Astrology Forecasts Oracle

August 2024: Seeking Opportunities from Chaos in the Cosmos

Monthly Summary

August: Harvest Your Success

Sun signs – Leo & Virgo

Seasonal energies: Origin of Prosperity with Lammas on the 1st

Energetic Element: Water

Overall meaning: Tons of opportunities are created in chaos. As the world tries to find its footing, take a step back and ask yourself, “Does this matter to me? What’s my part in it? Better yet, how can I create opportunity from this situation for me and my business.” Find ways to lead your family, team and clients through the chaos by using your power, resources and energies. There’s tremendous opportunity here. 

Big Star events: 8/4 – 8/28 Mercury Retrograde; 8/8 Lion’s Gate

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Prosperity – August – November; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

It’s the time of harvest to gain the bounty of your careful planning and powerful influence. Reap your rewards and let go of expectation to begin another cycle. Appreciation, reverence and reciprocity are the tenors of this season. When you put your attention onto the beginning, the middle and the end of the prosperous cycle, you open yourself to the universal flow of it.

The Season of Prosperity is the culmination of the entire seasonal cycle. As your potential becomes purposeful and you infuse power, your bounty is ready to be harvested. The outward aspects of power turn inward slightly as requires a balance between the inner and the outer. You’re still required to expend energy, but it’s a gathering versus a full outreach.

You connect, but it’s with like-minded community or already prosecuted connections. You know your place, you have a role that’s defined and within these parameters, you harvest to receive abundance for your value and efforts.

Seasonal Business Tips

Season of Prosperity leans into the water element to allow the bittersweet side of this harvest season. The bounty evident throughout the season gives way to the waning the energies as the season turns into the slower moving season of potential. Balancing between growth-oriented outreach and intentional connection is the key for your growth. This is a great time for retreats, conferences, workshops and trade shows.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.  


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

August 4 – 28 Mercury retrograde in Virgo from 4° to Leo 21°

Any planet gets persnickety in Virgo. Mercury shifting here is never helpful for those who don’t keep good records with organized information at their fingertips or backups of important documents. Your routines are disrupted, your calendar negatively impacted and your connections temporarily tangled. Instead of getting frustrated, take extra time and care with those administrative details and with your relationships. Plan to check and recheck everything. Better yet, take some time off to relax and enjoy. Nothing is going to get done in these 3 weeks to move things forward anyway.

August 8th – Lion’s Gate

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a powerful time for spiritual evolution, manifestation and growth. Whether through meditation, intention-setting or simply being open to cosmic energies, Lion’s Gate offers a unique opportunity to align with your soul mission to achieve the success you desire.

If you desire to learn more about Lion’s Gate, you can check out this article.

August 19th – Gemini Jupiter square Pisces Saturn

Summary: Your grand vision meets making difficult choices to achieve it

With Jupiter, he runs amuck until he meets up with Saturn, who’s the only one who has the ability to reign him in and keep him in alignment for any length of time. The Sun and Pluto also confronts Jupiter, but with those energies, Jupiter gets pushed and then bounces back. With Saturn, Jupiter is close enough to listen to Saturn’s sense of responsibility and respect his maturity. Jupiter likes to dance with Saturn because he can use Saturn’s fortitude to make dreams come true. 

From August 2024 through June 2025, Jupiter and Saturn confront each other and ask you, “What have you been doing since December 21, 2020 when we brought the New Era into your daily life?”

This Jupiter-Saturn cycle began with its connection at 0° Aquarius on December 21, 2020 opening the New Era portal for the future way of living and leading. This New Era signals the time for the divine feminine to equally position itself with the divine masculine. This is new and unfamiliar and you’ve spent the last few years trying to figure it out along with everyone else. Leadership, sales and money work differently now and it’s hard to determine how to connect the dots to make it work for you. 

Last year in June of 2023, Jupiter stimulated Saturn’s strengths to create sustainable growth. Did you plant seeds and help them germinate? Did you take advantage of this opportunity-creation energy to construct the pillars for your success?

Now, with Jupiter confronting Saturn for the next 11 months, you’re asked to be brave enough to note anything unstable in your life and business, then to get rid it. Where ever you have shaky ground, bad habits or overextension, you’ll reach a breaking point.

This initially feels uncertain and you’ll do anything to deny the truth of it. But when you buckle down and wrangle with your inner conflict, you’ll come to terms with the truth Jupiter and Saturn have laid at your feet.

When you shift your focus to withdraw from unhealthy routines, people and situations, you’ll fortify your foundation. This isn’t going to be easy or simple, but it’s worth it. Your continued success depends on it. 

For more information about the next 20 years, listen to this Podcast episode on Pluto in Aquarius and what it means for you. 


Week 1: See with Your Heart

This week is more about satisfaction than success. The stars want you to feel more than think this month and the first week presents opportunities to make adjustments for your satisfaction. You can find creative ways to break free from your constraints with the changes that come to you. With Mercury retrograde and the New Moon, the celestial power is in your favor when you let your heart lead.

NOTE: Your free Heart Drop meditation can be found in your August newsletter. Check your inbox. ❤

Week 2: Lion’s Gate 888

The big event the 2nd week is the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8th which offers a window into the New Era. This portal is supported by the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter with their exciting energies boosting your love, money and success. With Mercury retrograde, you have the opportunity to revisit, refine and adjust your leadership skills, style and image. When you do, Venus and Jupiter give you a blast of good luck.  

Lion’s Gate is a triple power this year, so I’m offering a special 3-hour workshop. For more information, click here.

Week 3: What a Mess

The stars give you lots of information, feedback and evidence from your soul so you can make adjustments for your path forward. But, yuck, this week feels heavy, confusing and stressful. It’s up and down, shocking and validating. The key is to keep your footing. 

Saturn’s at the center, confronting Mars and Jupiter. Then Uranus enters with chaos and upsetting news. Uranus knocks you off your center and Saturn puts a spotlight on everything that’s wrong.

Ugh. This makes for a difficult review of what you’ve done or more importantly, what you haven’t done to live your soul mission. This is a big deal. The best remedy? Ask yourself, “How am I wrong?” and you’ll find this week uncomfortable, yet stimulating and informative.

Week 4: Tough Love

Nagging, doubtful, worried – Hello Sun in Virgo. She’s such a taskmaster and when the Sun enters her sign, she puts everything that needs to be dealt with front and center in perfect view. Luckily, there’s a mixed bag of other star configurations that both relieve and amplify Virgo’s nagging ways. Your best bet? Find the silver lining and remember only love is real.

Mother Earth and the cosmos are incredibly loving, but it’s a tough love. You get a glimpse of what’s real and what’s fake as you’re pushed to make changes. Stay flexible. You’ll find the answers when you take a step back and see the big picture. 


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Creative Solutions

Details: New Moon August 4th @ 7:14 am ET with the Sun & Moon in Leo @ 12°

This New Moon invites you to live authentically, being real and true to your soul. Your heart knows the answers and your soul guides your direction. Be observant about who and what is presenting themselves to you right now. These are supportive and helpful energies and you can easily find creative solutions to the obstacles standing in your way.

Full Moon: Sea of Red

Details: Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius August 19th at 2:28 pm ET @ 27°

Shocking news, topsy-turvy information and a reminder of your priorities based on the worldwide trauma of 2020. What’s truly important to you? What would you do to maintain your most valuable relationships, status and position or material things? These questions can either bring out the best or the worst in people.

Why is this happening? This is the New Era and the stars are pushing everyone to recognize there’s a new way of living and leading. For most, the only way they’ll accept change is to be pushed into it. So, hello chaos. This Full Moon is a glimpse of the fiery energies of 2025. The wake call is coming in waves with a big one on March 30, 2025.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be true in 6 months? Who do I want to be? How will I live and love my soul?”

This is the New Era. There’s no stopping the increasingly big waves. There’s only the railing or the embrace of it. As always, you get to decide whether to react or respond.

Claim all of the information you need to succeed in the New Era special edition podcast series.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Monthly Oracle Card: #32 Authority

Order your Intuition cards online

What is Authority? It’s a powerful force within you that holds you steady while you pursue your big dreams and live daily life. You have competence, clout and sovereignty.

You pivot when things go wrong to recover quickly and make the necessary adjustments. You also take responsibility for every aspect of your life without blaming, judging or rationalizing.

Standing fully in your authority is the most freeing energy. When you align with your soul mission, you make authority your super power.

Spirit Animal: Horse

Horse is power. As horse, you love your personal freedom above all else, you adore exploring and having adventures and are a natural leader. You are strong, loyal and confident.

Call on horse when you want to travel and explore, need more energy and strength or want to expand your spiritual practice. Horse is particularly helpful this month. Call on him for guidance and wisdom on how to proceed throughout the month and beyond.

Crystal: Orange Sapphire

Sapphire is about truth and wisdom. You know what’s true and desire to express yourself in the world. Orange sapphire is joyous and free. This stone makes connections and brings people together. This was the stone in February 2022. I wonder how it can helps in Ukraine’s plight.

Flower Essence: Hornbeam

With the hornbeam flower essence, you can move your mind and heal its mental fatigue. Even though August devises ways for you to lead with your heart, your mind needs a break from overstimulation. It’s like hitting the refresh button and with the onset of Virgo at the end of the month, your mind can use the break. 


Connecting to your intuition is the key to your success in the New Era. This is achieved by weaving the masculine strengths with the feminine energies.

For the masculine: Your masculine strengths are enhanced through your Sun sign.  The Sun can fill you at the core and is your guiding light. Your core is the anchor point and must be fortified to handle the edginess of the feminine remembrance of ancient wisdom.

For the feminine: Allowing the feminine wisdom to come to the fore and act as a guide and energetic force to pursue your soul mission is welcome in this New Era. Halleluiah. As such, learning how you enter your world, make choice and align with your intuition is measured by how you know, like and trust yourself.

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Combining the remedies for your Sun sign with the tips for your Intuitive Success Signature boost your ability to navigate challenges and take advantage of positive influences.


Your Intuitive Success Signature helps you live your soul mission and measure how to connect to your intuition by knowing, liking and trusting yourself. The tips below help you navigate the month’s challenges and take advantage of positive cosmic forces.

Wise Strategist

Let your stillness show others the way. You can stand in your power and let people come to you. You won’t gain anything by chasing others down. In fact, this is a great time to set up a sales channel, kick it off and then take vacation. Let the marketplace simmer and stir.

Intuitive Visionary

Letting others see you in July hastens their desire to work with you this month. Repeat your actions with less inspiration and more innovation. Let your authority be apparent. Your typical fun and flowing messages don’t land, but your strong impactful ones do. Stand in the strong to make big impact.

Collaborative Explorer

Take the helm. Do soft and personal outreach to connect to those you know you can help. Keep your own business growth in focus while you lead everyone through the month. You’ve got this, but you don’t want to lose yourself or your goals while supporting others.

Ruling Warrior

Stay focused on your quiet power and your kind compassion. Tell stories of celebration about your clients. Tell your story. Host others on your stages to tell theirs. Being engaging makes you a great leader and the world needs great leaders.

Creative Superstar

If you gathered yourself during July, it’s now time to show up and show yourself to your audience. If you showed up in July, it’s also the time to go into other people’s audiences and share your qualities, offers and creations with others. You can exponentially grow your business when you show up.

Loving Alchemist

Making your results, celebratory client stories, testimonials and value proposition known to your groups, prospects and followers. Be clear in your value, offers and ways people can work with you. 


August is not a fan favorite, but the cosmos are speaking in earnest to align you with your soul mission. It’s time for the New Era. It’s the time of Aquarius who adores inclusion, democracy and equity as well as innovation and freedom.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Dive into the Lion’s Gate Energy: Spiritual Tools for the New Era

Calling All Visionaries!

