Astrology Forecasts Oracle

April 2023: do you know it’s time to step out of your comfort zone?

Stars + Strategy   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

April 2023 Summary

Theme: Blind Leap into the New

Sun signs – Aries & Taurus

Simple truths come from the chaos. The restrictions continue and the world comes together and moves apart, simultaneously. The choice is here and blind faith is the answer. It will all work out – of this, I am sure. Dial into the frequency that soothes and helps you see the light. Attune to your own truth. Your belief system is put to the test. Yet, it holds.  Stay steady. Breathe. Take tentative steps into the new ways of living and leading. Leadership is required. Let’s be ready. 


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • April – All planets direct until the 21st
  • April 17th – Venus out of bounds
  • April 20th – Ring of Fire eclipse & Sun square Pluto
  • April 21st – Mercury retrograde

Week 1: April 3 – 9

Access the confident, deliberate and solution-oriented influences. Empathy, compassion and love win the day. Weather, food supplies and transportation issues take center stage. Hope for healing the climate, technological remedies and scientific innovations shine light for the future. Chances open to be part of the way forward.

Avoid the fear, doubt and confusion that breakdowns and limits create. The news continues to be explosive and scary. Problems appear to stack up without relief, especially about social and environmental justice.  Powerful people take advantage of fixed opinions to sway the masses toward their point of view.

Tips: Pay attention to the discoveries coming into the open. Remain detached and flexible. Think about what’s worked for you in the past and stay the course. Patience isn’t easy to come by, so remind yourself of your long-term goals.  Small celebrations bring levity and relief.   

Week 2: April 10 – 16

Access the benefits of committed and loving relationship. Deep feelings and intense emotions can strengthen your connections. Fortune favors the bold and it’s courageous to be dedicated to your convictions, even when they seem to take a beating. Your power grows by steadily racking up your accomplishments.

Avoid expending your energy on things that aren’t yours or distracting yourself with overindulgence. Money woes, physical obstacles and relationship doubts continue to build. Feelings of isolation and disconnection push you to seek support in inopportune and rash ways.  

Tips: Remember the adage, “Being happy is more important than being right”.  Review what’s truly important for you and trim down the rest. Read over your values every day to deepen your commitment to what’s true for you.

Week 3: April 17 – 23

On April 20th, Happy birthday Taurus, Hello Ring of Fire eclipse and confrontation between the Sun and Pluto.

Access flirty, sassy playfulness with Venus in Gemini and out of bounds. She’s eclectic and unusual in her tastes. The fun, lightheartedness paves the way for ease and simple truths. Simplicity and creature comforts are desired.  Wealth and power come to those who exhibit patience and commitment.

Avoid overindulgence and over-spending recklessness. Tensions and confrontations make it nearly impossible to find your footing. Power plays and competitive grabs trigger you and threaten your peace of mind. Typical processes and systems break and fall apart.

Tips: Stand in your authority and keep your eyes facing forward. Yet, notice what’s happening around you with an open heart. Ask yourself what you’re willing to do and not willing to do in world events. Ask how can this be provocative versus provoking. Remember you get to choose how you respond.

Big Star Event: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

Mercury Rx: April – May 2023: Connect to Your Future

Details: April 21 – May 14 in Taurus 15°-  5° (during an ecliptic cycle)

Through the fog of another ecliptic cycle, Mercury expects easy answers to difficult questions while churning everything in your path – people, technologies and schedules. You can’t find your way through the fog and suddenly, the floor seems to be shaking beneath your feet. The explosive square between the Sun and Pluto isn’t helping either. Shock waves reverberate through your core.  Mercury giggles and flashes mirrored reflections from everyone around you. He’s helped by Venus and Mars being out of bounds, adding more pressure to your love life by complicating how you show up for yourself and others. Ugh.

As for Mercury, what’s his deal? Mercury wants you to believe – without any logical reason to do so. A helpful mantra during this time is “I believe”. Say it over and over again until you actually do. 😘

Note: For Taurus signs and those with packed 2nd houses, add the shadow periods for this retrograde cycle. Add the shadow period beginning on April 7th and until May 31st. For Virgos and Capricorns, your world is shaken too, however, you have more certainty, so lean into it. For the fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, use your powers of self-persuasion, with an eye on the future, for the answers you seek.  

Click here to download an easy-to-follow Mercury Retrograde Checklist and guided meditation. 

Week 4: April 24 – 30

Access the abundant, brilliant new ideas with the will to implement them. Creative solutions for the Earth and her resources abound. Imaginative pursuits and intuitive leanings expand and become interesting to the mainstream.  Dissolution of old patterns. Unfair fix-it solutions get attention.  Willingness to take action based on these insights.   

