Astrology Forecasts Oracle

It’s Time to Create Worlds During the Full Flower Moon


Details: Full Flower Moon with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 2° on May 23th @ 9:55 am ET

The truth is in the paradox. The Full Flower Moon is a time of opposition and with the Sun in Gemini, it opens your mind to possibilities and with the Moon in Sagittarius, it welcomes actual experiences through exploration and discovery.

In other words, dream it – do it.

Listen to the Podcast episode for vibrational resonance and sacred ritual.

Invest in Your Wisdom

Both the Sun and Moon energies in this Full Flower Moon are growth-oriented, expansive and filled with opportunity. Depending on your own energies, you’ll want to either pursue these opportunities to the fullest or stop, take a step back and check in with yourself. The possibility to go deep is just as available as the option to expand.

This is the time to get aligned with your soul and your mind may or may not accept this truth.

It’s time to create the world you want to live in, not in the future, but right now. Getting your mind to accept the very best outcome isn’t something it is designed to be able to do. Your mind always protects you and prepares you for the worst, but what if your mind can be programmed to allow your highest potential? The truth is your mind can accomplish this when it’s combined with your intuition. This is where genius lives.

Are You in Alignment?

In order to access your soul’s wisdom, you must be aligned with your soul, create space to listen to it and follow its guidance. It’s important to know when you’re out of alignment with your soul.

When you’re out of alignment, you feel and do the following.

You feel:

  1. Unclear and stressed
  2. Out of sorts and unsettled
  3. Empty and dissatisfied
  4. Inexplicably tired or fatigued
  5. Easily overwhelmed
  6. Out of control

You do:

  1. Live with clutter and disorganization
  2. Overspend or exaggerate your standing
  3. Take care of others, instead of yourself
  4. Find ways to escape or take up numbing activities
  5. Miss appointments or show up late or unprepared
  6. Either play the victim or try to be the hero

Soul Alignment Signs

What does it mean to be in alignment with your soul? Being in alignment with your soul means being totally and utterly YOU, without any artifice, excuse or apology.  You’re the exact same when you’re alone at midnight or at noon with a roomful of people. Your mind, body and spirit are in sync and you take of each equally and willingly.

You think, feel and act in accordance with your full potential to live your soul mission. You’re in the flow of the universal energy with the earthly and celestial realms. When you’re in alignment, your soul leads and blends with your mind to convey your heart’s wisdom.

Getting into Alignment with Your Soul

Your soul is patient and kind and waits on the sidelines until you’re ready to connect. It’s so patient, in fact, your mind takes over and pushes your soul aside. Your mind is impatient and wants constant care and feeding, so quieting your mind is an absolute necessity. Not all mind-quieting activities are passive. You can lose yourself in creative actions, journaling, walking or fitness routines. The key is to engage your mind in something mundane, so your soul comes forward. Ever wonder why you get so many good ideas or have epiphanies in the shower? Your mind is involved in the mundane, so your soul sneaks in and gets your attention.

Quick Checklist to Get Aligned with Your Soul during Full Flower Moon

  • Occupy your mind with something mundane or repetitive
  • Meditate
  • Notice the signs and symbols
  • Listen to instrumental music
  • Stay present
  • Connect to your heart
  • Laugh
  • Fall in love
  • Go out in nature
  • Get creative
  • Breathe: Take 1-3-10 breaths
  • Dance or move your body
  • Do yoga or go to a spa
  • Seek a change of scenery

More Specific Tips for Soul Alignment

Wise Strategist

Connect your mind to your intuition by enacting your instinct. Ask yourself yes or no questions and listen to your body for how a yes feels versus a no. You have great instincts, use them. Start with minor questions and then increase their importance. You’ll gain confidence as you allow your natural wisdom to take part in your decision-making. If you’d rather, use a pendulum for guidance.

Intuitive Visionary

Your intuitive knowing is unparalleled, but your mind is WAY too overactive. You must quiet your mind. You can do it actively, but it must be done. Choose one or two options on the checklist and alternate them. Routines don’t work for you, so let variety into your practice. Journaling, reading spiritual books and using intuitive oracle cards are your best magical tools.

Collaborative Explorer

Your heart is always engaged, but it’s focused externally to take care of others. When you allow your heart to turn inward, it’s scary and uncomfortable. Taking time in solitude by talking walks, appreciating the seasons or the elements eases your vulnerable heart. The dance between you and others can be replaced by the dance of the vibrational resonance of the universe.

Ruling Warrior

It’s a great time for you as you love this fast-moving energy. If you create your world at this pace, you’ll exhaust yourself. Including time to relax by going to the spa, spending time on your fitness routines and laughing with friends and family are the perfect remedies for a 360° created world.

Creative Superstar

Diving deeply into your creations is so natural for you when you give yourself time in solitude or with sensory activities. Using all of your senses, including your 6th one, opens your connection to your soul. Your empathic ways relish the earthly sensations of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. Use your senses by lighting candles, savoring delicious foods and looking at beautiful objects. Aligning your body’s awareness opens your heart and soul. Enjoy and do this Full Moon ritual at least 3 times during this Full Flower Moon phase.

Loving Alchemist

Paying attention to your dreams and the cycles of the Moon draw your energy into your power, naturally and magically. Matching your power is important for you to feel safe enough to explore the depths of your soul. Only allow the deepest and most experienced energetic healers into your energy. Using the earthly realms and celestial guidance helps steer your best steps for alignment.

Listen to the Podcast for the ritual to imbue sacred knowledge, embody sacred love and create sacred sanctuary.