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a significant cosmic event, opening the Gateway of Wishes to help you manifest your dreams and desires. This portal opens every year from July 26th to August 12th, with its peak on August 8th, known as the 8-8 Lion’s Gate. This year, it’s a triple 8 power with 2024, being an 8 year. Happy 888 Lions’ Gate!

🎧 Listen to the 888 Lions’ Gate Podcast episode. 

What are the Key Aspects of Lion’s Gate?

  1. Astrological Impact:
    • The Lion’s Gate portal occurs when the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, aligns with Earth and the Sun in the astrological sign of Leo at 15° with the midpoint holding special power.
    • Leo, represented by the lion, is associated with the heart, courage and strength, making this a great time for generosity, authentic expression and empowerment.
  2. Numerological Importance:
    • The date 888 holds special numerological significance. The number 8 represents infinity, blessings and the abundant flow of energy.
    • The 8 repetition amplifies this power, creating a potent time for inspiring your heart and awakening your soul.
  3. Spiritual Evolution:
    • The Lion’s Gate is considered a time of heightened spiritual energy, making it ideal for reflection and awakening your soul DNA.
    • It’s also a powerful opportunity for releasing old patterns, healing and embracing new beginnings.
  4. Manifestation:
    • The alignment of cosmic energies during the Lion’s Gate is believed to enhance the ability to attract abundance, success and prosperity.
    • It’s a time to focus on your goals, visualize your dreams and take inspired action towards achieving them.
  5. Energy and Healing:
    • Lion’s Gate opens a portal for healing and the activation of new energy codes within your soul DNA.
    • This can lead to increased intuition, spiritual awakening and a deeper connection to your soul mission.

Lion’s Gate on August 8th is a powerful time for spiritual evolution, manifestation and growth. Whether through meditation, intention-setting or simply being open to cosmic energies, Lion’s Gate offers a unique opportunity to align with your soul mission to achieve the success you desire.

2024 Lion’s Gateway of Wishes

As you may know, the upcoming 888 Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 is a powerful period for awakening and aligning with your soul mission. This year is especially significant as it features a triple eight – a unique numerological occurrence that amplifies the gateway of wishes and offers a profound chance for spiritual growth.

I’ve downloaded incredibly powerful information through Sirius, the Spiritual Sun and Lilith, the Midnight Sun, while they form a Creation Vortex to activate your soul DNA within the Diamond Core of Life. This life-giving energy positions you as the Visionary Leader in your field and life so you can lead the way for others in this New Era.

🔮Ready now? Register for the workshop. 

888 Creation Vortex

Within this Creation Vortex, connecting with your soul core wisdom, activating your divine spark, attuning to Mother’s Earth heartbeat, aligning with the natural currency flow and diving into your well of wisdom.

Each of these connections provide healing and intentional manifestation so you:

  1. Recognize Your Core Soul Wisdom and discover the profound talents aligning with your zodiac Sun Sign.
  2. Activate Your Divine Spark to awaken your deepest potential and connect with the universal energy.
  3. Attune to Mother Earth’s Heartbeat and bond deeply with Earth energies to foster groundedness and strength.
  4. Currency Flow Incantations in order to harness and understand the flow of abundance in your life.
  5. Tap into Your Soul’s Well of Wisdom giving you access to the deep ancient knowledge from Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon.

This Lion’s Gate is more than a date on the calendar and doing ceremony, ritual and activations sets you up for success over the next 20 years as you transition into the New Era marked by these significant cosmic changes.

If you want more information before committing to your soul mission, listen to the Lions’ Gate Podcast episode and you can get access to The New Era series by clicking here.

If you’re ready to say YES to your soul mission right now, I’m offering a special workshop for you. This workshop is gated and requires a paid registration to ensure the integrity and energy alignment of all participants. Click this link to secure your spot.

With cosmic events like these, the more fully you commit, the more profound your experience. You can tap into this unique alignment and unlock the power within you.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


#lionsgate #888 #august8

#YourStarPathToSuccess #KimWoods

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July 2024: Use the Stars to Achieve Your Vision

July Summary

July: Shocks in the Media

Sun signs – Cancer & Leo

Seasonal energies: Optimize Power

Energetic Element: Fire

Overall meaning:

Shocking news, triggering events and insightful epiphanies abound. It’s up to you whether you respond or react. A positive response creates excellent opportunity for you to shine as a leader. Use your natural talents to express your benefits and results to others. A negative reaction sweeps you up in the turmoil, confusion and indecision. Not knowing what to believe is probable, so following other’s beliefs or getting caught up in differing opinions is too easy. Lean into the positive and shun the negative. This is a call for leaders.

Big Star events: 7/21 – 23

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Power –  May – August; Gemini, Cancer, Leo

Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. You want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine. You bask. You create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy.  The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought. 

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius and create your platforms or stages.  This is a great time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • July 2nd Neptune retrograde until December 7th
  • July 22nd Mars trine Pluto
  • July 23rd Sun opposite Pluto
  • July 26th Chiron retrograde until December 29th

Neptune retrograde – July 2 – December 7 @ Pisces 29 – 27°

When Neptune stations retrograde at the edge of Pisces 29.55° to be exact. Wow, this is a huge wake-up call. The idealism, overly optimistic and escapist behaviors get a jolt back into reality. Any overextension snaps back so you can see how your actions create your circumstances.

Absolutely do not follow or buy from anyone who says they have all of the answers based on easy 1-2-3, ‘one size fits all’ or ‘it worked for me’ solutions. These people are charlatans preying on your gullibility or desperation. When Neptune is retrograde, you can see more clearly, but this may make you react by making a big change. This isn’t the time for change. It’s the time for reflection and consideration. It’s the time for using your intuition and internal compass to be your guide. It’s the time for compassion and healing.

Gemini Mars trine Aquarius Pluto – July 22nd @ 0°

The dance between Mars and Pluto continues with a supportive force occurring on July 22nd to give you a power surge to complete all of those difficult and complicated tasks. You have unending energy to get it done. You’re also excited for romantic, social and business engagements.

Connecting with others is at an all-time high. You also have opposing forces making you want to be sweet, tender and soft with loved ones, while also wanting to fight for control and manipulation. When you feel secure, you lean toward loving and if you feel insecure, you have a crisis of confidence.

Chiron retrograde – July 26 – December 29 @ Aries 23 – 19°

Once again, you have the opportunity for great healing. You observe old wounds and release your ties to them. You reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others in order to understand your past to give way to your future.

In Aries, Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world. Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough. Mercury retrograde in April gave you insights into how Chiron can help you know. Did you take note? Think back to remember what was happening for you in April. Ask Chiron to help heal you now.

For more information about 2024, listen to this podcast episode.


Week 1: Creative Constructs

Week of July 1- 7

Get creative about who and what require your attention right now. Roll up your sleeves and dive into your business dealings or personal relationships to add tender loving care. In business, take a step back and look at your daily dealings to get a different perspective. Review your offerings and add creative underpinnings to express client love. In your love life, take the time to whisper sweet nothings to express how you love to love.

Week 2: The Ups & The Downs

Week of July 8 – 14

The week begins with fun, excitement and positive influences. You’re lifted up by breakthroughs and solutions to irksome issues and gain strategic insight about your long-term plans. You may have a moment or two for recognition and promotion and suddenly want to change your style or image. Contemplate your new style while pushing off unwanted advances and competition. The end of the week is filled with possessive traits, compulsive tendencies and threats to relationships.

Week 3: Upsets & Erratic Behavior

Week of July 15 – 21

Tension, unease, discomfort are the overriding influences for the week. Deepening your connection to yourself and your soul mission threads the needle between the positive and negative. Your mind rebels, but your soul sings. Recall your big dream then proceed with tunnel vision.  Acting with conviction and intention is the right pace. Let news, good and bad, swirl around you. Stay flexible about immediate plans. Rely on your intuitive routines to stay the course.

Week 4: Powerful Crisis of Confidence

Week of 7/22 – 7/28

Remember who you are at the deepest level. Tap into your ancient wisdom and use the powerful energies to galvanize your actions. You’re a force to be reckoned with and remembering your power is the key to all of the angst you’re experiencing. Whatever happens in the world may or may not have direct impact on you. When changes arise, ask yourself how they benefit you. Find the opportunities in expanding your influence while you let go of control.


 The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Connect to Your Heart’s Wisdom

Details: New Moon Cancer 14° July 5th @ 6:59 pm ET

During the New Moon, position yourself for new beginnings by setting your intentions for the remainder of the year.  You have the energy reserves, discipline and determination to tackle anything in business and in your life. Ascertain how you want to lead your life in this New Era. How will you rely on your feminine wisdom to trust your intuition? What will you do to attain the stature and position of your dreams?

Cancer makes you yearn for family, home and quiet solitude while also desiring security, worldly possessions and material gain. These seem like conflicting desires, yet can be attained through the same means.

Bottom line: Follow your heart.

Watch this quick video to Listen to Yourself and Receive What You Want.

Full Moon: It’s Time

Details: Full Moon Sun in Cancer & Moon in Capricorn 29° July 21st @ 6:19 am ET

With the cuspy opposition of Cancer and Capricorn, this energy reminds you of the end of 2018 – mid-2020 when the soul karma was in Capricorn and the soul destiny was in Cancer. The fall of the patriarchy and the rise of the feminine is the lane to widen and allow to flood your being. It’s the time for the revolution into the New Era with the support of the soul’s longing to be true to itself. Your soul is at the helm.

In the world, however, it’s a different story. The truth comes to the surface. How immune will people be to any shocks in the media? To the power plays, triggers and shocking news? Chaos ensues when institutions, traditions and the familiar is being jolted out of alignment in order to be refitted into a new paradigm.

Our mind wants to think change happens without any disruption. That’s not realistic. Change breed chaos, but it also creates the new way of living and leading.


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you so that you can create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day so that you can feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Order your Intuition cards online

Monthly Oracle Card: #30 Power

The oracle card has a message for you, “Stand in your power by claiming it. You are a powerful creature. Let yourself flow with your natural power.”

Let go of your need to hold onto power. It’s not possible to hold onto it anyway, so let it go and watch it grow. Enhance your power by going with its flow. It has a gorgeous rhythm and cadence. Dance with it.

You’re unstoppable as you step into the fluidity of power. The waves of power expand to embrace you and your growth. Allow them to work their positive energy on you.

Magically, take a moment to stand still and put your hands on your heart. Close your eyes and connect to your body by feeling your feet on the earth. Focus on how your breath expands and contracts your lungs. Breathe in 2 to 3 times. Imagine your power pooling in the core of your body. Let it build and acknowledge your potent power.

Practically, think about what lights you up and find time in your schedule to do more of these activities. Find ways to say YES to yourself.

Spirit Animal: Vulture

Vulture’s medicine is about rebirth and acts like the phoenix, signaling new beginnings from wasted and expended energy. They teach you about using energy and resources powerfully and efficiently.

The vulture typically is found amid dramatic happenings. They herald finding opportunity in the most challenging circumstances. The need for cleansing and rebirth is not evident.

The vulture transforms current events to prophesize the future.

Crystal: Smoky Quartz

A cluster of smoky quartz crystals, showcasing their dark, translucent appearance with sharp, angular facets. The quartz is embedded in a white rock matrix, highlighting the contrast between the dark crystals and the lighter stone.

Smoky quartz is a powerful crystal that matches the power in the stars this month. Any quartz is a multitasker, amplifier and powerful healer as it meets the energy at the appropriate level in every situation. Smoky quartz is a gentle grounding stone as its attached to the energies of the earth in more powerful ways than other crystals.

Smoky quartz is protective and able to dissolve negative states. It will reach to deep levels of the self to cleanse and balance, and so can be a useful meditation stone. This stone relates to the past, present and the future to help you heal and assimilate your soul DNA with your cellular memory.

Flower Essence: Aspen

A branch of an aspen tree featuring green leaves, catkins, and small, brown seed cones. The image highlights the distinctive elements of the aspen tree, including its leaves and reproductive structures against a white background.

