Strategy Leadership

How to Use Seasonal Energies to Increase Your Success

Using the seasonal energies opens you to your full potential and aligns you to your soul mission in ways other strategies don’t. This is so impactful, the seasonal forces also solidify your purpose, expand your power and increase your prosperity.

The dynamism of the cycles and their associated meanings urge you to lean into particular activities for your life and business that are both soulful and successful. Additionally, the seasons flow into each other and rely on particular elements giving you even more resources to leverage for your personal and professional growth.

If you’d rather listen, check out the podcast episode.

In order to utilize these powers, let’s discover each part of the seasonal energy:

  1. Meaning of the Seasons
  2. Seasonal Flow
  3. Using Seasonal Elements

The seasons present energies to work with and these involve:

I. Season of potential

Seasonal Meaning

Months: November, December, January
Astrological signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Earthly Element: Earth
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Samhain
Affinity: Feminine Energy
Impact: Inner Life

The stillness of the season welcomes potential for all of your dreams. Go inward to reflect on what you desire most. Let your mind wander and imagine. Plant seeds in the fertile soil of endless possibility. This is primarily a yin, reflective time, however, using your yang tendencies expands your potential as you actively pursue the unfamiliar by asking questions, letting your mind wonder and exploring your edges.

This is primarily a feminine expression with its inner life exploration. Think of words such as; opening, deepening, gathering, strategy, intentions, themes, milestones.

Magically, this season offers deep intuitive connection enhancing your ability to commune with your inner voice and the universal energy. Practically, this is the perfect time to set strategy, determine your annual word, themes and intentions as well as to anchor your pillars and milestones for high level navigation through the year.

Seasonal Flow

The Seasons are a beautiful wheel spinning and moving into and out of each other. The seasonal cycle begins with the Season of Potential that invades your soul as the thinnest veil between the known and the unknown permeates your being. The magical world communes with you in ways it doesn’t any other time of year.

When you’re observant and lean into your perceptive insights, you access your intuitive knowing and internal compass to give you an inward approach to your best path forward. In business, this time is called strategy. In magic, it’s named soul mission.

Using Season of Potential for Success

Season of Potential is the quietest season that stabilizes itself with the earth element. It also relies on ether, so it’s a yin energy that’s expansive into both the known (earthy) realms and the unknown (ether) realms. The key to this season is to recognize that both the yin power of strategy and the yang power of direction create your best strategic plan.

Open to your full potential through your Intuitive Success Signature. If you haven’t taken the 12-question quiz to discover your energetic entry into the world, take it here.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Potential

Wise Strategist

This isn’t your favorite time other than using the season to position your strategic direction. You readily embrace the strategy setting, but the yin influence benefits you when you open up to possibility. Take moments throughout the season to reflect and journal your innermost thoughts and deepest desires. Let these guide your strategy for the year.

Intuitive Visionary

Use the thin veil between the worlds at the beginning of the season to explore your soul voice and find your inner compass. Connect to your intuition and ask for guidance on your best energy, theme, word and intentions for the year. Let your inner voice dictate how to fulfill your highest potential.

Collaborative Explorer

Know your trajectory starts with you. Use the element of earth to stabilize your footing to set your strategy for the year by reviewing how you’ve tracked against your goals for the current year. See where you’ve come strongly ahead and look where you haven’t attained them. Select those that truly matter to you to set your strategy for the coming year.

Ruling Warrior

You love this time of year because you get to review where you stand. Look at your baseline for revenues, expenses and profits as well as your schedule to determine how to set your strategy for the next year. Remember to fold your resources, energy and passions into your plans.

Creative Superstar

Take the extra time available to be creative with the magical energies and holiday schedules. Relish these open hearted and intuitively guided and soul purposed influences. Let your imagination run wild. Dream your biggest dreams, embrace your greatest desires and pursue your deepest passions. Gather your reflections and use them to create the best version of yourself in the coming year.

Loving Alchemist

This is your favorite season. Make time to commune with yourself. Seriously craft a schedule through this season carving out time to reflect, to journal and to savor your heart and soul. Contemplate, ponder, marinate your value, power and version of success. If you want to get even more out of the season, dive deeply into your darkest places to discover hidden treasure.

Case Study for Potential

A Sales Catalyst, who is an Intuitive Visionary, was dealing with tremendous pressure in her personal life, so had expanded her business support to continue her business in her absence.

This was logical, but the support was acquired without clear direction, measures or metrics.

It was confusing because the results were being obfuscated and the potential was there and always ‘just out of reach’.

This misalignment was driving her business in different ways and was, in fact, blocking her success.


First, we opened her to her full potential to realize she’s a paradigm shifter. Yet, her ability to make the desired change-making impact required definition and energetic alignment with her true life purpose. This required her to be able to receive the support to realize her mission in life.

Second, we identified the ways she wasn’t purposefully receiving support that had her best interests at heart. We removed blocks to her ability to receive and amplified her alignment with her purpose.

Third, we created the right scenario to separate from her acquired support by illustrating how opportunistic modes opened purposeful pathways to success.

Bottom line: Since the acquired separation, she’s grown her business 300% in the last few months.

II. Season of purpose

Seasonal Meaning

Months: February, March, April
Astrological signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries
Earthly Element: Air
Apex: Equinox
Northern Gateway: Imbolc
Affinity: Male expression
Impact: Intentional planning

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in a purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be mindful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth.

This is primarily a masculine time of strength to use your logic and purposeful planning skills. The season of purpose adores the linear processing, reasoning and scheduling aspects to get everything on the calendar to achieve the goals outlined in the strategy from the season of potential.

Magically, relax into the air element to learn to go with the flow, be flexible and stay in balance with the natural contracting and expanding influences of life. Change your mind, shift your perspective and see things fully. You can open your intuitive knowing through observation and perception for your best first steps.

Practically, align your schedule with the seasons and calendar with the cosmos. Infuse your goals and targets into your overall strategy. Set up your reports – financial, operational and marketing – to determine your capacity and resource needs. Begin to attract the right people into your world.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Potential becomes thoughtful and intentional as it moves into the Season of Purpose, where you put pen to paper, details to strategy and goals to ideas. Your yang skills are called for as you bring the inspiring thoughts and ideas into being. Making it real is your mantra. The pushing wheel of energy runs thin as you take out the magic and fill everything with the practical.

Using the Season of Purpose for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year. Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Purpose

Wise Strategist

This is your favorite season. Let your natural gifts, talents and skills to come to the fore. Taking your strategy and setting all the goals, targets, objectives and schedules comes naturally to you. Take the lead to convey the high-level pillars and milestones to your team. Inspire others to help you.

Intuitive Visionary

You’re challenged to stay on track and be detail-oriented. You have much more success thinking in big picture terms. Yet, you actually can fold the details into your overall strategy when you stay in touch with WHY you’re dealing with those pesky particulars. Remembering your why is the key.

Collaborative Explorer

Make a list of your key resources, networking buddies, collaborators, prospects, clients and alumni to identify your key opportunities and required support. Set up processes and scripts for outreach. Reach out to a handful of people every week. Keep on a regular schedule and remember to ask for the support and opportunities you desire.

Ruling Warrior

You love this season as everyone becomes goal-oriented and you can easily relate to them. You’ve set it all up to make this your best year ever. Yet, you need support to help you achieve them without overwork, exhaustion and stress. Take the time to actually communicate your goals, targets and objectives to others to get them on board.

Creative Superstar

This is your worst season when you focus on the planning aspects of it, but this season, with its airy flow, can be an excellent one when you pay attention to the creation aspects of it. Use the movement and flow to create a living vision board to bring your goals into fruition.

Loving Alchemist

Energize your strategy with your powerful passions and deep desires. Add fuel when marking your calendar for events, selecting people to support you or carving out time to seek opportunities. Aligning your heart and soul with your mindful intentions provides the foundation to make this year the one you truly love.

Case Study for Purpose

A landscape designer, who is a Collaborative Explorer, was working for a company that was growing, but not demonstrating solid leadership. He was frustrated, making too little money and working too many hours. He had responsibility without authority.

He wanted to start his own company, but due to his experiences in the field, he didn’t want to employ anyone.

He basically wanted to get relief without actually thinking about how starting a company would affect him and his family.

He had no clear direction other than getting out of his current situation. He actually quit his job, without any opportunities lined up, at the worst possible time in the season.


First, I walked into his stars and conveyed his life purpose that 100% involved leadership. There was no getting around it, his soul wanted him to be a leader.

Second, we removed his inability to wear his power in order to align his energy with his life purpose.

Third, we defined his purposeful strategic direction and gave him all of the tools to become a successful entrepreneur.

Fourth, because of his hesitancy to become a leader, we set up a business model that could delay this possibility as long as it took to remove his block.

Fifth, we removed his leadership block(s) to clear his pathway for success.

Bottom line: He blew away his targets in the first year and doubled his business in the second year. He’s increased his revenues by 567%.

III. Season of power

Seasonal Meaning

Months: May, June, July
Astrological signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
Earthly Element: Fire
Apex: Solstice
Northern Gateway: Beltane
Affinity: Male expression
Impact: Powerful authority

Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes an impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. You want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

This is primarily a masculine expression with its fiery core. Energizing your core power involves fortifying your strength, fueling your passion and adding motivation to attract those in your niche. Folding the feminine energy around this fire turns up the volume to create big impact.

Magically, clear your mind and open your heart to create energy to bring people into your sphere who align with you. Your internal power speaks volumes and the trick is to send out the signals to attract those into your world.

Practically, expand your energies to reach out to those who can help you through support or opportunities. Network, introduce, connect and refer are your activities during this season.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine. You bask. You create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy. The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought. Staying open to the magical flow of power and its fluidity is critical to be sustainable.

Using the Season of Power for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius and create your platforms or stages. This is a great time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Power

Wise Strategist

Wrapping yourself with power helps you stay open when you’re networking and having conversations that are unpredictable but important. Your mind tends to focus solely on the transactional aspect of the outreach, thereby limiting the possibilities. Keeping an open mind benefits your ability to achieve your goal of making big impact.

Intuitive Visionary

You embrace the power available this season and love the idea of making big impact. The fire keeps you grounded yet in the flow. Take the power into the rooms with you when you speak to stay focused on your call to action. Plan on many speaking engagements this season to cultivate a stronger following.

Collaborative Explorer

You love the connective tissue in the energy this season. This is your time to connect, network and engage. During the Season of Purpose, plan on inviting people to your stage, podcast or group to guide them on how collaboration really works. Stepping into the leadership role bolsters your client roster.

Ruling Warrior

Your power aligns with the power of the season, so the rhythm and tempo serves to expand your authority to deepen your engagement in your field and perhaps to expand it. You want to infuse power into your conversations to induce them to further their connection with you. Use your powerful sales skills to further relationships, instead of just making sales. This isn’t a transactional time, it’s a relational one.

Creative Superstar

The fire in the energy fuels your creativity, so you can be excited about the creativity, ideas and solutions ripe for the plucking. You can derive a complete process for getting your designs into the world. Following your heart, telling your story, giving behind the scenes peeks stir your following. Remember to invite and offer with clear calls to action to generate abundance exchange for your creations.

Loving Alchemist

You are power personified, so this season has your name on it. Enjoy your power to the fullest by showing up for yourself on stages that put you front and center. Speak your truth, deeply connect to others and host parties in business and in life to share your glorious power.

Case Study for Power

A leadership consultant, who is a Wise Strategist, was limiting her impact because she was tied up in others’ definition and models for success. She was trying to put herself into a box that wasn’t hers. She let her mind lead in every decision without opening to her intuition or power.

She was trying to prove herself, so attached herself to outcomes and results. She was spending too much time and effort without realizing her power and worth. She was actually minimizing her impact and was unhappy with the way she worked and how it adversely affected her personal life.


First, we shed her attachment to other’s models and definitions of success.

Second, we turned her business model on its side and increased her capacity to make impact 100-fold.

Third, we worked to clear her mind and open her heart, so she began to realize her true power and ability for impact. She realized she didn’t need to prove herself, so she showed up without an agenda to impart her expertise to her clients. With all of the positive feedback, she completely opened to her power.

Bottom line: She’s attracting unbelievable opportunities with Fortune 50 clients and achieving never-before-seen results.

IV. Season of prosperity

Seasonal Meaning

Months: August, September, October
Astrological signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra
Earthly Element: Water
Apex: Equinox
Northern Gateway: Llamas
Affinity: Feminine energy
Impact: Harvest Bounty

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectation to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season. When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

This is primarily a feminine energy. Prosperity is a flow that involves giving and receiving and accordingly, this force involves reciprocity and synchronicity. Being in the flow requires a clear mind, open heart and active will. Embracing your full potential, aligning with your true purpose and owning your power increases your prosperity flow.

Magically, use crystals such as goldstone, citrine, aventurine, amethyst and pyrite and set up either a money bowl, profit plate or wealth vase. Use the cycles of the Moon to set intentions, fuel your energies and manifest your true desires.

Practically, wear your value – feel it rolling around in your mouth, speak it loudly and with authority and use this ownership to attract your soul mate clients.

Seasonal Flow

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your lane, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Using the Season of Prosperity for Success

Each season has a primary element you can leverage to get things accomplished throughout the year.

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning the energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Intuitive Success Signatures Tools for Prosperity

Wise Strategist

You want to lean into the practical and evidentiary aspects of prosperity. You love to set your goals, review your finances and track your profits. However, the open-ended possibility of growth disorients your linear focus. Allow yourself to appreciate growth and all of its unpredictability.

Intuitive Visionary

You absolutely love prosperity and this season is your favorite. You align with the flow of giving and receiving with all of its variety and unexpected surprises. Step into an authority position for prosperity. Relish the ability to spend an entire season in each of the phases of prosperity – appreciation, reverence and reciprocity. Practice each daily.

Collaborative Explorer

Prosperity does indeed align with your energy, yet you don’t recognize this truth. Review all of your prosperous ways. Show appreciation for the abundance in your life. Have reverence for the value you hold and share with others. You naturally demonstrate the giving side of reciprocity, but want to work on the receiving end.

Ruling Warrior

You love the money aspect of prosperity, but the flow doesn’t appeal to you. Yet, appreciating the reciprocity and synchronicity facets increases your money, abundance and prosperity. Recognizing the connections to each of these energies, increases all of them.

Creative Superstar

You don’t like talking about money, but you do love having it. When you shift your mindset to accept prosperity without thinking about money, you can step into the flow. Allow the reciprocity cycle to open you to yourself and your natural gifts and talents. When you do, you widen your receiving container. Showing up to receive nudges you to make offers and get people to work with you.

Loving Alchemist

You are great with prosperity, but don’t realize it as you repel money as much as you attract it. When you own your power, money recognizes you and comes to you easily. Reclaim your ability to create wealth and align your energy with that of money. Embrace your love for money and watch it grow in your life and business. “I love money and money loves me” is a living mantra for you.

Case Study for Prosperity

A Loving Alchemist, who is a book coach, was not owning her power or her ability to make money using her gifts and talents.

We worked on reclaiming her power for her incredible ability to create clarity, hold space, and tease out her authors’ voices. Allowing her to realize the reciprocity and synchronicity of prosperity opened her to accepting abundance exchange.

Working together, she began to observe herself through the eyes of her clients. She got impactful feedback from her clients and had deep conversations with her followers.


First, she realized her true stories about holding back her power and how that affected her ability to own her gifts. She started owning her value.

Second, she revamped her pricing to align her value with her work. Accepting the full value for her gifts attracted the right people into her sphere of influence.

Third, we did the exercises and rituals that removed her blocks to money.

Fourth, she put herself in front of her followers and invited them to work with her.

Bottom line: She’s gotten 3X as many clients on the regular than she’s ever gotten at any time previously. She’s also delivered a podcast and is starting a new community.

Using the seasonal powers increases your chances for success. Take notes for your Intuitive Success Signatures for each season to amplify the energy you want to bring into your life and business.

You too can embrace your full potential to realize your life purpose, reclaim your power and increase your prosperity. Check out what everyone can easily fold into their schedule and payment capacity

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,
Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

October 2024 Forecast: Can You Heal through the Power of Harmony?

Monthly Summary

October: Shifting Positions & The Power of the Middle
Sun signs – Libra & Scorpio
Seasonal energies: Optimize Prosperity
Energetic Element: Water
Overall meaning: What position will the feminine take in the business world? What business activities are feminine? Looking at the big picture, strategy, hiring, networking and scheduling are feminine. It’s a web of big picture, connection and creation.

What are masculine business activities? Planning, producing, goal-oriented focus. Gather your strengths and trend toward the opposite to flow between the two energies.

Shifting toward the middle, solidifies your core. Jockey for stability.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Prosperity – August – November; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectations to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season.

When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your place, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Seasonal Business Tips

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.

Star Dance

Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • 10/2 – New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse
  • 10/9 – Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini from 21 – 11° until February 4, 2025
  • 10/11 – Pluto stations direct after being retrograde since May 2nd

10/2 – The Unknown Becomes Known

Details: October 2 at 2:50 pm ET Annular Solar Eclipse/New Moon Libra @ 10°

The 10° Sun & Moon in Libra represents fortune and good tidings for diplomacy, civility and harmony. The other stars support and amplify this energy. A collaborative approach is called for, including the fringes along with the middle. Everyone is included. This isn’t an energy of exclusion, elitism or objection.

This eclipse offers power for the mysteries, transformation and creating faith for the unknown. Individually and collectively, working toward unity, peace and love is reflected by the stars.

The essence of feminine power, united expression and expansive influence comes to the surface, making it available to everyone. Lasting change is here. Shift your focus to incorporate this new way of living and leading into your life and business.

10/9 – Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini in 21 – 11° until February 2, 2025

Jupiter is the amplifier – of more or less, depending on what’s going on in your life. When Jupiter stations retrograde, he brings unexpected ‘blessings’.

These blessings emphasize ways you’ve overextended, exaggerated or been taken for granted. They also highlight your skills, talents and strengths. Over the next 4 months, watch for signs indicating the right pathway for you, once you choose to have faith in yourself.

