Astrology Forecasts

Fall Equinox Astrology

Equinox Meaning

The Equinox falls on September 22nd this year as the Sun enters the sign of Libra at exactly 8:43 am ET where the daylight hours are equal to the nighttime ones.

The Equinox, as its name describes, is all about balance. The dark and the light, yin and yang, feminine and masculine. The southern vernal and the northern autumnal – spring of the beginning and autumn of the ending, in perfect harmony and flow – equalizing the energies on the earthly plane.

Balancing the masculine strengths with the feminine energies is the key to the New Era. This Equinox in Libra is the epitome of the feminine and masculine balance required to a successful and satisfying life.

Libra is a masculine sign with a feminine energy as Venus powers up this influence, signaling harmony with advocacy, individual commitment with partner resolution and diplomacy with discernment. This integration is a beacon of the new way of living and leading.

First, let’s explore the stars in the sky and read about their story. Next, expanding your edges brings growth and expansion, while diving into your core strength improves your ability to achieve your goals.

Knowing the star story in the sky is a great hit of dopamine for your mind, but learning how it impacts you is the difference between success and failure in these new energies.

Equinox Star Story

The Sun flows into Libra from Virgo bringing relief to overactive mental activity, lots of work and detailed analytics. Now you can sink into calm, chivalry and beauty. The design of your daily life takes on a different rhythm.

Venus is the star this season and she’s making sure your dreams, desires and pleasures are either being met or exceeded.

The current star dance creates the story of embracing your lassitude, while committing to your desires helps you discover your inner wealth and expanding your perspective provides new ideas, people and situations. The bottom line is the stars are urging you to fulfill your heart’s yearnings.

Expand Your Edges for Growth and Opportunity

The way you choose to enter the world is marked by your Intuitive Success Signature and helps you expand to your edges through the feminine energies of your intuition, satisfaction and possibility to align with your soul mission.

Read below for your tips during this Equinox period. Discover your Intuitive Success Signature by taking the 12-question quiz right here.

Wise Strategist

You’re saddened to let go of the tasks, details, schedules and analytics that you and Virgo adore so much. Yet, here we are in Libra territory heralding going with the flow, connection, beauty and design.

These aren’t particularly energizing for you. Balancing your output through tasks ‘what you know’ through connection with ‘who you know’ helps adopt the Libran influences available to you. At the same time, lifting your view into the strategic 30k foot perspective also balances out your detailed methods. You can survive this new season when you employ a ‘both and’, instead of an ‘either or’ mentality.

Intuitive Visionary

You’ve landed all of your brilliant ideas and constructed offerings around most of them. Which ones are your sword and which ones are your kryptonite?

Selecting the innovations that align with your soul mission provide the opportunity and abundance you’ve been seeking. The out of alignment or old energetic ones stall your growth and inhibit your prosperity. Your motto, “Out with the old, heavy and static and in the with enlivening, inspiring and energizing.”

Collaborative Explorer

You can present yourself to the world in ways you haven’t imagined before now. Recognizing that you’re the leader of your own life is the key.

Becoming your own advocate, as fiercely for yourself as you do for others, supports your ability to create the life you truly desire. Claim your right to be in the lead. You can drive change in parallel with the changes around you.

Your gifts are many and those that are needed most now. You and your gifts are compelling and necessary in this New Era.

Ruling Warrior

Make your goal be ‘Reaching Hidden Depths’ through work, conversation, exploration or playfulness.

You’re being cracked open right now, not in harsh ways, but in easy ones, so you can leverage this opening to harvest the bounty of being wholly you. You can reach your softer side without forsaking your achievement oriented commitment. You can also create a ripple effect without even trying.

This isn’t about making offers, creating products or otherwise producing anything for anyone other than yourself. This is about you.

Creative Superstar

You’re feeling exhausted with the persnickety ways of Virgo and want to disappear from the world for a few weeks.

Permit yourself a few days and create a schedule that has ‘lost time’ just for you to recover from September’s nudges and jabs. When you do, you can plunge yourself into Libra’s love of beauty, design, harmony and creation.

You don’t want to miss out, but trying and struggling doesn’t bring you satisfaction or the results you desire. So instead of pushing on, take a breath, back away and dive into and out of the energies for the next handful of weeks.

Loving Alchemist

Courageously embracing your worth without dissembling, minimizing or darting away from it isn’t easy. Being the center of attention for too long makes you uncomfortable, yet you are at the center.