Known as the psychic flower, Aspen helps turn foreboding into conscientious sensitivity by surrounding you with a gossamer coating of safety, acting like a shelter against the storm. There are collective soul memories across time and space that can attach themselves to your auric layers. Freeing yourself requires active participation on a daily basis. Aspen comes to the rescue as this flower essence fortifies your own auric connection to both heaven and earth, surrounding you with its love.

Your sensitivity doesn’t change, in fact, it could enhance as you feel embraced by faith in the positive outcome and the belief that all is well. You are an infinite being where only love is real. Everything else is just perception.


Connecting to your intuition is the key to your success in the New Era. This is achieved by weaving the masculine strengths with the feminine energies.

For the masculine: Your masculine strengths are enhanced through your Sun sign.  The Sun can fill you at the core and is your guiding light. Your core is the anchor point and must be fortified to handle the edginess of the feminine remembrance of ancient wisdom.

For the feminine: Allowing the feminine wisdom to come to the fore and act as a guide and energetic force to pursue your soul mission is welcome in this New Era. Halleluiah. As such, learning how you enter your world, make choice and align with your intuition is measured by how you know, like and trust yourself.

Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Combining the remedies for your Sun sign with the tips for your Intuitive Success Signature boost your ability to navigate challenges and take advantage of positive influences.


Your Sun Sign indicates who you are at the core and during strenuous times can help solidify your power.  Each of the remedies listed below offer ways for you to collect yourself, create a firm foundation and act as a pivotal point to anchor you.

Fire Signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

This month of power serves to stir your fiery passions to get creative, express yourself and satisfy your desires for adventure. Get physical, stay active and plan outdoor activities. July is a rocky month that pushes your fire to the breaking point. Relieve the build up by intentionally releasing tension and frustration. The spirit animal, vulture’s medicine, can help you release and cleanse your energy.

Earth Signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Stay focused on the long-term and be strategic about how to navigate through the month. Any distractions in business or tugs from the outer world can be alleviated when you take the long view. Take some time for yourself this month either through planned vacation or by taking pause moments throughout the day or week. Using the oracle card of power supports you.

Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Your journal is your best friend this month as it helps keep you focused on what truly matters. There are too many distractions that turn you away from your priorities. Keep track of your ideas and solutions and leave them for another time. Remember to tend to your important relationships, the one with yourself included. Smoky quartz helps you ground yourself.

Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Finding tender and quiet moments takes vigilance this month. Carve out time to replenish yourself. If you prefer more intimate connection, be romantic and get sexy with your partner. Host small gatherings at your home if you want more entertainment. Take stock of your energy reserves at the end of each week. Slowly gaining energy is the goal. Aspen flower essence can support you.


Your Intuitive Success Signature helps you live your soul mission and measure how to connect to your intuition by knowing, liking and trusting yourself. The tips below help you navigate the month’s challenges and take advantage of positive cosmic forces.

Wise Strategist

Be the rock. Let your audience know who, what, how and why you are who you are and do what you do. Demonstrate your credentials, accomplishments and experience without stating them. People will respond positively to you as an expert and thought leader. They will know your unwavering strength and how you can help them without hearing the exact words. It’s in the posture, not the statements.

Intuitive Visionary

Shine. Speak. Stand in front of others. You are the future and finally people can sense it about you. Your future-oriented solutions are in your energy, your vibe and your voice. Be the beacon of inspiration for the positive future and set a clear path to help others see it too. Be as inspiring as you’re born to be.

Collaborative Explorer

Reach out to your network. Check in. Listen, but also advise. You have great wisdom and others need to hear it right now. You have the qualifications and qualities people require at this time.  Advise. Guide. Lead. Mentor. You are the type of person and business leader everyone needs now.

Ruling Warrior

Quiet your message to be seen and heard. Being the leader requires softness and compassion and you can access both of these qualities when it truly matters. Let your audience know you care while letting them see how you can help them. You will make sales this month when you don’t focus exclusively on them. You’ll widen your influence when you exhibit your quiet power, instead of your vocal one.

Creative Superstar

You want to run and hide. Do that if you have the time and space and can spare losing opportunities. Gather yourself, especially if you planned for it. However, if you desire more business growth, show up and speak your truth without being the victim or showing overwhelm. This isn’t the time for weakness or indulgence.

Loving Alchemist

Figure out what you want to say, how you want to message and what you have to offer to your following. Develop a lead channel, then do live events with your audience. Conduct fireside chats. Host small cohorts. Do polls and manage Q&As. Develop community deeply and solidly while also letting them know your offers.


July is a complicated month that pushes you to be true to yourself while stirring up chaotic energies in the world. Fortifying your core through your Sun sign and invigorating your edges through your Intuitive Success Signature brings you closer to who you’re meant to be.  This also helps get through the month as unscathed as possible. 

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Tapping into the Strawberry Moon’s Transformative Energy

The Full Moon, on the heels of the Solstice, is a uniquely powerful time for transformation, success and prosperity. In this New Era, utilizing the universal potency aligned with your unique energetic signature, creates a vortex for your success. Using this vortex for your goals and desires is too beneficial to pass up, so let’s gather this force and use it to your advantage.

The Cosmic Guide to Success

The June Full Strawberry Moon and its surrounding celestial events offer a unique opportunity to transform your life and business. By understanding the cosmic energies and applying them to your Intuitive Success Signature, you can harness the universe’s power to achieve profound success.

During the Full Strawberry Moon, at the apex of the season of power, is a time to celebrate your strengths, envision your dreams and release blocks to achieve the life you desire. Engaging in ceremony and ritual invites creativity and introspection, aligning with both masculine and feminine energies.

🎧 Listen now to Episode 61: “Full Moon June” and let your star path to success shine brighter than ever.

5 Key Takeaways

1.Embrace New Beginnings: With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn at 1°, this Full Moon is all about initiating new cycles and embracing fresh opportunities. It’s the perfect time to set new intentions and take soulful plunges into your deepest desires.

2.Overcome Self-Deception: Neptune’s placement during this Full Moon highlights the importance of releasing self-defeating behaviors to embrace creativity, intuition and healing. Broadening the definition of escapism to include self-doubt and negative self-talk, encourages you to stop deceiving yourself and step into your full potential.

3. It’s the New Era: The traditional methods no longer work, so it’s time for working with the new way of weaving the ancient wisdom of the feminine energies with the advanced technologies of the masculine strengths. To create success and prosperity, dive into all things the New Era.

4. Harness Masculine and Feminine Energies: This Full Moon presents a unique blend of masculine and feminine energies, inviting you to balance the practical, goal-oriented aspects of Capricorn with the deep, intuitive, and nurturing elements of Cancer. It’s an excellent time for aligning your heart and mind to access your true power and creativity.

5. Lilith’s Message of Soul Potential: Block Moon Lilith is the apogee of the Moon and has a great deal to say to the collective at this time. Her channeled message is part of the Podcast episode and she wants you to appreciate the art of potential.

Intuitive Success Signatures: Personalized Rituals

Knowing your energetic imprint known as Intuitive Success Signatures, measures how you’re living your soul mission. Using this Full Strawberry Moon to do powerful ritual provides healing, transformation and success. Let’s explore your signature’s entry into your well of wisdom.

If you don’t know your signature, take the 12-question quiz here.  

For each of the signatures:

Wise Strategist

Ritual initiation: Envision a conversation with a large tree in the forest to fortify your growth.

Tip: Connect your roots to the earth and appreciate your impact.

Intuitive Visionary

Ritual initiation: Utilize moss agate or ocean jasper crystals to embody the element of earth.

Tip: Anchor innovations and solutions in order to expand your influence.

Collaborative Explorer

Ritual initiation: Feed your favorite elemental connection with air, earth, water or fire.

Tip: Watch the element grow as a reflection of your power.

Ruling Warrior

Ritual initiation: Picture yourself riding a shooting star.

Tip: Embrace the journey of reaching for the stars and capturing the Moon.

Creative Superstar

Ritual initiation: Imagine stepping into a vibrant mandala and becoming part of the colors.

Tip: Wear this mandala as an imprint of your creativity.

Loving Alchemist

Ritual initiation: Connect with selenite or labradorite crystals for nurturance and psychic connection, respectively.

Tip: Tap into your brilliant psychic energy to stir your tools for alchemy.

Bottom Line 

Aligning with cosmic events, like the June Full Moon at the time of the Solstice, can profoundly impact your soul journey. Leaning into the powerful energies while embracing your own imprint for brilliance opens your pathway for success, creativity and prosperity.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


#FullMoon #SummerSolstice #NewBeginnings #SelfAwareness

#YourStarPathToSuccess #KimWoods

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

June 2024: Using Astrological Guidance to Access Your Soul Truth

June Summary

June: The Breech

Sun signs – Gemini & Cancer

Seasonal energies: Apex of Power with the Solstice on the 20th

Energetic Element: Fire

Overall meaning:

Go deep to find the truth. This is power personified. Your well of wisdom is boundless. Draw from it – not from the eternal. Your truth is revealed from within. When you pull from your inner well, you avoid the deceptions and disbelief. You bypass your mind and live from your soul. You light from within to become enchanting, intoxicating, illuminating.

Unquestionably, this is the most powerful energy of the year. Your position in the spotlight must be respected. When you’re in alignment, this is lasting. Otherwise, it’s a 15-minutes of fame scenario. Any edgy investments? Take stock now so that you can solidify your financial position.

Seasonal Insights

The seasonal dance is one of renewal and flow that can be used to harness in order to propel your success.

The seasonal dance begins by opening your full potential which expands until it becomes unwieldy. At which time, it’s necessary to optimize your influence through purposeful actions. Once you’ve harnessed this potential-filled purpose, you generate power, expanding your ability to make impact. Curating your powerful impact creates prosperity and then you’re ready to begin the cycle again.

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.


On June 20th @ 4:51 pm ET, the Sun enters Cancer for the initiation of a new season.  Summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, marks the apex the season of power. The Sun reaches its highest point in the sky or the lowest, depicting the farthest opposition of the energies available. When the range of opposition is at its greatest point, the energies along its line rise to the surface to let you traverse its path.

When the Sun enters Cancer, he’s asking you to step into your power to reclaim the perfect work-life balance for you. This is personal, individual and dependent upon your unique definition of success and satisfaction as illuminated by your soul. Additionally, your deep and true soul mission is matched against your mind’s acceptance of societal norms and familial conditioning.

Neptune is completely involved in this Solstice energy asking you to drop into your intuition, imagination and visions to create the life and business you truly desire. Your mind fights against the unfamiliar tract of the etheric, dream-like quality, however, your heart and soul revel in it.

Take a moment during this solstice to access your heart and soul. At this time, your growth trajectory for success counts on this input. 

Season of Power –  May – August; Gemini, Cancer, Leo

Firstly, your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales, first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. You want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Lastly, honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You will shine, bask, and create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy.  The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought.

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. Nonetheless, this is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius and create your platforms or stages.  Additionally, this is a great time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.  


  • June 3 – Jupiter trine Pluto @ 12:12 pm ET
  • June 11 – Mars square Pluto @ 9:21 am ET
  • June 20 – Sun enters Cancer @ 4:51 pm ET
  • June 29 – Saturn retrograde until November 15

For more information about 2024, listen to this podcast episode.

 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

Jupiter trine Pluto @ 1° June 3 at 12:12 am ET

This Jupiter-Pluto cycle began in 2020 with the 3 conjunctions in Capricorn on April 4, June 30 and November 12. Here’s what I wrote in the 2020 forecast guide about this cycle:

“There are forces from April to November adding pressure for you to discover what truly matters.  Your core ambitions and passions are tested by your limits of time and resources. These resources may be material, intellectual and/or spiritual.