In the world, Jupiter involves philosophy, cross-cultures, religion, international relations, long travel, legal issues, successful ventures, higher education (high school, college, university, post-graduate studies), dogmatic beliefs, wisdom, relocation, publishing, expansion, travel vessels (airplanes, cruise ships, container ships, rocket ships, missiles) luck, fortune and blessings.

From October through February, inventions require tweaking and solutions require more work to figure out the right ways they benefit the world. Philosophies, opinions and beliefs come under the microscope. Ventures come under scrutiny, travel plans are revisited and legal issues arise.

10/11 – Pluto Stations Direct

The effects of Pluto going direct in October 2024 can be used for personal growth. Pluto’s direct motion is a powerful period for transformation, empowerment, and stepping into your purpose, particularly if you’ve been doing healing work or addressing deep-seated fears and blocks during the retrograde.

It’s a pivotal moment if you want to channel the transformative energy of Pluto into your business or personal life, aligning your actions with your higher purpose.

Depending on Pluto’s position in your natal star chart, moving through the last degree of Capricorn to Aquarius on November 19th until 2044, creates significant pressure, beautiful healing or both. This energy challenges you to balance your personal power with collective responsibility.

To set yourself up for success for the next 20 years with Pluto, read the published article to Unlock the Hidden Treasure of Success, Power and Love. I show you how Pluto affects you directly.

Star Power

Week 1: September 30 – October 6

You feel like you’re walking on eggshells this week, watching every step to not offend anyone, but also not foregoing what really matters to you. Don’t offend yourself either. Being true to you works when you stand solidly in your power and allow others to come to you. Your attraction amplifies when you prioritize the way you connect and commit to the people in your life and business.

When you’re straightforward and transparent, this is an excellent week for negotiations, contracts and business deals. People trust you when you speak about what lights you up. Being serious, working hard and focusing on the long-term also work for you to construct your best foundation for future growth.

Week 2: October 7 – 13

The week begins with an uplift in mood and energy. It’s a much-needed shot in the arm and everyone wants to take advantage of it. Stay in the flow with your connections by having fun and being light-hearted.

After the fun, go deep and open channels into your soul because as the week continues, this is a time to communicate with the deepest part of yourself. Spend less time thinking and more time dreaming. As you do, you can see how to make adjustments to increase your own value to improve your finances and position in the world. Write love letters to yourself and others to open channels to your prosperity.

This is also a good week for business dealings. Demonstrating your expertise and guiding others to their best version of themselves.

Week 3: October 14 – 20

With the exception of a few days last week, you’ve been serious and careful with your relationships to either deepen your connections or further your success. This focus and attention has required constant adjustments and you may feel fatigued. If this is the case, you’re going to be happy with the stars this week.

The energy gets a boost and becomes social and fun, while also being great for your business success. Be confident about your approach to overcome any blocks to your success. Increase your investments and open your channels for sales and success.

Step out of your comfort zone by opening your heart for more love, creativity and success. Enjoy the lightness of Libra as it will be another year before you get 30 full days of this beautifully balanced energy.

Week 4: October 21 – 27

Intensity, power and depth comes in full and fierce with the influx of Scorpio as she comes to play for the next month. Using your instincts and intuition is the key to operating successfully in this energy.

There’s power when you combine logic with intuition to optimize your ideas. Develop your long-term strategies, make commitment to your plans and take serious steps to make your dreams come alive.

There’s a chance for the unexpected on the 25th. Stay flexible and roll with it. Ask yourself how to get started on something you’ve been putting off for too long. You have the increased desire and momentum to connect with others who can support you to clear the pathway to your success.

Week 5: October 28 – November 1

The week begins with soft and low energy, dives into doubt and stress and ends on a frenzy with busyness and distractions. The best way to navigate this week is in 3 parts:

Mon – Weds: Increase your ability to attract on deep levels due to the slow energy. You may be better able to catch people’s attention.
Mon – Weds: Work on your relationship by spending time alone and focusing on yourself.
Thurs & Fri: The fast-moving schedules push you to shift plans.

Moon Magic

The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.


Details: New Moon/ Annular Solar Eclipse Oct 2 @ 2:50 pm ET

At 10° this is a fortunate star assembly. This New Moon Eclipse is about completing the cycle of love that was started by the first part of the ecliptic pair. Big ideas, flexible thoughts and strong connections to the people who have your best interests at heart. Relationships, relationships, relationships.

Stable relationships get a boost, unstable ones get shaken up in order to work through problems. It’s an excellent time for big purchases. Great for negotiations, contracts – personal or professional.

Mars trine Saturn transit gives you the strength, ambition, and perseverance to take on the hardest of tasks and complete them on time, on budget, and with perfection. You will find the most efficient way to get the job done. Your patience and self-discipline will keep you plodding without being distracted or discouraged.

For more information about how the 10-month energy can set you up for success in 2025, read the full Choose Important Priorities to Achieve your Grand Vision article here.

Full Moon: Limitless Love

Details: Full Moon/Almost Lunar Eclipse Oct 17 @ 7:27 am ET

Mars complicates this Full Moon by squaring off the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries. Lots of aggression, energy and impatience builds and with Mars in Cancer, there’s dramatic posturing, power plays and control struggles.

Families, good friends and business teams threaten to come apart. These are cardinal signs, so new and original ideas, connections and actions are at play. You may yearn for changes in your current connections.

The magic triangle of Pluto-Neptune-Uranus is complemented by another supportive trifecta between Venus-Pluto-Neptune. The common denominator for both configurations is Pluto, who is the major driver for limitless love.

Love is possible when you step into your true desires and your heart’s passions. The key is to dive deeply to let soul level intimacy and shared bonds come together.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

Magical Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Intuition Oracle Card: #29 Heal

A card from Kim Woods' Intuition Oracle Deck" titled "Heal," featuring a mandala design and an image of a person holding their hands over their chest. The text at the bottom reads: "Bring in the revealing and healing energies to soothe and enliven you."

It’s time to seek healing through time off, relaxation, respite or seeing your favorite healer. Your mind, body and spirit are out of sync and long to be integrated gracefully and easily.

The number 29 speaks to relationships, especially with yourself. Demonstrate self-care and watch the universe respond positively as your relationship with yourself entwines with your relationships with others.

Tips for this card:

Intuitive tool: Clear your auras and chakras by doing an energetic water cleanse while in the shower. Get into the habit of doing it regularly.

Practical tip: This card comes to remind you to nourish your physical body with nutritious foods, plenty of rest and lots of water. Get moving on the regular too.

The Tarot

When the #29 Healing oracle card appeared, I asked, “How can the stars help with healing in October?” The answer lies in The Tarot of the 8 of Wands.

Eight of Wands – Harmony

This card represents the unifying spirit of balance. It’s a perfect card for the Libra season. You can blend all of your opposite traits and skills into a harmonious whole. Keep your center by bridging each of your aspects.

Be yin and yang. Get ready for the New Era to live in terms of balance and beauty. Harmonizing is playful creativity. Harmonize with others. Life is a dance, listen to the score playing in your soul.

Crystal: Bronzite

A polished piece of bronzite, displaying a smooth, dark brown surface with shimmering golden-brown flecks and natural patterns throughout.

The energy of this crystal is discernment. This is the perfect alignment with Venus, the Ruler of Libra, and her ability to discern who and what to attract in her life.

This stone promotes loving and unprejudiced discernment. It gives us power when we feel powerless. It aligns the mind, body and spirit, providing peace and harmony.

It synchronizes the act of doing and being beautifully. Bronzite was the crystal of 2021 with the Theme of Interface. This crystal gets you ready for the New Era.

Spirit Animal: Lion

A majestic adult male lion with a thick, dark mane is walking forward on all fours. The lion’s intense gaze is focused straight ahead, showing confidence and strength.

Lion represents leadership. As a lion, you’re strong, powerful and dignified. You’re a natural leader, curious and love to be part of a group.

Call on lion when you want to recapture your self-respect, need to regain your feeling of power or need to complete a complicated project.

Flower Essence: Olive

A large, ancient olive tree with a gnarled trunk stands beside a stone wall on a rocky path. The warm glow of the sunset illuminates the landscape, casting soft light on the tree and the surrounding area.

In October, the ancient feminine wisdom filled with joy, magic and power is the key to this flower essence. This flower essence adds energy to the core masculine and softens the edges of the feminine. 

Overall, this flower essence restores vitality and joy while providing a refreshing energy. Olive helps hit the reset button, providing spiritual and physical rejuvenation.

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth.

Your inner guidance is recalibrated and your ability to achieve pace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being. (This is the same flower essence as recommended in September.)

Intuitive Success Signature Forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can take the quiz here.

Wise Strategist

It’s outreach, lead generation and connection time for you. Grow your reach, deepen your influence and strengthen your position as an expert. Go to retreats, conferences and trade shows. It’s time to show up and demonstrate your value and results.

Speak. Listen. Advise. Invite. Offer. Sell.

Intuitive Visionary

Step into logic, focus and refinement. It’s time to streamline – again. It feels as if that’s all you’ve been doing for the past few months, but as you refine, you create deeper connections with your ideal clients. You also open up clearer pathways for sales. This helps you make sales easier and faster.

Winnow down to grow.

Collaborative Explorer

Show up more. Get on stages. Speak. Let yourself shine in the spotlight. It’s time. Your stages can be panels, interviews with others and as part of groups.

You don’t have to go it alone, but your success and continued growth depends on you shining your brilliance.

Ruling Warrior

These warm and fussy energies are not your jam, however, learning how to get into balance and go with the flow is required for the foreseeable future. You want success? Growth? Money?

Stepping into the unfamiliar feminine ways of leadership and incorporating these ways into your business puts you in the lead.

Creative Superstar

It’s time to produce, not create. Roll up your sleeves and dive into plans, targets, deadlines and finances. This month is for stepping into your areas of weakness.

Once you complete these tasks, you’ll free up space to be as creative as you desire with the ability to make more money from your creations that in prior months.

Loving Alchemist

Lighten up, come up to the surface and let others see you in your light. Be frivolous. Have fun. Get sassy and perhaps flirty with your audience. Be playful with your loved ones and your clients.

Showing your playful side let’s others relate to you more easily.

Bottom Line

October is an excellent month to appreciate the flow of balance to enter the energy of the New Era. This is the moment. It’s time. The New Era is here and you can relate to it on a practical and intuitive basis. You can heal through harmony of being fully feminine and combining this power and wisdom with the masculine strength and logic. Cheers to October.

Until next time, happy soul tidings!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Strategy Leadership

Part 1. Realize New Era Trends through Stars, Stripes and Strategies

“Hope is the anchor for your soul,” I read on the kitchen wall of one of my dear friend the other day. I love this quote, remembering it’s from the Bible. Like everything spiritual, it’s perfectly timed.

Hope is the key. Anchoring your soul is the key. Everything in the world right now is on the edge of moving forward into the future versus sliding back into the past.

We’ve come to a crossroads where every single person is asked, “What do you choose? Do you choose the future or the past?”

If you’d rather listen to the podcast episode than read the article, click here.

Part 1. STARS

Everything is written in the stars. In fact, the early Popes were either astrologers or had astrologers. Reading the stars was as imperative for guiding the direction of kingdoms and nations as was navigating on the high seas.

Right now, the stars are a critical part of the equation in determining the future direction of the United States and the world.

New Era

On the world stage, Pluto moves the entire world from the institutional past to the individualized future through the energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Dragging everyone from the comfort of the familiar to the uncertainty of the unknown brings freedom, inclusion and innovation or detachment, revolution and chaos. A combination of these is likely.

Entering Aquarius, Pluto shapes the path for the next 20 years and no one alive has ever experienced this energy as Pluto traverses Aquarius every 250 years. In 1776 – 1778, when Pluto was last in Aquarius, the United States declared independence from Britain, fought for freedom and won the Revolutionary War.

Now, Pluto in Aquarius marks the New Era as a monumental period of change and growth. This transition encourages the world to dismantle old hierarchies to foster individual uniqueness for a more sustainable approach.

The heralding of the New Era actually began on December 2020 through a Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn initiating the new age, paving the way for an equitable and democratic future. It wasn’t just a celestial spectacle but a powerful energetic shift, inviting you to align with your heart and soul to live to your full potential.

For the special edition ‘New Era’ 3-part podcast series with 30+ page guide, click here to access.

Your heart and soul are positioned front and center now that the New Era is here. The cosmos are a key component to fulfilling your soul potential. It’s all about combining the ancient wisdom of the feminine energies, including the stars, with the advanced technologies of the masculine core strengths.

Right now, the stars are pushing everyone to make choices that are critical and permanent. One major area of concern is the future of America’s democracy. According to a PEW report published on July 10, 2024, 72% of Americans believe democracy in the US used to be good, but has not been in recent years. Revisiting the United States birth chart gives insight into the remedies for the country’s soul at this critical juncture.

The Soul of the Nation

The USA was ‘born’ on July 4, 1776 at 5:10 pm ET in Philadelphia, PA. The signing of the Declaration of Independence is a well-known birth time of the country.

Astrological birth chart of the USA, showing planetary positions on July 4, 1776, at 5:10 p.m. in Philadelphia, PA, with transits for November 5, 2024.

Sun & Moon

America’s Sun is in Cancer giving the USA a mission to protect, heal, and nurture others while also defending itself against those who impede on its soil.

Cancer is a feminine watery energy with a powerful mix in the 7th house expanding the country’s mission to protect the underserved and marginalized. This star set up provides a justice flare to its mission.

With Venus and Jupiter also in 7th house Cancer, good luck and success comes when the USA is true to itself and participates in diplomatic partnerships.

The Moon in Aquarius emphasizes freedom, innovation and inclusion. Freedom of speech is paramount to the soul of the nation with the 3rd house placement of the Moon. When interpreting its Sun and Moon, the Constitution of the US as a founding document makes sense.

Other Notable Qualities


Capricorn is in the 2nd house making leadership, power and tradition tantamount to the mission of the country. Taurus in the 6th house lends stability, materialism and determination to the regular working cycles. The land and her resources are also important components. The 10th house is on the cusp of Libra, making justice and diplomacy central to America’s mission.


The identity of the country involves growing its sense of belonging and deeply anchoring into the ancestral roots of its citizenry. The instability of the nation’s partnerships is also an issue that pushes its officials to create chaos through shock and awe or lightning bolt campaigns. This isn’t logical, but produces results. The country’s soul karma and destiny are tied to this topsy-turvy energy.


Gemini Mars in the 7th house squares Virgo Neptune in the 9th house requiring the people of the US to bravely open their minds and embrace the duality of their citizenry. Overcoming deception, delusion and escapism is required to bravely pursue the mission of the country.


Justice is the key to the US’ genius as Saturn in Libra in the 10th house squares the Cancerian Sun in the 7th house. Human, civil and workers rights are part of the country’s fabric and a necessity to fulfill in order for the country to live up to its promise. The US’ integrity, maturity, and responsibility are critical to achieve the nation’s commitment.

Soul Destiny

America’s soul destiny involves stepping into a leadership role on the world stage to effectively build bridges and radiate confidence. It requires finishing old business and avoiding being judgmental, dogmatic and isolated.

Healing its ‘exile’ or ‘outsider’ energy, utilizing resources responsibly and resolving the insecurities of its position in the world is required to fulfill the nation’s soul destiny.

Opening to the discomfort of the unknown and embracing complexity to transform like a phoenix when burned is also critical. Rising from the ashes is familiar and America can recover from its recent erosion as a sole superpower. It is also a choice its citizens can decide.

Presidential Candidates

The 2024 presidential election puts America at a crossroad with the voters deciding the future of the nation. Accordingly, analyzing the star charts of the candidates lends insight into the soul characteristics of each one.

Both of these presidential candidates were born under a Full Moon. They are both awakeners who have their soul destiny and karma within 2 degrees of each other. This is fascinating because the soul destiny cycle is every 18 years with the nodes rotating through each zodiac sign every 18 months.

The probability that both presidential candidates would be born 18 years apart with only a few months separating them is very low.

When reading the stars, the energies convey the potential and challenges for an individual, but don’t account for free will or the choices made along the way.

So, it’s important to subject the star influences with practical evidence the person has exhibited in his or her life. In this case, Kamala Harris is 59 and Donald Trump is 78 years old. They have both been in the national spotlight for years.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris was born on October 20, 1964 at 9:28 pm in Oakland, California. Kamala was actually born for this time right here and right now.

She is the Queen of the New Era as it was the written in the stars on the day she was born with her Full Moon configuration.

Astrological birth chart of Kamala Harris, showing planetary positions on October 20, 1964, at 9:28 p.m. in Oakland, CA, with Sun in Libra and Gemini ascendant.

New Era Full Moon

Her 27° Full Moon with her Sun in Libra opposite her Moon in Aries is the absolute perfect formula for the New Era. The divine feminine energies of Libra and the divine masculine strengths of Aries are in exact opposition to each other, making the full range of possibilities available through her Sun and Moon.

Libra is a masculine zodiac sign, yet with a feminine advocate in Venus. Kamala’s Sun sign seeks balance, flow and peace, making her compassionate, diplomatic and a freedom fighter.

Her Libra Sun yearns for commitment to common ground. She has a fair and balanced energy with an underlying ferocity for justice.

With this comes a tremendous ability to deal with ambiguity and paradox, while always striving for harmony. She may obscure the boundaries between diplomacy and strength due to overprotection or advocacy of others.

In the New Era, Libra is the perfect symbol of the Divine Feminine with its charismatic skills of diplomacy and grace while also embodying the edgy characteristics of tenacity, intensity and strength for equality and the rights of others.

The full spectrum of the creation and destructive forces of the feminine are evident in this zodiac sign. With her Libran Sun in the 5th house, the art of creation is the expression of her life force. Creation aligns with the divine feminine as well.

Her Aries Moon in the 11th house becomes stronger as the 11th house builds over time. This house is also about community ties, humanitarianism and unorthodox thinking. The 11th house holds the wishes, plans and aspirations for the future.

Her Moon in Aries makes her brave, passionate, energetic and willful. It also makes her a natural leader, who aspires to make the future better than the past. Her goals will be inspirational, but realistic.

Her Moon in Aries gives her the masculine resources of Mars and his quick-action, warrior-like approach for the defense of others. At the same time, the Moon provides the pure feminine energy of nurturance, support and love.