Avoid feelings of righteous, judgement and smugness. Responding to unjust and out of balance happenings isn’t productive. Things come to surface and get buried just as quickly. The doing and undoing causes confusion and the desire to react swiftly.

Tips: Do things that bring you comfort and help you feel stable and secure. Connect to nature by spending time outdoors. Simplify your life. Expend excess energy through physical activity.  Cook your favorite foods, garden and entertain family and close friends.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Awaken to the Future

Details: April 6th Sun in Aries & Moon in Libra 16° @12:37 am ET

Today is a glimpse into the nodal shifts in July and the fiery energies of 2025. It’s possible to either create the world you desire or destroy it.  Full acceptance of the heart and soul as part of everyday existence is the key to unlocking the New Earth for the masses.  Will they accept? Or will they revolt? With chaos, comes creation. 

New Moon: Window into the New

Details: April 20th Sun & Moon in Aries 29° @ 12:15 am ET

The middle is missing, it’s been hollowed out. The Moon steps in to give power to the middle, literally and figuratively. During this blind leap of faith moment, the edges have all of the energy due to their vibrancy and intensity. It’s alluring to become part of a faction. However, it’s just that – a faction.  Where’s the middle? Does the middle show up or does it hide?

Big Star Event: The Ring of Fire Eclipse

Within 2 minutes of the New Moon, the annular effects of the eclipse create a ring of fire as the Moon covers the Sun’s center to peak around the edges as she gets between the Earth and the Sun.

In the last breath of Aries, the solar eclipse begins to bring a fiery, awakened response to what’s happening around you. This spark ignites and ripples for 6 months until the next eclipse.

The Moon’s energy combines with the Sun’s, making you live and breathe Aries forces of courage, independence and authenticity. Who are you and how do you want to live are questions that arise once again. It’s time for taking action, making changes and starting something new.  

Pluto’s influence suggests challenges and overcoming fears as you wrangle with how to begin something new, while Jupiter urges you to take calculated risks instead of reacting impulsively.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle card: #45 Sell

What you crave, craves you. It’s time. Your offerings are needed in the world. Come out and put yourself forward. It’s time to inform, invite and offer. The message of the card is: “Selling is a part of being a business owner. This card wants you to make those calls, invite those prospects and extend those offers.”

Quick tip: Print out your client roster and lead tracking sheets. Close your eyes and point your finger on a name. Call the person whose name you chose. There’s a reason that name was selected – make it count.

Crystal: Fire Agate

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Fire Agate

Agate is a grounding stone with a powerful multi-level cleansing effect. It balances yin and yang, soothes and helps with self-acceptance and speaking the truth. It heals anger and facilitates spiritual growth. Fire agate promotes inner security and is antidote to emotional vulnerability. It’s an all-around healing stone as its grounding, mellowing and protecting.

Flower Essence: Walnut

Change. This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from change and unwanted influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond.

Spirit Animal: Skunk

Skunk symbolizes reputation and respect. You’re confident, charismatic, playful and nonchalant. You exude calm, courageous and love to pursue information yourself, rather than to rely on others.

Call on skunk when you need to defend yourself, want to regain your self-respect and self-esteem or want to be more playful.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Our Annual Star Pass for Success Program

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our star pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3ZklPwe

Fire Agate: https://amzn.to/3zfnFni

Bach Walnut Flower Essence: https://amzn.to/40F6eIm. This was the flower essence for 2021, so you may already have some. Check your cabinet. If not, this is a great flower essence for these changing times.


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – Get ahead by stepping into the third week’s energy. Let Mercury Retrograde move you to the top. You love the review, refine, redefine, reassess requirements of this energy. All other types don’t. Use this time to your advantage. Get to the bottom of what really matters. Prioritize your activities. Choose those that utilize your strengths to give you the best results.

Intuitive Visionary – Gathering the momentum around your key offerings propels you to the next level. Focus on the bottom line, not your top revenue figures. Get back to what works for you and disregard everything that’s superfluous. Fine tune every aspect of your business.  The success is in the details. Your concentrated effort now pays off for years to come.

Collaborative Explorer – Your rebellious side comes to life this month. Allow the fiery tones to boost your exploration of your definition of love, wealth and success. Your competitive side has been slumbering for so long, you’ve forgotten how to access it. Healthy parameters to achieve your goals and get the results you desire need to be created. Spend the time to do so this month. It pays off during the next eclipse in October.

Ruling Warrior – You adore the fiery energies, but are impatient with the lack of results as things appear to come together and then fritter away. It’s best to remember what’s meant for you remains and what’s not, disappears. Appreciate the helpful elements of this energy – you won’t waste time. Saving time supports your efforts to optimize and streamline to improve your bottom line.

