
Magical Events to Unlock Your Prosperity

Get access to the

Magical Prosperity Pack

4 Virtual Workshops

Total value: $1,088

Extreme early bird by September 30th

73% OFF / $800 Savings!!

ONLY $297

It’s so hard to grow your business with all of the demands on you, especially when things change so rapidly. It’s hard enough to keep up when things stay on track, but with disrupting technologies and shifting trends, it’s almost impossible – what worked last year, doesn’t work now and what works now won’t work next year.


What if there was an easier way to stay ahead of the disruptions, so you feel more calm and certain?

What if there were better way to make money so you can invest in yourself and your business?

Would you say YES?

Would you say YES to getting and staying ahead?

Would you say YES to making the money you desire and deserve?

Saying YES makes all of this possible.

Your Workshop Access Gives You

First, let’s get you back on track for making the money you know you’re worth.

Then, let’s ensure you’re going in the right direction for YOUR true purpose (not somebody else’s).

Next, let’s create a beacon of wealth so you can focus on what’s in front of you.

Finally, let’s get you a clear glimpse into next year so you breakthrough to your success in ways that are fruitful and satisfying.

Let’s explore the delicious happenings in each of these workshops.

Workshop 1:
Remove Your New Era Money Blocks

Get instant access to my Money in the New Era 3-part workshop that generated $290k for the first 40 participants in the 1st week. That’s a stunning $7k+ per person!

In this 3-part series, you discover how to:

  • Determine how to change your habits to remove your blocks to money
  • Overcome limiting beliefs that you’ve taken on as your own whether they’re yours, your ancestors or in the collective conscious
  • Do rituals to actually amplify your money signature and rid you of obstacles on your pathway to riches

Part 1. Uncover How Money Works for YOU

Discover the secrets to aligning your mind, heart and will to unleash your full potential as a profitable entrepreneur. Gain practical insights into the 6 ways of money and how your core energy impacts how money works for you. Shift the most common limiting money beliefs. Do a powerful money imprint ritual to expand your money beyond all limits.

Part 2. Amplify
Your Money

Rate how you make decisions, handle self-care and step into your visibility. Identify how each signals your subconscious relationship with money. Understand your energetic signature through the groundbreaking Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® method and how your money channels can be opened so you release the floodgates of money coming to you. Do a power pulse money ritual to spark your floodgates.

Part 3. Open Your Pathway to Riches and Power

Address unconscious money blocks, ancestral lack and soul DNA poverty vows hindering consistent money flow. Your unique money signature matters now more than ever to ensure money flows toward you efficiently. Unwind money ties from your family, through the generations and into the future. This ritual is so powerful, impact is felt almost immediately.

✨✨✨BONUSES: I love to give bonuses and inside this workshop these include special Podcast episodes for your signature, plus a fast-acting Abundance Visualization enjoyed by 100’s of my clients and workshop participants.

Don’t take my word for it, here’s what recent participants have to say

"Huge shout out and massive love to Kim Woods for her AMAZING Money is the New Era 3-day program. I dug into all 3 sessions. Holy Batman, I closed 2 clients today. One, was a function of being at NM last week, the other dropped in out of the blue ... totally unexpectedly. It was a client of mine from years ago that needed a dose of "Candy" and signed up for a 3-session package with me and paid-in-full on within 5 minutes of reaching out to me."
Candy Barone
Legacy Maker
"Kim Woods is amazing! I took her latest money course and it was awesome! it gave me a lot of insight in to the best ways for me to make money are based on my energy, personality, and how I express myself. This is very beneficial as VERY FEW people discuss that."
Iris Goldfeder
CEO GasStove Creative
"Kim Woods is amazing! I took her latest money course and it was awesome! it gave me a lot of insight in to the best ways for me to make money are based on my energy, personality, and how I express myself. This is very beneficial as VERY FEW people discuss that."
Matt Dillingham
Certified Magnetic Life Coach
"I highly recommend Kim Woods for her visionary guidance and exceptional ability to elevate both business and personal success. I am super thankful for her support and guidance. Kim Woods has a beautiful gift of knowledge, insight, and passion that only a few can. She is a brilliant business strategist and helps to give a lot of clarity with her vision. The Map to Success quiz is a game changer and a Free gift offering she provides the community. I highly recommend Kim to anyone seeking clarity, guidance if they feel stuck in life. I gained valuable insights from her sessions."
Vandana Tolani
Founder & CEO at Convanto

