Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Dive into the Lion’s Gate Energy: Spiritual Tools for the New Era

Calling All Visionaries!

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a significant cosmic event, opening the Gateway of Wishes to help you manifest your dreams and desires. This portal opens every year from July 26th to August 12th, with its peak on August 8th, known as the 8-8 Lion’s Gate. This year, it’s a triple 8 power with 2024, being an 8 year. Happy 888 Lions’ Gate!

🎧 Listen to the 888 Lions’ Gate Podcast episode. 

What are the Key Aspects of Lion’s Gate?

  1. Astrological Impact:
    • The Lion’s Gate portal occurs when the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, aligns with Earth and the Sun in the astrological sign of Leo at 15° with the midpoint holding special power.
    • Leo, represented by the lion, is associated with the heart, courage and strength, making this a great time for generosity, authentic expression and empowerment.
  2. Numerological Importance:
    • The date 888 holds special numerological significance. The number 8 represents infinity, blessings and the abundant flow of energy.
    • The 8 repetition amplifies this power, creating a potent time for inspiring your heart and awakening your soul.
  3. Spiritual Evolution:
    • The Lion’s Gate is considered a time of heightened spiritual energy, making it ideal for reflection and awakening your soul DNA.
    • It’s also a powerful opportunity for releasing old patterns, healing and embracing new beginnings.
  4. Manifestation:
    • The alignment of cosmic energies during the Lion’s Gate is believed to enhance the ability to attract abundance, success and prosperity.
    • It’s a time to focus on your goals, visualize your dreams and take inspired action towards achieving them.
  5. Energy and Healing:
    • Lion’s Gate opens a portal for healing and the activation of new energy codes within your soul DNA.
    • This can lead to increased intuition, spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to your soul mission.

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a powerful time for spiritual evolution, manifestation and growth. Whether through meditation, intention-setting or simply being open to cosmic energies, Lion’s Gate offers a unique opportunity to align with your soul mission to achieve the success you desire.

2024 Lion’s Gateway of Wishes

As you may know, the upcoming 888 Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 is a powerful period for awakening and aligning with your soul mission. This year is especially significant as it features a triple eight – a unique numerological occurrence that amplifies the gateway of wishes and offers a profound chance for spiritual growth.

I’ve downloaded incredibly powerful information through Sirius, the Spiritual Sun and Lilith, the Midnight Sun, while they form a Creation Vortex to activate your soul DNA within the Diamond Core of Life. This life-giving energy positions you as the Visionary Leader in your field and life so you can lead the way for others in this New Era.

🔮Ready now? Register for the workshop. 

888 Creation Vortex

Within this Creation Vortex, connecting with your soul core wisdom, activating your divine spark, attuning to Mother’s Earth heartbeat, aligning with the natural currency flow and diving into your well of wisdom.

Each of these connections provide healing and intentional manifestation so you:

  1. Recognize Your Core Soul Wisdom and discover the profound talents aligning with your zodiac Sun Sign.
  2. Activate Your Divine Spark to awaken your deepest potential and connect with the universal energy.
  3. Attune to Mother Earth’s Heartbeat and bond deeply with Earth energies to foster groundedness and strength.
  4. Currency Flow Incantations in order to harness and understand the flow of abundance in your life.
  5. Tap into Your Soul’s Well of Wisdom giving you access to the deep ancient knowledge from Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon.

This Lion’s Gate is more than a date on the calendar and doing ceremony, ritual and activations sets you up for success over the next 20 years as you transition into the New Era marked by these significant cosmic changes.

If you want more information before committing to your soul mission, listen to the Lions’ Gate Podcast episode and you can get access to The New Era series by clicking here.

If you’re ready to say YES to your soul mission right now, I’m offering a special workshop for you. This workshop is gated and requires a paid registration to ensure the integrity and energy alignment of all participants. Click this link to secure your spot.

With cosmic events like these, the more fully you commit, the more profound your experience. You can tap into this unique alignment and unlock the power within you.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


#lionsgate #888 #august8

#YourStarPathToSuccess #KimWoods

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Tapping into the Strawberry Moon’s Transformative Energy

The Full Moon, on the heels of the Solstice, is a uniquely powerful time for transformation, success and prosperity. In this New Era, utilizing the universal potency aligned with your unique energetic signature, creates a vortex for your success. Using this vortex for your goals and desires is too beneficial to pass up, so let’s gather this force and use it to your advantage.

The Cosmic Guide to Success

The June Full Strawberry Moon and its surrounding celestial events offer a unique opportunity to transform your life and business. By understanding the cosmic energies and applying them to your Intuitive Success Signature, you can harness the universe’s power to achieve profound success.

