Astrology Forecasts

October 2024 Forecast: Can You Heal through the Power of Harmony?

Monthly Summary

October: Shifting Positions & The Power of the Middle
Sun signs – Libra & Scorpio
Seasonal energies: Optimize Prosperity
Energetic Element: Water
Overall meaning: What position will the feminine take in the business world? What business activities are feminine? Looking at the big picture, strategy, hiring, networking and scheduling are feminine. It’s a web of big picture, connection and creation.

What are masculine business activities? Planning, producing, goal-oriented focus. Gather your strengths and trend toward the opposite to flow between the two energies.

Shifting toward the middle, solidifies your core. Jockey for stability.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Prosperity – August – November; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectations to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season.

When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your place, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Seasonal Business Tips

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.

Star Dance

Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • 10/2 – New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse
  • 10/9 – Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini from 21 – 11° until February 4, 2025
  • 10/11 – Pluto stations direct after being retrograde since May 2nd

10/2 – The Unknown Becomes Known

Details: October 2 at 2:50 pm ET Annular Solar Eclipse/New Moon Libra @ 10°

The 10° Sun & Moon in Libra represents fortune and good tidings for diplomacy, civility and harmony. The other stars support and amplify this energy. A collaborative approach is called for, including the fringes along with the middle. Everyone is included. This isn’t an energy of exclusion, elitism or objection.

This eclipse offers power for the mysteries, transformation and creating faith for the unknown. Individually and collectively, working toward unity, peace and love is reflected by the stars.

The essence of feminine power, united expression and expansive influence comes to the surface, making it available to everyone. Lasting change is here. Shift your focus to incorporate this new way of living and leading into your life and business.

10/9 – Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini in 21 – 11° until February 2, 2025

Jupiter is the amplifier – of more or less, depending on what’s going on in your life. When Jupiter stations retrograde, he brings unexpected ‘blessings’.

These blessings emphasize ways you’ve overextended, exaggerated or been taken for granted. They also highlight your skills, talents and strengths. Over the next 4 months, watch for signs indicating the right pathway for you, once you choose to have faith in yourself.

In the world, Jupiter involves philosophy, cross-cultures, religion, international relations, long travel, legal issues, successful ventures, higher education (high school, college, university, post-graduate studies), dogmatic beliefs, wisdom, relocation, publishing, expansion, travel vessels (airplanes, cruise ships, container ships, rocket ships, missiles) luck, fortune and blessings.

From October through February, inventions require tweaking and solutions require more work to figure out the right ways they benefit the world. Philosophies, opinions and beliefs come under the microscope. Ventures come under scrutiny, travel plans are revisited and legal issues arise.

10/11 – Pluto Stations Direct

The effects of Pluto going direct in October 2024 can be used for personal growth. Pluto’s direct motion is a powerful period for transformation, empowerment, and stepping into your purpose, particularly if you’ve been doing healing work or addressing deep-seated fears and blocks during the retrograde.

It’s a pivotal moment if you want to channel the transformative energy of Pluto into your business or personal life, aligning your actions with your higher purpose.

Depending on Pluto’s position in your natal star chart, moving through the last degree of Capricorn to Aquarius on November 19th until 2044, creates significant pressure, beautiful healing or both. This energy challenges you to balance your personal power with collective responsibility.

To set yourself up for success for the next 20 years with Pluto, read the published article to Unlock the Hidden Treasure of Success, Power and Love. I show you how Pluto affects you directly.

Star Power

Week 1: September 30 – October 6

You feel like you’re walking on eggshells this week, watching every step to not offend anyone, but also not foregoing what really matters to you. Don’t offend yourself either. Being true to you works when you stand solidly in your power and allow others to come to you. Your attraction amplifies when you prioritize the way you connect and commit to the people in your life and business.

When you’re straightforward and transparent, this is an excellent week for negotiations, contracts and business deals. People trust you when you speak about what lights you up. Being serious, working hard and focusing on the long-term also work for you to construct your best foundation for future growth.

Week 2: October 7 – 13

The week begins with an uplift in mood and energy. It’s a much-needed shot in the arm and everyone wants to take advantage of it. Stay in the flow with your connections by having fun and being light-hearted.

After the fun, go deep and open channels into your soul because as the week continues, this is a time to communicate with the deepest part of yourself. Spend less time thinking and more time dreaming. As you do, you can see how to make adjustments to increase your own value to improve your finances and position in the world. Write love letters to yourself and others to open channels to your prosperity.

This is also a good week for business dealings. Demonstrating your expertise and guiding others to their best version of themselves.