Bottom Line

It’s time to create worlds and your mind isn’t your best tool. Combining your intuition with your mind is where your genius lies. Use your genius to creates worlds.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2024: Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Make Big Impact in May 2024: Summary

May: Anchor into Your Soul

Sun signs – Taurus & Gemini

Seasonal energies: Origin of Power with Beltane on the 1st

Energetic Element: Fire

Overall meaning: 

It’s time to create worlds. Don’t have what you desire? Get creative. Aren’t getting the sales you deserve? Revaluate your sales channels. Haven’t captured your place in your industry? Embolden your power. It’s time to own you. Receive your bounty through the deepest part of you. Double down and carve out your place in the world. Stay unwavering and have people come to you.

Seasonal Insights


Beltane on May 1st kicks off the season of power celebrating the height of spring. It’s the high point of the transition from winter to summer. Its historical significance is to shed the dark and dread of winter and reveal the light of spring. Pagan ceremonies included the lighting of fires as both cleanser and creator. Astrologically this date hits in the sign of Taurus which is a fertile and earthly energy.

May Day is another celebratory ritual with maidens dancing around the May pole to herald the festival of planting, growing and harvesting. This day is designed to protect the upcoming harvest.  

During each season, you can leverage the zodiac energy, elemental force and earthly rhythms to boost your chances for success.

Season of Power: 

Your growth is evident in the world. The power you express makes big impact to all who come into your sphere of influence. This is a fiery yang time that requires you to push beyond yourself and your intimate circles. This is an outward, expansive and visible season. It’s about connections, outreach and sales first and foremost. This is the time for you to show up, early and often, so respecting your natural tendencies is imperative. Additionally, you want to be wary of burning through your energy, commitment and resources. Honor your yin side by taking breaks, vacations and spending time in relaxation.

The Season of Power saves you from yourself and this power-filled fiery energy infuses magic through connective webbing. You shine, you bask and you create bounty through your brilliance, your visibility and your connections. Having witness to your offerings breathes in new life and new energy.  The sharing of them creates something different from what you originally thought.

Season of Power uses fire to create the largest expansion in energies at the apex of the year with the solstice in June. Fire is inspirational to generate momentum to ensure the strategy that was set in the prior season is fulfilled. This is an excellent season to connect with others, flex your genius as well as create your platforms or stages.  This is great at this time for speaking, selling experiences and launching series to highlight your gifts.

Watch the video on how to use the seasonal energies.  


  • May 1 – Beltane; celebrate the Earth and her bounty
  • May 2 – Pluto retrograde; discover your hidden worth
  • May 4 – Mars sextile Pluto; drive to achieve your goals
  • May 23 – Jupiter sextile Neptune; embrace growth
  • May 25 – Jupiter ingress Gemini; stop limiting beliefs

For more information about 2024, listen to this podcast episode.

 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

May 2: Pluto Retrograde: Discover Your Hidden Worth

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius May 2 at 1:47 pm ET @ 2.6°

    You felt Pluto retrograde in Aquarius last year for the first time. Can you remember what Pluto asked of you? Pluto wants you to love yourself unconditionally and when in retrograde stirs up all of your insecurities, mistakes and foibles for you to remember and heal. You’re perfectly imperfect and Pluto wants you to know that no matter what, you are loved. Knowing this helps when dealing with others, because this is also a time to fully understand your power and to realize how others around you are using theirs (for or against you). Power plays, hidden agendas and secret lore is a fascination so above all, focus on you and let the drama around you fall away. Pluto stations direct on October 11th @ Capricorn 29°.

May 4: Mars Sextile Pluto: Drive to Achieve Your Goals

  • Aries Mars sextile Aquarius Pluto May 4 at 8:06 am ET @ 2.6°

    Mars excites Pluto every year, so what’s the big deal with this star configuration? The last time Mars excited Pluto in the Aries/Aquarius combination could only have happened about 250 years ago as this was the last time Pluto was in Aquarius.

    Given the New Era portal opening on the solstice in 2020, huge energetic impulses between the God of War (Mars) and the God of Hell (Pluto) in Aquarius are significant.

    You have endurance, intense and almost ruthless energy to achieve your goals for creating your new future. Further, your stamina and drive to make you perfectly aligned along your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. To clarify, this is a rare treat and one you don’t want to ignore. There’s also the opportunity to heal your connection with others through conversation and opening your mind to their opinions. Forthright debate and honest communication could bring communities together or argumentative posturing and deception can further separate them.

May23: Jupiter Sextile Neptune: Embrace Growth

  • Taurus Jupiter sextile Pisces Neptune @ 29° May 23 at 5:43 pm ET

    Jupiter and Neptune do an elegant dance every 14-years when they meet to boost your ability to integrate your spiritual energies with your practical success. They met again in 2022 to push you until 2035, but with the Pluto in the center of the stars this year, it’s important to also note their ending meet-up throughout 2020 to complete their prior cycle.

    Do you remember the boost you got in 2009? Were you prompted to initiate something new to reach for your full potential? Or rather, did you find it easy or hard to become spiritual in daily life?

    This is what I wrote in my 2020 monthly blogs when Jupiter stimulates Neptune at the end of the last 14-year cycle which began in 2009, “In February, July and October, you come into a sense of flow and smooth sailing. This is a glass half-full instead of half-empty scenario and with everything else going on this year, it’s one of the only supportive star angles. Yum! This is a time of optimism, faith and idealism. Even without the rose-colored glasses, you can see hope in your future.”

    When the new cycle begins between Jupiter and Neptune, they meet up for a perfect kiss on April 12, 2022. This is the first waxing step in a 14-year cycle that ends in 2035. I wrote, “Hang on tight because the biggest star event of 2022 happens this week as Jupiter and Neptune meet for big impact. The possibilities these two planets bring to the table are bountiful- acceptance, inclusion, broadened perspective, increased awareness, imagination, creativity and love. Unfortunately, these possibilities may feel difficult to bring to fruition, especially if you’re not standing firmly in your core values or leaning into your intuition. When you’re not connected to yourself, this energy blasts you with delusion, distraction and escapist forces.”