Your sense of belonging and connection at varying layers of depths has been missing for too long. It’s time to let the soul lead and since you’ve been communing with your soul for years (or decades or lifetimes), you’re nudged to take a leadership role to support others. Stay true to yourself and draw up your power when you’re feeling the heat of the spotlight. Smile.

You know how to stand in the discomfort. Replenish yourself by diving into the mysteries in solitude whenever you wish to replace your veils.

Strengthen Your Core to Achieve Success

The core masculine strengths are fortified by the position of your Sun as you chose this to be your central focus for your entire life. Any time you feel ungrounded, out of balance or distractible, dive into your Sun sign’s influence.

During the Equinox, whatever your Sun sign, you want to ensure you’re paying attention to the things that are out of balance in your life. This way, you can use the Sun’s energy in Libra to help you bring anything back to center. Equinox time periods are a great way to get ready for the new season, whether it’s winter in the northern hemisphere or summer in the southern one.

For each zodiac sign, the Equinox provides exciting times and those of which to be wary. Taking a longer view beyond this year’s eclipse resonates with the power of Sun, who’s able to stabilize shifting star energies. Let’s explore each of your signs.

If your Sun sign is in:


Your Sun is opposing the Sun’s placement on the Equinox, so expect to be impatient with the endless negotiation and cooperation. It seems everyone is taking forever to make a decision! You want to grab the reins and push forward. You’re chomping at the bit to make things happen and happen quickly.

Additionally, extreme opinions are right up your alley and they are aplenty right now. Pause a moment before defending your stance a little too forcefully. Great debate can happen but only if you allow it. Take a deep breath and slow down. This is a great time to use your daring to create something new, help others in profound ways or take your natural leadership abilities to the next level.


Finally, the Virgo energy gives way to the Libran one. Phew! You’ve been exhausted by all of the ‘let’s get it done – get to work’ forces that Virgo brings every year. Now, you get to relax as Libra loves calm, peace and harmony just as much as you do. You fall into your natural rhythm once again and luxuriate in all of the natural beauty this Equinox has in store. Review your finances by ensuring you’re within budget and on track with any investments.

This is a good time to bring your money affairs back into line, especially if you’ve lavished a bit too much during the last season. This is also the time to look after your love life and friendships. Is there anyone who feels left out in your life?

Pay extra attention to your romantic partner and close friends. You may have been gruff with them under the Virgo influence these past few weeks.


You love the Equinox as it relieves Virgo’s fussiness and self-doubt that may have been plaguing you for the last month. Your thoughts get a lift and a sense of calm, so you feel more connected to others and want to reach out to have interesting conversation.

Your curiosity returns to its natural state, so it’s a good time to learn new things and gather lots of information. However, take care with details and pay attention to your administrative tasks and communications with others.

You may be misunderstood or make mistakes, so check and re-check your work and written messages. Pause to collect your thoughts in open conversation. You have lots you want to do, so don’t get caught up having to rework everything.


You’re going to love this Equinox as it holds all of the love and commitment with partners you crave, whether they be romantic, business or dear friends and family. You relish the cooperative spirit and likewise yearn for the closeness Libra’s energy brings.

With all of this togetherness, make sure to take time for you. Take heed not to give so much to others that you lose sight of what’s best for you. You tend to over-care and this energy pushes you to do more of it. Instead, pay attention to your surroundings. They may need a little TLC. This is excellent for home repair or beautification.

If your finances are healthy, indulge in creating a sanctuary in your home or office. If not, get creative with inexpensive crafts or designs. ‘Homemade with love’ could be a new venture for you.


Your natural style and flair always wants a boost, so you relish the focus on art and beauty the Equinox energy provides. Lavish yourself with new clothes, make-up or hair style if you’ve got the means.

Also, your theatrical and creative ways are aligned, so find a stage and speak from your heart. This is a great time to shine as your innate leadership qualities come to the fore. Express yourself naturally, but take care not to be too boastful. No one likes a braggart, so don’t get carried away with the spotlight.

You want your moment in the Sun to be lasting, not fleeting. The best path forward is to think of others and find ways to inspire them. As long as you’re paying attention to your following, you’ll be fine.


You’ve just had your moment in the Sun to get all of the things done with those i’s dotted and t’s crossed. You’ve loved it, but now it’s Libra-time.

Relax and go with the flow. It’s a time of calm and connection, but this isn’t your natural state. Try to get the hang of it, however, as it’ll serve you well to be more connected to your heart. Your mind always runs overtime, so use it to sink into more peaceful activities. Take a yoga or art class, contact a friend for delicious conversation or volunteer to help those in need.

