Strategy Leadership

How Astrology in Business Can Help You Become Rich and Powerful

A Case for Astrology

Throughout history, astrology has been a useful tool for scientific methods, political strategy, business growth and the pursuit of fame. The earliest Popes used astrology either through other’s interpretations or their own.[1] Scientists such as Hippocrates[2], the Father of Medicine, believed astrology was invaluable to medicine, even teaching astrology to his medical students. He’s quoted as saying, “A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

Galileo Galilei was both an astronomer and astrologer, drafting horoscopes[3] for nobility and students and Johannes Kepler, the calculator of planetary motion, was also the official astrologer for the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II[4]. Carl Jung incorporated astrology with his psychological counselling work, calling it ‘synchronicity’ and is quoted as saying, “Your psyche is the breathing of the cosmos.”[5]

A famous astrologer, John Dee[6], counseled Queen Elizabeth I, Theodore Roosevelt hung his horoscope in the Oval Office, Franklin Delano Roosevelt quoted horoscopes and President Reagan used astrology when making decisions[7].

J.P. Morgan is the most recognized businessmen to use astrology, being quoted as saying, “Millionaires don’t use astrologers, billionaires do.” [8] Gloria Vanderbilt, heiress to a huge fortune and successful business woman in her own right, was a keen follower of astrology.[9] According to Fast Company, “astrology has officially infiltrated work culture.”[10]

The former U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Donald Reagan, once said “It’s common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology.”[11]

Angelina Joile uses astrology daily and to make important decisions about movie roles and premiere dates. Cameron Diaz, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Madonna, Princess Diana have been avid fans of following astrology for their life and career choices. Beyonce even has a song titled, “Signs”.[12]

According to a 2018 Pew Research poll, about 29% of American adults now believe in astrology. Likewise, the poll found that women are more likely to believe in astrology (37%) than men are (20%).[13]

Astrology to Help you Grow Your Business

Astrology is important for business because it creates certainty and calm amidst chaos. It helps business leaders with decision making, setting strategy, creating plans and scheduling. It helps inform teams of direction and next steps, as well as gives insight into team strengths, communication abilities and effective skill building methods. 

Astrology supports timing and course of action for marketing events, sales promotions and outreach, product launches, travel, staffing, communication and investing or divesting. Astrology increases self-awareness and empathic relations for business owners and their staffs. It’s useful for branding, positioning and informs business modeling for success. 

Across the organization, astrology is a useful tool, creating results on the top and bottom lines. 


Kim Woods, Business Strategist and Master Astrologer, 

uses astrology in her own business as well as all of her clients. She has consulted with over 425 business leaders in either 1:1 customized solutions, small group programs or larger group teachings.

For her own business, everything is based on astrology, from decisions regarding high-level multi-year strategy to timing during the day for reaching out to a prospect or associate. She uses the Sun and its power to leverage each monthly zodiac sign for coordinating launch cycles for seasonal programs and relies on the Moon for timing of the business growth and optimization phases. Kim’s organizational planning is dependent on her personal astrology as well as the worldly annual forecast. Each of her leadership team also consults their astrology when front-facing with the marketplace. Big star events are scheduled and communicated to her company’s audience to take advantage of the star energies for expansion or deepening, depending on their particular influences.

Astrology is effective as Kim’s company has grown an average of 378% over a three-year period, even during the pandemic.

For her clients, Kim begins every engagement with a Success Accelerator into the business owner’s birth chart by walking into their stars the minute they’re born and opening them to their full potential. She assesses where they are on the map of living their soul mission, as well as their bravery, mastery and soul destiny signatures. She compiles themes based on their evolutionary DNA, success factors and satisfying love, money and relationship expressions.

The client’s personal star roadmap constructs the foundation of their work together, continuing to relate to their business models, success blueprints, marketing and sales energies. The work doesn’t end with business, but involves partner relationships and family dynamics in order to achieve the client’s goals for creating ease and satisfaction as well as growth and abundance.  Additionally, she reviews team, client, prospect, vendor and collaboration opportunities for her clients as well as advises on buying and selling personal or business properties.