Week 3: October 14 – 20

With the exception of a few days last week, you’ve been serious and careful with your relationships to either deepen your connections or further your success. This focus and attention has required constant adjustments and you may feel fatigued. If this is the case, you’re going to be happy with the stars this week.

The energy gets a boost and becomes social and fun, while also being great for your business success. Be confident about your approach to overcome any blocks to your success. Increase your investments and open your channels for sales and success.

Step out of your comfort zone by opening your heart for more love, creativity and success. Enjoy the lightness of Libra as it will be another year before you get 30 full days of this beautifully balanced energy.

Week 4: October 21 – 27

Intensity, power and depth comes in full and fierce with the influx of Scorpio as she comes to play for the next month. Using your instincts and intuition is the key to operating successfully in this energy.

There’s power when you combine logic with intuition to optimize your ideas. Develop your long-term strategies, make commitment to your plans and take serious steps to make your dreams come alive.

There’s a chance for the unexpected on the 25th. Stay flexible and roll with it. Ask yourself how to get started on something you’ve been putting off for too long. You have the increased desire and momentum to connect with others who can support you to clear the pathway to your success.

Week 5: October 28 – November 1

The week begins with soft and low energy, dives into doubt and stress and ends on a frenzy with busyness and distractions. The best way to navigate this week is in 3 parts:

Mon – Weds: Increase your ability to attract on deep levels due to the slow energy. You may be better able to catch people’s attention.
Mon – Weds: Work on your relationship by spending time alone and focusing on yourself.
Thurs & Fri: The fast-moving schedules push you to shift plans.

Moon Magic

The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.


Details: New Moon/ Annular Solar Eclipse Oct 2 @ 2:50 pm ET

At 10° this is a fortunate star assembly. This New Moon Eclipse is about completing the cycle of love that was started by the first part of the ecliptic pair. Big ideas, flexible thoughts and strong connections to the people who have your best interests at heart. Relationships, relationships, relationships.

Stable relationships get a boost, unstable ones get shaken up in order to work through problems. It’s an excellent time for big purchases. Great for negotiations, contracts – personal or professional.

Mars trine Saturn transit gives you the strength, ambition, and perseverance to take on the hardest of tasks and complete them on time, on budget, and with perfection. You will find the most efficient way to get the job done. Your patience and self-discipline will keep you plodding without being distracted or discouraged.

For more information about how the 10-month energy can set you up for success in 2025, read the full Choose Important Priorities to Achieve your Grand Vision article here.

Full Moon: Limitless Love

Details: Full Moon/Almost Lunar Eclipse Oct 17 @ 7:27 am ET

Mars complicates this Full Moon by squaring off the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. Lots of aggression, energy and impatience builds and with Mars in Cancer, there’s dramatic posturing, power plays and control struggles.

Families, good friends and business teams threaten to come apart. These are cardinal signs, so new and original ideas, connections and actions are at play. You may yearn for changes in your current connections.

The magic triangle of Pluto-Neptune-Uranus is complemented by another supportive trifecta between Venus-Pluto-Neptune. The common denominator for both configurations is Pluto, who is the major driver for limitless love.

Love is possible when you step into your true desires and your heart’s passions. The key is to dive deeply to let soul level intimacy and shared bonds come together.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

Magical Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Intuition Oracle Card: #29 Heal

A card from Kim Woods' Intuition Oracle Deck" titled "Heal," featuring a mandala design and an image of a person holding their hands over their chest. The text at the bottom reads: "Bring in the revealing and healing energies to soothe and enliven you."

It’s time to seek healing through time off, relaxation, respite or seeing your favorite healer. Your mind, body and spirit are out of sync and long to be integrated gracefully and easily.

The number 29 speaks to relationships, especially with yourself. Demonstrate self-care and watch the universe respond positively as your relationship with yourself entwines with your relationships with others.

Tips for this card:

Intuitive tool: Clear your auras and chakras by doing an energetic water cleanse while in the shower. Get into the habit of doing it regularly.

Practical tip: This card comes to remind you to nourish your physical body with nutritious foods, plenty of rest and lots of water. Get moving on the regular too.

The Tarot

When the #29 Healing oracle card appeared, I asked, “How can the stars help with healing in October?” The answer lies in The Tarot of the 8 of Wands.

Eight of Wands – Harmony

This card represents the unifying spirit of balance. It’s a perfect card for the Libra season. You can blend all of your opposite traits and skills into a harmonious whole. Keep your center by bridging each of your aspects.

Be yin and yang. Get ready for the New Era to live in terms of balance and beauty. Harmonizing is playful creativity. Harmonize with others. Life is a dance, listen to the score playing in your soul.

