Strategy Leadership

 Harnessing Intuition and Intelligence: The Key to Successful Entrepreneurial Decision-Making 

  • Introduction

In this fast-paced and high-stress world of entrepreneurship, making solid decisions is paramount to your success. By understanding decision levels and identifying your intuitive approach, you can navigate the complexities of decision-making with confidence and clarity. Fostering a balanced approach to decision-making, you can harness the power of intuition and intelligence to drive impactful and sustainable business growth.

Studies have shown you make 35,000 decisions every day.*

That number is overwhelming to contemplate, never mind to actually process. You’re in a constant state of decision – never getting relief from making them. In most cases, you have too many decisions to make without enough time or information to make them.

As a business owner, making decisions without all of the information is a constant pressure and one you have to deal with on a daily basis. In fact, you’re pressed to make multiple decisions at any given moment.

To add to this complexity, stressors escalate when you’re in transformative or growth mode AND when dealing with unfamiliar territory.

In growing your business, you’re always in growth or transformation mode AND you’re regularly dealing with things you do NOT know. Everything is…



a decision.

Ay caramba!  Talk about stress!

As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly looking to save time, money and energy, so making good decisions is imperative. In fact, making valid decisions is #5 out of the top 10 problems facing entrepreneurs today.

So, decisions, decisions, decisions.

Click here to read my INC article on using your intuition in decision-making

Your mind is bombarded with decisions every minute of every day. However, most decisions don’t require more than the typical process of identifying, gathering, assessing, choosing and acting. The process is so smooth and fast, it almost bypasses conscious thought.

Your mind can effectively process the mundane, daily and task-oriented decisions.

Yet, when decisions reach a certain level, you must rely on more than your mind to make solid decisions and stick with them.

Let’s look at the decision levels in their typical and atypical process and then dive into using your intuition for decision-making. It’s one of your most effective business tools, so let’s not leave it out of your toolbox.  

Typical Decisions for Business

For the past 25 years, I’ve supported business leaders and in the boardroom, I developed the 3 corridors of leadership with the first one being decision-making. When you assess the level of the decision, you can set up your best decision-making criteria.

With the levels of decisions, strategic, operational and task also known as daily, let’s set up a framework for making the decisions you need to make for your business.

Strategic (Leadership)

Definition: Major decisions that are high-level, multi-year and impactful across multiple areas. These are broad sweeping and big picture; $10k+

This level of decision is at the leadership level. You’re required to act as a leader, keeping in mind the mission, vision and values of your business. The purview is beyond your current state – future-oriented with an outside scope. You’ll have to create a communication and buy-in process and construct a method to implement these decisions into your company or industry. 

Examples: Business strategic plan, name, mission, vision, values, philosophy and approach, business culture, pricing strategy and offering mix, brand messaging and voice, organizational structure, profit strategy, strategic partners

Best criteria: Determine how each strategic decision affects you and your business. Are you making this particular decision to increase your revenues, thereby seeking opportunity and extending yourself or your business? Are you making this particular decision to improve your bottom line, therefore solidifying the foundation; anchoring you or your business at the core?   

Operational (Management)

Definition: Operational decisions involve milestones, goals, targets, objectives and systems; planning, structure; decisions that affect over months, not years; $5k – 10k

This level of decision is at the management level. You’re required to act as a manager, focusing on your resources and results. The purview is within your organization with an internal benefit.

Examples: Client roster, marketing and sales strategy, launch and promotional plans, organizational positions and roles, networking plans and groups, systems platforms, staffing – hiring, promoting, firing; CRM parameters, pipeline management, communication style, optimize, streamline and assess growth options

Best criteria: Identify how each decision supports you, your team, structure or business methods. The focus is not only on the people, but the work itself. These decisions are…

refining, optimizing, fortifying with the common denominator being supportive. 

confined to the current or past state of being with the intention of making things better. 

improvement based. 

Ask yourself how will the decision make things easier, faster, smoother?

Task (Individual contribution)

Definition: Minor decisions, routine and short-term; involve weekly or daily issues. These decisions have little or short-lived impact. With others, these decisions involve tiny offers, promotions, short-term connections, affiliate partners.

Examples: Administrative responsibilities, to-do’s, product fulfillment, client delivery, delegation, calendar, calls, emails, follow-up communication, execute CRM, social media posting; up to $5k

Best criteria: These decisions shouldn’t involve more effort, angst or time than their respective impact. Little impact of the decision and the effort to weight that decision should be relatively equal. Imagine spending hours, lots of money and a great deal of creativity on individual social media posts. Would the benefit outweigh the effort? That depends if said social media posts were part of an overall marketing and sales strategy. Thereby making these individual social media posts part of a operational or strategic decision.

