: Sun in Scorpio & Moon in Taurus at 24° November 15th @ 4:29 pm ET

This is the time of the New Era and the Full Moon shines a light onto how you’re blending your feminine gifts and masculine strengths. The yin and yang

Once again, the Sun and the Moon urge you to experience yourself in relationships, strengthening the star power of love and commitment over the last few months. The Sun shines into the deepest parts of yourself while the Moon pushes you to simplify your life.

Uranus springs into action this Full Moon by cutting your heart into pieces, making you worry about stability in work, money and daily life. You feel knocked off center and how long it takes to find your footing depends on how much you can go with the flow.

Venus walks onto the stage a few days before this Full Moon pushing you and everyone in the world to remember how you showed up at the beginning of September. What happened then – anything memorable?

Having courage, honor and respect for yourself and those you adore is the key to achieving your goals and dreams.

Happy New Era Full Moon.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

Magical Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Card: #36 Grow

A card from Kim Woods' Intuition Oracle Deck" titled "Grow," featuring a mandala design and an image of a hand holding a small plant sprout. Text at the bottom reads, 'Welcome new growth."

Welcome new growth. You’re in a growth cycle right now. Expand and widen your foundation to allow increased success. Invite opportunities and seek support in order to grow to your full potential. Your dreams are in sight, so set yourself up for success by anchoring your masculine strengths and pushing your feminine gifts to the edges.

Crystal: Selenite

A serene arrangement featuring white selenite healing crystals on a wooden surface near a window. The display includes a selenite crystal sphere, clusters of raw selenite crystals, scattered small stones, and a white candle burning in the foreground.

Selenite links to your higher self, promoting communication with the spiritual realm and deepening your connection with your inner voice. Selenite is a peaceful and calming stone. This stone assists in past life work, scrying and seeing future insight.

Selenite also protects the environmental energy around you, making this crystal a great one when dealing with conflict or difficult conversations. Selenite is super feminine that has a moon energy filled with water, light and loving power. Note: You can’t clear selenite in water as it’ll lose its shape by absorbing lots of water.

Selenite hasn’t been the monthly stone since April 2020.

Spirit Animal: Snake

A simple black silhouette of a snake forming an 'S' shape with its body. The snake's head is raised with an open mouth and visible fangs, set against a white background.

Snake transmutes and marks significant change in your life. With snake power, you’re an alchemist seeking wholeness. You’re a healer, love the ancient rituals, customs and practices and are very sensitive to energies.

Call on snake when you need to shred your identity, need healing or want to increase your energy and vitality.

Snake is the Chinese New Year animal for 2025, so this is a peek into next year’s magical support.

Flower Essence: Gentian

Two vibrant purple gentian flowers with green stems and leaves, isolated on a white background. The flowers have a trumpet-like shape with deep blue and purple tones, displaying intricate petal details.

Gentian helps you believe in yourself and to trust your inner guidance. This is a wonderful supportive energy when you need more focus and determination. This flower encourages you in any circumstance.

Connecting deeper with yourself and others is one of the overriding themes in November and gentian can help you when you feel discouraged. It eases unhealthy dependence and self-doubt. It can also help during times of setback.

Intuitive Success Signature Forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can take the quiz here.

Wise Strategist

Shed doubt and negative self-talk, especially in the beginning of the month. As a remedy, stand in your strengths. Set your strategy and make plans for the new year. Let your strong linear focus create underpinnings for your growth over the next 12 months. Hire a Collaborative Explorer to help you with outreach and making connections in 2025. They demonstrate making connections for potential.

Intuitive Visionary

Let go of distraction and doing too many things. Allowing shiny objects to take you away from your core isn’t going to set you up for scalable growth. Remember you are enough. Make it a mantra and ask for support to launch your offerings in 2025. In fact, hire a Wise Strategist to build structures and systems for you. You’ll need both structures and systems for big growth in 2025.

Collaborative Explorer

Eliminate those responsibilities you’ve taken on for others that aren’t supporting you. Be selfish without explanation, remorse or guilt. You can choose yourself. In fact, when you do, you show others how valuable you are and this launches you at a higher level. Review your offerings, your effort and your rates. Make sure they align. Talk to a Ruling Warrior to help you with this task. They’ll tell you the truth.

Ruling Warrior

This is the time to dive into emotions, yes, not your favorite thing, but there’s healing in it for you. When you get the healing, you’re able to show up more authentically and break through limits without butting your head up against them. This frees your time, effort and resources as you can grow without the fierce focus it usually requires. You could hire a Loving Alchemist to help you with the healing.

Creative Superstar

Focus on only 1 message this month to grab people’s attention and keep it. You can take different views, carve out aspects and tell stories about your 1 message. This will anchor your audience’s energy and keep them focused on exactly what you want them to stay focused on and it will be good practice for you. This is going to feel stifling, so partner with another Creative Superstar to keep it fun and lively.

Loving Alchemist

Choose simplicity as inspiration. Carve something out, winnow it down and sharpen its point. Showing your audience you can simplify helps you and them. It makes things lighter for you and clarifies things for them. This also highlights your power and magic by providing relief in ways being complex doesn’t. An Intuitive Visionary can show you how this is done, so hire or collaborate with one.

Bottom Line

November is a big month for your growth, setting the stage to attain your dreams. It’s a deep intuitive time for you to go inward to tap into your power and reach out for connection to invite opportunities and seek support.

Until next time, happy soul tidings!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.