Crystal: Bronzite

A polished piece of bronzite, displaying a smooth, dark brown surface with shimmering golden-brown flecks and natural patterns throughout.

The energy of this crystal is discernment. This is the perfect alignment with Venus, the Ruler of Libra, and her ability to discern who and what to attract in her life.

This stone promotes loving and unprejudiced discernment. It gives us power when we feel powerless. It aligns the mind, body and spirit, providing peace and harmony.

It synchronizes the act of doing and being beautifully. Bronzite was the crystal of 2021 with the Theme of Interface. This crystal gets you ready for the New Era.

Spirit Animal: Lion

A majestic adult male lion with a thick, dark mane is walking forward on all fours. The lion’s intense gaze is focused straight ahead, showing confidence and strength.

Lion represents leadership. As a lion, you’re strong, powerful and dignified. You’re a natural leader, curious and love to be part of a group.

Call on lion when you want to recapture your self-respect, need to regain your feeling of power or need to complete a complicated project.

Flower Essence: Olive

A large, ancient olive tree with a gnarled trunk stands beside a stone wall on a rocky path. The warm glow of the sunset illuminates the landscape, casting soft light on the tree and the surrounding area.

In October, the ancient feminine wisdom filled with joy, magic and power is the key to this flower essence. This flower essence adds energy to the core masculine and softens the edges of the feminine. 

Overall, this flower essence restores vitality and joy while providing a refreshing energy. Olive helps hit the reset button, providing spiritual and physical rejuvenation.

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth.

Your inner guidance is recalibrated and your ability to achieve pace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being. (This is the same flower essence as recommended in September.)

Intuitive Success Signature Forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can take the quiz here.

Wise Strategist

It’s outreach, lead generation and connection time for you. Grow your reach, deepen your influence and strengthen your position as an expert. Go to retreats, conferences and trade shows. It’s time to show up and demonstrate your value and results.

Speak. Listen. Advise. Invite. Offer. Sell.

Intuitive Visionary

Step into logic, focus and refinement. It’s time to streamline – again. It feels as if that’s all you’ve been doing for the past few months, but as you refine, you create deeper connections with your ideal clients. You also open up clearer pathways for sales. This helps you make sales easier and faster.

Winnow down to grow.

Collaborative Explorer

Show up more. Get on stages. Speak. Let yourself shine in the spotlight. It’s time. Your stages can be panels, interviews with others and as part of groups.

You don’t have to go it alone, but your success and continued growth depends on you shining your brilliance.

Ruling Warrior

These warm and fussy energies are not your jam, however, learning how to get into balance and go with the flow is required for the foreseeable future. You want success? Growth? Money?

Stepping into the unfamiliar feminine ways of leadership and incorporating these ways into your business puts you in the lead.

Creative Superstar

It’s time to produce, not create. Roll up your sleeves and dive into plans, targets, deadlines and finances. This month is for stepping into your areas of weakness.

Once you complete these tasks, you’ll free up space to be as creative as you desire with the ability to make more money from your creations that in prior months.

Loving Alchemist

Lighten up, come up to the surface and let others see you in your light. Be frivolous. Have fun. Get sassy and perhaps flirty with your audience. Be playful with your loved ones and your clients.

Showing your playful side let’s others relate to you more easily.

Bottom Line

October is an excellent month to appreciate the flow of balance to enter the energy of the New Era. This is the moment. It’s time. The New Era is here and you can relate to it on a practical and intuitive basis. You can heal through harmony of being fully feminine and combining this power and wisdom with the masculine strength and logic. Cheers to October.

Until next time, happy soul tidings!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

October 2023 Forecast

From the Annual Forecast 


October: Ring of Love

Sun signs – Libra & Scorpio

Buckling down and committing to both your love life and business is the way to get through the rocky road of October. Some days are high-flying with wins and others are fraught with challenges. Judiciously seeking opportunities and connections positions you favorably. Tweaks, fine-tuning and adjustments are required to optimize your relationships and business dealings. Envision surrounding what matters to you with a ring of love. Softening the edges helps strengthen the core. The end of the month finishes with good news. Celebrate.  


October Summary 


There are lots (12) of quincunx energies this month and that means it’s a month of fine-tuning. You’ll be making adjustments, refinements and tweaks in your love life and your business one. Success and love don’t seem to go hand-in-hand, but this year it’s been a combination of both. 




When you open your heart to love, you open your ability to give and receive and this energy is the one driving success from this point forward. The world’s interest in greed, drive and thirst for power is gasping for its last breath in our lifetimes. Therefore, understanding how to live and lead through the power of the feminine combined with the masculine is the key. The stars are teaching you through their configurations. The star forces create an entryway into this new way of dealing with yourself and others. 