Your personal power is strengthened by mature selection in the ways you use it. Owning your power is the goal. How best do you do that?

First you have to recognize your power and then step into claiming it. Be honest with yourself. Are you fully empowered? If not, how can you welcome your power process with an open mind & heart?  

Additionally, be mindful of what’s important to you. You’re going through the priority wringer. It begins on April 5th as you become aware that changes are upon you. On June 30th, you’ll be asked to refine your response to these changes and make appropriate adjustments. On November 12th, you’ve fully integrated the changes from April and your new cycle begins now.”

Since then, you’ve gotten a boost in May of 2022 when Jupiter excites Pluto for success, power and influence. The stars’ desire for positive change makes it easy to attain. There’s nothing for you to do, except let it happen.

Next, you deal with a confrontation in May 2023. As Jupiter squares off with Pluto, it’s all or nothing. Personal possessions, values and luxuries compete with societal norms and conventions. This is a shake-up to the core – individuality is at cross-purposes with the collective. Saturn and Uranus laid the groundwork throughout 2021 and 2022, but that was a grind, a slow-mover, a frustrating act of ‘let’s get on with it.’ Above all, be careful what you wish for now, it’s all or nothing.

You gain insight, intuitive nudges and feminine power when you open your mind to your inner knowing. Step into your intuition and creative wisdom. When you do, you have the opportunity to align with the highest level of your success.

Taurus Mars square Aquarius Pluto June 11 at 9:21 am ET @ 1.45°

Competitive pressure, aggravated power plays and momentum for wresting control comes to the fore on June 11th. Undoubtedly, you’re familiar with this as it happens every year, yet each year, there are different energies surrounding this tension.

This year, attracting audience through authentic expression and close connection heightens with these the energies. You feel bold and brave to let the real you be seen, heard and known. You shift perspective as things heretofore unknown, come into the light. Even though it’s a narrow threading of the needle, take this opportunity to make an impression.

Saturn retrograde Pisces 19 – 12° June 29 – November 15

Saturn once again retrogrades in Pisces and this master of humanity pulls you further into your inner life. Instead of looking outside of yourself to set priorities and make useful choices, Saturn retrograde in Pisces says, “Everything is inside of you. Look within. You have all of the answers.”

He further taxes you by creating silence between you and the Universe to remind you, “As above, so below. So within, as without.” You are the creator of your reality. What world are you currently creating?

If you like your present circumstances, Saturn in Pisces fills you with ease and relief. If your current situation isn’t to your liking, he pushes you to make the necessary changes to make it so.

To remember how Saturn retrograde in Pisces shows up for you, reflect back to May 1993 – April 1996. This harkens back to the Uranus conjunct Neptune and the start of a 171-year cycle and its corresponding evolution of the future. 

A few days later Neptune stations retrograde, making the impact from the early 1990’s even greater. Let’s take a look as many glimpses of the future were available during this period.

How did your choices in the early 1990’s create who and what you are today? Furthermore, what do you wish you had done differently and what are you grateful for now?

Your future self is here today. You are at the helm of your life and only you can take the steps forward or backward. 


Week 1: Power-packed Push; Best Power Week of the Year

This week demonstrates the physical celestial beauty with the alignment of stars, namely Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus on the 3rd, while bringing success and power to every one of your dreams.  The truth reveals through the air element of communication, love, action, blessings and priority to access your feminine power and wisdom. Listen to your inner knowing for deep, deep power.

Also, creativity, romance and success provide good news, great fortune and sound business dealings. Excellent leadership, sales and solutions to problems remove obstacles to help you thrive.

Week 2: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Power plays, hidden agendas and manipulative actions throw you off of your path. Ignore external influences and double down on your unique brilliance at this time. Thread the needle to make a big impression by standing unwaveringly in your core strength. The edginess shakes up the untethered and weak-willed whereas the strong and powerful awaken the initiated.   

Week 3: Take a Pause Moment to Avoid Missteps, Mistakes and Mind Games

Confusion, low energy and missed opportunities sow doubt and fear. Make adjustments for your future by using your powerful intuition so that you can discern what’s right for you.  Fall in love with yourself, your family and your business all over again. Lastly, remind yourself why you’ve made the choices you have to bring you to this point.

Week 4: Everything Comes Together

Finally, this week is a great time for meeting new people who are predisposed to have your best interests at heart. There’s good news relating to your business, leadership position or finances.  Solutions come from nowhere to remove obstacles and clear your path to success. Above all, you can create powerful movement forward in self-care, self-confidence and self-love by embracing who you are at your core.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Future of the Collective

Details: Sun & Moon in Gemini 16° on June 6th @ 8:40 am ET

At 16°, the 7 energy of the chariot gifts you with the means and energies to pursue your goals while celebrating your accomplishments. You assess your current standing, recalibrate your priorities and with the stellium in Gemini, shifts your perspective to make excellent connections, refresh perspectives and realign your growth trajectory. History is rewritten and the future unfolds. Energize the present to imprint the potential of the next days, weeks and years.   

Moreover, remembering who you are at the core is possible with this New Moon. As you embark on self-discovery, you can uncover the riches in your home, history, foundations and roots. You can also anchor your soul as you align your mind, body and spirit. Lastly, go with your instincts and let things naturally surface.

With this purpose, let ritual and your natural rhythms allow the energies of the Earth to help you receive the bounty of the deepest part of you. Without a doubt, you can master your self-worth right now. Go for it.

Full Moon: Persuasion or Collusion?

Details: Sun in Cancer & Moon in Capricorn 1° on June 21st @ 9:10 pm ET

Embracing trust and stepping into faith helps you determine which way is up. You question who to trust and how to trust it, when you’re really questioning how to trust yourself.

Low energy, deflation, deception, delusion and disbelief is in contrast to power of Pluto.  Take these moments of silence to warp yourself in your intuition, feminine wisdom and universal power to replenish your energy and refine your soul mission.

Watch this quick video to Listen to Yourself and Receive What You Want.


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you so that you can create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day so that you can feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

The Goddess is the embodiment of energy you long for that’s missing in your life.

Order your Intuition cards online

Intuitive Oracle Card: #4 Believe

An oracle card by Kim Woods titled 'Believe' featuring an intricate mandala design in pastel colors. At the center is an image of a sunlit forest. The card has the text 'Be certain of your full potential' at the bottom.

Card statement: Be certain of your full potential.

Words to ponder: Perception. Potential. Possibility.

Message: “Choose to believe in your full potential.  Act as if you’re certain of the outcome.”

Essence: Be sure of yourself, knowing deeply and unwaveringly of your greatest outcome. It’s here – now. Be your truest, most majestic self.

Meaning: Believing in yourself is paramount for living to your full potential. This card is a prompt to remind you to gather your thoughts into the positive about yourself, your strengths, gifts, talents and abilities. It’s a remembrance of all you’ve been through and how you’ve successfully navigated your life. Above all, capture these thoughts and lean into their certainty.

Image, mandala & color: See the light shining your brightest future with its incandescent glow. Your hands reach for it, outstretched and yearning. See yourself capturing YOU and all of your wondrous gifts. Like the tulip shapes within the mandala, sip from the divine creation you are. Infuse your practical life with magical beliefs.

Number: 4 is a number of safety, security and support. Like the legs of a table holding up steadily and reliably, the 4 is physical and evidentiary. Believe in the structures put in place when you say YES to living your highest potential. When the 4 is repeated, its meaning is the angels are singing your glory in the moment, reveling with you and giving you love and support.

Card guidance:

Intuitive tool: Use this link to receive our free BIG Dream meditation.

Practical tip: Tell someone you trust about your potential and how you plan on making it real in your life. Say it with conviction and certainty.

Spirit Animal: Beaver

A beaver in the water, chewing on a branch. The beaver has a wet, glossy fur and is partially submerged, showcasing its natural habitat.

Create your foundation so that you can shore up your position. Allowing a stronger foundation anchors your energy for your growth. Get to work and focus on the long-term to inspire hard work and great effort.

Choosing the solid enables you to expand your influence and impact. You thrive on your individuality as much as on the collaboration of team work

Crystal: Rose Quartz

A smooth, polished rose quartz crystal with a soft pink hue, shown against a plain white background

Rose quartz loves you unconditionally, helping you with your self-care, self-worth and self-love healing work. Imagine rose quartz cozying up to you when you’re feeling down and out. Think of her as an ally and a friend. Promoting universal and personal love, rose quartz opens the heart chakra allowing more love into your life. 

Grab this crystal when you need more trust of yourself and others. Calm, inner peace and emotional ease blooms within you when you use rose quartz consistently in your intuitive practice.

Rose quartz works in conjunction with other crystals enhancing your ability to accept their energies, so use it with other stones. In 2024, combine amazonite and rose quartz to merge your masculine strengths with your feminine gifts to manifest your dreams. 

Flower Essence: Walnut

A close-up photograph of a walnut still in its green husk, partially cracked open, hanging from a branch with green leaves in the background.

This essence helps us deal with changing circumstances without losing balance. It provides protection from unwanted change and negative influences. It heralds new beginnings, fresh starts and futures all of which are components of our work in the world and beyond.

Walnut was also the October and November 2023 flower essence too.


The Goddess energy is as old as time and there are many myths and legends about the Gods and Goddesses, especially in Greek and Roman times.  The Goddess energy lifts up the feminine forces whereas, the masculine energies can’t be left behind.

The Feminine

What does it mean to be feminine?

We were taught ‘sugar and spice and everything nice.”

Feminine is the full spectrum of life- and death. The feminine is the wholeness of creation.

  • It’s life and death.
  • Birth and rebirth.
  • Creation and destruction.

Embracing the wholeness is the key to femininity.

Being feminine is black and white and every shade on the spectrum. During this month, it’s easy to embody the essence of the Goddess.

Goddess: Maat

An illustration of the Egyptian goddess Maat. She is depicted in traditional attire, holding a scepter and an ankh, with a feather atop her head, symbolizing truth and justice.

Maat is an Advocate as she orders the stars and the seasons to respect the integration of the masculine and the feminine. She’s the embodiment of integrity, fairness and justice. To invoke her energy, simply look at her image and speak her language, “I am the unique and beautiful energy of true order of the Earth, the stars and the Universe. I am inclusion, fairness and justice for and of everyone.”

The truth of your soul emits an energy your heart and body reads and recognizes. Your mind isn’t the leader, your soul mission creates the chariot and sacred alignment of your true path.  Let me help you find your truth.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Wise Strategist

Your depth is knowledge, so stand in your expertise. Host a few public outings. People need to see and hear you. Set up your sales channels and prosecute them by inviting, offering and selling. Your expertise is, without a doubt, desired by your audience. Unquestionably, now is the time to make those deals.           

Intuitive Visionary

Your depth is innovation and fueling your ideas and solutions with power takes focus. Pick one of your most sales-producing ideas or solutions and focus on it all month. Seriously, that’s all you should talk about for 4 straight weeks. Marketing, messaging, article writing, Podcast interviews, lead generation, sales, in addition to client work are based on this one solution.

Collaborative Explorer

Your depth is networking, yet are you deepening your networks? When was the last time you focused solely on building your connections, resources, introductions, referrals and collaborations? What benefits are you receiving? Call in your markers. You’ve unquestionably built up enough goodwill for people to give you ways to grow your business.  

Ruling Warrior

Your depth is selling. Sell yourself this month, not your products and services, to maximize lasting results. You become sustainable without having to work so hard or make such effort when you offer yourself to the marketplace. Subsequently, your audience becomes rabid and makes referrals and sales for you.

Creative Superstar

Your depth is creation yet others don’t appreciate what goes into your offers. Explain your creative process, the ups and downs and the ins and outs. Let people see behind the scenes and they will then see your offers in a new light. You will too. Additionally, you’ll appreciate your creativity more as you take the time to review, position and explain it. It may be time to reevaluate your rates.