    So, Jupiter and Neptune excite each other once again, creating the first burst of energy since their new-cycle meeting in 2022. You find your place in the world when you embrace growth and optimism, but only when you put steps and supports in place to actively increase your connections, link your mind with your heart and say YES to the new.

May25: Jupiter enters Gemini: Stop Limiting Beliefs

  • Jupiter enters Gemini @ 0° May 25 at 11:14 pm ET

    Jupiter moves into a new sign every year, carving a path through the zodiac every 12 years. The last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 2012. Jupiter is a fiery energy that ignites when in the Gemini air sign. Jupiter expands everything it touches and when in Gemini, it’s all about your mind. Your mental abilities grow, shifting perspectives and opening your mind to the new. You also become less attached to limiting beliefs and see possibility everywhere.

    You’re curious, flexible, social, and intellectually stimulated. You want to take courses, read books, and talk to experts. You tend toward speaking, writing, teaching and presenting. Your world becomes more and more ‘mental.’ Furthermore, under the expanding Jupiter influence, any mental health issues also grow.

    In this star configuration, Pluto supports Jupiter and gives you insights into your unique definition of success coupled with feeling at home with yourself in ways you haven’t to date.


Week 1: Assimilate Feminine & Masculine Energies

This week intertwines the feminine and masculine by starting with a soft and dreamy influence as the star energies dance between the feminine of Venus and the masculine of Mars in their own signs.

As Venus moves into Taurus, her own sign, Mars moves into Aries, his own sign. The feminine becomes more amplified while the masculine gets stronger. When you lean into Mars, this is a time for doing, not being. When you lean into Venus, it’s the time to lie back and wait for the world to come to you.

Your best bet?

Flow between these two energies.

As Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, the Goddess of Love enters one of her own signs and in Taurus, she adores the ease of getting along with others, falling in love and staying loyal in relationships. She loves the easy and the charming. She appreciates everything romantic and sensorial. She’s also indulgent and a wee bit lazy. She doesn’t want to stir up drama or dive too deeply into the complicated.

She’s a wonderful family and friendly influence as she yearns for material gods and luxurious items. Venus loves money and in fact, she’s excellent at attracting it. Yes, she loves money but doesn’t want to strain herself having to work for it. She looks for partners to do the work for her or opportunities that fall easily into her hands.  Venus will be in Taurus until May 23rd, when she enters Gemini.

As Mars enters Aries on April 30th, your energy gets a boost, giving you ample enough to roll up your sleeves and accomplish your to-do list or set about achieving your goals. When you lean into Mars, this is a time for doing, not being. Mars gifts you with courage to take bold moves and bravely face your fears. He also asks you to lead your life the way you initially intended. Above all, he wants you to shed what others want you to do and be, so you can use this time that he’s in his own sign to tackle the things you put off otherwise. Mars will be in Aries until July 12th, when he enters Taurus.

At the end of the week, Pluto gets involved driving you to fortify your relationships with yourself, others and money. When the relationship is shaky, this star blend cracks the foundation to bring power and control issues to the surface. When this relationship is solid, the intensity reveals the depth of love to the beloved and cherishing levels. With this in mind, think in terms of soul mate. This is soul-level stuff.

Moreover, you are gifted with the drive and tenacity to realize what was initiated in 2020.

Week 2: Get Serious About Your Success

This week is a great time to problem solve, deal with serious issues or manage complex tasks. You are filled with duties and responsibilities and expressions of leadership. Your work ethic and ability to commit to yourself and others is at an all-time high.  Good health and nutrition is part of your success equation this week as is caregiving and lending support to yourself and others.

On the world stage, supply chains and food sources are being challenged, however ideas and innovations come to the fore while shining the light on these issues to finally fix them.

Week 3: Good Luck Creates Success

Embrace new ways of doing things and fresh perspectives to take care of yourself while seeking your fame and fortune. Overcome your fears by facing them head on and taking action to move through them. Build structures and systems for your creations, get serious and deal with problems and say yes to opportunities for meeting new people and welcoming different situations.  The end of the week brings good luck and success no matter your actions.

Week 4: Success is Here!

As the Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, Venus on the 23rd and Jupiter follows on the 25th, you feel uplifted and filled with energy to strive for your goals. You have the power over your life to transform what isn’t working to something that can work for you. It’s a good time to solve problems, come up with new ideas and see the big picture. 

You meet new people and seek varied and interesting relationships as well as creative pursuits and financial connections. Things come easily to you right now – sales, creations and connections.

You desire to get in front of the camera and bussing for those you adore. It’s also a great time to improve your image and style, so have fun.

In Gemini, Venus gets flirty and fun and fickle. In relationships, Venus wants more than what she currently has. She seeks distraction and fun, easy and shallow connections. Also, she wants to shred anything serious or committed. Additionally, she seeks discovery and exploration just for the fun of it. Finally, she wants to break commitments and contracts. While Pluto enters to make everything imperative, intense and deep. This is soul-level stuff.

As long as you don’t succumb to the busyness, distractions and mind games, this is an excellent time to deal with everything love, success and money.

Week 5: Great Connections

Lastly, this is an excellent time for business connections, contracts and negotiations. Inform your audience about new discoveries, inventions or methods. It’s also a time for new inventions, scientific discoveries, innovative original and eccentric ideas.

The elite and the average differences are amplified in terms of food availability and nutrition access. There are possible power struggles between the haves and the have nots.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Be Your Brilliance

Details: New Moon with Sun & Moon in Taurus at 18° on May 7th @ 11:24 pm ET

Remembering who you are at the core is possible with this New Moon. As you embark on self-discovery, you can uncover the riches in your home, history, foundations and roots. You can also anchor your soul as you align your mind, body and spirit. Go with your instincts and let things naturally surface. With this purpose, let ritual and your natural rhythms allow the energies of the Earth to help you receive the bounty of the deepest part of you. You can master your self-worth right now. Go for it.