This embodiment is also a reflection of the connection between the divine feminine and the divine masculine which is the key component of the New Era.

The 27 in numerology equals a 9 (2+7) which means harvest, fulfillment, the wholeness of the alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end. This signifies the complete cycle with her luminary energy.

Bottom line: Kamala was born for this moment.

Other Notable Qualities

Life Mission

Kamala’s life mission is filled with the watery signs of Cancer in the 2nd house, Scorpio in the 6th house and Pisces in the 10th house. Her skills and talents lie in her ability to care, help, support and protect the downtrodden or marginalized.

Her daily work and routines require her to dive deeply into subject matter to investigate wrong doing and to transform and heal through truth and honesty while being a unifying role model for the collective.

When she heals the world, she heals herself and vice versa.


Kamala has Pluto, Uranus and Venus in her Virgo 4th house, enabling her to see perfection and pursue it relentlessly with fortitude and grace, especially in terms of safety and the sense of belonging. This is not an easy configuration.

Her ability to be attractive to large audiences is rife with unwarranted criticism and her values are judged without logic or reason. There’s a tendency for ups and downs that come out of nowhere, but bring great healing when they’ve completed their cycle.


Kamala steps into her leadership through her voice. Her message matters, but equally important is her tenor and tone. When she’s bold and resonating with the truth of justice, her leadership shines.

When she’s timid or dissembling, she steps outside of the authenticity of her leadership. Taking courageous action is what makes her a great leader.


Her genius lies in her ability to weave disparate patterns into the meaning of life, set strategy and pursue both fortitude and integrity until satisfaction and completion are realized.

Her communication skills come into play requiring deep and transformative messaging that’s radically honest. She drives with intensity and passion to reach her goals and aspirations for the future.

She will not give up on you, especially when you don’t give up on her.

Her Soul Destiny

For Kamala’s soul, the questions are more important than the answers. Her soul yearns for debate, negotiation and floods of unexpected, mind-stretching experience with an appreciation of the vast differences of material, thoughts and constructs.

The duality of life is the succor and the remedy. She’ll find common ground and position the best possible outcome based on it. At the same time, she fully appreciates, and helps others fully appreciate, not only differences, but the need for those differences.

Her soul story involves loss of the safety of land and family, mass migration and fundamentalism pressing her to remedy these through a collective sense of belonging, security and freedom.

Collective Soul Destiny

Kalama’s Full Moon configuration matches the energy of the collective soul karma and destiny. They are in both of the signs of Libra and Aries until January 12, 2025.

Kamala’s Sun helps shine a light on soul karma ripe for healing, in terms of dithering, codependency and paying too high a price for conflict avoidance. Kamala’s Moon matches the quest for individualism, self-awareness and confidence without sacrificing the whole.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s birth time is based on Trump’s family chart. They use the birth time of June 14, 1946 in Queens, NY at 9:51 am ET. According to an article written by Christine Arens of Kepler College, Trump’s family uses this birth time for his astrological chart.

Two points of note:

  • The birth time is more than 1 hour different than his official birth chart, making his house alignment off by more than 12 degrees.
  • The Trumps refer to astrology. Given his timing for everything, I can attest to a strong coincidence or synchronicity of favorable energies in his presidential announcement, his upcoming debate schedule and the results of varying events.

Astrological birth chart of Donald Trump, showing planetary positions on June 14, 1946, at 9:51 a.m. in Queens, NY, with Sun in Gemini and Leo ascendant.

Full Moon

Donald Trump was born under the waxing edge of a Full Moon within hours of its peak luminosity.

Donald’s Sun is in Gemini in the 11th house getting stronger as he ages. Remember Kamala’s Moon is also in the 11th house. They share similar energies of aspirational goal-setting, strategic direction and future strength.

In Gemini, however, the differences widen to involve lack of commitment, distractibility and exaggeration as these are characteristics regularly demonstrated by Donald.

This energy is enforced with his soul destiny nodal configuration and Uranus’ placement. Shock and awe create following and have always worked for him. Ups and downs in fortune, brilliance and communication is also a consistent struggle for him.

Donald’s Moon is in Sagittarius in the 5th house enabling him to seek lots of experiences, to step into entertainment and to enjoy lots of accolades. Travel, international reach and willingness to take risks are at the fore as is his passion to break up routines, to stretch his horizons and to be amazed.

He has a magnetism that creates allure and status and his Full Moon configuration sets him up beautifully for persuading, charming and convincing others to do what he wishes them to do.

Donald’s Moon sits exactly on his soul karma, so viewing this luminary through a negative lens is appropriate. This is what his soul wants him to overcome in his life.

Sagittarius negative tendencies involve overconfidence, irresponsibility, insensitivity to other’s feelings and foolish errors. 5th house negative leanings include abusive, uncontrollable relationships and creative blocks.

Other Notable Qualities

Life Mission

Donald’s earthly life mission includes Virgo in the 2nd house, Capricorn in the 6th house and Taurus in the 10th house. His skills and talents involve developing his craft with skill and commitment.

His regular routines include the position of leadership, pursuit of power and ambitious success. His role in the world seems easy and natural embracing the traditional trappings of the wealthy with indomitable determination.


Donald has issues with women. His star chart shows a soul karmic wound involving his mother energy and a harsh placement of Venus with Saturn in the 12th house, limiting his ability to understand and connect with women.

His Chiron in Libra in his 2nd house of money creates lack of awareness of himself in relationship limiting his money and success. Because Libra is ruled by Venus, this position amplifies the female impact of his challenging Venus placement, linking it directly to money and success.


Donald’s Mars lies in his first house in Leo, requiring bravery and action in his role as a leader. Mars loves to be adored and appreciated and has tons of energy to pursue everything he desires.

His passions run high as does his love for luxury. Donald and Mars in Leo are tightly bonded. This gives him magnetism and power to persuade others to follow him wherever he leads.


Donald’s soul yearns to understand the cycles of life, to surrender to the soul and to master the feminine experience of nurturance and support. Saturn and Venus in the 12th house in Cancer isn’t an easy configuration as nothing with Saturn is easy. Saturn always requires maturity, integrity and responsibility. He’s the tough love planet. On a more practical level, Donald’s facility with real estate, investments and family-owned businesses is a natural pursuit.

His Soul Destiny

Donald’s soul destiny is similar to Kamala Harris’ as they’re born 18 years apart and the soul destiny cycle is an 18-year duration. Free will is important in this description.

They each must choose to fulfill their destinies. Sagittarius’ soul karma presses Donald to try to overcome his lack of commitment, carelessness with details and an unending need for adoration and accolades.

The 5th house forces Donald to rid himself of self-destructive behaviors, gambling with his future and doubling down on pride.

His destiny involves pursuing strategy, humanitarianism and his ability to make money through groups, ambassadors and affiliates. While his strategy and humanitarianism aren’t evident, his ability to make money through his followers is unparalleled.

Bottom Line

“Hope is the anchor for your soul” is the signal of the future.

Freedom, innovation, inclusion and fulfilling the nation’s mission of justice to protect the underserved and marginalized aligns with the future.

The nation’s past is fraught with injustice, inequality and entitlement that doesn’t line up with its constitution. The nation’s destiny to fulfill its constitutional promise satisfies finishing business from long ago.

It requires a huge appetite for courage and change without being judgmental, dogmatic, and isolated.

If you’re a registered voter in the United States, you get to select the presidential candidate who represents what choice you’re seeking.

The next part of this article covers how the stars predict the electoral outcomes for the time period from the presidential debate on September 10, 2024 through the inauguration on January 20, 2025.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


Stay tuned for Part 2. The New Era: Stars, Stripes and Strategies for the outcomes and predictions.

Strategy Leadership

How to Trust Yourself Through Intuition and Astrology

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where intuition and astrology illuminate the path to trusting yourself deeply. Imagine navigating life with a clear sense of purpose and an aligned vision.

Dive into the incredible benefits of the 12-question quiz that unveils your Intuitive Success Signature. This insightful tool offers a roadmap tailored specifically for you, based on ancient wisdom and energetic signatures, to enhance your personal and professional life.

Whether you aim to refine your business strategies, strengthen relationships, or find greater fulfillment, this unique blend of intuition and astrology provides the key to reclaiming your power and living in harmony with your soul’s deepest desires.

Let’s embark on this journey together and discover how to trust yourself through the guidance of the stars and your own intuition. Learn practical tips for each Intuitive Success Signature to navigate this New Era of doing and being.

Discover your Intuitive Success Signature by taking the quiz right here.

1. Astrology of the New Era

Engaging with the star energies is akin to tuning into a cosmic symphony, where each constellation and planetary alignment offers unique vibrations that amplifies your vibe. With star events like solstices, equinoxes, and significant planetary transits, you can harness these celestial currents to align your actions with greater ease and potency.

For instance, the energetic shift marked by the 2020 December solstice heralds a time to reassess and realign your goals for a new way of living and leading. Use this potent energy to gain clarity on your soul’s mission and integrate this knowledge into your leadership strategies.

The key to leveraging star energies lies in recognizing their cyclical nature, allowing you to plan initiatives that flow with cosmic tides rather than against them.

Using the stars as a navigation tool to chart your trajectory combined with the alignment of your energetic signature is the difference between success and failure in the New Era.

2. The Energetic Signatures: Personalized Empowerment

Unveiling the energies from the 12-question Intuitive Success Signature quiz reveals transformative insights into how you operate to thrive in the New Era. Understanding your signature and knowing how its energy can be leveraged to make better decisions, balance work and life, improve your marketing and sales effectiveness and develop your intuition.

Understanding Intuitive Success Signatures

The transformative concept called the Intuitive Success Signatures invites you to understand the energetic blueprints that guide how you enter the world, make decisions, and navigate various aspects of life and business.

If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can do so by clicking here.

The Six Intuitive Success Signatures

  1. Wise Strategist
  2. Intuitive Visionary
  3. Collaborative Explorer
  4. Ruling Warrior
  5. Creative Superstar
  6. Loving Alchemist

Each signature offers unique strengths and tailored strategies to achieve a balanced and successful life.

Revealing the Benefits of Knowing Your Signature

✓ Empowered Decision-Making

One of the primary benefits of understanding your intuitive success signature is the ability to make confident decisions. This knowledge provides clarity about how you process information, whether you’re more mentally driven or inclined towards emotional and collaborative approaches.

✓ Energizing Life and Work

Knowing your signature also helps you tap into energies that naturally align with you. Whether you resonate with nature’s rhythms or more ethereal, spiritual energies, this insight can revitalize your daily life and work experiences.

✓ Reclaiming Personal Power

By aligning with your inner authority, you reclaim sovereignty over your life, understand your unique path, and embrace the abundance your natural gifts can attract.

✓ Enhanced Sales and Marketing Strategies

Understanding your signature can transform your approach to sales and marketing. Each signature has a preferred way of receiving information, which significantly impacts your messaging and campaign effectiveness.

✓ Intuition Development

Enhance your intuitive abilities by aligning with practices that resonate with your signature. Whether it’s meditation, oracle cards, or connecting with nature, understanding which tools work best for you is essential.

Practical Tools for Intuition

  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards are great for introspective sessions and are particularly ideal for Intuitive Visionaries.
  • Journals: Journaling is especially helpful to Collaborative Explorers who want to use this tool to determine their priorities.
  • Crystals: Crystals are grounding and energy-enhancing and preferred by Loving Alchemists and Wise Strategists.
  • Art Supplies: Creative Superstars benefit by doodling or making designs while listening to guided meditations.
  • Meditation Pack: A varied meditation pack of cards, journals, crystals, tuning forks or singing bowls are especially helpful for Intuitive Visionaries and Ruling Warriors who need variety in their mindfulness practices.

If you’re looking for more tips, make sure you white list my email kim@kimwoods.com to get all of your supportive tools.

3. The Strategies: Linear Pathways to Intuitive Leadership

Embracing strategic tools empowered by your Intuitive Success Signature can create a seamless path to achieving your goals. Here’s a step-by-step approach to harnessing these tools effectively:

Step 1: Identify Your Signature

Take the Intuitive Success Signature quiz to recognize your dominant signature. Understanding your natural inclinations can help you determine the best strategies for growth.

Step 2: Develop a Customized Plan

Based on your signature, outline a strategic plan that incorporates personalized tools, such as specific task management systems for Wise Strategists or creative planning boards for Creative Superstars.

Step 3: Integrate Star Energies

Sync your strategic plan with significant celestial events. Plan major launches, client meetings, or reflection periods during potent star alignments to maximize success. Ruling Warriors, in particular, love the timing of star navigation to improve their chances for success.

Step 4: Implement Sustainable Practices

For lasting success, adopt practices that reduce stress and increase equilibrium. Use mindfulness techniques, seasonal work rhythms, and regular reassessments to stay aligned and energized. Loving Alchemists benefit from adopting these practices.

Step 5: Reflect, Adjust, and Grow

Regular self-reflection and adjustment ensure you remain in alignment with both your internal compass and external circumstances. Review your strategies bi-weekly to fine-tune your approach efficiently. Collaborative Explorers specifically gain the most by reflecting and adjusting in order to grow.

By blending the ancient wisdom of the stars with contemporary strategic tools, you create a holistic framework for unparalleled leadership and personal fulfillment. Remember, the cosmos is your co-pilot on this remarkable journey of intuitive leadership.

4. Tips for Each Intuitive Success Signature

Go to your signature below to get information to help you build your business and enhance the flow of your work-life balance.

Wise Strategist

Characteristics: Analytical, goal-oriented, enjoys reliable tempos.

Tip: Implement strategic plans that emphasize detailed insights and organizational prowess. Prioritize reliable and structured approaches to ensure consistent progress.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Embrace routine and structure. Create actionable plans that align with the natural cycles of the Earth, such as planning projects around the lunar phases or seasonal shifts.

Intuitive Visionary

Characteristics: Creative, easily distractible, mentally agile.

Tip: Introduce variety in your daily routines and give yourself permission to explore multiple pathways. Use creative brainstorming sessions to channel your innovative ideas.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness:
Integrate creative brainstorming sessions into your weekly agenda. Honor your need for flexibility by allowing your work schedule to accommodate bursts of inspiration and periods of reflection.

Collaborative Explorer

Characteristics: Outwardly focused, teamwork-oriented, peaceable.

Tip: Foster collaborative environments that encourage team efforts. Use your skills to mediate conflicts and ensure smooth, cooperative operations.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Focus on team-building exercises that highlight collective strengths. Implement regular check-ins to foster a cooperative environment and ensure everyone feels heard and valued.

Ruling Warrior

Characteristics: Achievement-driven, competitive, goal-focused.

Tip: Set clear, ambitious goals and actively pursue them. Embrace leadership roles and take decisive actions to reach the top of your field.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness:
Set clear and challenging goals that push you to excel. Celebrate milestones to maintain motivation and always aim to benchmark your achievements against the best in your field.

Creative Superstar

Characteristics: Original, creative, often misunderstood.

Tip: Focus on projects that allow for unique creative expression. Work on pacing yourself and setting a rhythm that suits your creative flow.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Allocate time for unstructured creativity. Surround yourself with inspirational materials and environments that stimulate your innovative spark.

Loving Alchemist

Characteristics: Deeply connected, intimate, intuitive.

Tip: Seek environments that value intimacy and depth. Use your abilities to create strong bonds and transformative experiences for those around you.

Enhance Leadership Effectiveness: Prioritize deep, meaningful connections. Invest in activities that create bonding opportunities with your team and clients, emphasizing the value you bring to their lives.

To get more tips for your Intuitive Success Signature, listen to your special podcast episode


The 12-question quiz is a gateway to align with your star path to success. By understanding your Intuitive Success Signature, you’re better equipped to make empowered decisions, energize your life and work, and reclaim your power.

Whether you’re enhancing sales strategies, developing your intuition, or improving leadership skills, this knowledge provides a roadmap for navigating the New Era with confidence and fulfillment.

Aligning your path with these divine energies ensures that every step you take is fortified with cosmic support, making the journey towards your soul’s mission not just possible, but profoundly impactful.

If you’d like more information on the New Era, catch the 3-part series with special guide right here.

Until next time, embrace the starry flow and let your Intuitive Leadership shine.

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

How Fiery Mars Pushes You Beyond Your Boiling Point

Mars in Cancer/Leo Retrograde 2024-2024

Note: This is a long one, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in. The Leo-Cancer Retrograde Mars timeframe is between September 4, 2024 through June 20, 2025, so it’s worth the read.


In 2024, Mars is the power in action for this edgy year. He kicked off another wave of the New Era by converging with Pluto on February 14th creating an opening for Visionary Leaders to ignite the combination of the future way to do business without losing yourself.

At the top of the year, Mars by merging with Pluto in a new cycle opened the blending of the ancient wisdom of the feminine with the advanced technologies of the masculine.

Let’s explore how Mars becomes debilitated in September by entering Cancer as he travels completely through Cancer to enter Leo, where he loves to be. Yet, he then stations retrograde in Leo to pull ALL of this energy back into himself. This combination creates a volcanic underground fire that’s ready to blow without any relief valve.

As he moves back into Cancer, he gets more and more angry that simmers beneath the surface while increasing his emotional posture relating to those he holds dear.

This is a formula for disaster, but where there’s risk and chaos, there’s opportunity and reward.

Parsing out the star components helps determine the best way for you to take advantage of the opportunity and reward; Mars, Cancer, Retrograde, then Mars and Pluto in action to put it all together for you.

First, Mars

Mars is the fiery planet known as the God of War, who loves moving forward and getting exactly what he wants.

He pushes you to take action and when you do, you get what you want. When you don’t, you become the prey defending your position and in some cases, your life, making you prone to accidents and mishaps.

Mars is the star of will, energy and drive to create what you truly desire in your life. Additional martial words involve action, adventure, bravery and passion or aggression, anger, lust and violence.

As long as you’re willing to take risks, Mars has your back. The issue is he doesn’t care whether you’re taking positive actions or negative ones.

Bad actors come out of the woodwork, especially when things reach the boiling point. Staying aligned with your integrity is the key to navigating this difficult multi-month configuration.

Second, Cancer

Cancer is soft, gentle and full of nurturing support requiring a high emotional quotient while prioritizing home and family.