Saying YES now paves the pathway for you to become a beacon of the future to lead others.


Big Star Events 


October 14th – Annular Solar Eclipse

October 28th – Partial Lunar Eclipse


So, October begins as September ends. You’re in the middle of the Great Gathering and the Ring of Love as you’ve gone through the Gateway on the Equinox. 


Your intentions have been set and you’re in the lunar process of releasing or letting go and Pluto’s movement back to her direct station on the 10th asks you how you’ll recreate what’s been dissolving since May 1st


Think back to this time – what’s been going on with your handle on your power, your skill at dealing with your finances and your willingness to be deeply intimate with yourself? Pluto uncovers all and when she moves between her forward and ‘backward’ motions, it’s time to take stock. 


Your fortitude and commitment pay off in the middle of the month as living in integrity gets planetary props while cutting corners or leadings others astray falters. Honesty, loyalty and devotion come to the surface full force. Aligning with your truth helps you sail through the rest of the year. 


Remember the ‘Show me the money’ theme of the year? This only occurs when you’re living your soul mission. Stacking your mind, heart and will are imperative. Hence the tweaks this month. 


You’ve gotten 2/3 of the way through this year and with the remaining 1/3, you have the opportunity to prepare yourself for the luge at the top of 2024. 


Moon Phases & Eclipses


Details: Annular Solar Eclipse & Libra 21° New Moon on October 14th at 1:55 pm ET 


From the annual forecast: 


As the Sun and Moon come together, so can you in loving and committed relationships. This annular solar eclipse creates a ring of love as the Moon’s shadow darkens the Sun’s center, illuming the edges. Love is here. With a quincunx to Uranus (1° orb), simple adjustments are sought to harmonize the energies to make them everlasting.  


This is a Venusian time of beauty, peace and love. Even Mars gets into the mix soothing Saturn for loyalty and devotion. 


Astronomically, this Annular Solar Eclipse races across the Western part of the United States and is being called the Great American Eclipse. The first one since May 2012. 


Details: Partial Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon Sun in Scorpio & Moon in Taurus 5° on October 28th at 4:24 pm ET


From the annual forecast: 


During the 4 ½ hour partial Lunar Eclipse, change is in the air. The Sun provokes thoughts and feelings about deep abiding love and shared intimacy, while the Moon longs for simplicity and ease when coming together. The range between the two arrives with the help of Jupiter and Mercury. 


Your mind opens to possibility and your feelings welcome a lift for opportunity. Now is the time. It’s a ‘winner take all’ attitude.  The only caution – take care. Be calculating in your risk-taking for the changes you desire to create open pathways for success.



Magical Tools for Support


You can’t make this up. The crystal and flower essence that came in for this month are the same as April, the Ring of Fire ecliptic pair. Whatever you teed up in April comes to light in October. 


Oracle Card: #1 – Calm


It’s no coincidence this month’s card is the push and pull of the masculine and feminine energies. In numerology, the number 1 represents initiation and taking the first step in your journey, but the core of the message is to remain calm and respond to the energy around you. When you do, you can influence the outcome. When you don’t, the outcome becomes the creation you must deal with, whether you want to or not. 


Ø Last time for this card – March 2022


Crystal: Fire Agate 


Agate is a grounding stone with a powerful multi-level cleansing effect. It balances yin and yang, soothes and helps with self-acceptance and speaking the truth. It heals anger and facilitates spiritual growth. Fire agate promotes inner security and is antidote to emotional vulnerability. It’s an all-around healing stone as its grounding, mellowing and protecting.


Ø Last time: April 2023


Flower essence: Walnut for Change


This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from change and unwanted influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond. 


Ø Last time: 2021 and April 2023


Spirit animal: Butterfly


I’ve never gotten the butterfly for a monthly forecast. This is exciting. As you probably know, the butterfly signifies transformation. This spirit animal invites you to look at every aspect of your life and business to determine what you love and what you’d like to change. 


The butterfly’s flight is graceful and light and its pattern suggests an ability to go through life in the same way. When important changes come upon you, allow them to unfold gently and beautifully. There’s a cycle to life and butterfly reminds you to honor it as you expand and grow. 


Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.


As always, wishing you joy, 



Astrology Forecasts Oracle

October 2022: Do You Want to Know the Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation?

Why the Stars?

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what they’re up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces.

What’s Inside?