Full Moon: Invest in Your Wisdom

Details: Full Moon with Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius at 2° on May 23th @ 9:55 am ET

It’s time to create the world you want to live in, not in the future, but right now. Getting your mind to accept the very best outcome isn’t something it is designed to be able to do. Your mind always protects you and prepares you for the worst, but what if your mind can be programmed to allow your highest potential? The truth is your mind can accomplish this when it’s combined with your intuition. This is where genius lives.

Watch this quick video to Listen to Yourself and Receive What You Want.


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

To discover how to use oracle cards for developing your intuition, check out my free course right here.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you so that you can create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day so that you can feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Order your Intuition cards online

Intuitive Oracle Card: #5 Open

Open Oracle card for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Follow the wisdom of your heart by observing what comes to you out of the blue or by expressing gratitude for all of the abundance in your life already. Either way helps you open your heart.

Your heart has so many things it wants to tell you. Will you listen to it? Quiet your thoughts and drop into your heart. Listen carefully to its prompting. Open yourself up to your heart. It wants to lead you to your very best life.

Use these two tips to help you open your heart:

  1. Place your hands over your heart and breath into your heart space for a few quiet moments. Feel your heart’s energy and ask it what it wants to tell you. Open and feel. Do this as many times as it takes for you to hear your heart’s whispers.
  2. Say you need a minute when someone asks you for something. Take a deep breath, connect to your heart and then respond. Your heart knows the truth – let it lead you. 

Spirit Animal: Bee

Spirit Animal for May 2024 - Bee Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Bee represents your commitment to success while enjoying the sweetness of life. You’re thriving, industrious and capable, yet deliver succor to the world. You work well independently, but also as part of a team.

Call on bee when you need cooperation from others to complete a task, desire tact and diplomacy or want to be in service to the world.  Bee was the spirit animal of 2020 and this month feeds back to your aspirations of 2020.

Crystal: Amazonite

Amazonite Crystal for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Amazonite is a natural healer, soothing nervous energy and enhancing love. It acts a filter in the environment, helps maintain optimum health and releases negative energy. This stone also provides good luck, fortune and overall success. It facilitates constructive expression so it’s a good stone for musicians and writers.

This crystal balances feminine and masculine energies, so is an excellent stone for these times.  Amazonite supports self-determination and bestows honesty, truth and integrity. It gives the wearer clarity, compassion and psychic support.

Amazonite is sometimes known as Amazon Stone, is a feldspar and typically found in Brazil. This crystal acts like jade or turquoise.

Core crystal of 2024. In April, rose quartz was also the edge crystal of the year.

Flower Essence: Cerato

Cerato Flower Essence for May 2024 - Are You Ready to Make Big Impact?

Cerato is the Intuition flower for the Third Eye chakra. The soul lesson for Gemini is to listen to your own inner wisdom, trusting your intuition and instincts more than you trust your logical mind.

Taking Cerato encourages greater communication with your Higher Self and the ability to trust and follow your own guidance. It brings out self-trust, reliance on intuition and knowledge so supports our ability for discernment.  This was the flower essence of 2021 to interface the past with the future, the practical and the magical and the feminine with the masculine.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Wise Strategist

Here’s a wobble when you stay in your comfort zone of linear thinking and actions. Instead have fun, act out. Do something unexpected. Allow yourself to ask questions and sit with them without finding immediate answers. The key is to dance with creative flow.

Intuitive Visionary

Yes to the yes to the yes. But, do your creative world-building based on older solutions, offerings and ideas. This isn’t the time for new inventions, it’s the time to revisit, refine and offer older ones. With new solutions, you’ll actually lose audience. With older ones, you gain clients, making more sales and creating deeply loyal followers.             

Collaborative Explorer

Reach out to others, at least 2, and coordinate a great outreach campaign with each of them for the month. Define how each of you work with each other’s audiences getting specific on results, value and effort. With the details ironed out clearly, you can grow your business seamlessly. It’s a win-win-win. 

Ruling Warrior

Be the role model you were born to be. You’re a natural, yet reluctant leader when it moves beyond your products and services. Yet, being the benevolent advisor or guide creates connections, opportunities and growth you won’t get any other way.

Creative Superstar

This is your month. It’s creation time, but remember is also about community. Pulling away to create out of whole cloth makes you miss opportunities. Creating within your network draws people closer to you and brings sales upon sales. You can ripple this effect within your own sphere to deepen people’s investment with you.

Loving Alchemist

This month is perfect for you with the right stage that you’ve built over the last few months. You and your channels are created to bring people in and your audience is primed to do just that. Connect often this month. It’s a good time for LIVE events, challenges, experiences or workshops. Sell from the stage. 


You are the God or the Goddess of your world. You get to create it the way you want it to be. Say a great big Yes to your highest potential!

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,


© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2023: You’re Invited to Take It Slow for Good Luck

Stars + Strategy  Invites You to Take it Slow for Good Luck 

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets up you to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you clear the pathway to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

May 2023 Summary

From the annual forecast:
May: Universal Support
Sun signs – Taurus & Gemini

The stars do everything in their power to give you a boost. They gather the shaking you received in March 2020 and tell you, “It’s time. Now, it’s up to you to reclaim your unique gifts. The world needs you. It’s time. We’re doing everything we can, are you?” Luxury, ease and abundance is all around you. Can you see it? Will you see it? Relief is right in front of you. It’s here – open your eyes. Better yet, open your mind. Best yet, open your heart.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)
  • May 1st – Pluto retrograde
  • May 5th – Lunar Eclipse
  • May 14th – Mercury direct
  • May 16th – Jupiter enters Taurus @ 0°
  • May 17th – Jupiter square Pluto @ 0°
  • Mars is active – sextile Ceres, trine Neptune; opposite Pluto; square Jupiter
Big Star Event: Pluto Retrograde 
Pluto retrograde – May 1 – October 10 @ Aquarius 0° – Capricorn 27°

Since Pluto so recently entered the sign of Aquarius, this initial retrograde time is especially powerful. No one alive has felt Pluto retrograde in Aquarius as the last time was the late 1780’s. New territory is entered.