Intuition Decision-making for Business

When a decision requires it, your mind should be put into the back seat and your intuition should be adopted to assist in the decision-making process. Particularly for the initial start-up process for a new business, division or service-line or for a pivot or sweeping changes in your business model.

This requires a complete interruption to the normal or typical decision-making process. Think about VIP days, off-sites, retreats, work-based conferences or workshops. You put time aside outside of your normal element to allow your mind to expand. At times, you may also involve alignment with your mind, heart and will to tap into your intuition.

Decide whether you’d like to incorporate this type of time and space creation to make operational decisions.

My advice is to do this when you’re in a particularly intense transformative or growth mode or when under undue stress.

Relying on your intuition requires you building your intuitive muscle. If you don’t, you may make rash or worse, ineffective decisions. Developing your intuition is necessary to leverage as a business tool.

Read about developing your intuition to become rich and powerful in my article on C-suite network

One of the first steps in using your intuition is understanding your intuitive approach. The different intuitive approaches either initiate through your mind, heart or your will. You can refer to each one to determine your intuitive approach.


Your mind loves to analyze, so your best bet is to combine your thoughts with your intuitive nudges. You ease your mental faculty by giving it what is wants. Put easy work in front of you that requires light analysis and then let it wander. Analyze without any intent to derive answers. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how is my intuition talking to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


You’re guided by internal compass without any input that sees, hears or feels. This knowing is the easiest to use once you’ve connected to it, but the most difficult to believe. Find a way that aligns your mind, heart and will.

Once you’re aligned or centered, let yourself fall into relaxation and then ask questions without any intent to receive answers. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “what does my intuition want me to know?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Observe what interests you without any intent. You can soften your gaze and let yourself become balanced and centered. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how are my observations talking to me? What captures my attention?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your observations speak to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Your intuition works immediately and you take action on your first and initial hit only. Let’s extend this as your instinct is a doorway into your intuition.

Your initial impression is great for yes and no answers, but doesn’t continue into the nuances of the way your intuition likes to connect with you.

After your initial ‘’hit’ and take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how is my intuition talking to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.

As you’re reading, if you’re questioning which intuitive approach is yours, click here to take my Do You Know, Like and trust Yourself® 12-question quiz and whitelist my email address to get all of your tips and business tools to use your intuition in business. 


When you’re alone, you can access your intuition when you drop into something that interests you. This usually requires active movement or indulging your senses. You can write, draw, play music, walk or follow others’ emotional responses. Additionally, you can also connect with others’ emotions.

When making decisions that won’t affect anyone but yourself, fall into activity that engages your mind as described above.

When making decisions that require others, get connected to a few of those people who’ll be impacted by the decision. Be careful to stay in your own energy in order to prevent being overcome by others’ desires.

Either way, take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how does my intuition want to talk to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Perceivers push their intuitive responses into the world, so require others to be present in order to read their energy. This isn’t always the best way to approach your intuition when making decisions, unless those individuals are impacted by that decision.

When alone, you can push your energy into the world around you – perhaps out in nature or someplace you’ve meditated or connected often. The energy available to you will be potent with intuitive whispers. 

When you’ve collected yourself, take a few deep breaths and ask, “how is my intuition talking to me right now?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition is speaking to you in this moment. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.

For more information about using your intuition in decision-making, listen to my podcast episode to combine your intuition with your intelligence, which holds even more ways to make more effective decisions.  

Bottom Line

You’re required to make an inordinate number of decisions every day as a business owner of a growing business. Using your intuition for operational and strategic decisions helps you make solid ones that increase your top and bottom lines. 

* according to Sahakian & Labuzetta, 2013.

#business decision-making #intuitive insights #entrepreneurial intuition

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

 ✨Sky’s the Limit: 3 Stellar Ways to Elevate Your Business 🌟 

Most people who follow astrology know about the ability to use the stars to forecast to find out the timing of events for industry trends, economic cycles and seasonal rhythms. This is the first layer of astrology. There are actually other ways to use astrology, that most people aren’t familiar, yet are the most impactful for your life and business. Find out how to use astrology to grow your business.

There are 3 massively powerful ways to use the stars for your success:
  1. Star Navigation
  2. Star Alignment
  3. Star Mapping

Grab your tips from each way to use the stars strategically to grow your business.


Star Navigation through forecasting is an excellent tool for avoiding pitfalls highlighted by the stars and taking powerful advantage of the prosperous stars. You can use star navigation to:

  • Set strategy – overall themes, intentions, powers and seasons
  • Planning – timing for launches, promotions, streamlining, creating, vacationing
  • Gain resources – use cycles for time and energy management

The stars conspire to create success for you and you can follow them weekly, monthly and for big star events.