We have so much for you this month, read on for:

  1. Top 3 Magical Secrets for Powerful Manifestation
  2. Weekly LIVE Events
  3. Support Tools (including 7 steps for achieving intentions)
  4. Star Dance
  5. Moon Magic
  6. Shopping
  7. Intuitive Type Forecasts


Take care of yourself to keep up your energy resources. Indulge yourself with a new design or splurge on a new look. Concentrate on yourself. Strive for clarity and define your role to avoid confusion. Avoid power plays by letting go of control and getting things done based on your own efforts.


  1. Use the Moon to power your manifesting energy
  2. Use crystals to charge your desires
  3. Set it and forget it

We’ve covered all of these in the Power Up group! Hit reply if you haven’t seen them.


Mark your calendar so you don’t miss out on the fun & support!

For Members Only:

If you’d like to join our Empowerment Membership for $48 per month, click here for all the details.

Special Workshop:

Every month, we offer a special magical workshop in our monthly membership. This month’s workshop is Learning to Read the Tarot (and Kim may even do a few readings…) It’s a not-to-be-missed.

Support Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Oracle Card: #28 Intend

The secret to achieving your intentions is to use both the magical and practical energies to make them come true:

Step #1. Get clear on what your intentions are for the remainder of this year.

Step #2. Set your intentions and charge them magically with the stars, crystal and guide energies.

Step #3. Place a magical representation of your intentions in plain sight.

Step #4. Make a plan to practically achieve your intentions.

Step #5. Make a wish for your intentions to the Universe.

Step #6. Tweak and adjust as the stars and your intuition indicate.

Step #7. Watch them come true and give great gratitude when they do.

Crystal: Orange Sapphire

Sapphire is a wisdom stone, the seeker of truth and the balancer of energies. Sapphire brings both calm and focus to the mind, which is absolutely necessary during the month of October. This stone also creates peace and restores balance in the body. It also stimulates self-expression. Orange sapphire adds a lift of joy, hope and connection that furthers sapphires natural tendencies. Grab this stone and use it as a worry stone for those stressful times and place it at your desk or in your purse for the entire month.

Flower Essence: Olive

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth. Your inner guidance is re-calibrated and your ability to achieve peace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being.

Spirit Animal: Bee*

Bee represents your commitment to success while enjoying the sweetness of life. You’re thriving, industrious and capable, yet deliver succor to the world. You work well independently, but also as part of a team. Call on bee when you need cooperation from others to complete a task, desire tact & diplomacy or want to be in service to the world.* Bee was the spirit animal of 2020.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • Planets direct: Mercury October 2, Pluto October 8, Saturn direct October 23
  • Pluto Squares: October 19 & 20
  • New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse October 25
  • Jupiter back into Pisces October 28
  • Mars retrograde October 30 – January 12, 2023 @ Gemini 25- 8°
  • Mars out of bounds October 22 – May 5, 2023

Week 1: October 3 – 9

Access your power and readiness to take on the world. Things have been too slow for too long. Ensure you have your home life in order and then dive right in. This is your time.

Avoid the residual mind games and antics from Mercury retrograde, especially for Wise Strategists and Collaborative Explorers. This is the time for YOU, so walk away when others ask too much of you. You don’t have to say YES just because they asked.

Tips: Use your influence to create your desires. Debate. Negotiate. Calibrate your pathway to success if you haven’t already done so and get moving.

October 8th – Pluto stations direct

You’re ready to come back out into the world after these last few months of gathering yourself, receiving healing and appreciating yourself at deeper levels. Pluto’s been asking you to release control by triggering you through others. Has she done her magic? Do you feel lighter, refreshed and energized? If not, you have more opportunities while she squares the Sun and Venus on the 19th and 20th and when the Sun illumes Scorpio from October 23rd until November 22nd.

Week 2: October 10 – 16

Access your flair for style and design. This is a time for beauty and love. Your heart knows what it wants and has a lot to say. Being open to your dreams, desires and satisfaction feels wonderful.

Avoid ill-fitting and tight feeling ideals, circumstances or relationships. Shrugging off the old and welcoming the new just feels right. Mid-week, there’s lots of gossip and scandal. Confusing thoughts and low energy fuel jealousy and deception.

Tips: Make a game plan for creating a new style – in life, love, beauty and success. Pay attention to the details to create stability as any changes can be long-lasting. Be a mentor to others who are struggling and looking to you for guidance. Most of all, leave the gossiping to others. You have too much to do for yourself to waste time getting caught up in dramas that aren’t even yours.

Week 3: October 17 – 23

Access your self-confidence, enthusiasm and strength in business and your personal life. There’s sexy romance at play this week as well as the ability to handle the details at work. Love and business get a big boost in equal measure.