Creative Superstar – Alternating between feelings of being wronged and feeling entitled spins you into a frenzy. The urge to overindulge pushes at you daily. There are too many wishes and desires that aren’t being met. Your relationships intensify to the point of requiring commitment from you before you’re ready. Dive deeply into your core to find the answers. You know what’s right for you.    

Loving Alchemist – Close loving and family relationships get added energy this month, yet it’s unclear what each require from you. Each asks something of you on a daily basis. You get off track due to other’s needs. It’s important not to forget yourself. Now’s the time to figure out what you want. Your desires for success and wealth matter too. Let the eclipse be a time to refine your intentions.


This year is a series of gates that open for you to walk into the new energy that combines ancient wisdom with innovative methods. The feminine aspects of intuition and cyclic cosmic influence weave with the masculine forces of logic, reason and expansion. The Ring of Fire eclipse hearkens for the resonance of the future. Are you listening?

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

April 2022: Claim your Power

The stars are demanding you claim your power NOW: are you ready?


Hang tight because April has a lot of intense energies that will demand that you claim yourself, step into your power and lead with integrity. Anger, power grabs and temper tantrum-like energy will push you to your limit at times, but if you let your heart guide you there is a wave of momentum that you can ride to massive impact.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #10- Allow

This card asks you to be vulnerable and to let go of limits and expectations. The only other ask is that you listen to your heart. Though allowing provides opportunity each and every day, this month you’ll want to double down on that sentiment so you can make strides along your pathway.

Crystal: Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz is typically associated with alignment, harmony and growth but when you really dance with its energy, you’ll discover it holds your full potential for you. As it does, you have the ability to step into your future. Let the transformation begin. 🥰

Flower essence: Walnut

Walnut is the perfect pairing for this month’s energy as it helps you stay grounded and steadfast in your commitment to yourself. Walnut gives you fortitude to accept the changes around you without losing who you are. This flower essence allows you to move into what your heart desires. 


Supportive Events

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Scavenger Hunt Fridays are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Join us every week.

On April 6th, Kristy & I will be talking about ways to use the Sun and Moon power. We haven’t explained it in quite this way, so you’re in for a treat. Get your tips for success, love and money all year long. Combine this information with the Forecast guide and BOOM SAUCE.

Power Up group link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KEWPowerUp/

Forecast guide link: https://www.kimwoods.com/2022-forecast/


Supportive Practical Tips

 Quick tip:

  • Define and write down your top 3 core values and have them handy to refer to this month as disruptive energies run amuck.

Going Deeper:

  • Don’t shy away from difficult or uncomfortable actions this month.
  • Choose one or two creative outlets and let yourself have fun with them.
  • Get back to basics with your grounding, heart links and breathing so you can listen to your intuition.
  • Explore new ways to love as Venus moves gently through this month giving you softer energies.


New Moon – Do the right Thing

Details: Sun & Moon Aries on April 1st at 2:24 am ET

Do the right thing for the future. Use your mental prowess and heart-felt passion to help you awaken your creative aspects. The energy is ripe for volunteering and generosity as you gather momentum. Constriction is one of the themes this month, but for the New Moon focus on gathering your energy, your ideas and goals and then planting them down into the Earth for stability.


Week 1: Hit the Ground Running

Dates- 3/28-4/3

The stars are ramping up, making it the perfect time to gather your ideas and plans that have been ruminating. Ground yourself before diving in, then roll up your sleeves and get to work. Mercury is front and center as he kisses the Sun, so expect a lot of communication to be happening around you. This week is a great time for collaboration, meeting new people and even some travel planning. Make sure to listen carefully to your inner wisdom and don’t overcommit yourself.

Weekly tips:

  1. Use your voice and share some ideas. Better yet, reach out for collaborative opportunities.
  2. Enjoy the changing of the seasons!
  3. Buy a plant or plant some seeds to physically connect to the Earth.


Week 2: Do the Hard Work

Dates- 4/4-4/10

This week requires you to drop deeply and intimately into the hard work required to do the right thing. Integrity is strongest at the beginning of the week. You’re helped mid-week by Jupiter as he gives you the opening to step into your future of peace, abundance and sustainability.  But, only if you took advantage of making the hard choice to do the right thing.

Despite the intensity that Jupiter, Mars and Saturn brings this week, Venus gifts you with an underlying vibration of sweetness and romance. Lean into her energies when yearning for relief.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Choose something that has felt difficult before and start doing it.
  2. Ground yourself 2-3 times per day. Use your breath or go out in nature.
  3. Catch up on any administrative tasks you’ve been avoiding.


Week 3: Strap in and Stay Grounded


Hang on tight because the biggest star event of 2022 happens this week as Jupiter and Neptune meet for big impact. The possibilities these two planets bring to the table are bountiful- acceptance, inclusion, broadened perspective, increased awareness, imagination, creativity and love. Unfortunately, these possibilities may feel difficult to bring to fruition, especially if you’re not standing firmly in your core values or leaning into your intuition. When you’re not connected to yourself, this energy blasts you with delusion, distraction and escapist forces.

