Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2024: How Do You Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth?

Month 2024 Summary: Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth

March: Be the Torch

Sun signs Pisces & Aries

Seasonal energies –  Apex of Purpose with Equinox on the 19th

Energetic Element –  Air

March’s Overall Meaning

How will you open to your soul’s truth and let it lead? Your soul is your guide, compass and light. Allowing your inner wisdom to lead illumes you to become the beacon for others. Are you courageous enough to live in your mastery? Without shouting, posturing, judging or playing false. This isn’t an explosion. This is an “of course” where you say, “I remember and I’ve known this all along. I call to those who can see. Here I am.”

Read about ways to make more money and have more success in 2024.

Seasonal Insights

Season of Purpose

Months: February – May

Sun signs: Pisces, Aries, Taurus

The quickening of the energies ignites the divine spark to create in purposeful union of possibility and planning. Set your strategy and be purposeful to create your satisfying success. This is primarily a yang, focused time, but leaning into the yin, strategic view point, wise prospective and intentional outlay of energy boosts your desired growth. This is how you will learn to master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

Season of Purpose relies on the air element for planning and defining your initial strategy. The air element speaks to your mind to foster a left-brain response to the dreamy aspect of establishing your vision for the year.  Determining goals, setting targets and outlining objectives is an excellent response to this season. Setting your calendar for collaborations is a requirement to fully grow your business.


 Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • All planets direct
  • Eclipse – March 25

The forward motion continues pushing you to keep up a grinding pace. You’ll gain solace with the ecliptic energy during the last week as it provides respite. It depends on what’s in flow for you – hard-driving forward movement or working with the cycles of two steps forward and one step back.

Click here to subscribe to my Podcast so you don’t miss out on getting stars + strategy tips. 

Star Power

Week 1: Pivotal Beginnings Under Piscean Skies

Feminine Energy and Strategic Pivots

The month starts under the dreamy Pisces sun, an auspicious time to tap into feminine energies. It’s sweet and tender, filled with intuitive nudges and loving whispers. You’ll want to take advantage through intuitive analysis and creative brainstorming. I advise you to pivot where necessary, utilizing the cosmic backdrop to fine-tune individual strategies. Uranus is center stage all month long, bringing change and fresh perspective to everything you think, feel and do throughout the entire month.

Listen to the March Forecast Podcast for much more anecdotal information.

Week 2: Navigating Deep Waters with Neptune’s Guidance

Trusting the Intuitive Flow

As you sail further into March, the Piscean and Neptunian influence deepens, encouraging a dive into your intuitive toolbox. This second week is filled with introspection and spiritual depth, prompting you to explore psychic realms for business insights. Permit yourself the space to connect with your intuitive insights and apply these revelations to your business model to elevate your business growth. Infusing your own value expression into everything related to your business puts you on the leading edge to make big impact.  

Week 3: Asserting Aries’ Fiery Path

Shifting Gears with Masculine Vigor

With the arrival of the Aries sun, the energy unmistakably shifts. The focus steers itself toward actionable choices and assertive decisions. This third week is a powerhouse for setting priorities and leaping forward with courage. It’s filled with the potential challenges and feelings of isolation and financial constraints. Yet these energies enable you to prioritize yourself, choosing what really matters to elevate your business growth.

Week 4: Eclipse Season and Embracing Uniqueness

Balance and Harmony Amidst Eclipse Revelations

The final star aspect heralds good fortune and success, enabling you to revisit what has been most successful for you in the recent past and repeating this through April. You’re about to enter Mercury retrograde season layered underneath the ecliptic energies. You’ll want to refine and renew your growth patterns.  


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

New Moon: Change and Healing Insights

Details: March 10th Sun & Moon in Pisces @ 5:02 am ET

This New Moon holds energy for you to dance between the productive, linear approach and the creative, spiral of connection. This is a signal for change. This Sun and Moon combination sets the tone for planting seeds of intent and it’s the ideal time for combining soft skills with strategic prowess.