Loving Alchemist

This month is also yours to create the success you want for your business. Without a doubt, there’s depth, power and magic for the taking as you stay in connection with your clients, prospects and followers. Show your people who you are with all of your strengths, talents and gifts. Let them see the real you and the how and why you do what you do.


Just like a whale breeches above the surface, June proves that your internal inner reflects your external world. Going beneath the surface to your hidden depths and softer skills is required to follow your soul’s path.

 Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

It’s Time to Create Worlds During the Full Flower Moon


Details: Full Flower Moon with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 2° on May 23th @ 9:55 am ET

The truth is in the paradox. The Full Flower Moon is a time of opposition and with the Sun in Gemini, it opens your mind to possibilities and with the Moon in Sagittarius, it welcomes actual experiences through exploration and discovery.

In other words, dream it – do it.

Listen to the Podcast episode for vibrational resonance and sacred ritual.

Invest in Your Wisdom

Both the Sun and Moon energies in this Full Flower Moon are growth-oriented, expansive and filled with opportunity. Depending on your own energies, you’ll want to either pursue these opportunities to the fullest or stop, take a step back and check in with yourself. The possibility to go deep is just as available as the option to expand.

This is the time to get aligned with your soul and your mind may or may not accept this truth.

It’s time to create the world you want to live in, not in the future, but right now. Getting your mind to accept the very best outcome isn’t something it is designed to be able to do. Your mind always protects you and prepares you for the worst, but what if your mind can be programmed to allow your highest potential? The truth is your mind can accomplish this when it’s combined with your intuition. This is where genius lives.

Are You in Alignment?

In order to access your soul’s wisdom, you must be aligned with your soul, create space to listen to it and follow its guidance. It’s important to know when you’re out of alignment with your soul.

When you’re out of alignment, you feel and do the following.

You feel:

  1. Unclear and stressed
  2. Out of sorts and unsettled
  3. Empty and dissatisfied
  4. Inexplicably tired or fatigued
  5. Easily overwhelmed
  6. Out of control

You do:

  1. Live with clutter and disorganization
  2. Overspend or exaggerate your standing
  3. Take care of others, instead of yourself
  4. Find ways to escape or take up numbing activities
  5. Miss appointments or show up late or unprepared
  6. Either play the victim or try to be the hero

Soul Alignment Signs

What does it mean to be in alignment with your soul? Being in alignment with your soul means being totally and utterly YOU, without any artifice, excuse or apology.  You’re the exact same when you’re alone at midnight or at noon with a roomful of people. Your mind, body and spirit are in sync and you take of each equally and willingly.

You think, feel and act in accordance with your full potential to live your soul mission. You’re in the flow of the universal energy with the earthly and celestial realms. When you’re in alignment, your soul leads and blends with your mind to convey your heart’s wisdom.

Getting into Alignment with Your Soul

Your soul is patient and kind and waits on the sidelines until you’re ready to connect. It’s so patient, in fact, your mind takes over and pushes your soul aside. Your mind is impatient and wants constant care and feeding, so quieting your mind is an absolute necessity. Not all mind-quieting activities are passive. You can lose yourself in creative actions, journaling, walking or fitness routines. The key is to engage your mind in something mundane, so your soul comes forward. Ever wonder why you get so many good ideas or have epiphanies in the shower? Your mind is involved in the mundane, so your soul sneaks in and gets your attention.

Quick Checklist to Get Aligned with Your Soul during Full Flower Moon

  • Occupy your mind with something mundane or repetitive
  • Meditate
  • Notice the signs and symbols
  • Listen to instrumental music
  • Stay present
  • Connect to your heart
  • Laugh
  • Fall in love
  • Go out in nature
  • Get creative
  • Breathe: Take 1-3-10 breaths
  • Dance or move your body
  • Do yoga or go to a spa
  • Seek a change of scenery

More Specific Tips for Soul Alignment

Wise Strategist

Connect your mind to your intuition by enacting your instinct. Ask yourself yes or no questions and listen to your body for how a yes feels versus a no. You have great instincts, use them. Start with minor questions and then increase their importance. You’ll gain confidence as you allow your natural wisdom to take part in your decision-making. If you’d rather, use a pendulum for guidance.

Intuitive Visionary

Your intuitive knowing is unparalleled, but your mind is WAY too overactive. You must quiet your mind. You can do it actively, but it must be done. Choose one or two options on the checklist and alternate them. Routines don’t work for you, so let variety into your practice. Journaling, reading spiritual books and using intuitive oracle cards are your best magical tools.

Collaborative Explorer

Your heart is always engaged, but it’s focused externally to take care of others. When you allow your heart to turn inward, it’s scary and uncomfortable. Taking time in solitude by talking walks, appreciating the seasons or the elements eases your vulnerable heart. The dance between you and others can be replaced by the dance of the vibrational resonance of the universe.

Ruling Warrior

It’s a great time for you as you love this fast-moving energy. If you create your world at this pace, you’ll exhaust yourself. Including time to relax by going to the spa, spending time on your fitness routines and laughing with friends and family are the perfect remedies for a 360° created world.

Creative Superstar

Diving deeply into your creations is so natural for you when you give yourself time in solitude or with sensory activities. Using all of your senses, including your 6th one, opens your connection to your soul. Your empathic ways relish the earthly sensations of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. Use your senses by lighting candles, savoring delicious foods and looking at beautiful objects. Aligning your body’s awareness opens your heart and soul. Enjoy and do this Full Moon ritual at least 3 times during this Full Flower Moon phase.

Loving Alchemist

Paying attention to your dreams and the cycles of the Moon draw your energy into your power, naturally and magically. Matching your power is important for you to feel safe enough to explore the depths of your soul. Only allow the deepest and most experienced energetic healers into your energy. Using the earthly realms and celestial guidance helps steer your best steps for alignment.

Listen to the Podcast for the ritual to imbue sacred knowledge, embody sacred love and create sacred sanctuary.

Bottom Line

It’s time to create worlds and your mind isn’t your best tool. Combining your intuition with your mind is where your genius lies. Use your genius to creates worlds.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2024: Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Make Big Impact in May 2024: Summary

May: Anchor into Your Soul

Sun signs – Taurus & Gemini

Seasonal energies: Origin of Power with Beltane on the 1st

Energetic Element: Fire

Overall meaning: 

It’s time to create worlds. Don’t have what you desire? Get creative. Aren’t getting the sales you deserve? Revaluate your sales channels. Haven’t captured your place in your industry? Embolden your power. It’s time to own you. Receive your bounty through the deepest part of you. Double down and carve out your place in the world. Stay unwavering and have people come to you.

Seasonal Insights


Beltane on May 1st kicks off the season of power celebrating the height of spring. It’s the high point of the transition from winter to summer. Its historical significance is to shed the dark and dread of winter and reveal the light of spring. Pagan ceremonies included the lighting of fires as both cleanser and creator. Astrologically this date hits in the sign of Taurus which is a fertile and earthly energy.

May Day is another celebratory ritual with maidens dancing around the May pole to herald the festival of planting, growing and harvesting. This day is designed to protect the upcoming harvest.  

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Power: 

Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes big impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. Additionally, you want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine, you bask and you create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy.  The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought.

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius as well as create your platforms or stages.  This is great at this time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.  


  • May 1 – Beltane; celebrate the Earth and her bounty
  • May 2 – Pluto retrograde; discover your hidden worth
  • May 4 – Mars sextile Pluto; drive to achieve your goals
  • May 23 – Jupiter sextile Neptune; embrace growth
  • May 25 – Jupiter ingress Gemini; stop limiting beliefs

For more information about 2024, listen to this podcast episode.

 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

May 2: Pluto Retrograde: Discover Your Hidden Worth

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius May 2 at 1:47 pm ET @ 2.6°

    You felt Pluto retrograde in Aquarius last year for the first time. Can you remember what Pluto asked of you? Pluto wants you to love yourself unconditionally and when in retrograde stirs up all of your insecurities, mistakes and foibles for you to remember and heal. You’re perfectly imperfect and Pluto wants you to know that no matter what, you are loved. Knowing this helps when dealing with others, because this is also a time to fully understand your power and to realize how others around you are using theirs (for or against you). Power plays, hidden agendas and secret lore is a fascination so above all, focus on you and let the drama around you fall away. Pluto stations direct on October 11th @ Capricorn 29°.

May 4: Mars Sextile Pluto: Drive to Achieve Your Goals

  • Aries Mars sextile Aquarius Pluto May 4 at 8:06 am ET @ 2.6°

    Mars excites Pluto every year, so what’s the big deal with this star configuration? The last time Mars excited Pluto in the Aries/Aquarius combination could only have happened about 250 years ago as this was the last time Pluto was in Aquarius.

    Given the New Era portal opening on the solstice in 2020, huge energetic impulses between the God of War (Mars) and the God of Hell (Pluto) in Aquarius are significant.

    You have endurance, intense and almost ruthless energy to achieve your goals for creating your new future. Further, your stamina and drive to make you perfectly aligned along your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. To clarify, this is a rare treat and one you don’t want to ignore. There’s also the opportunity to heal your connection with others through conversation and opening your mind to their opinions. Forthright debate and honest communication could bring communities together or argumentative posturing and deception can further separate them.

May23: Jupiter Sextile Neptune: Embrace Growth

  • Taurus Jupiter sextile Pisces Neptune @ 29° May 23 at 5:43 pm ET

    Jupiter and Neptune do an elegant dance every 14-years when they meet to boost your ability to integrate your spiritual energies with your practical success. They met again in 2022 to push you until 2035, but with the Pluto in the center of the stars this year, it’s important to also note their ending meet-up throughout 2020 to complete their prior cycle.

    Do you remember the boost you got in 2009? Were you prompted to initiate something new to reach for your full potential? Or rather, did you find it easy or hard to become spiritual in daily life?

    This is what I wrote in my 2020 monthly blogs when Jupiter stimulates Neptune at the end of the last 14-year cycle which began in 2009, “In February, July and October, you come into a sense of flow and smooth sailing. This is a glass half-full instead of half-empty scenario and with everything else going on this year, it’s one of the only supportive star angles. Yum! This is a time of optimism, faith and idealism. Even without the rose-colored glasses, you can see hope in your future.”

    When the new cycle begins between Jupiter and Neptune, they meet up for a perfect kiss on April 12, 2022. This is the first waxing step in a 14-year cycle that ends in 2035. I wrote, “Hang on tight because the biggest star event of 2022 happens this week as Jupiter and Neptune meet for big impact. The possibilities these two planets bring to the table are bountiful- acceptance, inclusion, broadened perspective, increased awareness, imagination, creativity and love. Unfortunately, these possibilities may feel difficult to bring to fruition, especially if you’re not standing firmly in your core values or leaning into your intuition. When you’re not connected to yourself, this energy blasts you with delusion, distraction and escapist forces.”

    So, Jupiter and Neptune excite each other once again, creating the first burst of energy since their new-cycle meeting in 2022. You find your place in the world when you embrace growth and optimism, but only when you put steps and supports in place to actively increase your connections, link your mind with your heart and say YES to the new.

May25: Jupiter enters Gemini: Stop Limiting Beliefs

  • Jupiter enters Gemini @ 0° May 25 at 11:14 pm ET

    Jupiter moves into a new sign every year, carving a path through the zodiac every 12 years. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 2012. Jupiter is a fiery energy that ignites when in the Gemini air sign. Jupiter expands everything it touches and when in Gemini, it’s all about your mind. Your mental abilities grow, shifting perspectives and opening your mind to the new. You also become less attached to limiting beliefs and see possibility everywhere.

    You’re curious, flexible, social, and intellectually stimulated. You want to take courses, read books, and talk to experts. You tend toward speaking, writing, teaching and presenting. Your world becomes more and more ‘mental.’ Furthermore, under the expanding Jupiter influence, any mental health issues also grow.