For corporations, Kim uses the astrological ‘birth’ chart of the business itself to further inform about the most successful direction for the business.

Kim also relays timing based on transit analysis to give her clients notice of positive growth-oriented periods for outreach, negotiations, promotions and sales versus the right timing for streamlining, optimizing and divesting.

Aligning business opportunities with the stars is something unbelievably valuable, it’s almost priceless. Kim has seen her clients grow an average of 51% across the board during the pandemic, even with brick and mortar businesses. She’s experienced her clients double their revenues, or gain 30% revenues while lowering effort by 40%. She’s seen triple digit jumps month-over-month when her clients align themselves with their astrological signature, as well as the astrology going on in the world.

Listen to Kim’s Podcast to learn how using astrology in your business boosts your results. 


[1] “Leaders Who Followed the Stars”, Orlando Sentinel, by Sam Hodges, May 17, 1988.

[2] Astronomy, Astrology, Medicine, by Dorian Gieseler Greenbaum, July 7, 2014.

[3] Galileo’s Horoscopes, Swerdlow, N.M., Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol 35, Part 2, No. 119, p. 135 -141, 2004.

[4] “400-Year-Old Horoscope Shows Kepler’s Sideline”, New York Times by Associated Press, March 9, 1999.

[5] “Carl Jung and Astrology in Psychoanalysis”, Exploring Your Mind, February 8, 2018.

[6] “Painting of John Dee, Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I”, by Marissa Fessenden, Smithsonian Magazine, January 18, 2016.

[7] “White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point”, New York Times, by Steven V. Roberts, May 4, 1988.

[8] “Can Planets Affect Your Portfolio?” Forbes, by Kenneth Rapozza, February 20, 2012.

[9] “The Surprising Ways Successful Business People and Presidents Used Astrology”, Numerologist, August 29, 2019.

[10] “From Tarot Readings to Gemini Memes…”, Fast Company by Pavithra Mohan, September 9, 2019.

[11] “Famous People and Their Astrologers who Guide Them”, St. James Chicago, December 15, 2017.

[12] 10 Celebs Who Believe in Astrology”, The Things by Anja Grcar, January 8, 2021.

[13] “‘New Age’ beliefs common among both religious and nonreligious Americans”, Pew Research Center, by Claire Gecewicz, October 1, 2018.

Astrology Forecasts

🌟 Harnessing the Energy of Mercury Retrograde: 8 Powerful Business Tips 🌟

Hello Star Lovelies


Welcome to a new dimension of business strategy using powerful business tips


“Oh no, my computer has crashed.” 


“He hasn’t received any of my texts or emails.” 


“We need to reschedule this meeting and it’s been rescheduled more than once already.”


“My train/plane/bus is delayed – again!” 


Yes, this is the quintessential Mercury in retrograde period. When I tell people it’s happening, I hear gasps and groans. 


BUT, we can actually use Mercury retrograde to our advantage in business. Because, yes, all of the stars, even Mercury, are conspiring for our success.   


The planets actually have so much to say to us if we only listen and Mercury is the most loquacious. He darts and dives around the Sun 3 times a year and each time, when it looks like he’s running backward, it’s known as the dreaded Mercury Retrograde. 


Poor Mercury! He’s only trying to help and he wants us to know how we can use these periods to boost our businesses with powerful business tip ahead…


8 Powerful Business Tips


Here are 8 powerful business tips to not just survive, but thrive during Mercury retrograde:


1.    Revamping Strategy: Everything is up for (re) in this period – think review, refine, reassess, release. It’s a time to revisit or revamp, so let’s embrace this period as an opportunity to review business strategies and fine-tune goals to emerge stronger as Mercury shifts gears.

