
Category: Lunar Cycle

Category: Lunar Cycle

Astrology Forecasts

December: New Era NOW

As predicted by the Mayans re: 2012, we’ve been working on the NEW ERA since then with key celestial moments in 2012, 2016 and 2020.

We’ve had to plunge deeply into the dark in order to find wholeness and only then can we come to the surface, climb the right summit (which is unique to each one of us) to declare victory.

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Astrology Forecasts

Sept Full Moon – How to Welcome Good Fortune Today

There is so much contained in this Full Moon energy. You can feast on it for days. I’ve taken a slightly different approach by including the energetic influences with their corresponding recommendations, so you can pick and choose. (If it were me, I would print out and circle those that jumped out at me. But, I’m old school, so do whatever works for you.)

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Astrology Forecasts

New Moon July – Learn the Hidden Power of Frustrating Limits

Summary:  It’s super frustrating right now. Enough is enough!  Yet, relief isn’t going to happen. In fact, more constraints and challenges await as 2020 continues to build to its crescendo.  This New Moon adds more fuel to the already ‘burning-out-of-control’ embers, but I’ll explain how this is actually a huge

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Astrology Forecasts

Full Moon July – An Open Window

Summary:  Powerful forces are beckoning you to dive deeply into YOU. Be true to yourself and your dreams.  Go to your own depths and gather your power. Come out into the world fully ready to be YOU.  Tarot: Surfer – Man of Cups You’ve mastered your fears and stepped into

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