
Category: Intuition Energy

Category: Intuition Energy

Intuition Energy

My Foot in My Mouth: Leadership & Parenting

“Leadership and parenting really do go hand-in-hand.” Really? How do you figure? You utilize the same set of skills as a good leader and that you use as a good parent. Read on to unpack this further.

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Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 3

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 3.

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Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 2

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 2.

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Power of Intuition Story Series: Part 1

Over the next few days, I’m sharing 3 super personal stories about THE POWER OF INTUITION that I feel need to be told, so we can all learn from them to say a big yes to our intuition.

Here’s part 1.

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Intuition Energy

What are the First 4 Steps to Using Your Intuition?

“How do you use your intuition?” my daughter, Katy, asks me several weeks ago. It’s a crazy time and I don’t have the ability to focus on a complete answer.     I say distractedly, “Oh, just say yes.”   “What do you mean?”    I think about it and realize

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love letters
Intuition Energy

How Are You Writing Love Letters These Days?

“When I get you your favorite chocolate, or bake brownies, or make plans to go out on the boat, these are my love letters to you.”

This was something I said to my husband once and it stopped him in his tracks.

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