2.   Reigniting Customer Loyalty: Reengage with clients and reach out to former clients or partners who’ve fallen off the radar. Mercury retrograde encourages us to reimagine connections and rediscover opportunities.

3.   Making Small Decisions: This isn’t the time for major decisions as we’ll regret what we’ve been so firm about during the retrograde period. Mercury is a trickster as he wants us to slow down to ensure we’re building a strong foundation. He clouds judgment, so using this time for research, planning and groundwork is our best bet. 

4.    Unleashing Creativity: In retrograde, Mercury is asking us how we can be more creative. He wants us to drop into our hearts and feel our passion. This doesn’t necessarily mean we need to pick up our paint brushes or musical instruments. It means we get to brainstorm fresh ideas, innovative new offerings and imagine solutions to longstanding challenges.

5.    Energizing Vision: We get to restore our vision with a fresh new perspective, find deeper meaning to our mission and/or realign with our higher purpose. This is exciting and reigniting if we reach for our patience and allow new ideas to unfold. It’s an unfurling, not a lightning bolt epiphany. 

6.    Being Flexible: Change and change again is Mercury’s cosmic dance, reminding us that pivoting gracefully when unexpected challenges arise makes us shine. By going with the flow, we can define our intent without expectations. As we commit without trying to control the outcome, we actually increase our prosperity flow. 

7.    Clearing Communication Pathways: Knowing misunderstandings are more prevalent, we can lead the way by taking the time to foster communications within our communities, replenish connections and fine-tune collaborations. Laying out step-by-step goals, guidelines or procedures is very Mercury retrograde. 

8.    Getting Intuitive: Mercury wants us to see, know and hear without using our minds. Yup – this is his mission when he stations retrograde. Our challenge, should we choose to accept it, is to spend time in meditation, reflection and introspection. We can get to know ourselves better, more intimately, to become stronger in our convictions, deepen our passions and position our businesses properly within our niche or industry. 


All this being said, Mercury retrograde isn’t kind to anything new or big. However, sometimes we have to sign a contract, negotiate or start something new during a retrograde period. My best advice is to double and triple check on both sides. We don’t want someone to think they’re getting something we haven’t offered or vice versa. Taking extra caution, dotting i’s and crossing t’s laboriously, is the way through these retrograde periods. 


Also, if we have a launch or promotion that has to happen during a Mercury retrograde period, recognize it’s not going to be the rocket blast we may desire. It’ll be a slower, longer curve, so I always say, plan for a longer lead in and an extra-long tail. Doing an elegant outreach campaign is excellent positioning for the way of the future. 


It’s collaboration, collaboration, collaboration that clears our pathways for expanding our influence and making big impact.  


Using Mercury retrograde periods to teach us patience for clarity in goals, communication and connection, puts us in the driver’s seat for the future. 


Mercury may be a trickster, but he has our best interests at heart. 


Mark Your Calendar!


We’re in the midst of another Mercury retrograde period until mid-September, but never fear, another one is only a few months away. 😬


Mercury Retrograde Dates 


August 23 – September 15, 2023

December 13 to January 1, 2024

April 1 – 25, 2024

August 4 – 28, 2024

November 25 – December 15, 2024



For Geminis and Virgos, extend these periods a handful of days before and after each date range – no matter which year. In 2023, Capricorns and Taurians need to do this as well. In 2024, the fire signs are impacted the most, so those in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are going to join the Geminis and Virgos in the extension periods. 


Bottom Line to harness the 8 powerful business tips


As leaders, it’s our role to harness the energy around us and transform it into positive momentum. Mercury retrograde is our chance to realign, rejuvenate, and revitalize our businesses. Let’s rise above the common narrative so that we can use these cosmic tides to our advantage!


Stay tuned for more insightful updates to use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. I’m here to empower you with the knowledge and inspiration needed so that we can lead your business to new heights.


Cheers to cosmic growth,


xo, Kim