Think about the crab that symbolizes the zodiac sign of Cancer, the hard shell that protects the gooey crab within. The crab is sweet and tender underneath a hard-protective shell.

Cancer’s ultimate quest is to belong, making her vulnerable, sensitive, and empathic. She yearns for family, home and love. Her heart is wide open and her shell is the only protection she wields. She loves deeply and forever.

Her feminine gifts include intuition, healing and being genuinely connected to the deepest aspect of your soul.

When Cancer feels safe and secure, her love is beyond measure. When she feels left out or defensive, she becomes smothering, easily hurt, moody and overly sensitive.

Third, Mars in Cancer and Leo

The dance for Mars involves Cancer and Leo for many more months than usual. From September 4, 2024 to June 20, 2025, Mars is either in Cancer or Leo. Let’s look at how he acts in both zodiac signs.

Mars in Cancer

Mars likes his own sign of Aries and Scorpio and he also likes Capricorn, where he’s exalted. Mars doesn’t play well with either Libra or Taurus, but he actually loathes Cancer, where he’s at his lowest possible state.

In Cancer, Mars is stifled from taking action, but is required to feel his feelings. He HATES that. He’d much rather do than feel.

Additionally, when all of Mars energy builds up, it alters his ability to determine the best action to take, because the feedback, or lack thereof, isn’t familiar. He starts to misplace his trust or distrusts completely.

When Mars is off kilter, he reacts badly. Think of the negative words associated with him; aggression, anger, lust and violence.

The practical aspects of Mars in Cancer involve taking action regarding home, family, investments, real estate, and finance. Mars in Cancer could be good for cottage or home-based businesses, as well as family-owned ones.

However, in his retrograde stance, it’s a backward energy repressing any forward motion.

Mars in Leo

Mars adores Leo as both are fiery and love to be active and shine their brightest.

They preen under the spotlight and push themselves to take power and position themselves for success. Your courage, bold and adventurous characteristics are amplified. There’s a fearlessness and ambition to strive to win, regardless of the competition.

Mars feeds off of Leo and Leo feeds off of Mars. Together, their fire is unstoppable and anyone who’s looking for a big win is going to do anything to get it. There are no boundaries and this combination will do anything to get what they want.

The negative aspects of the Mars-Leo combination is huge ego, limitless greed and extreme power struggles moving from temper tantrums and dramatic outbursts to aggression and violence.

The practical aspects of Mars in Leo involve achieving dominance in your field, standing firm in your leadership position and performing in front of your audience with enthusiasm and confidence.

Next, Retrograde

12/6/24 – 2/23/25 Mars retrograde Leo 6 – 17° Cancer

Mars adores spending time in Leo and would have loved continuing his path in this sign, but he doesn’t get the chance yet. He has to move backward, reenter Cancer, which he doesn’t appreciate.

He loathes the watery, overly sensitive, home-bodied Cancer. He feels trapped by the ‘over-caring for others’ nature. Mars is more selfish, active and bold than Cancer lets him be.

From December 6 – January 6, Mars moves from 6° – 0° in Leo and then enters Cancer again, where he stays until April 18.

For 3 ½ months, Mars marinates in the syrupy family soup with its past history and stories about your early years. You have the opportunity to explore the depths of love with your loved ones, yet it depends on your patience and tolerance for hearing about your cute and embarrassing antics while growing up.

Typically, Cancer opens into Leo to take the love, connection and deep sense of belonging to come out into the spotlight and confidently express your passion, authenticity and creativity. The anchoring support of Cancer centers Leo to ensure he’s feeling safe and secure. When Leo feels powerful, he’s generous, stylist and an excellent leader.

However, in a retrograde cycle, Leo pulls back into Cancer suppressing his enthusiasm and knocking him off center. Mars feels unstable, fostering self-doubt and inducing a fragile ego. This is not a positive combination. The fire erupts without an outlet, so with each passing day the fire grows hotter without any star tools to cool it. It’s up to you to provide the tools to cool Mars retrograde in Leo.

Pay particularly close attention to the timeframe between November 4th to December 6th. Plan beforehand to be ready to progress through these difficult 4 weeks. Read below for timing, tricks and tips for this complicated period.

Then, Mars Interaction with Pluto

Looking back can help your path forward. Let’s take a quick look at the beginning of the cycle in Q4 2024 and then what I wrote about the Mars Pluto opposition on November 3rd this year.

The New Cycle: February 2024

Mars and Pluto blend to ignite the uncomfortable and to awaken your desire to jump into the profound and scary. You can face your fears and take the leap. Think about how you want to break free from conformity, norms or expectations.

Now is the time to do your own thing and to be your own person without interference from anyone. Your brave heart, deep desires and secret passions create an opening to let your ambitions run free. Remember to look toward the future.

With Aquarius, this an energetic push that began on the solstice in December 2020. The super edgy ignition at slightly more than 0-degrees makes your mind wonder, doubt and question. Stay in the wonder to manifest your future.

Expansion and Opposition: November 2024

There are opposing forces at play, where on the one hand, you have incredible tenacity with a propulsion for winning to ultimately achieve the goal you’ve always desired.

On the other hand, you want to play, have fun and socialize with abandon. Frivolity overcomes the hard knocks of power grabs and emotional wrangling for control or responsibility wins out with a lighter touch and self-indulgence.

From November 2018 – May 2020, you’ve felt the impact of your work-life balance in ways that you may not have been cognizant of prior to this time. This pressure hasn’t gone away in the last few years.

Right now, your work life balance is teetering on the edge. Which will you choose – love and family or work and success? You can have both if you figure out your own tempo and design your schedule to accommodate it. Get creative. This is your time to finally come to terms with what’s really important to you and to set up your life to reflect your terms.

In the coming months, Mars opposes Pluto 2 more times on January 3rd and April 26th, 2025. However, the tension between these 2 planets remains for the entire 5½ months from November 3rd through April 26th.

Finally, Putting it All Together

In order to know how your energy aligns with the martial activity in the New Era, take the 12-question quiz to discover your Intuitive Success Signature.

Key Dates to Note

In the last quarter of 2024 and the first of 2025, Mars in his retrograde position wreaks havoc. Here are the dates to remember:

February 14, 2024: Aquarius Mars conjunct Pluto 0, launching a new 2-year cycle
September 4, 2024: Mars enters Cancer, marking the beginning of its debilitation.
November 3, 2024: Cancer Mars opposite Capricorn Pluto 29
November 4, 2024: Mars enters Leo, fiery, aggressive Mars in fiery, majesty Leo
November 19, 2024: Pluto reenters Aquarius for 20-year sojourn
December 7, 2024: Mars turns retrograde in Leo 6, smoldering its fiery effects
January 3, 2025: Leo Mars Rx opposite Aquarius Pluto 1
January 6, 2025: Mars retrogrades back into Cancer
February 24, 2025: Mars stations direct Cancer 17
April 18, 2025: Mars reenters Leo
April 26, 2025: Leo Mars opposite Aquarius Pluto 3
May 2, 2025: Mars positions in Leo 6 at beginning of December. Returning your forward progress from the point you were on December 6th/7th
June 20, 2025: Mars enters Virgo

What It Means for the World

On the geopolitical stage, the riskiest dates for instability and violence are from November 4th – December 6th with Mars moving forward in Leo until he stations retrograde on the 6th, muting him and his aggression.

For the US, the presidential election is within this timeframe tightening the effects due to the Cancerian Sun sign of the US. Mars in Cancer relates directly to both either positively or negatively.

When the voting finishes on November 5th, the vote will be inconclusive and fought rabidly to the ultimate finish. Complicating this process is Mercury retrograde between November 25th – December 15th in the sign of Sagittarius, the traditional sign of gurus, religious leaders and dogmatic figures.

This timing heralds the fight between the new era and the old world, the future and the past and freedom and oppression.

For more on the New Era and the US election, listen to Your Star Path to Success Podcast special edition episodes.

For the Israel-Palestine, the conflict could spiral beyond its already out of control situation. The same can be said for the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

With the lame duck US political leadership after the November 5th election and before the swearing in, America is pulled out of any effective position of strength.

With the predicted US presidential election debacle, America is going to turn inward to field the diametrically opposing sides. With Pluto involved at the time of election day and not moving out of its opposing position with Mars until April 2025, everything that’s been brewing comes up to the surface to be resolved.

For the US election, voting rights, social justice and the origin of the constitution’s promise is up for power grabs and controlling interests.

Ironically, but not surprisingly, the 2016 contentious election involved Mars at the last degree of Capricorn, entering Aquarius after the close of the voting on November 8th, 2016. In the 2020 election, Mars was at the midpoint of his own sign Aries and retrograde for intense suppression energy.

I had said, “We won’t know the outcome of election for a long time, if ever. We may never know the results of the 2020 election.”

Now in 2024, these 2 elections set up the one this November.

In the Israel-Palestine attack, Capricorn Pluto squared off with Libran Mars in the same degree that Pluto stationed during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. For the Ukraine invasion by Russia, Pluto was within blending orb with Mars, actually only 10 days prior to the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn 27 and stationed at the same degree as the Israel-Palestine attack. Capricorn Pluto at 27° requires wholeness, while dealing with origin issues. The traditional hierarchy and operational structures get knocked out, requiring a new way of dealing with the previously unresolvable problems.

What It Means for You

Focusing on your pathway to success and what truly satisfies you is a set up by another star configuration and one worth noting here when identifying how to best navigate the next 7 months from September 2024 through April 2025.

If you’d like to listen to hear about the other big star configuration, click here or you can read the article right here. Each of the tips below relate to the intuitive tools recommended in the big stars of Jupiter and Saturn in the materials linked above.

Wise Strategist

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you’re able to drop into your heart and let your mind take a much-needed break. This energy helps you listen to your heart and soul, so is actually beneficial. Also, you won’t feel the negative impact as much as other signatures.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, it’s very difficult for you to get your tasks complete and to motivate your team. Your aggravation grows, but its internal, so increases your self-doubt and fear about achieving your dreams. Remembering who you are involves revisiting your values and the reasons you started your business in the first place.

Intuitive Visionary

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, learning to use your power isn’t easy. The lack of forward motion and the requirement to be in touch with your feelings doesn’t feed your love of ideas, solutions and brilliant methods. However, Mars in Cancer does help you connect to your audience to teach them about your solutions.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, the energies support of you being in the spotlight aligns with your original and creative innovations. Your following recognizes they need your offerings, so during November and March and April, leverage this relative advantage.

Collaborative Explorer

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, others realize how excellent you are in your position when negotiating, cooperating and connecting with others. Utilize your skills and talents to engage with others at their level and within their current circumstances. Coax them out of their shells by showing them how you’ve stepped out of yours.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, step into the limelight to secure your position to speak, teach and offer your expertise to your audience, prospects and clients. Allow these fiery energies to burn through your reticence and any feelings of inadequacy to put yourself in the best position for success.

Ruling Warrior

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you have the opportunity to heal karma, resolve issues and remove blocks. This is wildly uncomfortable for you, but the alternative is to rail against this energy with impatience and anger. Seeking healing is your best bet during these times. Take note of the dates and schedule time with your favorite support team.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, you’re in your sweet spot. You love everything about Mars in Leo, except when he retrogrades back. Take as much time off between December 7th – January 6th as possible. November, May and June are your best months during the Mars Cancer and Leo zodiac passage. Set your strategy and plan on committing to your growth during these times.

Creative Superstar

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, tell your story by connecting your thoughts with your heart to be engaging with your audience. Cancer softens your creations, but also makes you want to defend them. Be wary of your vulnerability regarding your offerings to avoid spiraling into a negative mind game sequence.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

Mars in Leo pushes you into overwhelm and fear and quite frankly, is not a good energy for you to fight against. It helps when you remember with chaos comes creativity. Be more of yourself to take your rightful leadership position. Take the first steps toward being honestly and authentically YOU.

Loving Alchemist

From September 4th – November 4th and January 6th – April 18th

With Mars in Cancer, you have the opportunity to dive as deeply into your family and loved ones as you desire. The trick is not losing yourself in the process. Develop intimate and shared bonds with others as they’ll be available with this star configuration. Others are more amenable to the connection.

From November 4th – January 6th and April 18th – June 20th

With Mars in Leo, it’s more difficult to hold your position of power and stability. But you can do it. Use the force of the fire along with your element of water to form fire-water, like the storm energy to embed the massive forces to create a vortex of love, money and success around you.

Bottom Line

The New Era is here and the stars provide the energy and power you can use to effectively create the life you truly desire. Martial movement spurs you into action and typically his fast-moving, 6 weeks in one zodiac sign, offers shifting influences to move you through your life as efficiently as possible. When Mars goes retrograde, he creates complications and difficulties in one particular area. Focusing on this area benefits you in ways only Mars can create.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Strategy Leadership

Do You Know You’re Wearing Your Energy Inside Out?

Your relationship with yourself has been destroyed. You’ve been wearing your energy inside out for several millennia,” I say on a LIVE LinkedIn event a few days ago and I receive several inquiries to explain more.

I leave a few voice memos explaining what the energy feels like when you’re wearing your energy inside out and how it feels when you’re wearing it the way your heart and soul know how to do it.

I post a few hastily written notes to revisit this discussion in upcoming events.

I recall how I explained this phenomena during my recent workshop on Realizing Your True Purpose.

For those of you who know me, you know once I do something more than 3 times, I recognize the need to expound on the topic to make it available to as many people as I can.

So here goes…

How to Wear Your Energy

The New Era is here where the Divine Feminine rises and the Divine Masculine takes her hand to welcome her with bated breath.

The Divine Masculine’s been waiting for her as long as she’s been waiting to be released. The masculine can finally relax by going into the core of you and solidifying your connection to the earth and acting as a conduit for heavenly energy. He rejuvenates, replenishing his energy and garnering his force. His strength anchors your soul potential, maximizing your chances of realizing your soul mission.

When he’s been on the outside standing guard, he wears himself out creating stress and exhaustion because he can’t replenish himself as he must always defend his position. He’s immobile as a statue and you can relate by trying to stand in one position for a handful of minutes without moving. Now imagine doing this for days, weeks and years. No wonder he’s exhausted!

Also, the stress of maintaining the constant pressure of performing, growing and expanding is too much and leads to burnout. Finding ways to relieve the pressure, reduce stress and build energy reserves is as easy as allowing your masculine to sink into your core and letting your feminine out into the open.

To honor your souls position at the forefront, the Divine Feminine needs to move to the outside of your energy in order for her to expand your edges. For too long, she’s been stuffed in the box, ‘protected’ by the masculine, she’s stifled to the point of needing constant reassurance, attention and validation. Allowing her to breathe benefits you in unmeasurable ways. When your feminine ways are allowed her freedom and space, your soul breathes, pulsing and connecting to others and the Universe.

Why It’s So Important

With the statistics on burnout, anxiety and depression growing to frightening heights and increasing escapism and the need for external validation going through the roof, it’s evident the traditional ways don’t work.

It’s time for radical change. It’s time for the feminine to rise. It’s time for ancient wisdom, celestial connections and earthly resonance. It’s time for intuition, healing and extrasensory engagement.

Thank God, the New Era is here, awakening your spiritual essence and sending a clarion call to your soul. The New Era is here pushing your spiritual relationship to the fore. The New Era demands you develop a strong relationship with your soul to allow your soul to lead in every area of your life.

For more on this way of living and leading, read the blog article I wrote at the inception of the New Era.

8 Quick Ways to Invigorate Your Relationship with the Feminine

If you’re feeling out of touch with your feminine side, here are a few quick and fun tips to rekindle your relationship:

  1. Play with animals, laugh with children and bond with loved ones
  2. Identify what makes you happy, gives you pleasure and lifts your spirits
  3. Explore your feelings of satisfaction through the 5 senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch
  4. Connect to your heart by looking at photos or scrap books to recall special memories
  5. Coordinate your schedule based on your daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal cycles
  6. Create space for quiet and solitude in order to listen to your body, heart and soul
  7. Follow the Moon phases for manifesting your desires and releasing unwanted habits
  8. Relate to the earthly forces of the tides, weather and elements to understand the natural flow of life

8 Easy Tools to Strengthen Your Relationship with the Masculine

If you want to hone your masculine core strength, here are a few easy ways to do so:

  1. Refine your mission, vision and values for your life and business to amplify your passion for your goals
  2. Make a list of your accomplishments or proud moments – do 5 a day for a week
  3. Reach out to good friends to remind you of what’s truly important
  4. Relieve your task list by welcoming support through automations, systems and people
  5. Lessen responsibility by winnowing your list; it’s not ALL yours
  6. Pursue opportunities that expand your influence to make big impact
  7. Connect with people who make you feel more of yourself, not less
  8. Get back to the basics of nutrition, sleep and movement

Bottom Line

The New Era requires you to connect to the universe’s power through your feminine edges, anchoring your soul’s potential through your Divine Masculine. The Divine Feminine holds the dialogue with your soul while the Divine Masculine conveys the physical expression of it. This is the natural way to wear your energy and knowing how to fortify the masculine and the feminine is the key to creating abundance, ease and freedom while seeking to achieve your greatest potential.

For more on the New Era, listen to my 3-part Podcast series with the accompanying guide.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

Virgo’s Detail and Libra’s Harmony: Your September Star Path to Success

Monthly Summary

September begins under the exacting sign of Virgo, promoting an environment where attention to detail and organization are given the most influence. By the third week, the energy transitions significantly as the Equinox approaches on September 22nd, ushering everyone into the balanced and harmonious domain of Libra. The contrasting energies of Virgo and Libra set the stage for a dynamic month of productivity, introspection, and relational equilibrium.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Prosperity – August – November; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectation to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season.

When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your place, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Seasonal Business Tips

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning the energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.

Star Dance

Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • 9/1 – Uranus Taurus 27 – 23 retrograde until January 30th, 2025
  • 9/2 – Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn until November 19th
  • 9/3 – Libra Venus Conjunct South Node
  • 9/17 – Full Moon Eclipse
  • 9/22 – Equinox: Sun enters Libra

9/1 – Uranus retrograde until January 30, 2025 in Taurus 27 – 23°

Massive upheaval is possible right now as Uranus rules natural disasters, technology, inventions, electricity, scientific breakthroughs, dictators and rebellions.