    In this star configuration, Pluto supports Jupiter and gives you insights into your unique definition of success coupled with feeling at home with yourself in ways you haven’t to date.


Week 1: Assimilate Feminine & Masculine Energies

This week intertwines the feminine and masculine by starting with a soft and dreamy influence as the star energies dance between the feminine of Venus and the masculine of Mars in their own signs.

As Venus moves into Taurus, her own sign, Mars moves into Aries, his own sign. The feminine becomes more amplified while the masculine gets stronger. When you lean into Mars, this is a time for doing, not being. When you lean into Venus, it’s the time to lie back and wait for the world to come to you.

Your best bet?

Flow between these two energies.

As Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, the Goddess of Love enters one of her own signs and in Taurus, she adores the ease of getting along with others, falling in love and staying loyal in relationships. She loves the easy and the charming. She appreciates everything romantic and sensorial. She’s also indulgent and a wee bit lazy. She doesn’t want to stir up drama or dive too deeply into the complicated.

She’s a wonderful family and friendly influence as she yearns for material gods and luxurious items. Venus loves money and in fact, she’s excellent at attracting it. Yes, she loves money but doesn’t want to strain herself having to work for it. She looks for partners to do the work for her or opportunities that fall easily into her hands.  Venus will be in Taurus until May 23rd, when she enters Gemini.

As Mars enters Aries on April 30th, your energy gets a boost, giving you ample enough to roll up your sleeves and accomplish your to-do list or set about achieving your goals. When you lean into Mars, this is a time for doing, not being. Mars gifts you with courage to take bold moves and bravely face your fears. He also asks you to lead your life the way you initially intended. Above all, he wants you to shed what others want you to do and be, so you can use this time that he’s in his own sign to tackle the things you put off otherwise. Mars will be in Aries until July 12th, when he enters Taurus.

At the end of the week, Pluto gets involved driving you to fortify your relationships with yourself, others and money. When the relationship is shaky, this star blend cracks the foundation to bring power and control issues to the surface. When this relationship is solid, the intensity reveals the depth of love to the beloved and cherishing levels. With this in mind, think in terms of soul mate. This is soul-level stuff.

Moreover, you are gifted with the drive and tenacity to realize what was initiated in 2020.

Week 2: Get Serious About Your Success

This week is a great time to problem solve, deal with serious issues or manage complex tasks. You are filled with duties and responsibilities and expressions of leadership. Your work ethic and ability to commit to yourself and others is at an all-time high.  Good health and nutrition is part of your success equation this week as is caregiving and lending support to yourself and others.

On the world stage, supply chains and food sources are being challenged, however ideas and innovations come to the fore while shining the light on these issues to finally fix them.

Week 3: Good Luck Creates Success

Embrace new ways of doing things and fresh perspectives to take care of yourself while seeking your fame and fortune. Overcome your fears by facing them head on and taking action to move through them. Build structures and systems for your creations, get serious and deal with problems and say yes to opportunities for meeting new people and welcoming different situations.  The end of the week brings good luck and success no matter your actions.

Week 4: Success is Here!

As the Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, Venus on the 23rd and Jupiter follows on the 25th, you feel uplifted and filled with energy to strive for your goals. You have the power over your life to transform what isn’t working to something that can work for you. It’s a good time to solve problems, come up with new ideas and see the big picture. 

You meet new people and seek varied and interesting relationships as well as creative pursuits and financial connections. Things come easily to you right now – sales, creations and connections.

You desire to get in front of the camera and bussing for those you adore. It’s also a great time to improve your image and style, so have fun.

In Gemini, Venus gets flirty and fun and fickle. In relationships, Venus wants more than what she currently has. She seeks distraction and fun, easy and shallow connections. Also, she wants to shred anything serious or committed. Additionally, she seeks discovery and exploration just for the fun of it. Finally, she wants to break commitments and contracts. While Pluto enters to make everything imperative, intense and deep. This is soul-level stuff.

As long as you don’t succumb to the busyness, distractions and mind games, this is an excellent time to deal with everything love, success and money.

Week 5: Great Connections

Lastly, this is an excellent time for business connections, contracts and negotiations. Inform your audience about new discoveries, inventions or methods. It’s also a time for new inventions, scientific discoveries, innovative original and eccentric ideas.

The elite and the average differences are amplified in terms of food availability and nutrition access. There are possible power struggles between the haves and the have nots.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Be Your Brilliance

Details: New Moon with Sun & Moon in Taurus at 18° on May 7th @ 11:24 pm ET

Remembering who you are at the core is possible with this New Moon. As you embark on self-discovery, you can uncover the riches in your home, history, foundations and roots. You can also anchor your soul as you align your mind, body and spirit. Go with your instincts and let things naturally surface. With this purpose, let ritual and your natural rhythms allow the energies of the Earth to help you receive the bounty of the deepest part of you. You can master your self-worth right now. Go for it.

Full Moon: Invest in Your Wisdom

Details: Full Moon with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 2° on May 23th @ 9:55 am ET

It’s time to create the world you want to live in, not in the future, but right now. Getting your mind to accept the very best outcome isn’t something it is designed to be able to do. Your mind always protects you and prepares you for the worst, but what if your mind can be programmed to allow your highest potential? The truth is your mind can accomplish this when it’s combined with your intuition. This is where genius lives.

Watch this quick video to Listen to Yourself and Receive What You Want.


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you so that you can create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day so that you can feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Order your Intuition cards online

Intuitive Oracle Card: #5 Open

Open Oracle card for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Follow the wisdom of your heart by observing what comes to you out of the blue or by expressing gratitude for all of the abundance in your life already. Either way helps you open your heart.

Your heart has so many things it wants to tell you. Will you listen to it? Quiet your thoughts and drop into your heart. Listen carefully to its prompting. Open yourself up to your heart. It wants to lead you to your very best life.

Use these two tips to help you open your heart:

  1. Place your hands over your heart and breath into your heart space for a few quiet moments. Feel your heart’s energy and ask it what it wants to tell you. Open and feel. Do this as many times as it takes for you to hear your heart’s whispers.
  2. Say you need a minute when someone asks you for something. Take a deep breath, connect to your heart and then respond. Your heart knows the truth – let it lead you. 

Spirit Animal: Bee

Spirit Animal for May 2024 - Bee Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Bee represents your commitment to success while enjoying the sweetness of life. You’re thriving, industrious and capable, yet deliver succor to the world. You work well independently, but also as part of a team.

Call on bee when you need cooperation from others to complete a task, desire tact and diplomacy or want to be in service to the world.  Bee was the spirit animal of 2020 and this month feeds back to your aspirations of 2020.

Crystal: Amazonite

Amazonite Crystal for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Amazonite is a natural healer, soothing nervous energy and enhancing love. It acts a filter in the environment, helps maintain optimum health and releases negative energy. This stone also provides good luck, fortune and overall success. It facilitates constructive expression so it’s a good stone for musicians and writers.

This crystal balances feminine and masculine energies, so is an excellent stone for these times.  Amazonite supports self-determination and bestows honesty, truth and integrity. It gives the wearer clarity, compassion and psychic support.

Amazonite is sometimes known as Amazon Stone, is a feldspar and typically found in Brazil. This crystal acts like jade or turquoise.

Core crystal of 2024. In April, rose quartz was also the edge crystal of the year.

Flower Essence: Cerato

Cerato Flower Essence for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Cerato is the Intuition flower for the Third Eye chakra. The soul lesson for Gemini is to listen to your own inner wisdom, trusting your intuition and instincts more than you trust your logical mind.

Taking Cerato encourages greater communication with your Higher Self and the ability to trust and follow your own guidance. It brings out self-trust, reliance on intuition and knowledge so supports our ability for discernment.  This was the flower essence of 2021 to interface the past with the future, the practical and the magical and the feminine with the masculine.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Wise Strategist

Here’s a wobble when you stay in your comfort zone of linear thinking and actions. Instead have fun, act out. Do something unexpected. Allow yourself to ask questions and sit with them without finding immediate answers. The key is to dance with creative flow.

Intuitive Visionary

Yes to the yes to the yes. But, do your creative world-building based on older solutions, offerings and ideas. This isn’t the time for new inventions, it’s the time to revisit, refine and offer older ones. With new solutions, you’ll actually lose audience. With older ones, you gain clients, making more sales and creating deeply loyal followers.             

Collaborative Explorer

Reach out to others, at least 2, and coordinate a great outreach campaign with each of them for the month. Define how each of you work with each other’s audiences getting specific on results, value and effort. With the details ironed out clearly, you can grow your business seamlessly. It’s a win-win-win. 

Ruling Warrior

Be the role model you were born to be. You’re a natural, yet reluctant leader when it moves beyond your products and services. Yet, being the benevolent advisor or guide creates connections, opportunities and growth you won’t get any other way.

Creative Superstar

This is your month. It’s creation time, but remember is also about community. Pulling away to create out of whole cloth makes you miss opportunities. Creating within your network draws people closer to you and brings sales upon sales. You can ripple this effect within your own sphere to deepen people’s investment with you.

Loving Alchemist

This month is perfect for you with the right stage that you’ve built over the last few months. You and your channels are created to bring people in and your audience is primed to do just that. Connect often this month. It’s a good time for LIVE events, challenges, experiences or workshops. Sell from the stage. 


You are the God or the Goddess of your world. You get to create it the way you want it to be. Say a great big Yes to your highest potential!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

April 2024: How Do the Stars Help You Be Fearless & Let Your Soul Lead

April 2024 Summary

April: Be Fearless & Let Your Soul Lead

Sun signs – Aries & Taurus

Seasonal energies: Optimize Purpose

Energetic Element: Air

Overall meaning: There’s a closing, a tunnel or a chokepoint to move through with the eclipse on the 8th. You’re pressed to accept what’s real and recognize the deceptions, proclaimed by you and others. Think of the stories you’ve been telling yourself. Note how you’ve been rationalizing. Become brutally honest about all the ways you’ve been letting your mind lead. Open the portal your soul provides to initiate from your heart and soul. Your potential aligns with your heart and soul, not your mind. Your full potential pulses to create the channels that reach your audience when you let it. 

Read about ways to make more money and have more success in 2024.

Seasonal Insights

Season of Purpose

Months: February – May

Sun signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be purposeful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year.  Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.


 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aries 4/1 – 4/25

    Mercury retrogrades are well-known and seem to be the most impactful as Mercury rules communication, technology and travel. You feel his retrograde station when communication breaks down, technology has snafus and travel is delayed. Yet, Mercury has so much more power as he’s the messenger, the harbinger of the future. 

    For more information about Mercury retrograde, listen to the full podcast episode.

    Ecliptic Pair Ends 4/8

    The New Moon is in Aries on April 8th to complete the ecliptic pair that began on March 25th. The edginess of the year is illuminated and softened during these 2 weeks. Your core seems to be hollowed out by these powerful forces and how people are reacting to the stresses of daily life.  Defense and protection is the theme, but not to the exclusion of integrity and responsibility. You have a chance during this New Moon to begin anew.

    Taurus Jupiter Conjunction Uranus 4/21

    This star configuration signals a new cycle that begins every 13 years. The last time this occurred was January 4, 2011 at 27° Pisces with support from Venus and the next time will be September 8, 2037 at 23° Cancer. Jupiter with Uranus means sudden expansion, surprises and breakthroughs.  In Taurus, your status, finances and creature comforts are affected.

    On the world stage, freedom seeking rebellion becomes a force of nature. Stubbornness, rigid positions and fixed opinions get a jolt. Land, material possessions and stability gets rocked.

    Personally, you feel a powerful surge in your potential and see a clear and straightforward pathway to ease complications and burdens. There’s the opportunity to lay down your fears once and for all.

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast so you don’t miss out on getting stars + strategy tips. 

