Use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success.™

Hi Visionary Thought Leader.
It’s the New Era.
You’ve had personal success. Again and again.
Yet, what’s worked before, doesn’t work now. What works now, won’t work next year.
You’re looking for easier ways to scale your business growth strategies without losing yourself.
You find yourself asking: Should it really be this hard?
Where is the joy?
… you could go beyond the ups & downs into sustainable business growth strategies?
… it wasn’t about an external program or shiny new course?
… it was all about YOU?
Your wisdom.
Your gifts.
Your birthright to be rich and powerful.
The Trusted Authority for the New Era
What does that mean for you?
My mission is to help you live your soul mission.
I’ve heeded the relentless call of my soul to usher you into the New Era.
How do I do this?
I combine my 25+ years of c-suite business growth strategies with the ancient wisdom of astrology to align you with your soul mission without the noise of other’s expectations or the blocks of familial conditioning.
Basically, I help you become the rich and powerful thought leader you’re born to be without sacrificing your true purpose for personal success AND satisfaction.
You’re ready for unprecedented personal success and impact in your business growth strategies.
Yet, you’re sick of solutions that aren’t tailored to you – only having nominal impact, bogging you down and holding you back.
It’s time to put YOU front and center by creating a strategy that not only clears the pathway to your personal success, but brings more joy and satisfaction into your life – in every area of your life.
Personal success shouldn’t cost you what matters most to you.
You can and should have it all.
Find out about Kim’s Magical Prosperity Pack built just for you…
Only 14% of CEOs have the leadership success and talent needed to grow their companies.
This shouldn’t be you.
It doesn’t have to be, especially when you know how to live your birthright to be rich and powerful.
The new way of leading opens the door for you to embrace your natural leadership style that combines ancient feminine wisdom with masculine logical strength.
Finally, the energies align with your strengths and gifts.
You become the thought leader you’re born to be to make an impact and become financially free.
It’s your birthright and it’s your time.
Discover Kim’s Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy…
Becoming a Thought Leader, Paradigm Shifter or Movement Maker in your industry has everything to do with you, your energy and your soul mission.
Yet, you’ve been wearing the wrong suit for too long.
Unveiling the layers of hiding, shedding the fears of failure and success and leveraging proven business growth strategies and models requires getting to the core of YOU and expand to the edges of market changes.
Your energy is actually a combination of the masculine logical strength and the feminine intuitive wisdom and knowing how to use it effectively is the difference between failure and success.
Let’s get you to be YOU. You have BIG impact to make.
★ Overcome Fear of Failure & Personal Success
★ Scalable Business Growth Strategies
★ Clear Personal Success Pathway
★ Consistent Top & Bottom Lines
★ Work-Life Balance
★ Access to Resources & Networks
★ Intuition Development
★ Strategy & Timing for Decisions
You’re fascinated by intuition and follow links for astrology forecasts, but you aren't in the right space to commit more time or resources to incorporate either deeply into your life and business.
Yet, you desire change and are looking for supportive ways to get the impact. You can follow on the fringes with my Intuitive Success Signature quiz results and star + strategy links for astrology forecasts.
Or you can join my Rich and Powerful Leaders program at the introductory level.
I have the right solution for you.
I promise.
Your business is growing.
This is what you wanted, right? So, why does it still seem so gosh darn difficult?
Your intuition is always whispering, but you second guess yourself every time, seeking other people’s opinions instead of trusting your own.
If someone could give you the exact next steps and create a strategy just for you, based on you and your energy, maybe, just maybe, you could live your soul mission to become rich and powerful without it taking so much from you.
You’ve seen personal success--in your heart and in your mind.
Now, it’s time to be known, leave a legacy and move past 7-figures to financial freedom.
It’s all about scalability.
With intuition as your bestie and a guide by your side, you shall manifest the most brilliant (and wealthy) version of yourself yet.
“Kim is a world class healer! I’ve been doing my spiritual work for 25+ years and I’ve met my match. Everyone who wants to create joy, ease and prosperity in their lives should see Kim. She’s an oracle, healer and strategist all rolled into one.”
“I adore Kim. She lays out a future you may not have imagined and once she does, things line up to make it happen. She told me I’m a great leader and would start by public speaking. Suddenly, I’m on stage and speaking to thousands!”
“I first chose to work with Kim because of her unparalleled level of real-world business and a spiritual knowing that is uncanny. She’s helped me marry my spirituality with my business and has shown me that my deep healing benefits my happiness and business success in immeasurable ways. My strategy is clear, my ideal clients are flooding in my direction, my income has skyrocketed, and I am welcoming it all with ease. Kim is truly helping me to dance with my purpose and live in my power.”
“Work with Kim, she ROCKS it! I changed my business model to be streamlined with my life mission and now have grown my business by a MAGNITUDE!”
“I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your business consulting. In my professional career, I’ve come across many business coaches, but I’ve never properly aligned with one until you came into my life. Your guidance has helped me see things in a new light, providing me with the tools and confidence to take my business to the next level. Thanks to your practical yet magical approach, I’m excited about the future and the possibility of achieving six or seven figures and beyond.”