The biggest star event is Pluto entering Aquarius. For the next 20 years, the energy of Aquarius is front and center asking you to live your future right now. Aquarius opens you to inclusion, freedom and equity. This sign wants you to become independent and break free of what holds you back from living your future. Spending time with like-minded people is also a benefit of the energy of Aquarius.

Click here to listen to my Podcast to follow the stars to get powerful information that you need to run your business.


Star Alignment or how you’re living your stars, measures how your free will deviates or supports your soul mission.  Knowing where you are on your star journey helps you determine your best next steps.

I’ve set up my success-making Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® methodology so you achieve your life purpose, step into your power and increase your prosperity. You can use star alignment to:

  • Create clarity – know how you’re living your stars and handling your resources
  • Remove blocks – like how star energy integrates with your soul’s energy for clearing your pathway
  • Manifest desires – trust your star imprint to boost your ability to create the life you want
Measuring How You’re Living Your Stars

Determining how you’re living your stars is measured by how you know, like, and trust yourself. 

Your mind gauges how you know yourself, your heart indicates how you like yourself and your will demonstrates how you trust yourself. Your…

…mind identifies what you think, how you make decisions, and why you align with your soul mission.

  • When you know yourself, you can stop second-guessing your decisions so that you can start following your intuition.

…heart demonstrates how you like yourself, what your particular wisdom is, and ways to say YES to support and opportunities.  

  • When you like yourself, you stop seeking outside validation so that you can start reclaiming your power.

…will indicates how you trust yourself and whether you accept individual, collective, and universal gifts.

  • When you trust yourself, you stop experiencing lack through inconsistent success so that you can start living your birthright of being rich and powerful, making big impact, and leaving your legacy.

The key to measuring how you’re living your stars depends on how you know, like, and trust yourself, so I’ve built an entire methodology just for you.

How Can You Benefit from My Success-Making Methodology?

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created my success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business. 

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out so that instead of helping customers to Know, Like, and Trust you, YOU will Know, Like, and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to create highly sought-after personal, professional and financial triumph.

Yet, the way to gauge how you know, like, and trust yourself isn’t easy. Imagine trying to figure it out on your own.

Because this isn’t easy, I’ve created 6 Intuitive Success Signatures which are fun and relatable symbols that give you simple and clear ways to improve your pathway for success. I’ve created a 12-question quiz for you to take 2 or 3 minutes to complete it. More than 21,000 people have taken the quiz and have used the information to help them with their purpose, power, and prosperity. To identify their marketing and sales skills, to assist their leadership positions, and to develop their intuition.

Click here to take the quiz.

Each one of the signatures has a particular strength of either knowing, liking, or trusting themselves.

When you know yourself more, your brilliance shines; when you like yourself, your power amplifies; when you trust yourself, that’s the money shot. Your…

  • brilliance wants to shine if you’re a Wise Strategist or Intuitive Visionary.
  • power longs to come out and play as a Collaborative Explorer or Ruling Warrior.
  • wealth is here for you Creative Superstars and Loving Alchemists.

What’s Your Intuitive Success Signature?

Ruling Warriors adore the spotlight, while Wise Strategists need lots of encouragement to shine their brilliance. But brilliant they are. Wise Strategists are wizards at strategy and planning. If you want to get things done, call on a Wise Strategist. If you want to make a sale, Ruling Warriors are your go-to people. 

When you desire intimate gatherings, Loving Alchemists are your hosts and when you wish to open to your possibility, Intuitive Visionaries help you imagine it.

By completing my 12-question quiz, you’ll receive lots of information about your strengths and highlights to your signature. Click here to take the quiz.

Your Intuitive Success Signature indicates how you’re aligning with the power of the stars and layers on top of your individual star map.   


Star mapping is your personal GPS that outlines your map of potential. It shows what you might become. It begins with your natal chart that’s a scientific picture of the life your soul has chosen as a process for your own growth. It’s a picture of the inner person just as a physical body is a picture of the outer person. The chart illustrates your inner world, unique from everyone else on Earth. The same natal chart only comes into being once every 25,000 years!