Star Power

Week 1: Stand Up and Prioritize What Truly Matters

This week, you’re being asked to stand up, stand back and become the leader you’re meant to be. You have natural leadership tendencies and now is the time to access them. The stars conspire to support you by opening your heart and uncovering the secrets within. You can tap into your intuition and observe what information comes up for you.

Start a conversation with Venus as she’s the center this week. How do you love to be loved? Who helps you be a better version of yourself? What would you do with all the money in the world? This is time of love, money and success on your own terms. 

Week 2: Let Your Soul Lead

Combining your intuition with your logical mind equates brilliance. This week you have the opportunity to use your brilliance to accept reality, complete complex tasks and make solid decisions.  Mars and Saturn come together after the New Moon eclipse ends it’s pairing and before Mercury kisses the Sun. That which is hidden comes to light and that which you’ve been noodling comes under review.

Lean into patience and stamina, while your mind reaches for its full potential. Your heart and soul take the lead center stage. Allow your mind to create space for both. Imagine your genius flourishing with cosmic power, your heart’s wisdom and your soul’s influence. Let Aries give you the courage to let your soul lead.

Week 3: Embrace Sudden Changes

The week begins with love and influence making you feel on top of the world. Enjoy this feeling by showing appreciation and receiving adoration. Play hard and work hard. Changes come at the end of the week, so take advantage of changing in ways that support your desires. Getting started is often the hardest step, so move with this impulsive energy. It’s an excellent time to break away from relationships that limit your self-expression or freedom, so trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to take a risk. Fortune favors the brave.

On the positive side, you could have a sudden financial windfall, promotion or romance with the highest possible outcomes. Yet, if you’re playing beyond your capabilities, this same star power creates a crisis of faith. You lose your confidence, make mistakes that are lasting and then struggle to gain back your power.

Week 4: Fuel Your Soul Mission

Your core energy softens, while your edginess gains force. If you empathic and easily overwhelmed, you must take precautions to ensure you don’t give away your power. If you’ve allowed your heart and soul to lead, you’ll enjoy this spiritual time. Your soul is the epitome of patience, yet the stars are giving your mission a boost. It’s becoming more and more difficult to ignore your soul mission. Are you aligned or misaligned? It becomes apparent over the next few months. Watch for signs. The universe is supporting you.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Defend & Protect

Details: New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse Aries Apr 8 at 19° @ 2:23 pm ET

The Aries energy is super powered by the planetary stellium with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron and True Node (Collective Soul Destiny) in this bold, brave and awakening energy, but also in the impatient, aggressive and violent one. Limits, constraints, frustrations and tension grow.

This eclipse is a grind against hope with the uptick in extremism, but it’s jam-packed with healing. Being aware of what’s real and what’s not is difficult right now as your mind reacts to your emotions. It’s best to drop into your heart and ask for its wisdom before responding.  Your heart knows more than your mind. If you can’t do that, take a deep breath and walk away. Nothing good is going to come from a fight right now.

Defense and protection is the theme, but not to the exclusion of integrity and responsibility.

Full Moon: Fuel Your Soul Destiny

Details: Full Moon Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio April 23 @ 7:51 pm ET

Time is up. It’s too difficult to wear your energy inside out any longer. Your mind, body and spirit become one to fuel your destiny. The Sun illuminates how you’re boldly living your soul mission, while the Moon gives you the power to boldly transform into the strongest version of yourself. Pluto confronts you at your core and your edges to boost your healing. These forces require you to be honest with yourself in ways you haven’t had to in a long time. Make some time to meditate, journal to explore what truly fuels you. This is a time for self-discovery.

Listen to my latest Full Moon Podcast that describes the general power of the Full Moon.  


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuitive Oracle Cards Online

Intuition Oracle card: #32 – Authority

Mold your power into your being. Infuse it into your daily life. Leadership and power go hand-in-hand and come together beautifully in the essence of authority. To be authoritative requires the yang of taking decisive action and the yin of letting go of the perception of yielding control over others.

Let your soul lead by being the leader of your own life and for your loved ones by doing these 3 things:

1) Connect to your big dream and set your strategy.

2) Make decisions and stick by them.

3) Stand in your power by communicating clearly and honestly.

You can get your own oracle card deck and guide book here.

Crystal: Rose Quartz

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Rose Quartz

This is the crystal of the year and is now highlighted for the month. April asks you to go to the edge and rose quartz opens your heart and your compassion for yourself and others.

Rose quartz loves you unconditionally, helping you with your self-care, self-worth and self-love healing work. Imagine rose quartz cozying up to you when you’re feeling down and out. Think of her as an ally and a friend. Promoting universal and personal love, rose quartz opens the heart chakra allowing more love into your life.  

Grab this crystal when you need more trust of yourself and others. Calm, inner peace and emotional ease blooms within you when you use rose quartz consistently in your intuitive practice.

Rose quartz works in conjunction with other crystals enhancing your ability to accept their energies, so use it with other stones. In 2024, combine amazonite and rose quartz to merge your masculine strengths with your feminine gifts to manifest your dreams. 

Spirit Animal: Horse

Horse is power. As horse, you love your personal freedom above all else, love to explore and are a natural leader. You are strong, loyal and confident.

Call on horse when you want to travel and explore, need more energy and strength or want to expand your spiritual practice.

Flower Essence: Holly

This flower essence helps you let go of over-control, judgment and jealousy. Holly lessens assertiveness and anger. It also helps you follow your own path, increases goodwill and opens your heart to have a generous spirit. The last time this flower essence was featured for the month was in August 2022.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Let Your Soul Lead by Success Signature Types:
Wise Strategist

Stress is high and you feel knocked off center because things were so smooth last month. Dive into your well of calm and allow others to see you as stable and reliable. Your mantra is “Steady as she goes” while you guide others as a beacon of constancy.

Intuitive Visionary

This chokepoint has your name on it. Use this energy to winnow your offerings, creations or pursuits down to a more manageable level. Focusing on what’s working is the key. Get rid of the paths you’ve opened that aren’t supporting you or your priorities.

Collaborative Explorer

You want to back away from the challenges and avoid engaging with others while they’re impatient and frustrated. Yet this is the perfect time for you to demonstrate how to still get results, even with the disruptions or constraints. Use this time to create opportunity.    

Ruling Warrior

You feel you’ve already passed through the chokepoint, so develop singular focus to push your agenda to reach your goals. Doing this will actually limit your upper level growth. Take a step back and ask questions without seeking answers.

Creative Superstar

When you’re truly YOU, deep down and without artifice or posture – your audience goes wild. While you’ll want to be extreme in your approach with your audience, this is a time to create connection and engagement from your heart. Your true soulful passions reign supreme.

Loving Alchemist

Use the power of the energetic concentration to create alchemy. Spinning confusion, frustration and self-deception into gold can be done. Focus on connective opportunities to turn your web of followers into prospects and clients. Show your deep magical powers. 

Listen to Podcast episode that relates to your Intuitive Success Signature.

Bottom Line to Let Your Soul Lead

Be fearless and let your soul lead. 

Your heart and soul want you to lean into your inner wisdom. Use your intuitive inclinations to fuel your soul mission, while aligning your mind, heart and will. Your soul awaits. Remember who you are without humility and strive for the success that’s true for you. Practical measures are as important as your soulful self-discovery.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

 Harnessing Intuition and Intelligence: The Key to Successful Entrepreneurial Decision-Making 

  • Introduction

In this fast-paced and high-stress world of entrepreneurship, making solid decisions is paramount to your success. By understanding decision levels and identifying your intuitive approach, you can navigate the complexities of decision-making with confidence and clarity. Fostering a balanced approach to decision-making, you can harness the power of intuition and intelligence to drive impactful and sustainable business growth.

Studies have shown you make 35,000 decisions every day.*

That number is overwhelming to contemplate, never mind to actually process. You’re in a constant state of decision – never getting relief from making them. In most cases, you have too many decisions to make without enough time or information to make them.

As a business owner, making decisions without all of the information is a constant pressure and one you have to deal with on a daily basis. In fact, you’re pressed to make multiple decisions at any given moment.

To add to this complexity, stressors escalate when you’re in transformative or growth mode AND when dealing with unfamiliar territory.

In growing your business, you’re always in growth or transformation mode AND you’re regularly dealing with things you do NOT know. Everything is…



a decision.

Ay caramba!  Talk about stress!

As an entrepreneur, you’re constantly looking to save time, money and energy, so making good decisions is imperative. In fact, making valid decisions is #5 out of the top 10 problems facing entrepreneurs today.

So, decisions, decisions, decisions.

Click here to read my INC article on using your intuition in decision-making

Your mind is bombarded with decisions every minute of every day. However, most decisions don’t require more than the typical process of identifying, gathering, assessing, choosing and acting. The process is so smooth and fast, it almost bypasses conscious thought.

Your mind can effectively process the mundane, daily and task-oriented decisions.

Yet, when decisions reach a certain level, you must rely on more than your mind to make solid decisions and stick with them.

Let’s look at the decision levels in their typical and atypical process and then dive into using your intuition for decision-making. It’s one of your most effective business tools, so let’s not leave it out of your toolbox.  

Typical Decisions for Business

For the past 25 years, I’ve supported business leaders and in the boardroom, I developed the 3 corridors of leadership with the first one being decision-making. When you assess the level of the decision, you can set up your best decision-making criteria.

With the levels of decisions, strategic, operational and task also known as daily, let’s set up a framework for making the decisions you need to make for your business.

Strategic (Leadership)

Definition: Major decisions that are high-level, multi-year and impactful across multiple areas. These are broad sweeping and big picture; $10k+

This level of decision is at the leadership level. You’re required to act as a leader, keeping in mind the mission, vision and values of your business. The purview is beyond your current state – future-oriented with an outside scope. You’ll have to create a communication and buy-in process and construct a method to implement these decisions into your company or industry. 

Examples: Business strategic plan, name, mission, vision, values, philosophy and approach, business culture, pricing strategy and offering mix, brand messaging and voice, organizational structure, profit strategy, strategic partners

Best criteria: Determine how each strategic decision affects you and your business. Are you making this particular decision to increase your revenues, thereby seeking opportunity and extending yourself or your business? Are you making this particular decision to improve your bottom line, therefore solidifying the foundation; anchoring you or your business at the core?   

Operational (Management)

Definition: Operational decisions involve milestones, goals, targets, objectives and systems; planning, structure; decisions that affect over months, not years; $5k – 10k

This level of decision is at the management level. You’re required to act as a manager, focusing on your resources and results. The purview is within your organization with an internal benefit.

Examples: Client roster, marketing and sales strategy, launch and promotional plans, organizational positions and roles, networking plans and groups, systems platforms, staffing – hiring, promoting, firing; CRM parameters, pipeline management, communication style, optimize, streamline and assess growth options

Best criteria: Identify how each decision supports you, your team, structure or business methods. The focus is not only on the people, but the work itself. These decisions are…

refining, optimizing, fortifying with the common denominator being supportive. 

confined to the current or past state of being with the intention of making things better. 

improvement based. 

Ask yourself how will the decision make things easier, faster, smoother?

Task (Individual contribution)

Definition: Minor decisions, routine and short-term; involve weekly or daily issues. These decisions have little or short-lived impact. With others, these decisions involve tiny offers, promotions, short-term connections, affiliate partners.

Examples: Administrative responsibilities, to-do’s, product fulfillment, client delivery, delegation, calendar, calls, emails, follow-up communication, execute CRM, social media posting; up to $5k

Best criteria: These decisions shouldn’t involve more effort, angst or time than their respective impact. Little impact of the decision and the effort to weight that decision should be relatively equal. Imagine spending hours, lots of money and a great deal of creativity on individual social media posts. Would the benefit outweigh the effort? That depends if said social media posts were part of an overall marketing and sales strategy. Thereby making these individual social media posts part of a operational or strategic decision.