Avoid power plays, jealousy and either wanting to control others or feeling defensive against others controlling you. Tensions and insecurities abound. Greed knows no bounds either as those in positions of power reach out to take, take, take. Entitlement becomes more normalized, while fierce advocacy for what’s right matches its energy.

Tips: Get social and/or get sexy and romantic with your partner, spouse or love interest to use up the excess energy this week. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Seek common sense and logic to fight for what’s right.

October 23rd – Saturn direct

As the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio and Mercury dances with Saturn, you feel ready to push things forward once again. The roadblocks and obstacles lessen, as you’ve streamlined and optimized your pathway over the last few months. With fewer priorities, you have momentum to drive those things that are really important to you. With this laser-guided focus, success is in sight.

Week 4: October 24 – 30

Access mental bursts of energy, critical thinking and decisiveness while your communicative abilities are heightened, giving you charisma, charm and influence. Your imagination ignites to bring dreamy love, calm and compassion. The energies provide access to the mysteries while prompting serious commitment to relationships and wealth creation.

Avoid giving up and losing your sense of what’s true for you. The cosmic forces ask you to determine what’s real and what’s fake, while complicating positions of power and influence. On the world stage, aggression, anger and extremes are the norm. Leadership, at every level, gets destabilized. Pursuing greed for greed’s sake is running out of runway.

Tips: Create quiet moments to catch your breath and reconnect with yourself. Seek guidance from those you trust. Take care when getting into debates with others. Stay in your lane and dive deeply into YOU.

Big Star Events

As I wrote in the annual forecast for these big star events:

October 28th – Jupiter back into Pisces until December 20th

In Pisces, Jupiter brings compassion, service-orientation and imagination. He’s creativity personified as well as lucky and easygoing. He brought a breath of fresh air, however brief, to 2021 as he danced back and forth between Aquarius and Pisces. Saturn and Uranus wrangled with the Jupiter in Pisces energy in 2021 and it does the same this year.

As Jupiter makes you think everything is possible, even the improbable, so rely on the realism of Saturn to keep everything in perspective.

Jupiter expands everything and while he’s in Pisces, he focuses on feelings and emotions, as well as beliefs and dreams. Drop into your heart as Pisces rewards the heart over the mind. Better yet, rely on your intuition – that’s Pisces favorite.

Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent time to imagine and create as well as say YES to opportunity. He won’t be back in Pisces again until 2033.

Mars Out of Bounds: October 22 – May 5, 2023

We can act with bravery and courage, using our vitality to power us into our next project or adventure. Or we can act rashly, be too selfish or react defensively. This out of bounds coincides with his retrograde, making things completely out of control. Harsh words, violent tempers and aggressive messages become the norm once again. The virus, rebellions and weather events are at an all-time high during this period.

Mars Retrograde Oct 30, 2022 @ 9:26 am ET – Jan 12, 2023 (Gem 25 – 8)

Mars retrograde in Gemini may bring disruptions to mental pursuits and add to health issues, specifically for the lungs. This is music to the corona virus and all of its variants. This is also a time for accidents, so care is called for during this period. Gemini is everything mind, words and interests. This sign can’t get enough material to read, debate and broadcast. The cacophony that quieted down in January ramps up again with the sheer power of Mars.  Curiosity, excitement, new ideas and insights thrive and boredom, impatience and scattered focus reign. Mars pushes your mind in Gemini, making it a wonderful time to take a class, learn a new skill or digest lots of information. It’s also a great time for a meeting of the minds, where coming together in understanding is possible.

When Mars enters a sign, he usually stays for 6 weeks, yet will spend 7 months here between August 2022 and March 2023.

In August, I dove into the house placements to help you determine what actions to take to make the most of this energy. You can read it here.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Choose Healing

Details: Sun in Libra & Moon in Aries @ 16° on October 9th @ 4:55 pm ET

The past come rushing up to the surface. Suddenly you remember everything – the good and the bad. Savor the good and for the not-so-good, healing is possible when you let go of past embarrassments, moments of guilt and playing the blame game. Can you believe you did your best at the time? Will you be as kind to yourself as you are to others?  Flip your perspective and give yourself grace.

New Moon/Eclipse: Choose Your Path

Details: New Moon in Scorpio @ 2° & Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25th @ 6:49 am ET

Clarity or confusion? Truth or lie? Get it done or chill out? The choice is yours. Both are available with this New Moon and Eclipse. October & November ecliptic pair is themed UNPREDICTABLE. Any positivity during these two weeks may be fraught with misdirection or misalignment. Take heed. Everything is cloudy and confusing. Take a break, time off or a staycation. If you must stay focused, dive deeply into your intuition. It’s the only clarity you have available. Better yet, follow the strategy you set at the end of 2021.