Workshop 2:
Realize your True Purpose

Next, gather your core soul wisdom to realize your true purpose through the Gateway of Wishes.

This bonanza event harnesses the incredible power of the Lion’s Gate 888 energy that’s anchored into infinite possibility no matter when you complete this 3-hour sacred event.

Can you feel it?

Your heart and soul are ready to take the helm to remove the limits of your mind to get and stay ahead in the New Era.

In this 3-part workshop, you’ll gain access to ancient wisdom, connect to advanced technologies and tap into a creation vortex to realize your true purpose.

Part 1. Understand the Cosmic Portal

If you’re ready to stop feeling uncertain about your life path and want to remove obstacles in your way, you’re in the right place. Leverage the power of this year’s Lion’s Gateway of Wishes so you gain a deep understanding of your soul mission and discover how to navigate the upcoming cosmic energies.

Participate in powerful rituals and exercises to enhance your energy flow. Learn to synchronize your life with major cosmic events for positive outcomes.


Part 2. Activate Your Divine Spark

If you’re experiencing a plateau in your spiritual growth or are having difficulty accessing your intuitive knowing, be reminded of your core soul truth. You’ll be able to face the unknown with confidence, backed by powerful cosmic and ancient energies.

Tap into the mystical teachings of Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon to enhance your life’s journey. Experience a significant leap in your spiritual evolution.

Part 3. Embody Your Star Path

If you’re having difficulty materializing your goals and dreams or are feeling powerless against life’s challenges, step into the Creation Vortex that Sirius and Lilith have set up for Lion’s Gate. When you do, you’ll be able to maintain steady growth and turn your dreams into reality.

Empower yourself with the Divine Feminine energies and Divine Masculine strengths to stand at the fore of the awakened New Era.


✨✨✨BONUSES include rituals to activate your ability to anchor your divine potential to realize your true purpose through the Gateway of Wishes of the Lion’s Gate Portal. Plus an insider’s pass to tips and tools to ensure you’re living your soul mission.

Testimony for Kim’s Programs
“Kim truly helps connect the dots to your “Why” and helps you explore your “What if…And…” with all the possibilities that are available to us when we see it clearly. She creates a luscious, safe, and nurturing space for exploration and self-discovery, offering not only astrological wisdom but also heartfelt support and encouragement.”
Kim Woods Client - Kelly Wagner
Kelly Wagner
Founder of The Edge Network
“I don't know much about astrology, but I can confidently say that Kim Woods' unique blend of intuitive insights and business strategy is incredibly impactful. Her approach has brought profound transformation and growth. Kim’s style is not only effective but also wonderfully engaging, making her an absolute pleasure to work with. I highly recommend Kim for her visionary guidance and exceptional ability to elevate both business and personal success.”
Cecilia Dahl Client of Kim Woods Master Astrology Business Strategist
Cecilia Dahl
Founder at The Remote Leadership Lab
“As a member of Kim's programs, I am constantly bowled over by the amount of value she pours into her clients. It's astounding how she puts together workbooks each month that could each be standalone books. (And that's coming from a book coach!)”
Amy Colette, Client of Kim Woods, standing outside with bright fall trees in the background
Amy Collette
The Book Alchemist for Impact-Driven Entrepreneurs
“I’ve been in Kim Woods' world for a few years now and she’s incredible. Her blend of business expertise, intuition, and astrology is something else. She’s got this way of making you see your potential and giving you the tools to reach it. Soo many tools, her rituals are soooo good!”
Jackie Barker Client of Kim Woods Master Astrology Business Strategist
Jackie Barker
Founder of Aligned Soul Design

Workshop 3:
Uncover Your Wealth through Astrology

During the Equinox period, harness the wealth creation forces of Libra as Venus adores luxury, and when in Libra, she makes the commitment to create wealth with you. She helps you find your hidden treasure and claim what’s rightfully yours.