These 4+ months are also a reminder of the confrontation between Saturn and Uranus from January 2021 – October 2022. Your past and future wrangle for your attention, while Pluto makes you see yourself in wholeness. What have you been doing right? What have you gotten wrong? Pluto also asks you to go with your intuition to determine your forward direction. Your intuition becomes your best advisor during this period.

This is also a time to fully understand your power and to realize how others around you are using theirs (for or against you). Power plays, hidden agendas and secret lore is a fascination. Focus on you and let the drama around you fall away. 

Week 1: May 1st – May 7th

Access the desire for home renovations and design as they take center stage. Success, love and money are boosted mid-week. Heart-based leadership gains ground and allows the deepening of connection with the right people and engagement with the appropriate opportunities.  

Avoid busyness, confusion and fake information. The mind runs amuck, all stirred up, with nowhere to go. Money issues arise and imbalances with others are crazy-making. What’s real? What’s fake? It’s impossible to tell.

Tips: Spend time appreciating your home, giving it a loving boost. Balance your checkbook and check your financial position. Your investments are asking you to pay attention. Your power and influence awaits. Drop into your heart and your inner knowing to avoid the cacophony around you.

Week 2: May 8th – May 14th

Access patience and discipline as fortitude and energy become available for your health and wellbeing. Your life purpose comes up for question, along with rewards and recognition when you’re on your true path. Unexpected change jolts you at the beginning of the week creating shock waves throughout every area of your life. Your future is here now.

Avoid the divergent energies pulling you toward complacency and lassitude or drive and aggression. The push-pull can tear you apart until you align your energy with the cosmic ones. Your inner drive doesn’t withstand a chance against the cosmic one. Flex and flow are called for right now.

Tips: Be patient throughout the week, no matter what happens. Your mature response is rewarded versus a negative reflex. Trust that all will be revealed and is for your highest and best. Analyze, assess and adjust to get on the pathway of your true purpose. Develop a healthy routine for your overall wellbeing.

Mercury stations direct on the 14th with the post shadow period lasting until May 31st.

Week 3: May 15th – May 21st

Access the creative, artistic and romantic leanings as well as the intuitive nudges. Luxurious, supportive energies as well as indulging in a new look with style and flair. Suddenly you want to take center stage. You have the courage and bravado to make yourself known in the world. Your influence and genius shines for all to see.

Avoid power plays, greedy or lack reactions to others stepping into your lane. Competition rises as selfish and entitled tendencies seem completely normal. Forces of fight or flight distract you from your purpose. Hurt feelings and sensitivities are glossed over, leaving you wondering whether you’ve been gaslit. (The answer is yes by-the-way).

Tips: Be visible. Take the time to ponder what you want to say and say it. State your great ideas and solutions with conviction. Get creative with your artistic pursuits. Drop into romance, especially at the beginning of the week. Be social at the end of the week.

Big Star Events:
May 16th @ 1:19 pm ET Jupiter ingres Taurus

Jupiter enters Taurus showcasing how hard work and compassionate effort bring luck, fortune and ease. This is a time of humble prosperity, lasting abundance and comfort and luxury. Financial security gets a boost with this transit. Success finds meaning and power quiets to lay sustainable pillars in business and money pursuits. The Earth benefits from innovation, research and wealthy philanthropy. Be mindful to avoid over-extension as excessive risk-taking can lead to bad ends.

May 17 @ 9:10 pm ET Taurus Jupiter square Aquarius Pluto at 0°

At zero degrees, this configuration sparks new beginnings that bring lasting change as both are in the fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius.

The first part of the cycle begins back in March 2020 when Jupiter blends with Pluto, sparking this new cycle. This is the opening of the energy.

It’s all or nothing. Personal possessions, values and luxuries compete with societal norms and conventions. This is a shake-up to the core – individuality is at cross-purposes with the collective. Saturn and Uranus laid the groundwork throughout 2021 and 2022, but that was a grind, a slow-mover, a frustrating act of ‘let’s get on with it.’ Be careful what you wish for now, it’s all or nothing.

Week 4: May 22nd – May 28th

Access the burst of energy to break out in the world, get on stage, sparkle and shine. Massive success awaits mid-week. Responsible choices, long-term focus and strategic growth are the cosmic intention this week. Surprisingly new, zany ideas come out to play. New ways of appreciating your value to open your financial flow just needs a positive response.

Avoid questioning and second guessing. Urges to taking the easy and fastest route abound. Leaping without any clear direction and saying yes to the first thing that presents itself is likely to bring you short-term gains, but long-term losses.

Tips: Move into your intuition to affirm the new, even when it seems too far out there. Be wary of things that sound too good to be true with promises of, “Simple, easy, 1-2-3”. Ask questions, prod and prompt. Assess the answers you’re given. Do they seem genuine? Does the person or company have your best interest at heart?  Take care to act within your own tendencies as excessive risk-taking isn’t the answer. Be responsible and go with the flow, without losing your footing.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.
Full Moon: Is this mine or yours?  
Details: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon Sun in Taurus/Moon in Scorpio 15° at 1:36 pm ET
From the annual forecast:


A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow isn’t fully covering the Moon’s reflection of the Sun. It’s a darker, softer ecliptic energy.

The Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio opposes what my life means to me by myself and what my life means to me with you in it. Balancing between the two brings satisfaction and pleasure into relationships. When out of balance, either I’m satisfied or you are, but not both. Thankfully, Venus and Jupiter provide a positive blast of thought provoking love energy during this lunar eclipse.

Positively, sharing and coming together is the antidote to the imbalance. Negatively, being selfish, accusatory and dramatic relieves the tension, but doesn’t create the lasting change required to bring real relief. 

This has been going on since November 2021 and will come to its natural conclusion during the next eclipse in October.

New Moon: Power of Now
Details: May 19 New Moon in Taurus 28° at 11:55 am ET

This super cuspy New Moon in Taurus also includes a stellium with Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus and the North Node here too. These are powerful forces supporting your entry into the new way of living and leading. Pluto’s pressure with Mars and Jupiter gives you all of the tenacity, energy and drive to make things happen to bring your future into the present. What are you willing to do? How are you willing to say YES to yourself? Now is the time.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

Crystals: Grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

Flower essences: Put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions. 

Oracle card: #8 The Path

Queen of the Moon oracle cards, Stacey Demarco, and her message is “The way is open for you; the path is illuminated… and now is the time to walk upon it.” You see it, don’t you? Or you at least feel it… the path… or the fact that you are not on it. When we are on our path…

– we feel comfortable, at ease, in the flow of all that is unfolding. 

– it can feel as if we are walking through molasses or a fog, unable to even imagine where we will end up.

When we accept where we are, acknowledge what needs to change to grow and begin to love ourselves more completely, the direction of our lives begins to change…. our desires become more aligned with the needs, wants and values of our true selves.” Allow the magical flow to open the pathway before you.

Order intuition cards online

Crystal: Celestial Quartz

The soul is set free from the trappings of the human condition when sufficient work is done toward true life purpose. The calling and mission are revealed through the Akashic Records with the help of this crystal. This stone is known as the Candle Quartz, due to its revealing or shedding light amidst confusion or lack of direction. This crystal supports healing of Mother Earth through the alignment of her inhabitants.

Seek respite in the Celestial Quartz to help you release old patterns and wounding to bring the cellular body into vitality and vibrancy.

Flower Essence: Vervain

Moving from savior mentality to the bearer of light conserves energy, allows for deeper understanding and opens self-acceptance. Instead of outwardly focusing on getting people on board with your ideals and beliefs, you focus inwardly gaining poise and objectivity.  Nervous, impulsive and excessive behavior dissolves into mature authority. You illume from within to inspire and influence. Your impact grows along with your relaxed wisdom.

Spirit Animal: Squirrel

Deal with all of the changes upon you by lightening up and handling each and every thing as it comes up. No procrastinating – the time is now. Focus on your own pathway, without distraction or shiny-object syndrome as this is about you and no one else. This isn’t a race or competition. Your soul is calling you to be fleet of foot without excessive baggage. Are you ready to answer its call?


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

The Empowerment is a monthly membership with a monthly forecast, lunar phase rituals and a workshop to help you develop your intuition.

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Harness the Power of the Stars

The Star Boost/Pass is a quarterly analysis of big star events conspiring to bring you success through healing with retrogrades, becoming recession proof and manifesting your desires – for real. 2023 is the window into the next decade. Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our Star Boost/Pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards:        

KW Intuition Oracle Cards

Queen of the Moon oracle cards, Stacey Demarco

Flower essence:

Bach Vervain


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.  

Wise Strategist – You love the slower pace and the call to focus on what’s before you. You can step through your to-do list in a linear fashion. Oh, sweet heaven – finally! Keeping an eye on the long-term without distraction helps you stay on the pathway of your true purpose. Having an open heart and mind isn’t difficult for you right now. Take advantage. Develop a routine to connect your mind and your heart – Mercury helps you do this in his retrograde state. Also, remind yourself to ignore the noise and chaos flowing around you. It’s not yours.  Make that your mantra.

Intuitive Visionary – Dealing with the tension of your desire to claim your current brilliance and genius with the abundance of new ideas and solutions is crazy-making. The allure to capture and make progress on the old, the now and the new gets to be too much. Your mind swims with possibility, yet no one is ready or available to hear you until the end of the month. Ugh. You have so much to say and want to say it now. However, take my advice and wait. It’ll be worth it for two reasons. #1 – you’ll weave your ideas and solutions for even more brilliance and #2, people will be able to relate to your ideas. If don’t wait, you burn through your energy without gaining any ground. When the time comes toward the end of the month, you’ll have the energy to beguile and inspire. 

Collaborative Explorer – You can see and feel the hidden agendas and power plays, but they don’t become evident until mid-month. It’s as if there are two months for you, split exactly in the middle. During the first ½ of the month, gather your ideas and energies without casual engagement with lots of people. Keep it small, targeted and deep. Revisit those you’ve reached out to in the past. Make a more solid connection with them. There’s hidden treasure here. In the 2nd ½ of the month, people sense what you’ve known all along. They’re ready to hear from you now. Amplify your engagement. Better yet, make plans at the beginning of the month to connect with small groups of people or teams to talk (or present) to them at the end of the month.

Ruling Warrior – Your impatience has reached its highest point. You have no tolerance for waiting another moment. It’s been too long as it is. You rail against the meandering energies without forward movement. You don’t have the time or inclination to take it slow. So, no. You rebel and end up getting nowhere. It’s best you take this opportunity to streamline and optimize. Better yet, plan a team or client retreat. You can get everyone on board with your vision when you plan how you’re going to communicate and engage them. Your growth explodes when you take the time to solidify your foundation. Expansion without solid footing doesn’t last. The roller coaster you abhor continues. It’s best to use the energetic forces when they’re available. May is your time for strategy and planning, not sales and growth.  