When you compare your natal chart with the stars in the sky, you then develop your unique star map, illuminating the exact pathway to open your full potential so that you can live your soul mission. Astrological charting, star mapping, demonstrate the way to get in touch with you – it’s as unique as you are. You can use your star mapping to:

For your life:
  • Identify your imprints for communication, success, purpose, power, relationships, love, money
  • Clear your success path
  • Heal your ancestral and soul DNA patterns
For your business:
  • Team management & client relations – learn skills, talents, motivations and agendas
  • Make big impact –  follow your passion, live your soul mission, create ripple effect
  • Increase prosperity – fine-tune spending, revenue generation & improve your money imprint

This is the most powerful method to use astrology as it combines the stars in the sky with YOU and your uniqueness and business strategies. This requires individual connection and I offer 2 ways of working with me:

1) my Rich and Powerful Leaders (RPL) Academy and

2) my high-end 1:1 application-only exclusive container.

If you’re interested, the best place to start is in my stepping stone RPL program.

At the Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy, I blend the timeless insights of astrology with over 25 years of C-suite business acumen to guide you toward unprecedented success. Tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs ready to transcend the upper limits of mid-6 figures, this program offers a unique journey to 7 and 8-figure realms, ensuring your legacy is not just envisioned but achieved.

What Do You Get?  

Transformative Outcomes: Elevate your business from stagnation to exponential growth. Break through your revenue ceiling and step into the realm of 7 and 8 figures, all while maintaining alignment with your core values and achieving the balance you desire.

Tailored Strategy: This program isn’t one-size-fits-all. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading as a solo or micro-preneur. With my blend of ancient wisdom and strategic business tools, you’ll forge a path that’s uniquely yours.

Community and Support: Embark on this journey with a cohort of peers who share your ambition and values. Our community provides a network of support, insight, and collaboration, empowering you to grow and succeed together.

Bottom Line: Your Best Steps to Use Astrology to Grow Your Business

  1. Follow the star forecasts – weekly, monthly and on an annual basis. Note what’s happening during big star events. Click here to listen to the Podcast.
  2. Take the 12-question quiz to find out how you’re living your stars. It measures where you are on your journey to live your soul mission. Click here to take the quiz.
  3. If you want to take it even further, check out my Rich and Powerful Leaders stepping stone program. Click here to learn more about the program.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Most people who follow astrology know about the ability to use the stars to forecast to find out the timing of events for industry trends, economic cycles and seasonal rhythms. This is the first layer of astrology. There are actually other ways to use astrology, that most people aren’t familiar, yet are the most impactful for your life and business. 

There are 3 massively powerful ways to use the stars for your success:
  1. Star Navigation
  2. Star Alignment
  3. Star Mapping

Grab your tips from each way to use the stars strategically to grow your business.


Star Navigation through forecasting is an excellent tool for avoiding pitfalls highlighted by the stars and taking powerful advantage of the prosperous stars. You can use star navigation to:

  • Set strategy – overall themes, intentions, powers and seasons
  • Planning – timing for launches, promotions, streamlining, creating, vacationing
  • Gain resources – use cycles for time and energy management

The stars conspire to create success for you and you can follow them weekly, monthly and for big star events.

The biggest star event is Pluto entering Aquarius. For the next 20 years, the energy of Aquarius is front and center asking you to live your future right now. Aquarius opens you to inclusion, freedom and equity. This sign wants you to become independent and break free of what holds you back from living your future. Spending time with like-minded people is also a benefit of the energy of Aquarius.

Click here to listen to my Podcast to follow the stars to get powerful information that you need to run your business.


Star Alignment or how you’re living your stars, measures how your free will deviates or supports your soul mission.  Knowing where you are on your star journey helps you determine your best next steps.

I’ve set up my success-making Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® methodology so you achieve your life purpose, step into your power and increase your prosperity. You can use star alignment to:

  • Create clarity – know how you’re living your stars and handling your resources
  • Remove blocks – like how star energy integrates with your soul’s energy for clearing your pathway
  • Manifest desires – trust your star imprint to boost your ability to create the life you want
Measuring How You’re Living Your Stars

Determining how you’re living your stars is measured by how you know, like, and trust yourself. 

Your mind gauges how you know yourself, your heart indicates how you like yourself and your will demonstrates how you trust yourself. Your…

…mind identifies what you think, how you make decisions, and why you align with your soul mission.

  • When you know yourself, you can stop second-guessing your decisions so that you can start following your intuition.

…heart demonstrates how you like yourself, what your particular wisdom is, and ways to say YES to support and opportunities.  

  • When you like yourself, you stop seeking outside validation so that you can start reclaiming your power.

…will indicates how you trust yourself and whether you accept individual, collective, and universal gifts.

  • When you trust yourself, you stop experiencing lack through inconsistent success so that you can start living your birthright of being rich and powerful, making big impact, and leaving your legacy.

The key to measuring how you’re living your stars depends on how you know, like, and trust yourself, so I’ve built an entire methodology just for you.

