Love and a smile, a business woman makes a heart sign with her hands. Black, corporate office worker and a gesture of respect and friendship with her fingers, happy with work and success in the city
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October 2023 astrology gives you power to use the stars to make adjustments in your business and life for success, love and money

October 2023 Forecast

From the Annual Forecast 


October: Ring of Love

Sun signs – Libra & Scorpio

Buckling down and committing to both your love life and business is the way to get through the rocky road of October. Some days are high-flying with wins and others are fraught with challenges. Judiciously seeking opportunities and connections positions you favorably. Tweaks, fine-tuning and adjustments are required to optimize your relationships and business dealings. Envision surrounding what matters to you with a ring of love. Softening the edges helps strengthen the core. The end of the month finishes with good news. Celebrate.  


October Summary 


There are lots (12) of quincunx energies this month and that means it’s a month of fine-tuning. You’ll be making adjustments, refinements and tweaks in your love life and your business one. Success and love don’t seem to go hand-in-hand, but this year it’s been a combination of both. 




When you open your heart to love, you open your ability to give and receive and this energy is the one driving success from this point forward. The world’s interest in greed, drive and thirst for power is gasping for its last breath in our lifetimes. Therefore, understanding how to live and lead through the power of the feminine combined with the masculine is the key. The stars are teaching you through their configurations. The star forces create an entryway into this new way of dealing with yourself and others. 


Saying YES now paves the pathway for you to become a beacon of the future to lead others.


Big Star Events 


October 14th – Annular Solar Eclipse

October 28th – Partial Lunar Eclipse


So, October begins as September ends. You’re in the middle of the Great Gathering and the Ring of Love as you’ve gone through the Gateway on the Equinox. 


Your intentions have been set and you’re in the lunar process of releasing or letting go and Pluto’s movement back to her direct station on the 10th asks you how you’ll recreate what’s been dissolving since May 1st


Think back to this time – what’s been going on with your handle on your power, your skill at dealing with your finances and your willingness to be deeply intimate with yourself? Pluto uncovers all and when she moves between her forward and ‘backward’ motions, it’s time to take stock. 


Your fortitude and commitment pay off in the middle of the month as living in integrity gets planetary props while cutting corners or leadings others astray falters. Honesty, loyalty and devotion come to the surface full force. Aligning with your truth helps you sail through the rest of the year. 


Remember the ‘Show me the money’ theme of the year? This only occurs when you’re living your soul mission. Stacking your mind, heart and will are imperative. Hence the tweaks this month. 


You’ve gotten 2/3 of the way through this year and with the remaining 1/3, you have the opportunity to prepare yourself for the luge at the top of 2024. 


Moon Phases & Eclipses


Details: Annular Solar Eclipse & Libra 21° New Moon on October 14th at 1:55 pm ET 


From the annual forecast: 


As the Sun and Moon come together, so can you in loving and committed relationships. This annular solar eclipse creates a ring of love as the Moon’s shadow darkens the Sun’s center, illuming the edges. Love is here. With a quincunx to Uranus (1° orb), simple adjustments are sought to harmonize the energies to make them everlasting.  


This is a Venusian time of beauty, peace and love. Even Mars gets into the mix soothing Saturn for loyalty and devotion. 


Astronomically, this Annular Solar Eclipse races across the Western part of the United States and is being called the Great American Eclipse. The first one since May 2012. 


Details: Partial Lunar Eclipse – Full Moon Sun in Scorpio & Moon in Taurus 5° on October 28th at 4:24 pm ET


From the annual forecast: 


During the 4 ½ hour partial Lunar Eclipse, change is in the air. The Sun provokes thoughts and feelings about deep abiding love and shared intimacy, while the Moon longs for simplicity and ease when coming together. The range between the two arrives with the help of Jupiter and Mercury. 


Your mind opens to possibility and your feelings welcome a lift for opportunity. Now is the time. It’s a ‘winner take all’ attitude.  The only caution – take care. Be calculating in your risk-taking for the changes you desire to create open pathways for success.



Magical Tools for Support


You can’t make this up. The crystal and flower essence that came in for this month are the same as April, the Ring of Fire ecliptic pair. Whatever you teed up in April comes to light in October. 


Oracle Card: #1 – Calm


It’s no coincidence this month’s card is the push and pull of the masculine and feminine energies. In numerology, the number 1 represents initiation and taking the first step in your journey, but the core of the message is to remain calm and respond to the energy around you. When you do, you can influence the outcome. When you don’t, the outcome becomes the creation you must deal with, whether you want to or not. 


Ø Last time for this card – March 2022


Crystal: Fire Agate 


Agate is a grounding stone with a powerful multi-level cleansing effect. It balances yin and yang, soothes and helps with self-acceptance and speaking the truth. It heals anger and facilitates spiritual growth. Fire agate promotes inner security and is antidote to emotional vulnerability. It’s an all-around healing stone as its grounding, mellowing and protecting.


Ø Last time: April 2023


Flower essence: Walnut for Change


This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from change and unwanted influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond. 


Ø Last time: 2021 and April 2023


Spirit animal: Butterfly


I’ve never gotten the butterfly for a monthly forecast. This is exciting. As you probably know, the butterfly signifies transformation. This spirit animal invites you to look at every aspect of your life and business to determine what you love and what you’d like to change. 


The butterfly’s flight is graceful and light and its pattern suggests an ability to go through life in the same way. When important changes come upon you, allow them to unfold gently and beautifully. There’s a cycle to life and butterfly reminds you to honor it as you expand and grow. 


Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.


As always, wishing you joy, 



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