Creative Superstar – There is so much surprise and delight with the creative energies, available solutions and unexpected connections. The zany and sassy energies lift you up and give you the boost you’ve been desiring for too long. Get clear on your definition, stay in your lane and keep your eye on the prize. Your value deepens when you gather yourself this month. Express gratitude and appreciation with an open heart. Creating solid footing this month makes June into a bonanza of value for you. You can still have fun by getting romantic and social. Indulge in a few well-thought extravagances. You deserve them.

Loving Alchemist – You want it and you want it now. Enough already. The swirling and back-and-forth forces have stripped away your patience. You think you want to shine brightly and brilliantly, yet have you focused on yourself and your offerings? Are you well-positioned to make a burst onto the scene or have you been swept up in other’s dramas? Pluto retrograde hits you hard and your heart knows your best bet is to drop into your heart’s wisdom to find the treasure offered there. But, your mind beckons, ‘It’s been so long, surely now’s the time.” No, it’s not. Any and all outward effort this month backfires. Gather your value and wrap it around you. June is your time.


May is complicated with a push-and-pull of energies driving your mind crazy and your will wild. Patience is called for, but it’s been the mantra for too long now. You’ve worked so hard and so diligently, where are the rewards? For those who’ve said the insane HELL YES, your time has come. You will see gains this month with concerted focus and openly expressed appreciation for all of your growth to date. For those who’ve played it safe and held on to the comfortable and familiar – you’ll keep getting pushed until you say yes to yourself. Why are you waiting? The star force only grows in pressure from this point forward.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

May 2022: Stay Grounded and Listen to Your Heart

Discover How the Stars Conspire to Help You Ride Out the Powerful Storm


This month has a cyclonic energy demanding you drop into your intuition to remain calm and be discerning. Charlatans and illusionists take advantage of the cacophony of chaos and uncertainty. Prepare yourself. Picture life as a chess board and you’re one piece on it. The board has gotten shaky and it’s unclear how to move forward. However, if you’ve been listening, you’ve already laid out your strategy. Trust it and follow it. Stay grounded and listen to your heart and you’ll actually stand in the center as the eye of the storm.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #8-Satisfy

Despite or because of the storminess, this month is the perfect time to dive into what satisfies you, whether it be in work, play or passion projects. Satisfaction comes when you like yourself enough to follow your heart’s desires. Your heart holds wisdom, helping you with your discernment, but more importantly it inspires, energizes and connects you to the deepest parts of you. Your intuition sings when you step into satisfaction.

Crystal: Jade

Jupiter stays front and center this month and actually becomes much more intense as he dances with Pluto and steps into Aries. The plus side – you can attract all kinds of things into your life. The down side is – it’s intensity times a hundred. Jade compliments Jupiter’s energy beautifully as it softens all of the intensity coming at you, while maintaining the attractive qualities. This stone brings a sense of love and peace.

Flower essence: Rescue Remedy®

This Bach flower essences contains 5 flowers- Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis to create a pattern of calm amidst stressful situations. Allow this essence to help calm your energy during this turbulent month. Let the flowers work their gentle magic in your system to align your mind, body and spirit. You can find this essence anywhere – it’s known as yoga in a bottle.

Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip: Go back to the basics for calming, grounding and centering. If you have tools you’ve used in the past that worked, go back to them.  Tried and true is the theme this month.

Going Deeper:

  • Start a passion project that brings you satisfaction. Lose yourself in your own creations.
  • Go back to the strategy you laid out at the end of 2021 or revisit your intentions from January of this year. You have the pillars in place – follow them.
  • The stars want you to stay in your heart, so lean into all the ways of love, both the giving and receiving ends.
  • Take time off – a staycation is the perfect solution to relieve all of the noise swirling around you.

Big Star Events:

  • May 3rd– Jupiter excites Pluto: Jupiter and Pluto love power, success and influence and when they’re dancing there is nothing you can do, except let it happen. Anything you’ve set into motion in 2018 (the last time these two planets combined their energies) can come to fruition. Gather the energy around those seeds you planted – it’s their time to blossom!
  • May 10th Jupiter enters Aries: Fuel is added to the fire on the collective stage and greed, power plays and selfishness may come to the forefront at this time. However, this energy also has great power, opportunity and potential fortune if you’re bold enough to take a leap of faith with the discernment you learned in 2021. Your best options are to demonstrate confidence, stand in your leadership and innovate based on your own creative flow.
  • May 10th– Mercury goes into retrograde in Gemini: Mercury, the cosmic communicator, loves to get naughty when he stations retrograde. Most retrogrades have their share of technological snafus and miscommunications, but this particular retrograde is amplified due to the Gemini influence. It will be even more difficult to rely messages. Mercury wants you to drop into your intuition and let it reign. He’ll do anything to prevent you from allowing your mind to run the show. Other than following your intuition, your best bet is to release what no longer serves you, revisit your strategy, review your goals, revise your next steps forward and redistribute your resources.

Supportive Events:

For the public:

On May 3rd, Emily and I talk about Jupiter and Pluto with all of the exciting the energies on the world stage. She’s going to channel a message just for us! Join us on our FB biz page.

On May 10th, Miriam and I go deeply into the concept of power and why Jupiter moving into Aries is a BIG deal. Join us on our FB biz page.

Say YES to you:

As always, Wisdom Wednesdays and Scavenger Hunt Fridays are included in our free Power Up Your Intuition group. Additionally, we’ll be going back to the 2022 forecast guide to talk about the Sun and the Moon for even more support this month. Join us.  

ENGAGE with your intuition:

In our Empowerment Membership, we’ll be doing star peeks on your individual charts once again to see how Jupiter affects your fortune, luck and success. Ooo la la!  Join us in our supportive community filled with power and magic.

Claim & Prosper:

In our small group programs, we’ll be gifting you with a lunar journal to dive deeply into your power to merge with the power of the Moon.