During the Full Strawberry Moon, at the apex of the season of power, is a time to celebrate your strengths, envision your dreams and release blocks to achieve the life you desire. Engaging in ceremony and ritual invites creativity and introspection, aligning with both masculine and feminine energies.

🎧 Listen now to Episode 61: “Full Moon June” and let your star path to success shine brighter than ever.

5 Key Takeaways

1.Embrace New Beginnings: With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn at 1°, this Full Moon is all about initiating new cycles and embracing fresh opportunities. It’s the perfect time to set new intentions and take soulful plunges into your deepest desires.

2.Overcome Self-Deception: Neptune’s placement during this Full Moon highlights the importance of releasing self-defeating behaviors to embrace creativity, intuition and healing. Broadening the definition of escapism to include self-doubt and negative self-talk, encourages you to stop deceiving yourself and step into your full potential.

3. It’s the New Era: The traditional methods no longer work, so it’s time for working with the new way of weaving the ancient wisdom of the feminine energies with the advanced technologies of the masculine strengths. To create success and prosperity, dive into all things the New Era.

4. Harness Masculine and Feminine Energies: This Full Moon presents a unique blend of masculine and feminine energies, inviting you to balance the practical, goal-oriented aspects of Capricorn with the deep, intuitive, and nurturing elements of Cancer. It’s an excellent time for aligning your heart and mind to access your true power and creativity.

5. Lilith’s Message of Soul Potential: Block Moon Lilith is the apogee of the Moon and has a great deal to say to the collective at this time. Her channeled message is part of the Podcast episode and she wants you to appreciate the art of potential.

Intuitive Success Signatures: Personalized Rituals

Knowing your energetic imprint known as Intuitive Success Signatures, measures how you’re living your soul mission. Using this Full Strawberry Moon to do powerful ritual provides healing, transformation and success. Let’s explore your signature’s entry into your well of wisdom.

If you don’t know your signature, take the 12-question quiz here.  

For each of the signatures:

Wise Strategist

Ritual initiation: Envision a conversation with a large tree in the forest to fortify your growth.

Tip: Connect your roots to the earth and appreciate your impact.

Intuitive Visionary

Ritual initiation: Utilize moss agate or ocean jasper crystals to embody the element of earth.

Tip: Anchor innovations and solutions in order to expand your influence.

Collaborative Explorer

Ritual initiation: Feed your favorite elemental connection with air, earth, water or fire.

Tip: Watch the element grow as a reflection of your power.

Ruling Warrior

Ritual initiation: Picture yourself riding a shooting star.

Tip: Embrace the journey of reaching for the stars and capturing the Moon.

Creative Superstar

Ritual initiation: Imagine stepping into a vibrant mandala and becoming part of the colors.

Tip: Wear this mandala as an imprint of your creativity.

Loving Alchemist

Ritual initiation: Connect with selenite or labradorite crystals for nurturance and psychic connection, respectively.

Tip: Tap into your brilliant psychic energy to stir your tools for alchemy.

Bottom Line 

Aligning with cosmic events, like the June Full Moon at the time of the Solstice, can profoundly impact your soul journey. Leaning into the powerful energies while embracing your own imprint for brilliance opens your pathway for success, creativity and prosperity.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


#FullMoon #SummerSolstice #NewBeginnings #SelfAwareness

#YourStarPathToSuccess #KimWoods

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

It’s Time to Create Worlds During the Full Flower Moon


Details: Full Flower Moon with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 2° on May 23th @ 9:55 am ET

The truth is in the paradox. The Full Flower Moon is a time of opposition and with the Sun in Gemini, it opens your mind to possibilities and with the Moon in Sagittarius, it welcomes actual experiences through exploration and discovery.

In other words, dream it – do it.

Listen to the Podcast episode for vibrational resonance and sacred ritual.

Invest in Your Wisdom

Both the Sun and Moon energies in this Full Flower Moon are growth-oriented, expansive and filled with opportunity. Depending on your own energies, you’ll want to either pursue these opportunities to the fullest or stop, take a step back and check in with yourself. The possibility to go deep is just as available as the option to expand.

This is the time to get aligned with your soul and your mind may or may not accept this truth.

It’s time to create the world you want to live in, not in the future, but right now. Getting your mind to accept the very best outcome isn’t something it is designed to be able to do. Your mind always protects you and prepares you for the worst, but what if your mind can be programmed to allow your highest potential? The truth is your mind can accomplish this when it’s combined with your intuition. This is where genius lives.