Oracle Cards:  https://www.kimwoods.com/intuition-oracle-cards/

Empowerment Membership:  https://kimwoods.mykajabi.com/membership

Orange Sapphire (there are blue ones you can order): https://etsy.me/3CcTZJM

Flower Essence: Olive: https://amzn.to/3DUF1cB

Tarot Cards for Membership Workshop: https://amzn.to/3UWBqRx


Wise Strategist – What begins as a month of focus and determination slowly turns into a quest to find the meaning of life. Use the 7 steps of intentions to make progress on that which you seek in the first few weeks. As the energies deepen, take care to carve out time to explore the big questions without interruption and remember to go into your heart space to relieve overwhelm. Your mind runs amuck otherwise, so better yet, use that gorgeous instinct of yours to define what and how you want to get involved in the collective. Being a beacon of calm and strength amidst the storm is your super power, yet only you can determine whether it’s the right role for you.

Intuitive Visionary – Holy cacophony! Getting swept up by all the things and driving hard to get it all done now sums up October for you. Pace yourself and remember to take olive flower essence. Just because your mind thinks you have amazing amounts of energy doesn’t mean your body agrees. Develop habits and routines that support your long-term goals and desires. Remind yourself this is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time in a rhythm that feels progressive, yet easy. Remind yourself you have support all around you. Ask for help as you let ease be your lens.

Collaborative Explorer – Everyone reaches out to you yet again. They’ve gotten into the habit of relying on your unwavering support and excellent advice. This is the time to develop a new habit by allowing others to take responsibility for their own actions (or inactions). Realigning responsibility with authority is your project this month. Managing your own desires is your goal. Make each a mantra, then do one thing every day just for you. Practice saying NO to others. I implore you to please do this in October. You’ll be setting up tons of success for yourself when you do.

Ruling Warrior – Be mindful that you may be contributing to the issues this month. Winning, and striving toward your goals is fine, but use caution that you’re not actually taking power away from others. You may feel really good right now as you look at your client roster and your revenue. However, progress in this way backfires in the coming months. This is a time for you to use your influence and charisma to engage and connect. Think in the long-term and tap into your heart’s desire for satisfaction. This is the key for realized success. Everything else is a mirage and you don’t want to wake up in mid-January without lasting connections and structures for support.

Creative Superstar – Creations galore! You’ve had so many creative ideas these last handful of weeks, it’s impossible to keep them all straight. Take a breath and carve out time at the beginning of the month to create a list with the following headers: ideas, patterns, goals, priorities, processes or steps, supports, outcomes and target dates. Next, put your ideas onto the page and step back to see the patterns to weave these ideas into a tapestry. Then complete the list to bring the woven ideas that speak to you the most into being. This seems to be too daunting of a task and you’re right. With such a bounty of creative ideas, you’re not able to complete any of them without organization. It would be a shame to see them all fizzle into nothingness.

Loving Alchemist – The noise is deafening, pushing you toward taking control of everything and everyone in your life. The triggers keep coming, seeming to urge you to grab everyone you love and protect them from the crazy. Yet, this is exactly the opposite of what your soul wants you to do. Letting go and allowing those you love to experience this month in their own way is the key that unlocks your soul’s path and not surprisingly, is the ultimate support for your own deep satisfaction. Calm your mind, open your heart and feel your soul’s yearning. Practically, drop into healing that feels luscious, make plans for intimacy with those you truly treasure and schedule quiet moments throughout the month to regain your balance.


October gives you forward momentum until the last week when you dive deeply into you and keep your focus on your own path. Allow your mind and heart to synchronize, take time for pleasure and fun and get active when feelings of frustration and impatience arise. Stay above or below the cacophony of life to pursue the next steps for your success.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

October 2021: Relationships

Stay focused on your path.   


What was written at the top of the year holds true.

The best mantra for this month is, ‘No one owes anyone anything – ever.’ When we understand our relationships to be open and responsive, not limiting or controlling, we realize the true meaning of interdependence. Otherwise, we fall prey to power struggles, compulsive behaviors and competitive challenges. It’s so much better to embrace new ways of relating and loving ourselves and each other. When we do, we have the opportunity to integrate new ways for calm, value and harmony. Yes, this means peace and prosperity.  

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle: #25 Brilliance

Observe how you’re shining your brilliance in the world and how you’re holding yourself back. You want to ensure you’re stepping forward to live your life to the fullest.

Crystal: Moonstone

This is a stone that channels the Moon. It attunes to the ebb and flow of the Moon and helps with stability as it balances you during the cycles of life. Use moonstone to enhances your intuition. It’s particularly helpful with Mercury retrograde.