He gets even more unstable and unpredictable when he’s retrograde, so be watchful.

Pluto and Neptune are involved in supportive ways this year, so the stars are positioning any sudden changes to be as positive as possible. The question is: Will the world agree?

9/2 – Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn until November 19, 2024

Pluto doesn’t spark immediate change like Uranus. It’s not a lightning bolt energy, it’s a ‘work-up-to’ energy like Saturn.

Think of Pluto dragging the past, traditional power structures for dissolution on the return into Capricorn. This is a backward energy, so what has come up, will be coming down. The months of September – November mark evidence coming to light about false foundations, untruths and forceful power grabs.

9/17 Partial Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Virgo @ 25° – VALUE OF LOVE

The Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces at 25° signifies the embodiment of the feminine expression. The supportive potential for new thoughts, perspectives and appreciation of the unity of the human expression of spiritual intent is getting a work-out.

Knowing how to create daily routines filled with wonder, dreams and love is suddenly possible.

Yet, the aggravating power surge of how men and women show up on a day-to-day basis is blasted in the collective. Taking up arms to shore up positions of power compete with women’s rights. Delusion, deception and disinformation reaches a high point.

When is it going to stop? Feelings of overwhelm, repressed thoughts and serious business clouds your pathway. The opportunity of this eclipse isn’t laid at your feet.

You have to fight for what you truly believe in without input from the external. What’s true for you?

The final grasps of control and manipulation are here. Will you follow or break away? The marginalized may have finally had enough to start planning an uprising the world has never experienced.

To set yourself up for success for the next 20 years, read the NEWLY published article to Unlock the Hidden Treasure of Success, Power and Love.

Star Power

Week 1: September 2 – 8

Summary: Complicated energies, but excellent for releasing blocks, especially those that have been around for a long time

The month kicks off with a bang, characterized by intense cosmic movements. On the 1st, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus, shaking up stability and inviting unexpected changes. This energy can feel destabilizing, but it’s also a time where innovation and new ideas thrive. Simultaneously, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn, a reminiscent energy harking back to transformative periods in 2008-2010 and mid-2023. This period encourages the dismantling of outdated structures, particularly within institutions and hierarchies.

Venus in Libra graces you on September 3rd, forming a harmonious connection with the collective soul karma. Mars enters Cancer and settles there until April 18, 2025. Mars in Cancer presents a unique energetic combination, blending a warrior spirit with a nurturing sensitivity. However, this can also lead to defensive and protective behaviors.

Week 2: September 9 – 15

Summary: This is a great week for forward motion, so think about launching things that you’ve been working on for a long time. It’s also supportive when you commit to harnessing your skills and talents to attract others. Basically, this week welcomes fortune and good luck.

During the 2nd week, the intense energies from the first week begin to settle, providing fertile ground for forward motion. This is a favorable period for addressing long-term projects or relationships that have been stalled. The energies align to support progress in ventures that have been in the works for some time rather than initiating new undertakings. Whether it’s a relationship you’ve been nurturing or a project that needs completion, this week allows for forward momentum and potential breakthroughs.

Week 3: September 16 – 22 (eclipse week)

Summary: Trim your sails and go deep or connect with people you’ve already met to work together to resolve issues. In business, this is also a good week to begin planning for the new year. On a personal note, find ways to fall in love again with your business, clients, audience, family, friends and loved ones.

From the star perspective, this week is marked by significant astrological events. First, you encounter the Full Moon and a partial Lunar Eclipse on the 17th, creating a potent time for introspection and confronting dualities in your life. Overall, eclipses typically trigger transformative changes, often compelling you to face underlying issues head-on. This period may highlight areas of confusion or provide profound clarity about your true path.

Next, you enter into the apex of the Season of Prosperity, which is a time for deep connection to appreciate the bounty in your life and learn how to harvest is to your best advantage. You can revisit old ideas, collaborate with familiar faces, or prepare for the new year. The eclipse provides a cosmic push to trim away the unnecessary and focus on genuine connections and long-term planning.

For more support, claim your spot in the inaugural (first time ever) Magical Prosperity Pack, where you learn tried-and-true methods to increase your prosperity and realize your true purpose.

Week 4: September 23 – 29 (eclipse week)

Summary: Revisit the ways you planted seeds in March to bring them to harvest now. This week, you have the facility, the answers and the connections to make things happen.

Once you put your mind to it, you have tremendous ability to solve problems, create new modes and methods and find ways to clear your pathway to realize your true purpose. The energies support you to great extent this week and the only inhibitor is if you allow mind games to get in your way. Knowing your truth is the key to making the most of these 6-month creative forces.

Moon Magic

The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Purity of Purpose

Details: New Moon in Virgo 11 on September 2nd @ 9:56 pm ET

On September 11th, the New Moon in Virgo at 11° brings with it the archetypal purity and expertise of Virgo. This is a time of refinement, honing your skills, and setting intentions for self-improvement and mastery. The New Moon is a unique period free from major cosmic interference, allowing for a focused and clear energy that supports becoming the best version of yourself.

The Sun and Moon are by themselves without interference from the other stars. Here’s Virgo in her purity. She gets to highlight her virtues of merging the body with the spirit. Your identity gets passionate flares from your heart and your heart anchors how you like to work and set up your daily routine.

This lunar combination comes on the heels of Pluto moving back into Capricorn at the top of the day. This earthly energy allows you to establish your footing for the remainder of the year.

Sudden moves, big changes and yearning for freedom is an overriding theme. Stay within your overall offering block and you’ll be successful. Remember the 10-month energy (August 2024 – June 2025) is to make adjustments, optimize and refine. It isn’t about throwing things away and starting over. It also isn’t about forgetting or foregoing your life purpose or your soul mission. If you don’t feel as if you’re aligned, then you can lean into the other star energies to clarify, release and heal.

The other stars dial down your energy and lessen your ability to take action. That’s okay, you can take these moments to lay out your calendar and to get back in touch with those people you haven’t heard from in a while. Diving deeply into the areas you’ve been avoiding gets pressure for you to stop avoiding and start unwinding to create space for growth.

The slower forward motion helps line up your inner life with your outer world. This sets you up for that fiery energy in 2025.

For more information about how the 10-month energy can set you up for success in 2025, read the full Choose Important Priorities to Achieve your Grand Vision article here.

Full Moon: Reality or Delusion?

Details: Full Moon with the Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces 25°is on September 17th @ 10:36 pm ET while the partial Lunar Eclipse occurs at 10:44 pm ET.

The Full Moon on September 17th, accompanied by a partial Lunar Eclipse, adds layers of complexity to figuring out your best way forward. This period challenges your perception of reality, presenting a dichotomy of embracing creativity and love or falling into confusion and avoidance.

It’s essential to remain grounded and make conscious choices aligned with your true self during this time. The energy of the eclipse has long-lasting effects, making it crucial to reflect on this period’s lessons. Anything occurring during an eclipse has the complicated opportunity to take control of the next 6-month period or bring forward things that have been hidden during a prior eclipse. There’s a nuance and grace to effectively navigating eclipses for your highest potential.

During this one, you have difficulty figuring out what’s real and not real.

Are you living your soul potential in daily life? If so, set up a plan to foster your intentions for the next 6 months. If not, you may be hung up on how to flow between your natural feminine energies and masculine stalwart state. Now is the time to determine how your energy works with the energy around you and the universal forces. The New Era is here and with each passing cosmic configuration, it becomes more and more obvious. To help you, there a lots of resources, Podcast and article-wise, on my website.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.

Magical Tools

The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Card: #44 Delegate


Oracle card titled 'Delegate' with the number 44 at the top. It features a mandala design with a central photo of a woman in a professional setting, sitting at a desk, discussing with colleagues. The card reads, 'Delegate the tasks and responsibilities you've outgrown.'

This card emphasizes giving away tasks that no longer serve you and focusing on future goals. The card speaks of releasing what’s outdated and positioning yourself for future success. Delegate by asking for support, from others and from the universal energies. Additionally, you can use the better weeks for planning to delegate to your future self.

Read below for the feminine, etheric tool and masculine, practical tip:

Intuitive tool: Close your eyes, take a deep breath and breathe out everything you’ve been holding onto too tightly. Let yourself receive the growth you’ve been desiring for so long. Imagine your influence increasing with each breath.
Practical tip: Delegate the tasks you loathe, are sick of or make you frustrated. Then, delegate something you actually like to do, but no longer have the time or energy to complete effectively.

Crystal: Obsidian

Polished black obsidian crystal disk with a glossy surface, displayed against a white background.

Reach for obsidian to help you determine what energies are yours and which ones don’t belong to you. Black obsidian is a force to be reckoned with, so I recommend learning about other related types if you’re sensitive to energetic forces.

Refer to the quick guide below:

Obsidian – molten lava without boundaries or limitations. Powerful and fast working stone that supports while clearing everything.
Apache Tear – type of black obsidian, but is gentler. It’s to be used for protecting, healing, and spiritual grounding. Comforts grief and sadness.
Black – protective stone that removes negativity. It cleanses, heals and helps with manifestation. It helps get in touch with buried issues.
Blue – supports divination by activating the throat chakra and enhancing intuition.
Gold-sheen – can be used for scrying. It gets to root of problem, shows you want to heal and balances energy. However, you need another stone for the actual healing.
Mahogany – grounds and protects. It supports aspirations and removes blockages from life’s work.
Snowflake – stone of purity. It balances the mind, body & spirit. It helps transformation by providing balance as well as the ability to see unhealthy patterns of behavior. It calms and soothes.

Spirit Animal: Frog

A small frog sitting on a wet, sunlit rock surrounded by other stones near a shallow pool of water.

Frog is cleansing. As frog, you have a lyrical and beautiful singing voice. You’re sensitive, caring and compassionate. Initially, you seem shy or reserved, but once someone gets to know you, they see your depth of character.

Call on frog when you want to energetically clear a space or when you want to shift your lifestyle.

Flower Essence: Olive

Close-up of olive branches with clusters of green and ripening olives against a soft, blurred background.

Restores vitality and joy while providing a refreshing energy. Olive helps hit the reset button, providing spiritual and physical rejuvenation.

Move from exhaustion to inner renewal with this flower essence as olive works its magic to open you up to yourself and tap into resources provided by Mother Earth.

Your inner guidance is recalibrated and your ability to achieve pace, strength and renewal is activated and integrated into your being.

Intuitive Success Signature Forecasts

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can take the quiz here.

Wise Strategist

This month is your jam. You love this energy, especially after the last 2 months. It’s optimization time. What worked best recently? What have you loved doing? Sharpen your sales channels, aligning your offers accordingly. Focus, align, optimize, prioritize and eliminate any extra, non-performing products and services.

Intuitive Visionary

Choose 2 things from July and August that worked the best. Amplify those based on what worked best for you and what made you feel on top of the world. Your energy must be fed, so stop doing the client activities that don’t fuel you. Spend this month filling your pipeline with your favorite client activities.

Collaborative Explorer

Refine your outreach activities. Build tasks and structures to support you. Once you’ve solidified your systems and procedures, do more outreach that grows your business. Once you’ve expanded your influence, show others how to calibrate and refine their growth activities too.

Ruling Warrior

Review the last few months and analyze your growth. Your numbers may or may not support your impression of what’s generating new business for you. Additionally, go back into your alumni and let them know what’s new with you. You, not your offerings. This isn’t about sales, this is about connections. September is for determining what’s better, not more.

Creative Superstar

Look back through the last few months and then reach back into May. Assess what worked in May compared with July and August. Where did you get the easiest and most valuable sales? The quick analysis is worth it, even if it requires you to do math! Getting clarity on your sales sets you up for the next handful of months.

Loving Alchemist

You only need to make minor tweaks and refinements as your business foundations are strong, your strategy is set and your audience is keenly primed. Rinse and repeat what’s been working for you. Ensure you’re happy and passionate about what you’re doing and keep doing that.

Bottom Line

September is a transformative month, filled with opportunities for growth, introspection, and balance. Embrace the energies at play, make conscious choices, and utilize the magical tools and Intuitive Success Signatures to navigate your path.

Until next time, happy soul tidings!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

Kim written in cursive with a heart accent at the top left of the K.

Astrology Forecasts

Fall Equinox Astrology

Equinox Meaning

The Equinox falls on September 22nd this year as the Sun enters the sign of Libra at exactly 8:43 am ET where the daylight hours are equal to the nighttime ones.

The Equinox, as its name describes, is all about balance. The dark and the light, yin and yang, feminine and masculine. The southern vernal and the northern autumnal – spring of the beginning and autumn of the ending, in perfect harmony and flow – equalizing the energies on the earthly plane.

Balancing the masculine strengths with the feminine energies is the key to the New Era. This Equinox in Libra is the epitome of the feminine and masculine balance required to a successful and satisfying life.

Libra is a masculine sign with a feminine energy as Venus powers up this influence, signaling harmony with advocacy, individual commitment with partner resolution and diplomacy with discernment. This integration is a beacon of the new way of living and leading.

First, let’s explore the stars in the sky and read about their story. Next, expanding your edges brings growth and expansion, while diving into your core strength improves your ability to achieve your goals.

Knowing the star story in the sky is a great hit of dopamine for your mind, but learning how it impacts you is the difference between success and failure in these new energies.

Equinox Star Story

The Sun flows into Libra from Virgo bringing relief to overactive mental activity, lots of work and detailed analytics. Now you can sink into calm, chivalry and beauty. The design of your daily life takes on a different rhythm.

Venus is the star this season and she’s making sure your dreams, desires and pleasures are either being met or exceeded.

The current star dance creates the story of embracing your lassitude, while committing to your desires helps you discover your inner wealth and expanding your perspective provides new ideas, people and situations. The bottom line is the stars are urging you to fulfill your heart’s yearnings.

Expand Your Edges for Growth and Opportunity

The way you choose to enter the world is marked by your Intuitive Success Signature and helps you expand to your edges through the feminine energies of your intuition, satisfaction and possibility to align with your soul mission.

Read below for your tips during this Equinox period. Discover your Intuitive Success Signature by taking the 12-question quiz right here.

Wise Strategist

You’re saddened to let go of the tasks, details, schedules and analytics that you and Virgo adore so much. Yet, here we are in Libra territory heralding going with the flow, connection, beauty and design.

These aren’t particularly energizing for you. Balancing your output through tasks ‘what you know’ through connection with ‘who you know’ helps adopt the Libran influences available to you. At the same time, lifting your view into the strategic 30k foot perspective also balances out your detailed methods. You can survive this new season when you employ a ‘both and’, instead of an ‘either or’ mentality.

Intuitive Visionary

You’ve landed all of your brilliant ideas and constructed offerings around most of them. Which ones are your sword and which ones are your kryptonite?

Selecting the innovations that align with your soul mission provide the opportunity and abundance you’ve been seeking. The out of alignment or old energetic ones stall your growth and inhibit your prosperity. Your motto, “Out with the old, heavy and static and in the with enlivening, inspiring and energizing.”

Collaborative Explorer

You can present yourself to the world in ways you haven’t imagined before now. Recognizing that you’re the leader of your own life is the key.

Becoming your own advocate, as fiercely for yourself as you do for others, supports your ability to create the life you truly desire. Claim your right to be in the lead. You can drive change in parallel with the changes around you.

Your gifts are many and those that are needed most now. You and your gifts are compelling and necessary in this New Era.

Ruling Warrior

Make your goal be ‘Reaching Hidden Depths’ through work, conversation, exploration or playfulness.

You’re being cracked open right now, not in harsh ways, but in easy ones, so you can leverage this opening to harvest the bounty of being wholly you. You can reach your softer side without forsaking your achievement oriented commitment. You can also create a ripple effect without even trying.

This isn’t about making offers, creating products or otherwise producing anything for anyone other than yourself. This is about you.

Creative Superstar

You’re feeling exhausted with the persnickety ways of Virgo and want to disappear from the world for a few weeks.

Permit yourself a few days and create a schedule that has ‘lost time’ just for you to recover from September’s nudges and jabs. When you do, you can plunge yourself into Libra’s love of beauty, design, harmony and creation.

You don’t want to miss out, but trying and struggling doesn’t bring you satisfaction or the results you desire. So instead of pushing on, take a breath, back away and dive into and out of the energies for the next handful of weeks.

Loving Alchemist

Courageously embracing your worth without dissembling, minimizing or darting away from it isn’t easy. Being the center of attention for too long makes you uncomfortable, yet you are at the center.

Your sense of belonging and connection at varying layers of depths has been missing for too long. It’s time to let the soul lead and since you’ve been communing with your soul for years (or decades or lifetimes), you’re nudged to take a leadership role to support others. Stay true to yourself and draw up your power when you’re feeling the heat of the spotlight. Smile.

You know how to stand in the discomfort. Replenish yourself by diving into the mysteries in solitude whenever you wish to replace your veils.

Strengthen Your Core to Achieve Success

The core masculine strengths are fortified by the position of your Sun as you chose this to be your central focus for your entire life. Any time you feel ungrounded, out of balance or distractible, dive into your Sun sign’s influence.

During the Equinox, whatever your Sun sign, you want to ensure you’re paying attention to the things that are out of balance in your life. This way, you can use the Sun’s energy in Libra to help you bring anything back to center. Equinox time periods are a great way to get ready for the new season, whether it’s winter in the northern hemisphere or summer in the southern one.

For each zodiac sign, the Equinox provides exciting times and those of which to be wary. Taking a longer view beyond this year’s eclipse resonates with the power of Sun, who’s able to stabilize shifting star energies. Let’s explore each of your signs.

If your Sun sign is in:


Your Sun is opposing the Sun’s placement on the Equinox, so expect to be impatient with the endless negotiation and cooperation. It seems everyone is taking forever to make a decision! You want to grab the reins and push forward. You’re chomping at the bit to make things happen and happen quickly.

Additionally, extreme opinions are right up your alley and they are aplenty right now. Pause a moment before defending your stance a little too forcefully. Great debate can happen but only if you allow it. Take a deep breath and slow down. This is a great time to use your daring to create something new, help others in profound ways or take your natural leadership abilities to the next level.