Impact & Lead:

For our 1:1 clients, we’re gifting the Lunar Journal and a Manifesting Ritual to harness the star power to create your brightest future.

If you’d like to see how to become one of our clients, book a connection call with me. We’ll talk all the things for you to open your full potential to live your true life purpose.  

The Weekly Stars

Week 1: Harness the Power

Dates- May 2nd – 8th  

This is it! You have the ability, energy and power to create the life you want to live. How are you doing with that? Think back to 2018. What seeds did you plant that year? They come to fruition right here – right now. Fresh, new, exciting changes are here for you in all the ways of love, power and abundance, based on your unique definition of success. The energies give you the chance to embrace the change you want to see in yourself and inspire others through your actions. Remember, Mercury goes into retrograde next week so take some time to communicate clearly while you can!

Weekly tips:

  1. Show the love and then take the time to really receive it too.
  2. Find an activity that makes your heart sing and do it as much as possible.
  3. Take advantage of any collaborative opportunities before Mercury goes into retrograde.

Week 2: Take it Slow

Dates- May 9th – 15th

Mercury heads into retrograde on May 10th and this particular cycle may make your mind spin out of control, so following your heart will be the only way to navigate until he gets back on course June 3rd.

With Mercury up to his antics, this week might feel particularly tough as forces push you to another level of awakening, whether you’re ready for it or not. If you’re in your lane, you’ll love this momentum. If not, it’s going to be jarring. The week is complicated by a dissipating energy that puts road blocks in your path. Dig deep and go with the flow – both work for you. Dig deep into the core values of who you are and what’s important, then let go of your expectations to step into the natural flow of the Universe.

Weekly tips:

  1. Lean into your support system to remain calm.
  2. Check in daily with your strategic guide posts for direction.
  3. Take the lead if you are aligned to attract even more opportunities!

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse: What is Real?

Details: Sun in Taurus & Moon in Scorpio 5/16 @ 12:14am ET

Leverage the energy to move toward a mature response to the push and pull of your life. Curb overly stress-inducing thought patterns that lead to overly indulgent behavior. Stop gas-lighting yourself. Stand in your decisions – let your YES be a YES and your NO be a NO.

Dive into your intuitive knowing for the answers you seek. Use the Martial and Uranian energies to take action to achieve the future you desire.

Week 3: Creative or Spiritual Pursuit

Dates- May 16th – 22nd

Deceptions and illusions abound as scandals and gossip create confusion. Don’t believe the first headline you read or item you hear as you’re only getting the partial truth. Let these energies swirl, but don’t take them in. AND absolutely do not make any big decisions this week. Now is NOT the time.  Your best course of action is to get wildly creative, dive deeply into spirituality and look at your strategy from an intuitive perspective. Develop a discipline that serves you to stay grounded.

Weekly tips:

  1. Let yourself get creative – do so in unusual ways.
  2. Go outside. Explore nature.
  3. Remove unwanted energies from your life.

Week 4: Cheers to Good News!

Dates- May 23rd – 29th

Good luck, fortune and success surges forward to fill you with optimism and ebullience. You’ll be able to attract your desires. You may find your mind sharper and able to drive you to push forward with success. Take it slow and watch your participation in relationship. Power issues come to the fore, warning you to stay in your lane.  Be intuitive, stay honest with yourself and allow things to unfold with wonder right in front of your eyes.

Weekly tips:

  1. Focus on how you wish to engage in your relationships.
  2. Avoid any tendency to try to control what’s going on around you.
  3. Be open to new possibilities presenting themselves this week.

New Moon: Intuitive Discipline

Details: New Moon in Gemini 5/30 @ 7:30 am ET

Gain the ability to influence your thoughts, instead of letting them lead you astray. Your mind is a tool you have the power to yield. Notice how your mind takes the lead and train it to be a passenger. Your intuition is poised to create flashes of brilliance and genius insights. Discipline yourself to develop your intuition through regular routines and frequent practice.

May Energy for Intuitive Types:

Ruling Warrior: Honestly, you’re going to hate this month. The energies feel as if they’re pushing you forward, but don’t materialize easily or swiftly. This is a time of patience and deep dives – two things that aren’t your favorite. You hate watching from the sidelines, so get athletic to burn off frustration. Better yet – take a staycation and get things done around the house.

Intuitive Visionary: This month is frustrating as flashes of brilliance and ideas are still coming, but don’t form as quickly as usual. Also, bringing them to fruition is more difficult than it should be. Coordinate with a designer to add creativity to your new insights or refine those out in the world to provide more possibility in the coming months.

Wise Strategist: If you lead from your heart, this month actually satisfies you. Let your mind relax, so not to succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. Allow yourself the space to breathe and just be. Remember – heart first, intuition second and mind last.

Creative Superstar: You love when Mercury goes into retrograde because it’s a big heart opening, giving you permission to drop into your creativity. Splurge! Relish the opportunity to stay in your creative flow. This month lets you lean into solitude, so take advantage to gather your energy for a renewed entrance into the world in June.

Collaborative Explorer: Communications are tough and connections aren’t easy. You may initiate a collaboration or project, but it’s unlikely to come to fruition. You feel the hidden agendas and power plays circulating around you, frustrating your efforts. Execute with care. Let things play out in front of you without attachment.

Loving Alchemist: You will LOVE this month! With the depth of Pluto’s energy, combined with sinking into love and diving into intimate conversations, you feel right at home. Honesty is revered right now. Take advantage by going deeply inward and embracing all the luscious energies that are available to you.

Bottom Line: May is a rough month, there’s no need to sugarcoat it. Instead of being swept up in all of the false things presenting around you, take the opportunity to go inward, review your progress and strategize your next moves. You’ve already established what your core values and put your pillars in place. Stay in alignment and Let your mind relax and not succumb to the chaos and uncertainty. await forward momentum in June.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.