Intuition Decision-making for Business

When a decision requires it, your mind should be put into the back seat and your intuition should be adopted to assist in the decision-making process. Particularly for the initial start-up process for a new business, division or service-line or for a pivot or sweeping changes in your business model.

This requires a complete interruption to the normal or typical decision-making process. Think about VIP days, off-sites, retreats, work-based conferences or workshops. You put time aside outside of your normal element to allow your mind to expand. At times, you may also involve alignment with your mind, heart and will to tap into your intuition.

Decide whether you’d like to incorporate this type of time and space creation to make operational decisions.

My advice is to do this when you’re in a particularly intense transformative or growth mode or when under undue stress.

Relying on your intuition requires you building your intuitive muscle. If you don’t, you may make rash or worse, ineffective decisions. Developing your intuition is necessary to leverage as a business tool.

Read about developing your intuition to become rich and powerful in my article on C-suite network

One of the first steps in using your intuition is understanding your intuitive approach. The different intuitive approaches either initiate through your mind, heart or your will. You can refer to each one to determine your intuitive approach.


Your mind loves to analyze, so your best bet is to combine your thoughts with your intuitive nudges. You ease your mental faculty by giving it what is wants. Put easy work in front of you that requires light analysis and then let it wander. Analyze without any intent to derive answers. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how is my intuition talking to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


You’re guided by internal compass without any input that sees, hears or feels. This knowing is the easiest to use once you’ve connected to it, but the most difficult to believe. Find a way that aligns your mind, heart and will.

Once you’re aligned or centered, let yourself fall into relaxation and then ask questions without any intent to receive answers. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “what does my intuition want me to know?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Observe what interests you without any intent. You can soften your gaze and let yourself become balanced and centered. Take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how are my observations talking to me? What captures my attention?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your observations speak to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Your intuition works immediately and you take action on your first and initial hit only. Let’s extend this as your instinct is a doorway into your intuition.

Your initial impression is great for yes and no answers, but doesn’t continue into the nuances of the way your intuition likes to connect with you.

After your initial ‘’hit’ and take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how is my intuition talking to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.

As you’re reading, if you’re questioning which intuitive approach is yours, click here to take my Do You Know, Like and trust Yourself® 12-question quiz and whitelist my email address to get all of your tips and business tools to use your intuition in business. 


When you’re alone, you can access your intuition when you drop into something that interests you. This usually requires active movement or indulging your senses. You can write, draw, play music, walk or follow others’ emotional responses. Additionally, you can also connect with others’ emotions.

When making decisions that won’t affect anyone but yourself, fall into activity that engages your mind as described above.

When making decisions that require others, get connected to a few of those people who’ll be impacted by the decision. Be careful to stay in your own energy in order to prevent being overcome by others’ desires.

Either way, take a few deep breaths and then ask, “how does my intuition want to talk to me?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition speaks to you. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.


Perceivers push their intuitive responses into the world, so require others to be present in order to read their energy. This isn’t always the best way to approach your intuition when making decisions, unless those individuals are impacted by that decision.

When alone, you can push your energy into the world around you – perhaps out in nature or someplace you’ve meditated or connected often. The energy available to you will be potent with intuitive whispers. 

When you’ve collected yourself, take a few deep breaths and ask, “how is my intuition talking to me right now?”

To stay present, continue with your breath and pay attention how your intuition is speaking to you in this moment. If you feel connected, ask about a minor decision and see what presents itself. 

When you’re practiced, you can increase the impact of the decision and ask your intuition about each one. Remember to separate decisions. This isn’t a one-to-many exercise.

For more information about using your intuition in decision-making, listen to my podcast episode to combine your intuition with your intelligence, which holds even more ways to make more effective decisions.  

Bottom Line

You’re required to make an inordinate number of decisions every day as a business owner of a growing business. Using your intuition for operational and strategic decisions helps you make solid ones that increase your top and bottom lines. 

* according to Sahakian & Labuzetta, 2013.

#business decision-making #intuitive insights #entrepreneurial intuition

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2024: How Do You Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth?

Month 2024 Summary: Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth

March: Be the Torch

Sun signs Pisces & Aries

Seasonal energies –  Apex of Purpose with Equinox on the 19th

Energetic Element –  Air

March’s Overall Meaning

How will you open to your soul’s truth and let it lead? Your soul is your guide, compass and light. Allowing your inner wisdom to lead illumes you to become the beacon for others. Are you courageous enough to live in your mastery? Without shouting, posturing, judging or playing false. This isn’t an explosion. This is an “of course” where you say, “I remember and I’ve known this all along. I call to those who can see. Here I am.”

Read about ways to make more money and have more success in 2024.

Seasonal Insights

Season of Purpose

Months: February – May

Sun signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be purposeful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth. This is how you will learn to master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year.  Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.


 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • All planets direct
  • Eclipse – March 25

The forward motion continues pushing you to keep up a grinding pace. You’ll gain solace with the ecliptic energy during the last week as it provides respite. It depends on what’s in flow for you – hard-driving forward movement or working with the cycles of two steps forward and one step back.

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast so you don’t miss out on getting stars + strategy tips. 

Star Power

Week 1: Pivotal Beginnings Under Piscean Skies

Feminine Energy and Strategic Pivots

The month starts under the dreamy Pisces sun, an auspicious time to tap into feminine energies. It’s sweet and tender, filled with intuitive nudges and loving whispers. You’ll want to take advantage through intuitive analysis and creative brainstorming. I advise you to pivot where necessary, utilizing the cosmic backdrop to fine-tune individual strategies. Uranus is center stage all month long, bringing change and fresh perspective to everything you think, feel and do throughout the entire month.

Listen to the March Forecast Podcast for much more anecdotal information.

Week 2: Navigating Deep Waters with Neptune’s Guidance

Trusting the Intuitive Flow

As you sail further into March, the Piscean and Neptunian influence deepens, encouraging a dive into your intuitive toolbox. This second week is filled with introspection and spiritual depth, prompting you to explore psychic realms for business insights. Permit yourself the space to connect with your intuitive insights and apply these revelations to your business model to elevate your business growth. Infusing your own value expression into everything related to your business puts you on the leading edge to make big impact.  

Week 3: Asserting Aries’ Fiery Path

Shifting Gears with Masculine Vigor

With the arrival of the Aries sun, the energy unmistakably shifts. The focus steers itself toward actionable choices and assertive decisions. This third week is a powerhouse for setting priorities and leaping forward with courage. It’s filled with the potential challenges and feelings of isolation and financial constraints. Yet these energies enable you to prioritize yourself, choosing what really matters to elevate your business growth.

Week 4: Eclipse Season and Embracing Uniqueness

Balance and Harmony Amidst Eclipse Revelations

The final star aspect heralds good fortune and success, enabling you to revisit what has been most successful for you in the recent past and repeating this through April. You’re about to enter Mercury retrograde season layered underneath the ecliptic energies. You’ll want to refine and renew your growth patterns.  


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Change and Healing Insights

Details: March 10th Sun & Moon in Pisces @ 5:02 am ET

This New Moon holds energy for you to dance between the productive, linear approach and the creative, spiral of connection. This is a signal for change. This Sun and Moon combination sets the tone for planting seeds of intent and it’s the ideal time for combining soft skills with strategic prowess.

Full Moon: Balance Logic & Intuition

Details: March 25th Full Moon/Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse Sun in Aries & Moon in Aquarius @ 3:01 am ET

This Full Moon Eclipse is a transformative celestial occurrence, which is helpful to rebalance and refine your business approach. This is a time that’s a cornerstone for growth and intuition-driven leadership. It’s filled with possibility and energy for power to merge in the collective.

Listen to my latest Full Moon Podcast that describes the general power of the Full Moon.  


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuition Oracle Card: #38 – Strategize

Read the section below to see what pops out at you from the Intuition Oracle cards guide book:

Intuition Card statement: The yin of strategy wants to interrupt you now.

Words to ponder: Predict. Invigorate. Fortify.

Message: “It’s time to lift your perspective for a 30k view. Set aside time to set your strategy for the coming months.”

Essence: Setting strategy is actually a yin energy. It involves reflection, observation and perception.

Meaning: Hit pause, look at your calendar and set time (½ day or full day) to set your strategy.

Image, mandala & color: Gather your materials and inner resources to lift you, your team and your business up another notch. It’s time for your next level of growth. Let’s go.

Number: 38 represents teamwork and has an inspirational energy. It’s the perfect number to invoke for strategic pursuits.

Intuition Card guidance:

Intuitive tool: Do a visualization with your team to commence your strategic meeting. Then set your intentions and choose a few crystals to symbolize your strategic vision. Sodalite is an excellent stone for strategy as is tiger’s eye, particularly the blue one. You may add clear quartz to amplify your goals and citrine to clear a path.

Practical tip: Revisit your strategy, intentions or goals for the year. Assess where you are, reprioritize, and make plans to attain your goals.

You can use any and all of the information about the #38 Strategize intuition oracle card to help you navigate difficult and propelling energies from the stars this month and year. 

You can get your own intuition cards online with guide book here.

Crystal: Blue Chalcedony

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Blue Chalcedony

Use this crystal to help you with communication to find your voice in varying situations. You can lean on this stone before a live event, a presentation or a sales call.

Blue chalcedony is a calming and soothing crystal, bringing a zen-life quality to you and your environment.

Spirit Animal: Chameleon

Chameleon personifies an open mind that gives you the ability to see many points of view. This animal is patient and determined, providing a foundation for you to anchor your own energy. You can use chameleon in business to connect more easily with others.

Call on chameleon when you want to stand firmly in your own power, yet blend into the background.

Flower Essence: Centuary

This flower essence helps you choose yourself and be a tad bit selfish. You deserve to put yourself first and to be the central character of your life. When you put others first time and time again, you neglect your own needs and desires. Your personal life and business requires your attention, energy and priority.

You deserve to live your life to its fullest. You deserve to fulfill your soul mission to be rich and powerful, make big impact and leave your legacy. Let centaury support you in pursuing your dreams.

Listen to the full March Forecast Podcast episode.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth by Success Signature Types

Wise Strategist

Give yourself permission to shine as things are clicking along at a good pace. Yet, hiding still holds you back from your success. Work with your strengths to develop an article series, your own Podcast or a limited LIVE event or workshop. Be visible and make money.

Intuitive Visionary

Is it possible that the world is finally catching up to you and your ideas? Present your solutions and offerings in ways that are perfectly clear to others. Your audience is ready. Now is not the time to miss their ability to see, hear and understand you.

Collaborative Explorer

Develop a clear offering that respects your gifts and abilities. Practice asking for money to wear your rates. Then, take the stage, invite your audience and let people know how to work with you. Turn your prospects into clients by actually making sales.      

Ruling Warrior

Even without a personal brand, your business is about YOU, not your products and services. Put yourself into the limelight authentically and with engaging connection. Be true to who you are, yet be obvious about who you are personally. Tell your story.

Creative Superstar

Stand by your creations. Let your heart be seen by others. This month calls for a deep connection, not a flirty or sassy one. It’s time to be real, down-to-earth and approachable while also being a leader, who’s respected and honored. Lead like a boss.

Loving Alchemist

March is nirvana for you as the energies support everyone at a deep, soul level. You feel aligned with others in ways you haven’t in a long while. Be you – intimately, magically and lovingly you. When you do, others appreciate and value your power and gifts.

Listen to Podcast episode that relates to your Intuitive Success Signature.

Bottom Line

Strategic Intuition as a Catalyst for Growth

Finding our path in business often requires a harmonious blend of strategy and intuition. The month offers a robust canvas for those ready to integrate celestial wisdom with business strategy, highlighted by intuitive practices. March isn’t merely about navigating your star path; it’s about elevating your growth through your unique Intuitive Success Signature. This month, let’s master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

If you’d rather not read, listen to the March forecast Podcast episode here.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.