Finally, the Virgo energy gives way to the Libran one. Phew! You’ve been exhausted by all of the ‘let’s get it done – get to work’ forces that Virgo brings every year. Now, you get to relax as Libra loves calm, peace and harmony just as much as you do. You fall into your natural rhythm once again and luxuriate in all of the natural beauty this Equinox has in store. Review your finances by ensuring you’re within budget and on track with any investments.

This is a good time to bring your money affairs back into line, especially if you’ve lavished a bit too much during the last season. This is also the time to look after your love life and friendships. Is there anyone who feels left out in your life?

Pay extra attention to your romantic partner and close friends. You may have been gruff with them under the Virgo influence these past few weeks.


You love the Equinox as it relieves Virgo’s fussiness and self-doubt that may have been plaguing you for the last month. Your thoughts get a lift and a sense of calm, so you feel more connected to others and want to reach out to have interesting conversation.

Your curiosity returns to its natural state, so it’s a good time to learn new things and gather lots of information. However, take care with details and pay attention to your administrative tasks and communications with others.

You may be misunderstood or make mistakes, so check and re-check your work and written messages. Pause to collect your thoughts in open conversation. You have lots you want to do, so don’t get caught up having to rework everything.


You’re going to love this Equinox as it holds all of the love and commitment with partners you crave, whether they be romantic, business or dear friends and family. You relish the cooperative spirit and likewise yearn for the closeness Libra’s energy brings.

With all of this togetherness, make sure to take time for you. Take heed not to give so much to others that you lose sight of what’s best for you. You tend to over-care and this energy pushes you to do more of it. Instead, pay attention to your surroundings. They may need a little TLC. This is excellent for home repair or beautification.

If your finances are healthy, indulge in creating a sanctuary in your home or office. If not, get creative with inexpensive crafts or designs. ‘Homemade with love’ could be a new venture for you.


Your natural style and flair always wants a boost, so you relish the focus on art and beauty the Equinox energy provides. Lavish yourself with new clothes, make-up or hair style if you’ve got the means.

Also, your theatrical and creative ways are aligned, so find a stage and speak from your heart. This is a great time to shine as your innate leadership qualities come to the fore. Express yourself naturally, but take care not to be too boastful. No one likes a braggart, so don’t get carried away with the spotlight.

You want your moment in the Sun to be lasting, not fleeting. The best path forward is to think of others and find ways to inspire them. As long as you’re paying attention to your following, you’ll be fine.


You’ve just had your moment in the Sun to get all of the things done with those i’s dotted and t’s crossed. You’ve loved it, but now it’s Libra-time.

Relax and go with the flow. It’s a time of calm and connection, but this isn’t your natural state. Try to get the hang of it, however, as it’ll serve you well to be more connected to your heart. Your mind always runs overtime, so use it to sink into more peaceful activities. Take a yoga or art class, contact a friend for delicious conversation or volunteer to help those in need.

Keeping busy serves you well, so you may also want to learn a new skill or craft. You could always take the lead and teach others. Being occupied satisfies that active brain of yours, but do it in Libran ways to take advantage of this season.


This is your time! You’ve waited 12 months and the wait was worth it as here you are once again. Relish all of it.

Make time to go to museums, safely of course. Take time to pursue all of the artistic endeavors you enjoy. Take long walks with your partner, while holding hands and enjoying the beauty all around you. Connect with your close friends and savor luscious conversation. Entertain (within the guidelines). Set aside time for romance. Have a small intimate dinner party (again within the guidelines). Negotiate in the board room or at work. Get your teammates together and start a new project.

The only downside is to watch out when you’re being too accommodating. Your people pleasing tendencies are heightened right now, so stand up as vigorously for your own rights as you would for others. Be decisive, yet diplomatic. Lean into honest expression.


Calm Libra gets on your nerves, so this isn’t your favorite time of year. You’re better off by leaning into the intimacy Libra invites in close relationships.

Get passionate as it has a tender flavor right now. Think up sensual activities to explore with your romantic partner. If you’re single, use this time to delve deeply into the mysteries. Your connection could be heightened if you allow it. This time also invites loyalty and you love that, so deepen your connections with others for even closer relationships.

Use this time for healing as Libra loves to forgive and that’s not one of your strong suits. Be mindful not to be too honest as frank honesty doesn’t align with this Equinox’s softer side. Any bluntness won’t be received well. It’ll come off as too harsh and only make you look bad. That’s something you can’t abide, so you’re better holding your tongue. Even better yet, employ some of Libra’s diplomacy and say it with powerful feeling for lasting impact.


This is a heart-felt time for fun loving Sagittarius as your social side gets a lift with this Equinox. Connect with others in joyous ways.

Make plans for safe travel or sign up for courses or workshops. Explore the meaning of life, which is your natural tendency, through the eyes of an advocate or diplomat.

Be wary of being too judgmental of others who don’t follow your philosophy in life. Open your mind and your heart to accepting the differences in people and circumstances. This allows you to fully explore life’s meaning by weaving various cultures and philosophies into a new pattern. This is one of your super powers, so employ it now.

Balance your natural gifts with your desire to explore everything to make the most of this time.


Capricorns love to work, so have adored the last few weeks in Virgo. Alas, on this Equinox, you’re being asked to slow down and savor the peace and harmony Libra brings. This can serve you well if you allow it.

In work, let yourself fall into Libra’s ability to bring people together, to negotiate and to set up successful teams. Each can free up your time, so you can focus on the big picture and step into your natural leadership qualities. Delegate and communicate your intentions for the next big thing. You love to climb the summit and now you can bring others with you. Be aware of your tendency to go it alone. This influence doesn’t allow it, so you’re better off forming partnerships, joint ventures or teams to get it done at this time.

Also, carve out moments to enjoy the peace this influence provides. You can rest and rejuvenate for your next trip to the mountaintop.


You love the loft in thinking and connecting the Equinox offers. Your friendliness and inventiveness are at the fore right now.

Lean into big reflection and original creativity. Step into your natural strategic thinking abilities and make plans for the future. Gather with like-minded individuals to come up with new innovations by using your collective genius.

However, be aware of the cloying pressure you feel when in 100% collaboration mode. You can’t abide it, in fact, so make sure you have the freedom and independence you crave. Otherwise, you’ll slough off the team to go it on your own. This will be a loss, however, as the collective is the genius that creates positive change.


You enjoy the calm the Equinox delivers as you strive for inner peace by being one with everyone in the world. You love Libra’s approach of harmony and relish its love of everything artistic, whether it be music, theater or traditional artwork.

Your creativity is at an all-time high and you relax into your imagination and natural inclination to dream. However, be watchful you don’t get lost in dreamland. Your ability to escape reality is boosted right now. Limit your screen time and any bad habits you may have formed with addictive substances. These include any overindulgences including food, shopping or getting lost in movies or TV shows. You feel boundless now, so tighten up your schedule and get into the routine of accountability by giving yourself deadlines. This way you can take advantage of this creative time to produce something special.

Bottom Line

With every Equinox, there’s an opportunity to rebalance your energies by leveraging the stimulation the influence offers while taking heed to ward off any imbalanced tendencies.

In this New Era, the Equinox helps you balance your feminine edgy ways with your masculine core strengths. Using your Intuitive Success Signature methods in combination with your Sun core power properly positions you to effectively pursue your goals.

As always, wishing you joy,

Astrology Forecasts

Choose Important Priorities to Achieve Your Grand Vision

This is the first major direct confrontation of your priorities in the New Era. In 2020, you were asked to make difficult choices and given opportunities to, fully and deeply, know what truly matters. For the last few years, these priorities may have waxed and waned yet with Jupiter and Saturn challenging each other from August 2024 to June 2025, you’re confronted with these choices again. Can you remember your wishes of late 2020? The first inklings of the post-pandemic world were stirring, giving you an opening to move toward if you were willing.

Let’s take a closer look at the stars separately, then together and in tandem with their elegant cyclic dance.

The Stars


First, Jupiter’s quest is expansion.

In a nutshell, Jupiter is your key to opportunity, fortune and reward.

Jupiter adds optimism, good cheer, hope and confidence to anything he touches. At the same time, he hides your gifts and talents by making them too easy for you. He wants you to completely integrate your highest potential and gives you support to make your dreams come true.

Imagine your greatness. Jupiter shows you it’s within your grasp. Envision and reach for the edges to encapsulate your highest possibility. Jupiter doesn’t monitor whether you’ve overextended or overindulged. He can’t calibrate reasonable parameters as according to him, everything is boundless.

This is wonderful when you’re in the flow, have the resources and the energy to achieve your dreams. However, Jupiter destabilizes when you’re out of alignment, have limited funds or are too weary to endeavor.

Words associated with Jupiter are: lucky, happy, faith, triumph, richness and goodness in life. Blessings, abundance, benign support and exaggerated, indulgent and over confident.

Next, Gemini

Gemini’s quest is discovery.

Gemini is an air element sign involved with communication, dialogue and curiosity. Gemini loves to discover, gather knowledge, and interpret lots of data quickly, so this sign is busy, busy, busy. Quick wits, lively conversation and youthful vitality are also attributed to Gemini as is being flirty, fickle and fun.

The best attribute of Gemini is the ability to handle dueling or polarizing information and allowing both aspects to be true simultaneously. Gemini’s open mind is unparalleled, so full scale, no judgment acceptance is as well.

Words associated with Gemini are: versatile, problem solver, multi-dimensional, lively, inquisitive, explore everything, messenger, inquiry, adaptable, interpret lots wander & explore, and unstable, distractible and noncommittal.

Then, Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter moves into a new sign every year, carving a path through the zodiac every 12 years. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 2012. Jupiter is a fiery energy that ignites when in the Gemini air sign. Jupiter expands everything it touches and when in Gemini, it’s all about your mind. Your mental abilities grow, shifting perspectives and opening your mind to the new. You become less attached to limiting beliefs and see possibility everywhere.

You’re curious, flexible, social and intellectually stimulated. You want to take courses, read books and talk to experts. You tend toward speaking, writing, teaching and presenting. Your world becomes more and more ‘mental.’ Under the expanding Jupiter influence, any mental health issues also grow.


First, Saturn

Saturn’s ultimate quest is integrity.

Saturn is a tough teacher bringing you to your highest achievement and greatest works.

Saturn is the task master, traffic cop and illustrious engineer of structure and logic. He adores doing the right thing and is the captain of integrity. He moves slowly, grinding you down until you’ve become a sharpened tool for your own good. Dealing successfully with him, requires patience and virtuous intention while wrangling with him fuels frustration and often tears.

Believe me, it’s better to deal with Saturn than tangle with him. If you tangle with Saturn, he’ll win and you’ll lose, while working with him helps you both win.

Words associated with Saturn are: responsibility, authority, leadership, maturity, form, structure, tolerance, effort, role model, dignity, self-respect, integrity, tradition and stoic, aloof, cold.

Next, Pisces

Pisces quest is spirituality.

Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs and concludes the path through the other 11 signs. You come back into wholeness with Pisces. Your soul breathes, your heart sings and your body rests.

Pisces is the dissolution of structure, boundaries and order. Pisces is soft, expansive and ethereal, allowing you to melt into a hazy, dreamy state. You can get lost in the vagueness, lulling yourself into a wakeful sleep. Think scrolling endlessly on social media, binging on Netflix or imbibing too much. Pisces says, “Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to do. Don’t worry about it.”

Saturn’s been on steroids since the end of 2017, so going with the flow after the last 6 years feels heavenly. Easing into the tender side of life softens the edges and the relief is intoxicating. Take respite while pursuing the intuitive, creative aspects of life.

Words associated with Pisces are: receptive, imaginative, empathetic, fluid, sensitive, psychic, gentle, soulful, artistic, and overwhelmed, deceptive, escapist.

Then, Saturn In Pisces

Saturn urges you to do the things you don’t want to do, so you finish your work before you relax, eat your vegetables and not just sugary treats. You roll up your sleeves and tackle your to-do list, instead of scrolling mindlessly on your phone for hours. Pisces is the opposite. Pisces beckons you to let it all go and be swept away with your idle musings

The influence of Pisces on Saturn either heightens creativity, blends the sweetness of life with its success and gives you ease while pursuing your dreams. Or, this combination serves to deceive you to bask in false glory, join others on an elusive journey or follow those who persuade with lies and deception.

Jupiter-Saturn Together

With Jupiter, he runs amuck until he meets up with Saturn, who’s the only one who has the ability to reign him in and keep him in alignment for any length of time. The Sun and Pluto also confront Jupiter, but with those energies, Jupiter gets pushed and then bounces back.

With Saturn, Jupiter is close enough to listen to Saturn’s sense of responsibility and to respect his maturity. Jupiter likes to dance with Saturn because he can use Saturn’s fortitude to make dreams come true.

Saturn doesn’t like anything about Jupiter as he thinks Jupiter is a toddler wanting everything impulsively. Saturn also doesn’t appreciate Jupiter’s overindulgence. He feels Jupiter is selfish and spoiled. Think of a father trying to teach his bratty little child how to behave. In the hierarchy of planetary power, Saturn wins. He beats out Jupiter 9 times out of 10.

Although, the Jupiter-Saturn combination seems fraught with disruption and disappointment, these 2 stars actually help you create your grand vision. Jupiter supports your dreams and Saturn brings them into reality. However, it’s a complicated process, requiring you to make difficult choices and setting limits you don’t appreciate.

Right now, this alignment is incredibly personal as it’s on the heels of a Full Moon. You can listen to the Full Moon podcast here.

The Elegance of Planetary Cycles

To understand how Jupiter and Saturn interact over the course of their 20-year cycle, you can compare their dance to the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. You’re most likely familiar with the New and Full Moon cycles that happen every month when the Moon moves from her New Moon phase to her full lunar position.

Every planetary cycle happens as the lunar ones with a New or conjunctive relationship, waxing to first quarter (square), then to Full (opposition) and waning to second quarter (square) and then back to new or conjunct again. Following this journey, you observe the energy building during the waxing phases and lessening during the waning ones.

Grand Conjunction Jupiter-Saturn Cycle

This Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurs on December 21st in the 0° degree of Aquarius. In the first degrees, new, fresh and original have more energetic force.

In the collective, this is about revolution, humanitarianism, original rules, new structures and leadership. Lightning bolts of higher truths are available. It’s also about technology, innovation and higher ideals.

Details: Conjunction on December 21, 2020 at 1:20 pm ET @ 0° Aquarius

An astrological birth chart showing planetary positions within the 12 houses and zodiac signs. The chart includes aspect lines between planets and a table listing planetary positions and aspects, based on a specific date, time, and location in Beverly, MA, USA.

Rite of Passage (Saturn-Pluto & Saturn-Jupiter)

Here’s what I wrote in the autumn of 2019 about this configuration in 2020.

In 2020, the first cosmic power begins right at the start of the year on January 12th and ends on December 21st. This is the major sequence shifting you from who you’ve been to who you’ll become. This force tests your integrity, authority and morality. It’s about your truth at a soul level where anything out of alignment can’t hold up.

This power requires you to prioritize how you expend your resources, use your skills and convey your values. Remember, this is at the soul level, so there may be misalignments that you are unaware. This is the greatest trial. How can you prepare for something you don’t even know exists?

This is what the last decade has been about – for you to become aware of your all of your sides for healing and acceptance. It’s been an exploration of the good, the bad and the ugly.

You’ve needed to be like the phoenix – that which does not serve, burns to ashes. Your mind doesn’t get a say as this is within the depths of your soul. It’s subconscious.

If you have done deep healing, become aware of things about yourself that made you cringe and made significant changes, you’re well on your way to your future self. You’ve moved into wholeness – flawed, but genuine.

Once you embrace the totality of you, you step into your rightful position in the world. Let’s say you’re reading this and you haven’t been introspective, made any difficult choices and done any healing work at all. How is your life going? Are you happy, fulfilled and in service to a higher purpose? If so, great. Perhaps your path wasn’t fraught with angst and trial.

If, however, you’re not aligned with your soul intentions, you still have choice. You can traverse this next year by avoiding the painful exploration of your dark side. It will be tough, but it’s doable.

Here’s the kicker.

Let’s look again at that phrase from above ‘step into your rightful position in the world’.

If you choose to skip the hard stuff, your rightful position in the world won’t be one of power and influence, because the world is readying the stewards. 2020 is the final year preparing the guardians to take this world into its next era.

If you wish to be on board with the energies of the future, get to work. 2021 isn’t going to be easy either. I have no idea what that year will look like if 2020 is spent in complete denial.

At this point in 2024, it’s important to remember the strides you’ve made in the last few years to revisit from your Intuitive Success Signature perspective. Let’s look at your New Era promise from 2020.

Intuitive Success Signature New Era Tips:

Wise Strategist 2020

How will you test yourself in partnership with the Earth, yourself and others? Will you prepare by foregoing your mind to drop into your heart to follow your soul’s guidance? Your soul is clamoring to get your attention. Seeking and being curious about magic is the key.

Intuitive Visionary 2020

This is your time – finally others are catching up to you. The next 20 years are your playground to lead others into this New Era. If you want to lead others, then make yourself known by staying in this energy and unwinding it to get to the core. If you want to continue to show the way without getting involved, then channel the future as you see fit.

Collaborative Explorer 2020

Adjustments are being made all around you, so many that you may be swept up in them. Ask yourself what’s in it for you. You have the resources to uncover your worth if you focus inward, not outward. Give yourself permission to take the time and care of you that you typically do for others.

Ruling Warrior 2020

This is the biggest jolt for you as the tides are turning. What once worked magnificently for you is changing. You only like disruptions that you initiate. Figure out a way to be part of these changing times. In fact, your leadership is necessary. Get to work to get the leading edge then guide others.

Creative Superstar 2020

You create what you desire, but not if you look externally for resources and inspiration. Your best creations come from deep within you. Spend time in the quiet by getting rid of the noise around you unless you use it as motivation or as your muse.

Loving Alchemist 2020

Your voice is meant to be heard in concert with the deepest part of yourself. You have the power to set the tenor and tone of the new world (or New Era). When you align completely with your soul, you lead uniquely and in the intimate way that lights you up. Be true to you and watch the world swirl beautifully around you.