Keeping busy serves you well, so you may also want to learn a new skill or craft. You could always take the lead and teach others. Being occupied satisfies that active brain of yours, but do it in Libran ways to take advantage of this season.


This is your time! You’ve waited 12 months and the wait was worth it as here you are once again. Relish all of it.

Make time to go to museums, safely of course. Take time to pursue all of the artistic endeavors you enjoy. Take long walks with your partner, while holding hands and enjoying the beauty all around you. Connect with your close friends and savor luscious conversation. Entertain (within the guidelines). Set aside time for romance. Have a small intimate dinner party (again within the guidelines). Negotiate in the board room or at work. Get your teammates together and start a new project.

The only downside is to watch out when you’re being too accommodating. Your people pleasing tendencies are heightened right now, so stand up as vigorously for your own rights as you would for others. Be decisive, yet diplomatic. Lean into honest expression.


Calm Libra gets on your nerves, so this isn’t your favorite time of year. You’re better off by leaning into the intimacy Libra invites in close relationships.

Get passionate as it has a tender flavor right now. Think up sensual activities to explore with your romantic partner. If you’re single, use this time to delve deeply into the mysteries. Your connection could be heightened if you allow it. This time also invites loyalty and you love that, so deepen your connections with others for even closer relationships.

Use this time for healing as Libra loves to forgive and that’s not one of your strong suits. Be mindful not to be too honest as frank honesty doesn’t align with this Equinox’s softer side. Any bluntness won’t be received well. It’ll come off as too harsh and only make you look bad. That’s something you can’t abide, so you’re better holding your tongue. Even better yet, employ some of Libra’s diplomacy and say it with powerful feeling for lasting impact.


This is a heart-felt time for fun loving Sagittarius as your social side gets a lift with this Equinox. Connect with others in joyous ways.

Make plans for safe travel or sign up for courses or workshops. Explore the meaning of life, which is your natural tendency, through the eyes of an advocate or diplomat.

Be wary of being too judgmental of others who don’t follow your philosophy in life. Open your mind and your heart to accepting the differences in people and circumstances. This allows you to fully explore life’s meaning by weaving various cultures and philosophies into a new pattern. This is one of your super powers, so employ it now.

Balance your natural gifts with your desire to explore everything to make the most of this time.


Capricorns love to work, so have adored the last few weeks in Virgo. Alas, on this Equinox, you’re being asked to slow down and savor the peace and harmony Libra brings. This can serve you well if you allow it.

In work, let yourself fall into Libra’s ability to bring people together, to negotiate and to set up successful teams. Each can free up your time, so you can focus on the big picture and step into your natural leadership qualities. Delegate and communicate your intentions for the next big thing. You love to climb the summit and now you can bring others with you. Be aware of your tendency to go it alone. This influence doesn’t allow it, so you’re better off forming partnerships, joint ventures or teams to get it done at this time.

Also, carve out moments to enjoy the peace this influence provides. You can rest and rejuvenate for your next trip to the mountaintop.


You love the loft in thinking and connecting the Equinox offers. Your friendliness and inventiveness are at the fore right now.

Lean into big reflection and original creativity. Step into your natural strategic thinking abilities and make plans for the future. Gather with like-minded individuals to come up with new innovations by using your collective genius.

However, be aware of the cloying pressure you feel when in 100% collaboration mode. You can’t abide it, in fact, so make sure you have the freedom and independence you crave. Otherwise, you’ll slough off the team to go it on your own. This will be a loss, however, as the collective is the genius that creates positive change.


You enjoy the calm the Equinox delivers as you strive for inner peace by being one with everyone in the world. You love Libra’s approach of harmony and relish its love of everything artistic, whether it be music, theater or traditional artwork.

Your creativity is at an all-time high and you relax into your imagination and natural inclination to dream. However, be watchful you don’t get lost in dreamland. Your ability to escape reality is boosted right now. Limit your screen time and any bad habits you may have formed with addictive substances. These include any overindulgences including food, shopping or getting lost in movies or TV shows. You feel boundless now, so tighten up your schedule and get into the routine of accountability by giving yourself deadlines. This way you can take advantage of this creative time to produce something special.

Bottom Line

With every Equinox, there’s an opportunity to rebalance your energies by leveraging the stimulation the influence offers while taking heed to ward off any imbalanced tendencies.

In this New Era, the Equinox helps you balance your feminine edgy ways with your masculine core strengths. Using your Intuitive Success Signature methods in combination with your Sun core power properly positions you to effectively pursue your goals.

