
Category: Strategy Leadership

Category: Strategy Leadership

Strategy Leadership

How to use the Zodiac to your Advantage

Every single human on earth has access to the stars. Whether you’ve used them to find your way at sea or while wondering at night, the stars, and the Zodiac, are here to guide us in our daily life. Read on to find out more.

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Strategy Leadership

What Does Powerful Leadership Look Like These Days?

What does it take to be a powerful leader? I define leadership as declaring a vision, holding the potential for the best possible outcomes and inspiring others to share in that vision. For all leaders out there, making the right choice of how to lead is critical to effectively leading others. There is also an energetic balance that needs to be had. Powerful leadership requires the fusion between masculine and feminine energies.

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Strategy Leadership

The best business partner is the Divine Business Partner

How would it feel to be fully confident in yourself and the decisions you make for your business, life and opportunities that come your way? What if I told you that purpose, power and prosperity integrated with your business strategy, leadership and growth were the key to unlocking more success? Intriguing, right? Having the Divine as your business partner uplevels you and your business.

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Strategy Leadership

Discover Three Revolutionary Secrets to Being a Huge Success

You can have purpose, fulfillment, ease, and feel successful, not just play the part. I’m constantly seeking change for my clients and creating solutions for them. Here are three revolutionary secrets (and shifts) to being a huge success in your inner and outer life plus your business.

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