Waxing Square: 2024 – 2025

August 19th 5:46 pm ET Gemini Jupiter/Pisces Saturn 17.28
December 24th 4:59 pm ET Gemini Jupiter/Pisces Saturn 14.01
June 15th 10:36 am ET Cancer Jupiter/Aries Saturn 1.18

From August 2024 through June 2025, Jupiter and Saturn confront each other and ask you, “What have you been doing since December 21, 2020 when we brought the New Era into your daily life?”

This Jupiter-Saturn cycle began with its connection at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 opening the New Era portal for the future way of living and leading. This New Era signals the time for the divine feminine to equally position itself with the divine masculine. This is new and unfamiliar and you’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out along with everyone else. Leadership, sales and money work differently now and it’s hard to determine how to connect the dots to make it work for you.

Last year in June of 2023, Jupiter stimulated Saturn’s strengths to create sustainable growth. Did you plant seeds and help them germinate? Did you take advantage of this opportunity-creation energy to construct the pillars for your success?

Now, with Jupiter confronting Saturn for the next 11 months, you’re asked to be brave enough to note anything unstable in your life and business, then to get rid it. Where ever you have shaky ground, bad habits or overextension, you’ll reach a breaking point.

This initially feels uncertain and you’ll do anything to deny the truth of it. But when you buckle down and wrangle with your inner conflict, you’ll come to terms with the truth Jupiter and Saturn have laid at your feet.

When you shift your focus to withdraw from unhealthy routines, people and situations, you’ll fortify your foundation. This isn’t going to be easy or simple, but it’s worth it. Your continued success depends on it.

Intuitive Success Signatures 2024

Based on your energetic signature, Jupiter and Saturn have the following tips for you in 2024:

Wise Strategist 2024

Once again, you’re pressed to understand relationships in work, business and life. How do you see yourself? Imagining, dreaming, healing and intuiting are your paths for success. You can shift karma right now. Your heart yearns for success. Listen to its wisdom.

Intuitive Visionary 2024

Power your words with meaning. Fortify your knowing and understanding about the way things really work. Recognize the past as a learning for yourself and a teaching for your followers. Instruct others about what you know expertly. Stay in touch with your audience and how they’re experiencing the world even though you’ve long since passed through these times.

Collaborative Explorer 2024

Plunge into your depths to fully realize how imperative you, your experience and your brilliance are to you, your clients, loved ones and audience. It’s time for you to commit to your skills and abilities to lead. The New Era has been waiting for you. The theme of 2024 is collaboration and 2025 is connection. You have all you need to know you’re in the right place at the right time.

Ruling Warrior 2024

Saturn is the God of Karma and Jupiter is the Guru. You can relate to both energies, which can serve you in ways you’ve been yearning. Healing your karma about forcing, controlling and regulating others involves opening your ability to negotiate, engage and connect with others based on their needs and not your own. Be as supportive as Jupiter.

Creative Superstar 2024

Learning to convey what’s in your head and heart when you create is the key to getting others to fully appreciate your value. Tell the story of how and why you render the creations, designs and offerings. Letting other’s see behind the curtain give you the conversational flow to sell and receive the value you deserve.

Loving Alchemist 2024

When things run amuck, dive deeply into the source of your power. Your heart and soul are the keys to your desires, satisfaction and success. Tap into your heart’s wisdom to follow its guidance. Find ways to converse with your soul to remind you how the universe really works. Your hidden source of power comes from your healing abilities and your intuitive connection.

In 2025, the signs shift for each of these planets as Jupiter moves into Cancer and Saturn travels into Aries. This zodiac sign transits give a different flavor to each of these planetary bodies.

In Cancer, Jupiter dials up your desires for family, stability and rooted sense of belonging. He yearns, supports and loves unconditionally. Jupiter in Cancer also enhances your longing for investment, fixed and secure financial planning and development of ancestral connections. Jupiter was last in the sign of Cancer late June in 2013 through July in 2014. Do you recall anything in particular from this time? You’ll experience similar feelings and longings, even though you’re in a different phase of your life.

Saturn in Aries, from May – August 2025 and then in February 2026 through April 2028, shifting your commitment into new situations, people or events. Aries is a jolt to the steady and straightforward Saturn. Aries awakens you to how you’ve been sluggish, unwilling to fulfill your dreams or self-deprecating. Your inner power is ignited and you have the resources, fortitude and tenacity to realize your goals.

The last time Saturn was in Aries was April 1996 – June 1998, then Oct 1998 through Feb 1999. Is this a familiar time to you? If you’re aligned with your soul mission, this is a positive influence. If you’re out of alignment, Saturn makes this increasingly difficult for you until you’re back on track. These difficulties are destabilizing and disorienting in the hopes of recalibrating your course of action onto your unique path.

The next 10 months are going to test you and put challenges and obstacles in your way unless you say YES to your soul mission. Until May 2025, you can delude yourself into believing you’re doing everything necessary to realize your life’s work. You’ll know when you’re on the right track as you’ll find opportunities and support that seem too good to be true. Once you do your due diligence, you can say YES as appropriate.

Hard work, effort and excruciating decisions. Difficult conversations, hard-won positioning and selective choices are the norm right now. It doesn’t seem right, because being in alignment with your soul should be easy. But, it’s Saturn and with Saturn, nothing is easy.

So, enjoy this time of dedication and fortitude. Your Diamond Core of Life is activated and like a diamond, you’ll be grinding yourself into your brightest version.

If you’d like to dive deeply into your core soul wisdom and do activating ritual, you can take part in the Magical Prosperity Pack at a special bonus offering. Find out more on the Events page.

June 15, 2025 Star Chart

 An astrological chart showing planetary positions and aspects for a specific date, time, and location in Boston, MA. The chart features 12 houses with zodiac signs, planetary symbols, and aspect lines. A table at the bottom lists the planets, their zodiac positions, and aspects.

Star details: Jupiter-Saturn square at 1° with Mars square Uranus at 28°, Saturn conjunct Neptune with 1° orb and Neptune sextile Pluto at 1° orb.

Asking yourself if you’ve done everything you can to realize your dreams while understanding the big picture is the key question. Your dreams and the energy to fulfill them get a huge boost as does your impulsivity to make everything happen immediately. Fiery forces make you burn for all of your passions and longings.

You have the ability to heal your karmic issues and resolve your difficulties with others, your finances and your pathway to success. Remember to satisfy your heart while achieving your goals and you’ll thread the needle of this star configuration beautifully.

Wise Strategist 2025

Releasing your attachment to an overactive mind, being subservient to work and foregoing your natural leadership ways is available to you. To embody your value, allow your guidance expertise and create opportunity for a healthy abundant exchange.

Intuitive Visionary 2025

You’re in the spotlight shining your brilliance for all to see. You can open your heart with humor, fun engagement and story to connect with your audience. Be honest and open about your desires. Your originally and innovative ways are compelling to others. Leverage your spotlight to convey your ideas and gather more following to lead people into the New Era.

Collaborative Explorer 2025

Speaking your mind and letting others know about their hidden motivations and group agendas is received and valued. Open dialogue is positive when you lead the conversation. Prepare yourself and your business to offer workshops, trainings or webinars about what you do and how you do it so successfully.

Ruling Warrior 2025

This feels familiar once again and you’re so relieved. You can become attached to how things have always worked for you. But, the shifts are real. Don’t be short sighted. Big strategy and sweeping changes are here and you are perfectly placed to be at the forefront. Be as disruptive, brave and committed as you typically are and let the world see you.

Creative Superstar 2025

You’re so triggered by everything that’s happening. You want to either put you head in the sand or play the victim. Please don’t do either. Use positive affirmations if you begin to spiral toward self-flagellation. Your exact influence is so healing to many. Use this time to become more of your true self.

Loving Alchemist 2025

While others are flaying, you’re steadfast. You belong in this New Era as you can appreciate the unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Rely on your surefootedness to galvanize your value and create a power vortex to be in the world even when it’s chaotic. You can harness your gifts and talents to share your insights and methods in the world. It’s time.

New Era Cycle Snapshot

Here’s the picture of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle in this 20-year configuration. The waxing phase occurs from 2020 – 2030 and the waning one from 2030 – 2040. 17 years of the cycle involves Pluto in Aquarius that was activated with the Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius initiation from 2020 – 2023, making the entire 20-year cycle an Aquarian one.



Waxing Square


Waning Square


December 21, 2020

August 19, 2024 December 24, 2024

June 15, 2025

November 19, 2030

August 1, 2031 October 6, 2031

April 25, 2035

October 22, 2035 February 22, 2036


Aquarius Jupiter & Saturn 0°

Cancer Jupiter Aries Saturn 1°

Sagittarius Jupiter

Gemini Saturn 6°

Taurus Jupiter 

Leo Saturn 28°

Type of Sign










You’ve completed one phase and are beginning another. You have a chance to make a new commitment for growth, success and opportunity.  Your themes are innovation, vision, creation, originality, independence, being of higher mind and vastly intellectual. This is the time for expansion and reaching for the edges. 

Going in the right direction is the key. You’re required to ensure your future path is certain and stable. Be brave to take action to make your dreams come true. Roll up your sleeves to identify what’s working and what’s not working. Then peel away the layers to get to your best steps forward. Be ruthless, your soul mission depends on it. 

Pressure for expansion hits limits, and snags that act like culminating events. Embodying patience and taking curated steps forward are best. This is the chance to realign with your soul mission. Stabilize your current efforts without beginning new initiatives. Assess your alternatives and make sound choices. Optimization is the mode.   

At this stage of the cycle, you’ve already sharpened your edges to reach your goals. Your fine-tuning and streamlining has paid off.   Reorientation of attitude and commitment provides relief and breathes new energy into your efforts. You create lasting changes with regards to your natural position, finances, and authority. Personal expression, trust and authenticity are the values to behold. 

Here’s a snapshot of your Intuitive Success Signature tips for the next 11 months based on the initiation of 2020. 

Intuitive Success Signature (ISS)

ISS Tips for 2020

ISS Tips in 2024

ISS Tips in 2025

Wise Strategist

How will you test yourself in partnership with the Earth, yourself and others? Will you prepare by foregoing your mind to drop into your heart to follow your soul’s guidance? Your soul is clamoring to get your attention. Seeking and being curious about magic is the key. 

Once again, you’re pressed to understand relationships in work, business and life. How do you see yourself? Imagining, dreaming, healing and intuiting are your paths for success. You can shift karma right now. Your heart yearns for success. Listen to its wisdom. 

Releasing your attachment to an overactive mind, being subservient to work and foregoing your natural leadership ways is available to you. To embody your value, allow your guidance expertise and create opportunity for a healthy abundant exchange.

Intuitive Visionary

This is your time – finally others are catching up to you. The next 20 years are your playground to lead others into this New Era. If you want to lead others, then make yourself known by staying in this energy and unwinding it to get to the core. If you want to continue to show the way without getting involved, then channel the future as you see fit. 

Power your words with meaning. Fortify your knowing and understanding about the way things really work. Recognize the past as a learning for yourself and a teaching for your followers. Instruct others about what you know expertly. Stay in touch with your audience and how they’re experiencing the world even though you’ve long since passed through these times. 

You’re in the spotlight shining your brilliance for all to see. You can open your heart with humor, fun engagement and story to connect with your audience. Be honest and open about your desires. Your originally and innovative ways are compelling to others. Leverage your spotlight to convey your ideas and gather more following to lead people into the New Era.

Collaborative Explorer

Adjustments are being made all around you, so many that you may be swept up in them. Ask yourself what’s in it for you. You have the resources to uncover your worth if you focus inward, not outward. Give yourself permission to take the time and care of you that you typically do for others. 

Plunge into your depths to fully realize how imperative you, your experience and your brilliance are to you, your clients, loved ones and audience. It’s time for you to commit to your skills and abilities to lead. The New Era has been waiting for you. The theme of 2024 is collaboration and 2025 is connection. 

Speaking your mind and letting others know about their hidden motivations and group agendas is received and valued. Open dialogue is positive when you lead the conversation. Prepare yourself and your business to offer workshops, trainings or webinars about what you do and how you do it so successfully.   

Ruling Warrior

This is the biggest jolt for you as the tides are turning. What once worked magnificently for you is changing. You only like disruptions that you initiate. Figure out a way to be part of these changing times. In fact, your leadership is necessary. Get to work to get the leading edge then guide others.  

Saturn is the God of Karma and Jupiter is the Guru. You can relate to both energies, which can serve you in ways you’ve been yearning. Healing your karma about forcing, controlling and regulating others involves opening your ability to negotiate, engage and connect with others based on their needs and not your own. Be as supportive as Jupiter. 

This feels familiar once again and you’re so relieved.  You can become attached to how things have always worked for you. But, the shifts are real. Don’t be short sighted. Big strategy and sweeping changes are here and you are perfectly placed to be at the forefront. Be as disruptive, brave and committed as you typically are and let the world see you. 

Creative Superstar

You create what you desire, but not if you look externally for resources and inspiration. Your best creations come from deep within you. Spend time in the quiet by getting rid of the noise around you unless you use it as motivation or as your muse.

Learning to convey what’s in your head and heart when you create is the key to getting others to fully appreciate your value. Tell the story of how and why you render the creations, designs and offerings. Letting other’s see behind the curtain give you the conversational flow to sell and receive the value you deserve.   

You’re so triggered by everything that’s happening. You want to either put you head in the sand or play the victim. Please don’t do either. Use positive affirmations if you begin to spiral toward self-flagellation. Your exact influence is so healing to many. Use this time to become more of your true self.

Loving Alchemist

Your voice is meant to be heard in concert with the deepest part of yourself. You have the power to set the tenor and tone of the new world (or New Era). When you align completely with your soul, you lead uniquely and in the intimate way that lights you up. Be true to you and watch the world swirl beautifully around you. 

When things run amuck, dive deeply into the source of your power. Your heart and soul are the keys to your desires, satisfaction and success. Tap into your heart’s wisdom to follow its guidance. Find ways to converse with your soul to remind you how the universe really works. Your hidden source of power comes from your healing abilities and your intuitive connection. 

While others are flaying, you’re steadfast. You belong in this New Era as you can appreciate the unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Rely on your surefootedness to galvanize your value and create a power vortex to be in the world even when it’s chaotic. You can harness your gifts and talents to share your insights and methods in the world. It’s time. 


For 10 months, from August 2024 – June 2025, you’ll be confronted with how much you want to make your dreams a reality. It’s not going to be easy, but it will be fruitful. Be as forthright and tenacious as you can and watch your dreams come alive in 2025.

Until next time,


Astrology Forecasts

Unlock the Keys to your Hidden Treasure of Love, Power and Wealth

Pluto’s Star Story

This personal star story focuses on ways for you to find the hidden treasures of love, power and success by going through denial, overcoming reluctance and surmounting fear. Think of the phoenix as Pluto takes your hand and gives you the courage to remove the blocks and clear the pathways.

On the world stage, Pluto moves the entire world from the institutional past to the individualized future through the energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Dragging everyone from the comfort of the familiar to the uncertainty of the unknown brings freedom, inclusion and innovation or detachment, revolution and chaos. A combination of these is likely.

First, Pluto

Pluto’s ultimate quest is wholeness.

The quote of Pluto should be, “Come into the darkness to see the light.

Diving deeply into your dark places without fear and with great resolve is the signature of Pluto. Transformation through death and rebirth is the catalyst for change and Pluto, the God of Hell, knows the intense plunge required to come out the other side. Using this key to fearlessness and empowerment helps you reclaim the parts of you that you’ve lost along your soul journey.

Phrases for Pluto: Great intensity, courage, afterlife, wealth & riches, how to use your power in this world, agent of transformation, death & rebirth, catalyst for change, hidden gifts, honesty.

Worldview words: Pollution, volcanos, abuse, violence, destruction, psychology, subconscious, powerful forces, radical change, evolution, sustainability.

Then, Aquarius

The quest of Aquarius is the ideal.

The quote for Aquarius should be, “Live and let live.”

The air sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is a conundrum in his pursuit to include the whole world, yet detach from everyone. In his mission to set higher ideals, yet railing against conformity. In his journey to be original, while yearning for approval.

Personality words for Aquarius: Original, individualistic, liberal, idealistic, intellectual, friendly, creative, independent, freedom, inventive, aspiring, radical, obstinate, aloof, unpredictable, condescending.

Worldview words: Science, technology, air travel, astrology, inclusive, pursuit for equality, progressive, humanitarian, future, democratic, grass roots.

Next, The Combination

With Pluto, everything is systemic. With Aquarius, everything is worldwide. No one is immune to the Pluto drag between Aquarius and Capricorn. Due to retrogrades, Pluto dances between Aquarius and Capricorn for the next few months until traveling through Aquarius for 20 years.

  • March 23rd, 2023 Pluto enters Aquarius
  • June 11th, 2023 Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • January 20th, 2024 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • September 1st, 2024 Pluto reenters Capricorn
  • November 19th, 2024 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • March 8th, 2043 Pluto enters Pisces
  • August 31st, 2043 Pluto reenters Aquarius
  • January 19th, 2044 Pluto enters Pisces

These next few months are the most intense with Pluto being at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius through the back-and-forth degrees of 27 Capricorn and 2 Aquarius.

Let’s look more closely into the combination of these energies.

With Pluto in Aquarius, the world experiences an unending quest for discovery, invention and challenging the status quo. The world champions the truth of inclusion, freedom and service, while grass roots style movements celebrate social and environmental justice. Escaping the tyranny of authoritarianism and tradition is possible.

Yet, change for the sake of change and constancy for the new and novel may bring unexpected consequences. Doubt, detachment and revolution accompany revelation and wonder. Liberation requires admitting, reconciling and freeing the oppressed.

The key to negotiating both possible outcomes is to pursue the future without losing the heart of humanity and its need for connection.

Finally, Your Star Chart

What does all of this mean for you?

The stars in the sky interact with each other during their spins and cycles, yet they also interact with you through your natal or birth chart. Your birth chart is a picture of the stars the minute you were born, representing the life you long to live. Your birth stars depict your signatures of love, money and success and your expressions of bravery, mastery and destiny.

As Pluto enters Aquarius, the effects are worldwide, affecting everyone on the planet. Yet everyone feels this star configuration differently, depending on where Aquarius is on your chart.

Phrases associated with your Star Chart are: map of potential, what you might become, your chosen life, pathway to you, process for your growth.