As always, wishing you joy,

Astrology Forecasts

Are You Ready to Use the Power of the Stars to be Brilliant?

Power of the Stars

Summary from the Annual Forecast 

September: Be Part of the Solution

Sun signs – Virgo & Libra

This month is a gathering of inventions, processes and constructs for remedying the broken, failing and outdated. Come together in healthy collaboration and leave the insecure doubts behind. A moderate position is rewarded to rebuild the core. Equilibrium is formidable, while edgy is fading. Integrity and purity reign. Falsehood and deception may still be loud, but who’s listening? Give your attention to that which you want for your future. Getting back to basics and dipping into your stock of ‘doing the right thing’ solidifies the foundation for you and the world.

Big Power of the Star Events in September

3rd – Venus direct: Unleash the New You

4th – Jupiter retrograde: The Great Gathering

15th – Mercury direct: Time for Clarity

23rd – Equinox: Gateway to the New

Unleash the New You

For 6 long weeks, Venus has asked you to go deep within and find the treasure of you. She’s wanted to know how you like to be appreciated, admired and adored. She also wants you to value yourself and your choices. She’s asked you to make choices that support you 100%. After this deep Venus in Leo dance, it’s time to come out and show the world who you are and what you have to offer.

The Great Gathering

From September 4th through December 30th it’s the Great Gathering to deepen your connections and foster women-led communities. Collaboration is the key to come up with new ideas and potential solutions for complex problems. You get to choose to be part of the solution or stay as part of the outdated ways of doing business. As always, it’s up to you.

If you’re unsure what to do, here are a few steps:

  1. Set your intentions for the remainder of 2023
  2. Make a list of your current connections who can support your intentions
  3. Gather the names of those you’d like to meet to create opportunities
  4. Schedule time to reach out to everyone on your list
  5. Do regular outreach every week
  6. Follow up and follow through
  7. See where you are at the end of the month

Time for Clarity with the Power of the Stars

September 15th –  Mercury stations direct

Yay, another Mercury retrograde period has come and gone. Now things can flow more easily. Mercury is still in Virgo, however, so your nagging task list hasn’t gone anywhere. Gather your momentum by clearing your desk and head space of all of those pesky administrative tasks. Check them off your list, roll up your sleeves and do one thing every day that brings you closer to the future you desire.   

Gateway to the New with the Power of the Stars

September 23rd Seasonal Equinox

Sun enters Libra @ 2:50 am ET

Finally, there’s a place for moderation, balance and equilibrium as those who spend all of their time on the edges go out of favor. Diplomacy, grace, courtesy remind you of your neutrality. You’re not actually as spun up as the media and online space believe. You have your own opinions, beliefs and voice and aren’t afraid of making it known. Now is the time to take a breath to become stronger and more formidable. This is the time to shine your brilliance.

Special LIVE Event

The power of the stars line up between The Great Gathering and The Ring of Love star events to give you the opportunity to emerge through the rebalancing portal on the Equinox. 


Becoming rich and powerful depends upon your ability to clear the pathway to your success. 


In this LIVE event, you will:


  • Discover your star map signature for success
  • Get the star highlights for your signature
  • Neutralize your mind to stop its limiting chatter
  • Rebalance your energies
  • Learn how yo clear your pathway for success
  • Do ritual to boost your power and prosperity

I’m going LIVE on September 21st @ 1:00 pm ET and streaming across channels, so choose your favorite. Click on any of the following links:








Register today to get notifications and to be able to watch the #replay!


Moon Phases


September 14th @ 9:40 pm ET

New Moon: Sun & Moon in Virgo at 21° 

It’s a 3 energy for creation. It’s the time for the feminine energy of the Goddess to support her earthly creatures. The feminine is creation itself. The lunar power is purifying the energy to allow you to get back to the basics of the divine feminine.  Will you fill your core so you can go to the edge? Or will you lay back and savor the support to get comfortable? Comfort is the guidepost of mediocrity. Look at your wishes and dreams, which life do you want? Every choice you make sets your intentions. 


September 29th @ 5:58 am ET

Full Moon: Sun in Libra & Moon in Aries @ 6° 

This lunar station brings either excitement or instability. This Full Moon has the potential to act as a great awakening to provide you with a new style with lots of flair and an authentic way of leading with workable methods for success. Or this Full Moon can be confusing and cloudy, wreaking havoc with relationships. Power trips, grabs and deceptive behaviors push you down and cause you to lose your footing. As always, it’s up to you. 


Thank you for reading about the power of the stars and sharing with friends. 


Wishing you joy, 