In this 3-part workshop, you’ll:

  • Uncover secret wealth-creating ways by clearing your mind, opening your heart and activating your will
  • Amplify your wealth signature through the stars
  • Make wealth vase, money box or manifestation bowl to harness the Earth’s ability to create wealth for you

Part 1. Your Abundant Powers

Your mind, heart and will alignment holds the key to your vast abundance and wealth-creating abilities.

Let’s unlock your natural energies while at the same time, release reluctance about luxury, bounty and the wealthy.

Removing other’s impressions of what it means to be wealthy (and realizing what it can mean for you) frees your abundant powers.


Part 2. Your Hidden Wealth

Through your Intuitive Success Signature, reveal your hidden treasure by accessing parts of your heart and soul that have up-to-now been dormant.

Clear your pathway to the riches in your life. Realize how your wealth awakens with specific prompts and activations.

Gather the magical tools you need to create beacons of wealth in your space.


Part 3. Creating Your Beacon of Wealth

Have fun creating wealth vases for the facets of your life you wish to amplify.

Making wealth vases, money boxes or manifestation bowls brings the focus to what truly matters to you while your attention lies on the day-to-day functions necessary to succeed in life and business.

Do ritual to amplify your wealth, prosperity and abundance creations through the power of the stars.


✨✨✨BONUSES: Rely on the wealth creating energies of Libra and support of the harmonic resonance of the cosmos with the earthly abundance right in front of you.


Testimony for Kim’s Unique Work

“I salute Kim and have so much admiration for her because she stands for a new truth and does it so eloquently. She’s leading the way and showing that it’s possible to follow your intuition and actually succeed.”
Dr Hynd Boulia, client of Kim Woods
Dr. Hynd Boulia
CEO of BAL Method Ltd, Best-Selling Author, Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women
“This prosperity class is so deep and luscious. I love how you talk about the mind, heart and will and the importance of using them. I also love the rituals.”
Amber Green, Kim Woods Master Astrology Business Strategist Client standing outside with a floral crown on her head
Amber Green
Master Yoga Practitioner
“Kim crafted unique strategies for both my personal and business development. As a result my monthly income has quadrupled and I find great satisfaction in the work I offer to the world. If you feel like you are wandering, yearning for purpose or just need help plucking your ideas from the ethereal so you can plant them here in tangible, Kim is your answer!”
Miriam Chadwell
Founder Essence Embodiment
“I just have to give a shout out to Kim Woods. She held a private session for my Phoenix Mentorship today and let’s just say her astrology work is SPOT ON. We love you! If you’re not already following or in her group, run don’t walk.”
Emily Aarons, client of Kim Woods
Emily Aarons
Business Alignment Coach

Workshop 4:
2025 Breakthrough to You

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”

2025 is fiery AF!

Prepare yourself and your business for the massive wake-up call at the end of March, while learning how to be unwavering in your purpose so you attract your soul mate clients.

Part 1. The Stars

Discover what the stars have in store for you in 2025.

Learn the overall themes, intentions and magical tools to support your breakthrough to success. 2025 can either be a mind field of pitfalls and chaos or a massive opening for you to realize your biggest dreams.

It’s up to you as the planets are either working you or you work the planets. As always, the stars conspire for your success, but only when you know how to navigate them.


Part 2. Your Signature

Your energetic signature measures whether you enter the world through your mind, heart or will which indicates how you make decisions, relate to others and your best methods for accepting support and seeking opportunities.