At the end of the week, take advantage of Saturn’s energy supporting you in moving forward on any tasks or goals that have been lingering. This is a blessing due to the other big star configuration. Patience, perseverance and strong work ethics are enhanced right now.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Revisit your values in your personal and professional life as things come up in the collective that may feel disruptive and cloudy.
  2. Creativity flows. Make sure to jot down any ideas so you can revisit them later.
  3. There is a sweet underlying tenderness in the air, take time to enjoy it fully.


Full Moon – Say YES

Details: Sun in Aries & Moon in Libra on April 16th @ 2:55 pm ET

This Full Moon is an invitation for you to step up to the challenge of saying YES to transformation. Remember saying YES brings the potential to step into the life of your dreams. This Full Moon is going to be what you make of it. If you choose to open yourself to new possibilities and opportunities, it feels amazing. If not, the pressure on you to do so increases – exponentially. Be brave and shine your brilliance. You know you want to… 😘


Week 4: Ride or drown in the waves – you decide

Dates- 4/18-4/24

The beginning of the week is going to feel amazing thanks to Mercury and Venus. Attraction is amplified, especially when it comes to new relationships, friendships or love in any form. With that said, there’s also transformative power asking you to come out and claim you place in the world. If you claim your place, it’s yours. Period.

Since attraction is the name of the game, there’s also the potential to bring in more of those things you don’t want. If you are not claiming what you desire, you may find yourself surrounded by competitive situations or fall into people pleasing scenarios. Be brave and continue to make those hard decisions to move forward in the way that YOU desire.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Claim it and say it! Decide what you want, visualize what it would look like and say it out loud to give you the power to make it come true.
  2. Open your heart to all forms of love.
  3. Get back to basics: sleep, eat well and stay grounded.


Week 5: Look ahead

Dates- 4/25-5/1

This is the week to visualize and plan your future. Look at where you’re meeting your goals and lean in to make them a reality. Pluto requires more transformation from you, but this week’s New Moon and Ecliptic energy is perfect for aligning your thoughts with your actions.

This month has been full of extreme and uncomfortable energies, but growth comes from pushing through your resistance. Enjoy the attraction of abundant energy and open yourself up fully to the possibilities!

Weekly Tips:

  1. Lean into the Ecliptic energy and visualize future plans and dreams.
  2. Journal or draw out some of your deep thoughts or feelings as they arise.
  3. Engage with loved ones and express your appreciation for them!


Black Moon/Eclipse

Details: Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio on April 30th at 4:28 pm ET

Your thoughts are aligned with your desires, but the tension and pressure cloud your ability to maintain the attraction. It’s confusing to know what’s real and what’s fake unless you dive into your intuitive knowing for the answers.

This New Moon has the potential to be full of fortune, unexpected good news and fresh perspectives. Ask yourself these questions as you set goals for this first of the Ecliptic pair: How can I be curious? How can I open my mind and shift my perspective? How can I open myself up to creativity?

Set goals right now and know that you can move forward to bring them into fruition. Stake your claim now as the upcoming energy shifts cause distractions. Don’t fall prey to getting off course.  

Have you taken the quiz to discover your intuitive type? If not, go to: knowyourlifequiz.com to receive specific energy forecasts, 2022 success tips and ways to develop your intuition.


April Energy for Intuitive Types:

Ruling Warrior: This is your month! Take advantage of this forward momentum to step-up and be the leader that you want to be.

Intuitive Visionary: These energies fascinate you and you may want to move fast with them, but take a few steps back and get some definition before going forward. Let those around you catch up to your vision, otherwise you’ll leave them behind.

Wise Strategist: This is the time to choose YOU and put yourself at center stage. Trust yourself and take that step forward, it won’t always be easy, but go back to your toolkit and continue to ground yourself and breathe through the energies.

Creative Superstar: You are going to LOVE weeks one and four, so mark your calendar and enjoy! The big star event on April 12th is also going to be fantastic for you to put your gifts out into the world and make your mark.

Collaborative Explorer: Clear and concise collaboration will be difficult this month, so take full advantage of your explorer side and do some personal excavation or move outside your comfort zone to try new things.

Loving Alchemist: This month is all about power and gathering, so you’ll love the healing energy available for both. Open yourself up to opportunities and lean into those pieces of yourself that need to be healed and released. Then fully claim your power.


Bottom Line:

April is an energetically charged month, challenging you to come out into the world. If you’re able to tap into your inner knowing and ride the waves of March, you’ll find April giving you the momentum to move forward at a quick pace. If you found yourself hiding in any aspect, last month you’ll be pushed to come out and stand in your power to stake your claim.


Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.