How Can You Benefit from My Success-Making Methodology?

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created my success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business. 

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out so that instead of helping customers to Know, Like, and Trust you, YOU will Know, Like, and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to create highly sought-after personal, professional and financial triumph.

Yet, the way to gauge how you know, like, and trust yourself isn’t easy. Imagine trying to figure it out on your own.

Because this isn’t easy, I’ve created 6 Intuitive Success Signatures which are fun and relatable symbols that give you simple and clear ways to improve your pathway for success. I’ve created a 12-question quiz for you to take 2 or 3 minutes to complete it. More than 21,000 people have taken the quiz and have used the information to help them with their purpose, power, and prosperity. To identify their marketing and sales skills, to assist their leadership positions, and to develop their intuition.

Click here to take the quiz.

Each one of the signatures has a particular strength of either knowing, liking, or trusting themselves.

When you know yourself more, your brilliance shines; when you like yourself, your power amplifies; when you trust yourself, that’s the money shot. Your…

  • brilliance wants to shine if you’re a Wise Strategist or Intuitive Visionary.
  • power longs to come out and play as a Collaborative Explorer or Ruling Warrior.
  • wealth is here for you Creative Superstars and Loving Alchemists.

What’s Your Intuitive Success Signature?

Ruling Warriors adore the spotlight, while Wise Strategists need lots of encouragement to shine their brilliance. But brilliant they are. Wise Strategists are wizards at strategy and planning. If you want to get things done, call on a Wise Strategist. If you want to make a sale, Ruling Warriors are your go-to people. 

When you desire intimate gatherings, Loving Alchemists are your hosts and when you wish to open to your possibility, Intuitive Visionaries help you imagine it.

By completing my 12-question quiz, you’ll receive lots of information about your strengths and highlights to your signature. Click here to take the quiz.

Your Intuitive Success Signature indicates how you’re aligning with the power of the stars and layers on top of your individual star map.   


Star mapping is your personal GPS that outlines your map of potential. It shows what you might become. It begins with your natal chart that’s a scientific picture of the life your soul has chosen as a process for your own growth. It’s a picture of the inner person just as physical body is a picture of the outer person. The chart illustrates your inner world, unique from everyone else on Earth. The same natal chart only comes into being once every 25,000 years!

When you compare your natal chart with the stars in the sky, you then develop your unique star map, illuminating the exact pathway to open your full potential to live your soul mission. Astrological charting, star mapping, demonstrate the way to get in touch with you – it’s as unique as you are. You can use your star mapping to:

For your life:
  • Identify your imprints for communication, success, purpose, power, relationships, love, money
  • Clear your success path
  • Heal your ancestral and soul DNA patterns
For your business:
  • Team management & client relations – learn skills, talents, motivations and agendas
  • Make big impact –  follow your passion, live your soul mission, create ripple effect
  • Increase prosperity – fine-tune spending, revenue generation & improve your money imprint

This is the most powerful method to use astrology as it combines the stars in the sky with YOU and your uniqueness and business strategies. This requires individual connection and I offer 2 ways of working with me:

1) my Rich and Powerful Leaders (RPL) Academy and

2) my high-end 1:1 application-only exclusive container.

If you’re interested, the best place to start is in my stepping stone RPL program.

At the Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy, I blend the timeless insights of astrology with over 25 years of C-suite business acumen to guide you towards unprecedented success. Tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs ready to transcend the upper limits of mid-6 figures, this program offers a unique journey to 7 and 8-figure realms, ensuring your legacy is not just envisioned but achieved.

What Do You Get?  

Transformative Outcomes: Elevate your business from stagnation to exponential growth. Break through your revenue ceiling and step into the realm of 7 and 8 figures, all while maintaining alignment with your core values and achieving the balance you desire.

Tailored Strategy: This program isn’t one-size-fits-all. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading as a solo or micro-preneur. With my blend of ancient wisdom and strategic business tools, you’ll forge a path that’s uniquely yours.

Community and Support: Embark on this journey with a cohort of peers who share your ambition and values. Our community provides a network of support, insight, and collaboration, empowering you to grow and succeed together.

Bottom Line: Your Best Steps to Use Astrology to Grow Your Business
  1. Follow the star forecasts – weekly, monthly and on an annual basis. Note what’s happening during big star events. Click here to listen to the Podcast.
  2. Take the 12-question quiz to find out how you’re living your stars. It measures where you are on your journey to live your soul mission. Click here to take the quiz.
  3. If you want to take it even further, check out my Rich and Powerful Leaders stepping stone program. Click here to learn more about the program.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.