Gain insights into your natural energies to identify your best options for aligning with your soul mission, growing your business and increasing your flow of prosperity.

It’s time to stand unwaveringly in your power.

Part 3. Strategies

Outline your overall annual business strategy that amplifies your unique offerings and helps you stand above the noise of the marketplace.

Appreciate the timing for launches and promotions, hiring or streamlining your team and discovering ways to stay ahead of the trends. Enhance your ability to attract your soul mate clients.

Consider the seasonal and cosmic tempo that maximizes your creative flow and enhances your chance for success.


Testimony for Kim’s Forecasts

“I love the way you make astrology concrete and accessible for everyone. We can use what you say about complex concepts in practical ways. Your forecast webinar was so professional, but also easy to understand. I’ve looked forward to your forecasts for the past few years.”
Portrait of Debra Roberts standing with trees in background
Debra Roberts
Creator of The Relationship Protocol® & INC Columnist
“Kim's weekly predictions have won me over to her particular magical blend of wickedly smart business strategy infused with the wisdom of the stars. Her deeper appreciation for the moods and energies of the calendar year makes her guidance ‘rabidly practical’."
Ellen Melko Moore
CEO, Co-Founder of Supertight Social Selling
“Kim is Sassy, Classy, and making waves on social media with her wisdom and sharing her best practices to help business owners with her next-level strategic skills. She also shares how the energy from the stars is Wildly supportive of success for many this year.”
Shelly Harrison
CEO of Luminary Leaders, Speaker Management Agency
“We adore having you speak to our membership. Your forecasts are something we rely on for our own planning. We’re looking forward to your talk on what to expect next year.”
Hillary Gadsby
Co-Founder of BossTalks

Are you ready to achieve success with ease?

Extreme early bird by September 30th

73% OFF / $800 Savings!!

Only $297

Access to 4 Powerful Workshops

About Your Guide

Kim Woods, Business Strategist and Master Astrologer, combines astrology, ancient feminine wisdom and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help you become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave your legacy.

As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear your success pathway so you live your soul mission.

Kim’s mission is to guide visionary leaders to live their soul mission. Kim works with visionary entrepreneurs who’ve reached an upper limit in the mid-6 figures and want to break through to 7 and 8-figures. They’re looking for more certainty, better work-like balance and increased fulfillment that aligns their work with their deep values.

Kim’s been named one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs disrupting the business world in 2022 by Entrepreneur Magazine for her success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, where the stars + your energetic signature + proven strategies = success. This methodology has been heralded as “groundbreaking”, “revolutionary” and ‘the difference between success and failure”.

Kim’s unique combination of stars + strategy in her annual forecasts have been featured in 1,800+ media outlets. Kim’s led 425+ high performing entrepreneurs, grown client revenue by $84M+ in the last few years and delivered over 3,300 hours of client program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who’s the training for?

Business owners who want an easier time growing their businesses. Anyone who wants to know what to expect in 2025. Way Showers, Visionary Leaders and Disruptors who want to learn how to easily lead in the New Era.

Do I have to do anything before this training?

Clear your mind, open your heart and roll up your sleeves to take action. Also, get ready to level up – it’s your time to shine!

What’s the time commitment?

It’s a total of 12 hours of workshops and then whatever you desire to do on repeat, such as the exercises and the rituals. You can lean into this information to continue to open your ability to receive money, increase your inherent value and align completely with your soul mission.

➱ Forecast podcasts and presentations
➱ press release for 2025
➱ 1,800 media outlet features
➱ credible predictions from 2020 – 2024

Growing your business shouldn’t result in burnout, stress and lack of time and money. Growing your business can be filled with deep satisfaction and success.

You CAN be successful without working so hard.

You can make money without losing yourself.

You can become more of YOU, so you put yourself front and center in your life and business.

It’s time.

Are you ready to achieve success with ease?