Are You in Alignment?

In order to access your soul’s wisdom, you must be aligned with your soul, create space to listen to it and follow its guidance. It’s important to know when you’re out of alignment with your soul.

When you’re out of alignment, you feel and do the following.

You feel:

  1. Unclear and stressed
  2. Out of sorts and unsettled
  3. Empty and dissatisfied
  4. Inexplicably tired or fatigued
  5. Easily overwhelmed
  6. Out of control

You do:

  1. Live with clutter and disorganization
  2. Overspend or exaggerate your standing
  3. Take care of others, instead of yourself
  4. Find ways to escape or take up numbing activities
  5. Miss appointments or show up late or unprepared
  6. Either play the victim or try to be the hero

Soul Alignment Signs

What does it mean to be in alignment with your soul? Being in alignment with your soul means being totally and utterly YOU, without any artifice, excuse or apology.  You’re the exact same when you’re alone at midnight or at noon with a roomful of people. Your mind, body and spirit are in sync and you take of each equally and willingly.

You think, feel and act in accordance with your full potential to live your soul mission. You’re in the flow of the universal energy with the earthly and celestial realms. When you’re in alignment, your soul leads and blends with your mind to convey your heart’s wisdom.

Getting into Alignment with Your Soul

Your soul is patient and kind and waits on the sidelines until you’re ready to connect. It’s so patient, in fact, your mind takes over and pushes your soul aside. Your mind is impatient and wants constant care and feeding, so quieting your mind is an absolute necessity. Not all mind-quieting activities are passive. You can lose yourself in creative actions, journaling, walking or fitness routines. The key is to engage your mind in something mundane, so your soul comes forward. Ever wonder why you get so many good ideas or have epiphanies in the shower? Your mind is involved in the mundane, so your soul sneaks in and gets your attention.

Quick Checklist to Get Aligned with Your Soul during Full Flower Moon

  • Occupy your mind with something mundane or repetitive
  • Meditate
  • Notice the signs and symbols
  • Listen to instrumental music
  • Stay present
  • Connect to your heart
  • Laugh
  • Fall in love
  • Go out in nature
  • Get creative
  • Breathe: Take 1-3-10 breaths
  • Dance or move your body
  • Do yoga or go to a spa
  • Seek a change of scenery

More Specific Tips for Soul Alignment

Wise Strategist

Connect your mind to your intuition by enacting your instinct. Ask yourself yes or no questions and listen to your body for how a yes feels versus a no. You have great instincts, use them. Start with minor questions and then increase their importance. You’ll gain confidence as you allow your natural wisdom to take part in your decision-making. If you’d rather, use a pendulum for guidance.

Intuitive Visionary

Your intuitive knowing is unparalleled, but your mind is WAY too overactive. You must quiet your mind. You can do it actively, but it must be done. Choose one or two options on the checklist and alternate them. Routines don’t work for you, so let variety into your practice. Journaling, reading spiritual books and using intuitive oracle cards are your best magical tools.

Collaborative Explorer

Your heart is always engaged, but it’s focused externally to take care of others. When you allow your heart to turn inward, it’s scary and uncomfortable. Taking time in solitude by talking walks, appreciating the seasons or the elements eases your vulnerable heart. The dance between you and others can be replaced by the dance of the vibrational resonance of the universe.

Ruling Warrior

It’s a great time for you as you love this fast-moving energy. If you create your world at this pace, you’ll exhaust yourself. Including time to relax by going to the spa, spending time on your fitness routines and laughing with friends and family are the perfect remedies for a 360° created world.

Creative Superstar

Diving deeply into your creations is so natural for you when you give yourself time in solitude or with sensory activities. Using all of your senses, including your 6th one, opens your connection to your soul. Your empathic ways relish the earthly sensations of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. Use your senses by lighting candles, savoring delicious foods and looking at beautiful objects. Aligning your body’s awareness opens your heart and soul. Enjoy and do this Full Moon ritual at least 3 times during this Full Flower Moon phase.

Loving Alchemist

Paying attention to your dreams and the cycles of the Moon draw your energy into your power, naturally and magically. Matching your power is important for you to feel safe enough to explore the depths of your soul. Only allow the deepest and most experienced energetic healers into your energy. Using the earthly realms and celestial guidance helps steer your best steps for alignment.

Listen to the Podcast for the ritual to imbue sacred knowledge, embody sacred love and create sacred sanctuary.

Bottom Line

It’s time to create worlds and your mind isn’t your best tool. Combining your intuition with your mind is where your genius lies. Use your genius to creates worlds.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.