Flower essence: Chicory

Release your need to be over-concerned for other’s lives, especially if you’re experiencing FOMO. This is an excellent indication you’re ignoring your own needs and desires. Put your focus back on yourself by paying attention to YOU – your thoughts and feelings. Chicory helps you do this as it helps you get moving on putting your life together by releasing attachments and expectations that aren’t your own. It also supports you to be loving and caring without being cloying or jealous.  

Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip:

  • Make adjustments to deal with anything that’s bugging you.

Diving deeper:

  • Yes, you’re tired and probably frustrated with all of the uncertainty and aggravations this year. BUT, stay focused. Better times are coming.
  • Look at the people, circumstances or situations rubbing you the wrong way. Everything that’s bugging you isn’t supportive of your future. Make the changes now before they grow bigger and more aggravating.
  • Take ownership to fulfill your hopes and dreams.
  • Release your need to get involved in things that aren’t yours.
  • Go with the flow and let go of control.

Big Star Events

  • Mercury retrograde 9/27 – 10/18
  • Pluto in Capricorn direct 10/6
  • Saturn in Aquarius direct 10/11
  • Jupiter in Aquarius direct 10/18
  • Venus in Sagittarius out of bounds 10/9 – 12/7

Week 1: Get to work

Dates – 10/4 – 10/10

Your thoughts and feelings are confusing and frustrating. You’re ready for things to align, but you’re being pushed and pulled by negative impressions, power struggles and the overwhelming need to know how things are going to be in the next week, month or year.

You’re sick and tired of being uncertain, have decision fatigue and the chaotic nature of what’s going on in the world is pushing you to your limits. Use the energies of the week to propel you forward. With relationships, go with the flow. Otherwise, roll up your sleeves and get to work.

New Moon: Choose what’s important

Details: 10/6 Sun & Moon @ 13° Libra at 7:05 am ET

Choose what you want in your life and more importantly, what you don’t want. Enjoy fresh perspectives, evaluate your life by thinking about different outcomes based on decisions you didn’t make. Ask yourself how you can let go of judgment and increase understanding for the unexpected and unknown.  

Week 2: Make adjustments for more fun & success

Dates – 10/11 – 10/17

The good news you’ve been waiting for arrives just in time and you want to celebrate, so make fun plans for the upcoming weekend. In the meantime, focus on the tasks at hand as the energies support everything business this week. After buckling down, you feel energized and want to go out and blow off steam.

The weekend begins with celebration and continues with relaxing energies. There are power plays and crisis that may arise at the end of the weekend, but resist the temptation to personally engage. Instead go with the flow and look for the silver linings.  

Week 3: Prioritize influence

Dates – 10/18 – 10/24 Power plays continue as people are struggling to gain ground that may not be theirs. Take the high road and step into your influence. What potential do you see that’s not being realized? How do you want to make strides in your life against your own desires and wishes and not other’s? What value do you bring and how are other’s appreciating it?

As the Sun enters Scorpio at the end of the week, deep intense feelings arise and power gets center stage. Let these energies drive you to make changes that bring you success through opportunities and influence. Create wealth in your life in a variety of ways.

Full Moon: Stay in your own lane

Details: 10/20 Full Moon @ 10:57 am ET

Personally – All the ways you

– show up or don’t show up for yourself…

– have given up your goals and dreams for others…

– yearn and desire to be in your life versus what you’re currently experiencing…

Worldly –

Chaos and power grabs abound. Nothing seems real and yet everything is intense.

What can you count on?

Things are so uncertain right now.


This is all coming up for you during this Full Moon.

Keep your eyes focused on the future. Look at the long-term and frankly, ignore what isn’t yours and concentrate on changing what is. Use the power to push through on your own path to achieve success. It may not feel satisfying right now, but since you’ve already defined what satisfies you, use your prior clarity to step into your own definition of success.

Week 4: Have fun by going with the flow 

Dates – 10/25 – 10/31

You’re better off letting work take a back seat this week as the stars frustrate forward momentum and reward romance with loved ones and fun with family and friends. Take full advantage of riding the wave of your past efforts and step into a relaxed rhythm. Use your magnetic charm to connect with others for long-term commitment versus short-term gains.

Ignore anything coming up that confuses your relationships at the end of the week. This is fast-moving. Let it pass.

Bottom Line:

How you use your power in relationships is what October is all about. Let go of trying to control everything and lean into influence. Take responsibility for what’s yours and release the rest.  

Remember to use your supportive tools throughout the month.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.  

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2021 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.