Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2022: Stay Grounded and Listen to Your Heart

Discover How the Stars Conspire to Help You Ride Out the Powerful Storm


This month has a cyclonic energy demanding you drop into your intuition to remain calm and be discerning. Charlatans and illusionists take advantage of the cacophony of chaos and uncertainty. Prepare yourself. Picture life as a chess board and you’re one piece on it. The board has gotten shaky and it’s unclear how to move forward. However, if you’ve been listening, you’ve already laid out your strategy. Trust it and follow it. Stay grounded and listen to your heart and you’ll actually stand in the center as the eye of the storm.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #8-Satisfy

Despite or because of the storminess, this month is the perfect time to dive into what satisfies you, whether it be in work, play or passion projects. Satisfaction comes when you like yourself enough to follow your heart’s desires. Your heart holds wisdom, helping you with your discernment, but more importantly it inspires, energizes and connects you to the deepest parts of you. Your intuition sings when you step into satisfaction.

Crystal: Jade

Jupiter stays front and center this month and actually becomes much more intense as he dances with Pluto and steps into Aries. The plus side – you can attract all kinds of things into your life. The down side is – it’s intensity times a hundred. Jade compliments Jupiter’s energy beautifully as it softens all of the intensity coming at you, while maintaining the attractive qualities. This stone brings a sense of love and peace.

Flower essence: Rescue Remedy®

This Bach flower essences contains 5 flowers- Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis to create a pattern of calm amidst stressful situations. Allow this essence to help calm your energy during this turbulent month. Let the flowers work their gentle magic in your system to align your mind, body and spirit. You can find this essence anywhere – it’s known as yoga in a bottle.

Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip: Go back to the basics for calming, grounding and centering. If you have tools you’ve used in the past that worked, go back to them.  Tried and true is the theme this month.

Going Deeper:

  • Start a passion project that brings you satisfaction. Lose yourself in your own creations.
  • Go back to the strategy you laid out at the end of 2021 or revisit your intentions from January of this year. You have the pillars in place – follow them.
  • The stars want you to stay in your heart, so lean into all the ways of love, both the giving and receiving ends.
  • Take time off – a staycation is the perfect solution to relieve all of the noise swirling around you.

Big Star Events:

  • May 3rd– Jupiter excites Pluto: Jupiter and Pluto love power, success and influence and when they’re dancing there is nothing you can do, except let it happen. Anything you’ve set into motion in 2018 (the last time these two planets combined their energies) can come to fruition. Gather the energy around those seeds you planted – it’s their time to blossom!
  • May 10th Jupiter enters Aries: Fuel is added to the fire on the collective stage and greed, power plays and selfishness may come to the forefront at this time. However, this energy also has great power, opportunity and potential fortune if you’re bold enough to take a leap of faith with the discernment you learned in 2021. Your best options are to demonstrate confidence, stand in your leadership and innovate based on your own creative flow.
  • May 10th– Mercury goes into retrograde in Gemini: Mercury, the cosmic communicator, loves to get naughty when he stations retrograde. Most retrogrades have their share of technological snafus and miscommunications, but this particular retrograde is amplified due to the Gemini influence. It will be even more difficult to rely messages. Mercury wants you to drop into your intuition and let it reign. He’ll do anything to prevent you from allowing your mind to run the show. Other than following your intuition, your best bet is to release what no longer serves you, revisit your strategy, review your goals, revise your next steps forward and redistribute your resources.

Supportive Events:

For the public:

On May 3rd, Emily and I talk about Jupiter and Pluto with all of the exciting the energies on the world stage. She’s going to channel a message just for us! Join us on our FB biz page.

On May 10th, Miriam and I go deeply into the concept of power and why Jupiter moving into Aries is a BIG deal. Join us on our FB biz page.

Say YES to you:

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Scavenger Hunt Fridays are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Additionally, we’ll be going back to the 2022 forecast guide to talk about the Sun and the Moon for even more support this month. Join us.  

ENGAGE with your intuition:

In our Empowerment Membership, we’ll be doing star peeks on your individual charts once again to see how Jupiter affects your fortune, luck and success. Ooo la la!  Join us in our supportive community filled with power and magic.

Claim & Prosper:

In our small group programs, we’ll be gifting you with a lunar journal to dive deeply into your power to merge with the power of the Moon.

Impact & Lead:

For our 1:1 clients, we’re gifting the Lunar Journal and a Manifesting Ritual to harness the star power to create your brightest future.

If you’d like to see how to become one of our clients, book a connection call with me. We’ll talk all the things for you to open your full potential to live your true life purpose.  

The Weekly Stars

Week 1: Harness the Power

Dates- May 2nd – 8th  

This is it! You have the ability, energy and power to create the life you want to live. How are you doing with that? Think back to 2018. What seeds did you plant that year? They come to fruition right here – right now. Fresh, new, exciting changes are here for you in all the ways of love, power and abundance, based on your unique definition of success. The energies give you the chance to embrace the change you want to see in yourself and inspire others through your actions. Remember, Mercury goes into retrograde next week so take some time to communicate clearly while you can!

