
Prosperity Masterclass

Are you looking for more prosperity and financial stability in your life?

Sign up for the Prosperity Masterclass where you’ll uncover the 6 hidden secrets to ignite your infinite flow of prosperity and financial stability.

Claim your birthright and start living a life filled with abundance!

Are you tired of feeling like you’re…

Overworked, stretched and underpaid

Your dreams are unattainable

Frustrated because your income in inconsistent

Unfulfilled and seeking more in your life

And you’re so ready for…

Increasing your income while only working half the time.

Making your dream purchase while still having money in the bank.

Having a sense of relief, of not having to work so hard and no longer neglecting the things in your life you love.

Connecting with your true life purpose, shedding the expectations of others, and giving yourself permission to enjoy making money your way.

The Prosperity Masterclass is for you!

“I believe that every single person deserves the chance to realize their full potential, that’s why I’m offering my Prosperity Masterclass for $88.” — Kim Woods

Reconnect with the heart of money through...

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Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Release beliefs and feelings that are pushing money away.

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Playful Exercises

Learn how to be delighted and how to dance with money.

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Heart Sensations

Learn how to connect with money on a sensory level by using your heart.

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Childhood Memories

Reconnect with your first money memory – good or bad.

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Being Open to Receive

Learn how to invite money into your life effortlessly and guilt-free.

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The Infinite Flow

Connect with the feeling of gratitude to ignite the flow of money.

Here's what you can look forward to...

Opening up your receiving channel for prosperity to flow, filling your life with bounty and abundance.

Understanding how money is energy and is in constant movement, that there is always give and take to the flow of money.

You’ll learn how to deepen your thoughts around being curious about money and connect with the feelings of gratitude and generosity.

You’ll uncover the 6 hidden secrets of how we unconsciously block money.

Here's proof of how our clients' lives have been positively impacted:

Carla Savetsky

“This was hands-down the best training on Money and Prosperity I’ve ever seen!”

Nikki Nienhaus

“I love the idea that money makes me more of myself. That’s my new affirmation.”

Bridget Hanlon Cooper

“My parents grew up poor. I did not. I carry their money beliefs of scarcity. So cray! The scarcity belief ends with ME.”

Click the button below to get the Prosperity Masterclass for $88

Hi, I’m Kim Woods

Business Strategist | Master Astrologer | Author

I combine the ancient wisdom of astrology with my 25+ years of C-suite business experience to teach business leaders how to achieve their personal, professional and financial triumph.

My mission is to create a worldwide movement in the new ways of living and leading, which combines feminine intuitive wisdom with masculine logical strength.

As an astrologer, I predicted C😷🦠D in 2020, the insurrection in 2021, the insane weather events in 2022 and the banking crisis in 2023. My annual forecasts are featured in over 700 media outlets. 

As a C-suite expert, I’ve led 150+ corporate executives and 425+ high-performing entrepreneurs, overseen $65M+ in sales and influenced 300,000+ team members.

I’ve been named one of the Top Female Entrepreneurs disrupting the business world in 2022 by Entrepreneur Magazine. I’ve also been featured in Yahoo, Forbes, INC, Entrepreneur, ABC, CBS, NBC, USA Today, Reader’s Digest, Fox News, Market Watch and Digital Journal.

My passion is to help you appreciate your uniqueness, stand in your true value and receive abundance for your brilliance.

What if you investing in yourself...

Means you could free up time AND generate more income.

Allows you to effortlessly attract your soulmate clients.

Creates the savings for you to make that dream purchase without depleting your bank account.

Provides the relief of working less, giving you the time and space to do the things you love.

Gives you the confidence to shed the expectations of others and live your true life purpose.

What you'll discover in this Masterclass

The Prosperity Masterclass is a 3-part on-demand video series guiding you on exactly what you need to transform your life. These lessons will help you eliminate limitations that have prevented you from your prosperous birthright. Parts 1-3:

1 – it’s all about the mind.

2 – it’s all about the heart.

3 – it’s all the will.

Plus, it’s all about Ritual. Rituals to clear the blocks and open up the pathway for your prosperous life.

Just for you, only $88


How will I be able to access this course?

The Prosperity Masterclass is 100% online. Learn at your own pace. Go through the courses on your own schedule.

How long will it take to complete the Prosperity Masterclass?

The masterclass is broken into a series of 3 separate videos. The course is less than 2 hours long. Commit to setting time aside to thoroughly go through all of the exercises and rituals. The more you put into this course the more you will get out of it.

Is this pre-recorded?

Yes, it is a pre-recorded on-demand course allowing you to watch the videos as often as you’d like.

Is there homework?

There are a few key exercises for homework that are explorative and fun. Most involved meditations and answering a couple of prompts to get you thinking about what was covered during the lesson.

Can I access the meditations separately from the masterclass?

Yes, the meditations have been carved out of each session for your ease of use.

What if I want more support?

If you’d like more support, or would like to find out other ways that you can work with us, please book a Discovery Call.

Now is decision time!

It’s YOUR time to make a difference and claim your birthright of living a life filled with abundance and prosperity. 

Say YES to yourself and YES to living your dream life. I would love to support you on your journey. Click the button below to get registered and I’ll see you inside the program. 

You matter! Your dreams matter!