Steps for You

This is the purpose of this entire guide. First, you’ll want to get your natal or birth chart. If you don’t have one, you need your date, time and place of birth. The astro.com site will run your chart for free. Once you do, you’ll get a circle with a bunch of hieroglyphics. No worries, this article explains it all.

Step #1: Get Your Star Chart

Go to this astrology site and fill in your information. Here’s a screen shot of the entry page. Input your information and click continue.

A form for entering astrological birth data, including fields for name, gender, birthday, time, country, and birth town.

Step #2: Select Transits

Once you input your information and click continue, you’ll have your natal chart. Click on the blue transits button to get the stars in the sky.

A screenshot of an astrological chart displayed on a website. The chart includes various planetary positions and aspects, with a button highlighted for adding transits. There are options to generate a PDF drawing or additional tables on the left side of the interface.

Step #3: Find Pluto & Your House Number

You’ll get a picture with green symbols outside of the circle. These are the stars in the sky called transits.

  1. On your star chart, look for the green Pluto, which is outside the circle. It should be near ♒ Aquarius. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023, and moves between Capricorn and Aquarius throughout 2024 and returns to Capricorn on September 2nd, then moves into Aquarius for 20 years on November 19th, so depending upon when you’re reading this, the will be near Aquarius.
  2. Once you find the , move into the center of the chart until you get a house number.
  3. Note the number.

A close-up image with instructions on how to locate the planet Pluto in an astrological chart. The instructions direct the viewer to find the green P symbol for Pluto, follow a straight line into the center of the circle, and note the number for the house.

In the example above, the house number is 4. Here’s another example below, where the house number is 8.

An astrological chart with an arrow pointing to Pluto's position.

Pluto in the Houses Table

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd, 2023 however, you’ve been working with these energies for some time as Pluto moves slowly, but Jupiter and Saturn entered Aquarius in 2020. The table below highlights each house into 4 segments:

  • Possibilities: the offering the stars are making for you.
  • Success Steps: actions to leverage the star energy.
  • Limits: pressures or tensions the stars are putting on you.
  • Clear Pathway: ways to overcome the limits.
HousePluto in Aquarius

Be honest about who you really want to be in the world.  

Possibilities: It’s all transformation for you right now. Change is happening in every area of your life. All of your decisions and actions are being questioned, so the trick is balancing action with allowance.  

Success Steps: Be honest with yourself about what you want. Embolden yourself by knowing you’re being called into the world. Step up and lead by example. Be an awakener for truth, inclusion and equality. 

Limits: Pluto smacks you in the face, making you deal with intimidation and coercion. You trigger people by making them feel unsettled and uncomfortable.  Everything seems electrically charged. 

Clear Pathway: The structural losses in your life serve you as they’ve freed you from undo responsibility. Look at the dark sides of yourself. Take control of your life with directness and brutal honesty. 


Realize your value by being seen, heard and known for your skills and talents.   

Possibilities: Reinvention of your skills and talents is possible. Strength, confidence and power weave patterns pushing you to take risks.  When you do, unlimited resources and unconventional opportunities appear out of nowhere. 

Success Steps: It’s time for you to find new inventive ways to make money in order to stabilize your finances. You have more patience & perseverance for gaining skills and competence. Perhaps taking a new course or working for the greater good will help replenish your resources. Your self-esteem is being hit, so lean into the new. Be creative and original. 

Limits:  You hold too tightly onto material possessions thinking they give you confidence and self-esteem. You fear taking risks and hold yourself back in self-defeating ways. You’re obsessed with security which may even lead to hoarding. You pay too much for your money. 

Clear Pathway: Discover your innate ability to attract and make money. Embrace your unique signatures for both. Find ways to gain confidence and power. Self-awareness, self-esteem, self-worth are your stepping stones. When you achieve each, you align with your birthright of abundance. 


Rediscover your voice and speak the truth with alacrity. 

Possibilities: Become a paradigm shifter through shock and awe. Disrupt the status quo to inspire others with the vision of the future. The new way of living and leading is here and you’re just the person to help the shift.  

Success Steps: Success comes from finding your voice. Communicate, present, teach, write, speak. Do it now – start today. Take small steps. Technology can help you. Set goals to learn new, futuristic and unconventional things. Then, start a blog or vlog, or even a Podcast to demonstrate who you are and what you do.  

Limits: You’re scattered and unfocused, leading to chronic time wasting and disorganization. You defend your concepts too much for fear of competition. You stay in the intellectual world to the detriment of connecting emotionally. 

Clear Pathway: Tell your story with vulnerability and honesty. Be authentic to find you true voice, it’s rhythms, tones and cadence. Observe through your heart by creating quiet space. Write in a journal to connect more deeply to your inner voice. 


Break free from familial conditioning and connect with your soul clan. 

Possibilities: Knowing yourself at midnight through deep inner work plunges you into the dark, helping you reclaim missing pieces of your soul. Forces for freedom from familial conditioning and expectations that aren’t your own become available.  You’re like the butterfly cracking open the chrysalis.  

Success Steps: Find ways to feel independent while staying connected. Separate from ill-suited people who don’t have your best interests at heart. Then and only then, find and connect to your soul clan. Start a group. Use the internet to find new members.

Limits: You lack basic psychological self-knowledge, leading to neurotic, unsatisfying and obsessive behaviors. You analyze everything, so you don’t need to actually emotionally connect. You’re distrustful and protect your heart at all costs. 

Clear Pathway: Seek support with healing experts. Discover deep inner wisdom with non-traditional methods. Explore your ancestral roots and do past life work. Let go of your need to control those closest to you. Let them seek their own path.


Karmic healing enables you to express your unique creativity, pleasure and joy. 

Possibilities: Pure bliss, creative ecstasy and unending joy through honest and deep self-expression. New projects, interesting friends and charming connections abound. Design, beauty and artistry become part of your life. Freedom seeking adventures are thrilling.  

Success Steps: Be wildly creative. Work on discovering your joy. Become a pleasure seeker. Spend time with children. Stay in creative ecstasy as much as possible. Gain freedom by being earnest and original in your self-expression. 

Limits: Your relationships are self-destructive. You are either too self-indulgent or you ruthlessly control your access to joy and pleasure. You’re unable to relax and play. You may even be creatively blocked. 

Clear Pathway: Heal your karma in unconventional ways. Heal your karmic debts by cutting ties. Discover new love or new loving ways, i.e.; fall in love all over again.


Serve yourself and others by reaching your full potential. 

Possibilities: Innovative methods through technology, science and invention help you meet your job tasks. Strategic direction and the big picture becomes evident. Channels open up for your momentum to the top. You’re being called on to be in service as a leader. You’re switching from working from the bottom up to the top down. 

Success Steps: Change routines and work habits. Volunteer to be in service to others – especially in online communities. Be inventive on how to do this. Roll up your sleeves and lead from within. Seek a mentor or become one. Work with young people or groups.

Limits: You’re a slave to your work, filling your time with endless drudgery. You have so many tasks, you could never complete them all.  You subordinate yourself in key relationships. Burying yourself in work stops all opportunities and creates burnout. 

Clear Pathway: Take time off for rest and play. Clear your head and your desk by delegating to others. Ask for support and be open to receive it. Seek a mentor. Carve out time for a passion project, either at work or on your own time. Passion will fuel you and help you regain your energy. 


Open to love and harmony by committing to healthy long-term relationships.

Possibilities: Mastering relationships and seeking new ways to connect deeply with others. Everything seems to be about connection, bonding and commitment. The people you meet are soul mates – equally met in open-endedness and unique rapport. The relationships you’re forming may be business partnerships, friendship connections or romantic commitments. 

Success Steps: Be discerning when meeting someone new. Listen to your instincts. If it feels possible, take the first steps to deepen the connection. Tell the truth and be authentic. Find ways to negotiate, mediate and counsel when appropriate. 

Limits: You have a pattern of chronic submissiveness or bossiness in intimate relationships. You have the inability to form a stable emotional bond for fear of intimacy, resulting in co-dependency.  

Clear Pathway: Trust yourself and others. Put yourself into the hands of others win vulnerable ways to deepen your connections. Commit to yourself. Be open and giving, without losing yourself. 


Transform into the shared wealth of intimacy, power and abundance. 

Possibilities: Your birthright of abundance, power and deep bonding becomes evident in your life. You enter into intimacy in naked honesty and vulnerability. You honor your transformative process. You have an acceptance of death that integrates its reality into daily life. You’ve achieved a sense of spiritual immortality and love to pursue the mysteries. 

Success Steps: Accept your power, charm and charisma while letting go of control. Let others be free to be themselves and let yourself do the same. Your mystical side is being called to the fore. Dance with the mysteries. 

Limits: You experience either blocked sexual functioning or obsessive sexuality. You have a fear or denial of death, denial of religion, occult or mystical feelings. This results in getting caught up in debts, tax issues and an inability to create wealth. 

Clear Pathway: Holy transformation! Go to the emotional edge to allow the dark to be balanced by the light. Not everything is frightening, intense or dramatic. Lighten up. Acknowledge and accept your intuition. Learn to know yourself deeply and profoundly. 


Find the meaning of life by exploring different philosophies and cultures. 

Possibilities: You’re excited to break up routine and create new patterns of behavior. You love change and embrace it wholeheartedly. You seek new ways to see the meaning of life and actively pursue other cultures and lands. You want to master what it means to be spiritually human. 

Success Steps: Stretch your boundaries. Travel to immerse yourself in different cultures. Learn a new language. Study philosophy. Research other religions. Be a seeker of wisdom. Explore and experience everything life has to offer. Be insatiable. 

Limits: You get caught up in dogma, rigid rules and narrow-minded behavior. You disassociate with others who aren’t like you. You can’t handle change and desperately hold onto routine. Yet, you’re unhappy and bored with your current circumstances. This boredom may lead you into unprincipled behaviors. 

Clear Pathway: Shock yourself by taking a leap of faith. Be adventurous and let go of the binds that hold you too tightly. Question the status quo. Fast and furious is the pace, not slow and steady, yet this is for the long haul – be mindful and strategic. 


Stand in your authority and embrace the new way of leading.  

Possibilities: You’re aligned with your life purpose and are pursing your soul destiny. Your calling is evident in the world. Your role in society is needed and valued. You’ve discovered new ways for being seen, appreciated and valued in the world. You’re deeply satisfied with your life mission and are creating success.  

Success Steps: Be idealistic and future-oriented. Accept your responsibility to be a force in the world. Seek opportunities to talk about who you are and what you do. Embrace the new way of leading by weaving the feminine wisdom and masculine strength.  

Limits: You’re trapped in meaningless roles that don’t give you pleasure or satisfaction. You may hold onto status and power too tightly. Appearances matter more than self-fulfillment. You’re being called to make changes in your life’s work now.  

Clear Pathway: Overcome your fears to live your true life purpose. Let go of the safety of a meaningless position to pursue your soul mission. Set your goals accordingly. For every goal, ask yourself, ‘Does this bring me joy or give me relief?” If neither, seek another path.  


Shine brilliantly and act strategically to attract your community.  

Possibilities: You have concrete and specific sense of direction in life. You have realistic yet inspiring goals that are rooted in self-knowledge. You have a network of relationships that enhance and support the realization of your personal goals. 

Success Steps: Set your strategy for the future. Use technical and scientific methods to help you achieve your goals. Seek out like-minded people and form connections with them.  Expand your network. 

Limits: You’re drifting along with a vagueness of purpose. You lack clarity, so can’t commit to any particular thing. Your friends and associates don’t actually lift you up for your best future. 

Clear Pathway: Seek guidance internally to find what you truly believe in. Confront the challenges of separating from people who aren’t aligned with your future. Attract your soul mate connections. 


Dive deeply into spirituality to recognize your gifts to be of service in the world.  

Possibilities: You’ve transcended the need for other’s approval. You have the equanimity to be free from the worry about the typical ups and downs of life. You’ve mastered spirituality and have constant spiritual and psychic experiences.  You sense the presence of God and the higher levels of consciousness. 

Success Steps: Uncover your secret treasure by investigating every aspect of your life. Do an internal and external review and then adjust any imbalances through right action. Take your time with this inventory. This is about the process, not the results. 

Limits: You tend to escape the world through self-destructive relationships with alcohol, food, sleep, sex, television, and other ‘drugs’. You’re confused about your self-image. You haven’t discovered your hidden gifts. 

Clear Pathway: Create space to go within. Learn to connect regularly with the spiritual side of life. Open your heart and be compassionate. Tap into your intuition, develop it to rely on it full time.

The good news about Pluto?

This planet gives you the fortitude and courage to reclaim your wholeness.

The good news about Aquarius?

You have the yearning for the freedom to be completely yourself and will find inventive ways to do so.

Stars + Strategy = Success

Your mind is pleased to discover how Pluto in Aquarius affects you, yet this is only the first step.

Knowing is different than doing. Taking action is required.

There are two ways outlined in the table above to help you take action. The first way is a suggestion for success steps in your outer world and the second is clearing the pathway in your inner life.

Pro Tip: Make note of each of the success steps and put tasks and target dates next to each.

Success-Making Methodology

You can take this even deeper by following my success-making methodology through the Intuitive Success Signatures. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, click here and answer the 12-question quiz.

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created a success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business.

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out, so instead of helping customers to Know, Like and Trust you, YOU Know, Like and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to achieve your personal, professional and financial goals.

Following my Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® Method is critical in this New Era:

  • Knowing for clarity & calm
  • Liking for confidence & connection
  • Trusting for giving & receiving

It’s difficult to objectively know how you know, like and trust yourself, so the Intuitive Success Signatures I’ve developed help you gain the objectivity you need.

Intuitive Success Signatures (ISS)

This is a critical time in history with Pluto in Aquarius in the Aquarian age and the new way of living and leading ignited with the 800-year star in late 2020. Take note of the recommendations for your Intuitive Success Signature as this goes beyond the house configuration.

Wise Strategist

Know: 40% + Like: 35%+ Trust: 25% = Total: 100%

Many adjustments and confrontations present to you with Pluto in Aquarius. You were much happier with Pluto in Capricorn. For the next few months, you get your wish as Pluto passes back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius.

However, Pluto is asking you to let go of your safe and secure ways to acknowledge your strengths and gifts to fully stand in your power. You’re a gift to the world and Pluto is urging you to take your rightful place in the world.

Become the leader you were born to be.

Intuitive Visionary

Know: 40% + Like: 25% + Trust: 35% = Total: 100%

Pluto in Aquarius feels so much better than Pluto in Capricorn. You lose the groundedness of Pluto in Capricorn once Pluto enters Aquarius fully at the end of 2024.

Over the next few months, leverage the cuspy energy to step into your power. Weave your ideas together with technology and other innovative advances to streamline the results. Lighten the load of implementation by connecting with others who complement your offerings.

You are a powerhouse. Let your visions come to life by using your voice to inspire others.

Collaborative Explorer

Know: 25% + Like: 40% + Trust: 35% = Total: 100%

You alternate between being excited by Pluto in Aquarius and being soothed with the relief of Pluto leaving Capricorn. The time has come. You see the physical evidence of the breakdowns that you’ve felt for so many years.

Now, you can connect people who want to work together to find effective and equitable solutions. Pluto will also press you to put yourself in the mix to ask for the support and opportunities you need to make your solutions a reality.

You’ll also be pressed to participate in events that may require you to travel. Get your passport ready.

Ruling Warrior

Know: 35% + Like: 40% + Trust: 25% = Total: 100%

Pluto’s power, authority and wealth creation is music to your ears, whether Pluto is in Capricorn or Aquarius. You also haven’t minded Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius either.

Yet, the new way of living and leading requires you to be vulnerable and connect to others deeply and authentically.

Choosing to rely on Pluto to help you find the inner corners of your heart and soul gives you the courage to open yourself in softer and lighthearted ways.

Creative Superstar

Know: 25% + Like: 35% + Trust: 40% = Total: 100%

Pluto pulls you way out of your comfort zone in every sign, but the blend with Aquarius adds possibility that seems elusive. You can see it and feel it, yet can’t touch it.

The available creativity seems just beyond your reach. It’s actually not out of your reach, but deep within. Going deeply into self-love helps you bring out your creativity to express yourself fully. There’s no holding back the fact that you are the creation.

Your willingness to dance between your solid position in the world and the fragility of your creative expression is the key to your fulfillment and satisfaction.

Loving Alchemist

Know: 35% + Like: 25% + Trust: 40% = Total: 100%

Pluto in Aquarius asks for small adjustments and major changes that push you way out of your comfort zone. The people around you seek freedom and independence, unintentionally hurting you with their unrelenting quest. You feel abandoned and alone.

Pluto wants you to know you are enough. You matter. You are a gift to the world.

Connecting to your inner power and the mysteries fill the void. Working with both gives you the best result of finding yourself and accepting your wholeness.

Success-Making with Pluto

Tie your house success steps and clear pathway with your Intuitive Success Signature.

The Intuitive Success Signature gives you the overall strategy, while the house outlines the steps to achieve your success in the outer world and clearing the pathway through your inner life.

Pro Tips: Answer the following questions to enhance your strategy through Pluto and your Intuitive Success Signature.

What is your overall strategy based on your Intuitive Success Signature? How does this strategy align with your goals from your success map? In what ways can Pluto help you achieve the success you desire?

Are there any action steps you can take from the overall strategy of your Intuitive Success Signature? How can you increase your self-awareness through your Intuitive Success Signature? Who can you connect with to empower you? What is your intention to trust your intuition?

Additional Support

Follow the guidance of an oracle forecast – weekly, monthly, annually.

The stars always tell you exactly what’s going on and give you the support you need to thrive instead of just survive. You only need an interpreter to listen and integrate. I’m here to be the interpreter and messenger of the stars so you can manifest the life you desire.

You can get weekly, monthly and lunar cycle support every month by subscribing to Your Star Path to Success Podcast.

Gain big star, signature insights and regular forecast guides by bookmarking my blog.

Get my monthly newsletter that includes monthly announcements, business tools and free meditative gifts delivered straight to your inbox. Simply go to the bottom of my home page and fill out your name and email. You’ll want to white list my email address to ensure you get your newsletter and weekly tips.

Want more? Listen to a special podcast episode on Pluto.

Happy Pluto Season!

As always, wishing you joy,