Weekly tips:

  1. Show the love and then take the time to really receive it too.
  2. Find an activity that makes your heart sing and do it as much as possible.
  3. Take advantage of any collaborative opportunities before Mercury goes into retrograde.

Week 2: Take it Slow

Dates- May 9th – 15th

Mercury heads into retrograde on May 10th and this particular cycle may make your mind spin out of control, so following your heart will be the only way to navigate until he gets back on course June 3rd.

With Mercury up to his antics, this week might feel particularly tough as forces push you to another level of awakening, whether you’re ready for it or not. If you’re in your lane, you’ll love this momentum. If not, it’s going to be jarring. The week is complicated by a dissipating energy that puts road blocks in your path. Dig deep and go with the flow – both work for you. Dig deep into the core values of who you are and what’s important, then let go of your expectations to step into the natural flow of the Universe.

Weekly tips:

  1. Lean into your support system to remain calm.
  2. Check in daily with your strategic guide posts for direction.
  3. Take the lead if you are aligned to attract even more opportunities!

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse: What is Real?

Details: Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio 5/16 @ 12:14am ET

Leverage the energy to move toward a mature response to the push and pull of your life. Curb overly stress-inducing thought patterns that lead to overly indulgent behavior. Stop gas-lighting yourself. Stand in your decisions – let your YES be a YES and your NO be a NO.

Dive into your intuitive knowing for the answers you seek. Use the Martial and Uranian energies to take action to achieve the future you desire.

Week 3: Creative or Spiritual Pursuit

Dates- May 16th – 22nd

Deceptions and illusions abound as scandals and gossip create confusion. Don’t believe the first headline you read or item you hear as you’re only getting the partial truth. Let these energies swirl, but don’t take them in. AND absolutely do not make any big decisions this week. Now is NOT the time.  Your best course of action is to get wildly creative, dive deeply into spirituality and look at your strategy from an intuitive perspective. Develop a discipline that serves you to stay grounded.

Weekly tips:

  1. Let yourself get creative – do so in unusual ways.
  2. Go outside. Explore nature.
  3. Remove unwanted energies from your life.

Week 4: Cheers to Good News!

Dates- May 23rd – 29th

Good luck, fortune and success surges forward to fill you with optimism and ebullience. You’ll be able to attract your desires. You may find your mind sharper and able to drive you to push forward with success. Take it slow and watch your participation in relationship. Power issues come to the fore, warning you to stay in your lane.  Be intuitive, stay honest with yourself and allow things to unfold with wonder right in front of your eyes.

Weekly tips:

  1. Focus on how you wish to engage in your relationships.
  2. Avoid any tendency to try to control what’s going on around you.
  3. Be open to new possibilities presenting themselves this week.

New Moon: Intuitive Discipline

Details: New Moon in Gemini 5/30 @ 7:30 am ET

Gain the ability to influence your thoughts, instead of letting them lead you astray. Your mind is a tool you have the power to yield. Notice how your mind takes the lead and train it to be a passenger. Your intuition is poised to create flashes of brilliance and genius insights. Discipline yourself to develop your intuition through regular routines and frequent practice.

May Energy for Intuitive Types:

Ruling Warrior: Honestly, you’re going to hate this month. The energies feel as if they’re pushing you forward, but don’t materialize easily or swiftly. This is a time of patience and deep dives – two things that aren’t your favorite. You hate watching from the sidelines, so get athletic to burn off frustration. Better yet – take a staycation and get things done around the house.

Intuitive Visionary: This month is frustrating as flashes of brilliance and ideas are still coming, but don’t form as quickly as usual. Also, bringing them to fruition is more difficult than it should be. Coordinate with a designer to add creativity to your new insights or refine those out in the world to provide more possibility in the coming months.

Wise Strategist: If you lead from your heart, this month actually satisfies you. Let your mind relax, so not to succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. Allow yourself the space to breathe and just be. Remember – heart first, intuition second and mind last.

Creative Superstar: You love when Mercury goes into retrograde because it’s a big heart opening, giving you permission to drop into your creativity. Splurge! Relish the opportunity to stay in your creative flow. This month lets you lean into solitude, so take advantage to gather your energy for a renewed entrance into the world in June.

Collaborative Explorer: Communications are tough and connections aren’t easy. You may initiate a collaboration or project, but it’s unlikely to come to fruition. You feel the hidden agendas and power plays circulating around you, frustrating your efforts. Execute with care. Let things play out in front of you without attachment.

Loving Alchemist: You will LOVE this month! With the depth of Pluto’s energy, combined with sinking into love and diving into intimate conversations, you feel right at home. Honesty is revered right now. Take advantage by going deeply inward and embracing all the luscious energies that are available to you.

Bottom Line: May is a rough month, there’s no need to sugarcoat it. Instead of being swept up in all of the false things presenting around you, take the opportunity to go inward, review your progress and strategize your next moves. You’ve already established what your core values and put your pillars in place. Stay in alignment and Let your mind relax and not succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. await forward momentum in June.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


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