Full Moon: Balance Logic & Intuition

Details: March 25th Full Moon/Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse Sun in Aries & Moon in Aquarius @ 3:01 am ET

This Full Moon Eclipse is a transformative celestial occurrence, which is helpful to rebalance and refine your business approach. This is a time that’s a cornerstone for growth and intuition-driven leadership. It’s filled with possibility and energy for power to merge in the collective.

Listen to my latest Full Moon Podcast that describes the general power of the Full Moon.  


The intuitive oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that. 

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuition Oracle Card: #38 – Strategize

Read the section below to see what pops out at you from the Intuition Oracle cards guide book:

Intuition Card statement: The yin of strategy wants to interrupt you now.

Words to ponder: Predict. Invigorate. Fortify.

Message: “It’s time to lift your perspective for a 30k view. Set aside time to set your strategy for the coming months.”

Essence: Setting strategy is actually a yin energy. It involves reflection, observation and perception.

Meaning: Hit pause, look at your calendar and set time (½ day or full day) to set your strategy.

Image, mandala & color: Gather your materials and inner resources to lift you, your team and your business up another notch. It’s time for your next level of growth. Let’s go.

Number: 38 represents teamwork and has an inspirational energy. It’s the perfect number to invoke for strategic pursuits.

Intuition Card guidance:

Intuitive tool: Do a visualization with your team to commence your strategic meeting. Then set your intentions and choose a few crystals to symbolize your strategic vision. Sodalite is an excellent stone for strategy as is tiger’s eye, particularly the blue one. You may add clear quartz to amplify your goals and citrine to clear a path.

Practical tip: Revisit your strategy, intentions or goals for the year. Assess where you are, reprioritize, and make plans to attain your goals.

You can use any and all of the information about the #38 Strategize intuition oracle card to help you navigate difficult and propelling energies from the stars this month and year. 

You can get your own intuition cards online with guide book here.

Crystal: Blue Chalcedony

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Blue Chalcedony

Use this crystal to help you with communication to find your voice in varying situations. You can lean on this stone before a live event, a presentation or a sales call.

Blue chalcedony is a calming and soothing crystal, bringing a zen-life quality to you and your environment.

Spirit Animal: Chameleon

Chameleon personifies an open mind that gives you the ability to see many points of view. This animal is patient and determined, providing a foundation for you to anchor your own energy. You can use chameleon in business to connect more easily with others.

Call on chameleon when you want to stand firmly in your own power, yet blend into the background.

Flower Essence: Centuary

This flower essence helps you choose yourself and be a tad bit selfish. You deserve to put yourself first and to be the central character of your life. When you put others first time and time again, you neglect your own needs and desires. Your personal life and business requires your attention, energy and priority.

You deserve to live your life to its fullest. You deserve to fulfill your soul mission to be rich and powerful, make big impact and leave your legacy. Let centaury support you in pursuing your dreams.

Listen to the full March Forecast Podcast episode.


Following my success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Signature for the best results this month.  If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, here’s the link.

Master Intuitive Strategy to Elevate Your Business Growth by Success Signature Types

Wise Strategist

Give yourself permission to shine as things are clicking along at a good pace. Yet, hiding still holds you back from your success. Work with your strengths to develop an article series, your own Podcast or a limited LIVE event or workshop. Be visible and make money.

Intuitive Visionary

Is it possible that the world is finally catching up to you and your ideas? Present your solutions and offerings in ways that are perfectly clear to others. Your audience is ready. Now is not the time to miss their ability to see, hear and understand you.

Collaborative Explorer

Develop a clear offering that respects your gifts and abilities. Practice asking for money to wear your rates. Then, take the stage, invite your audience and let people know how to work with you. Turn your prospects into clients by actually making sales.      

Ruling Warrior

Even without a personal brand, your business is about YOU, not your products and services. Put yourself into the limelight authentically and with engaging connection. Be true to who you are, yet be obvious about who you are personally. Tell your story.

Creative Superstar

Stand by your creations. Let your heart be seen by others. This month calls for a deep connection, not a flirty or sassy one. It’s time to be real, down-to-earth and approachable while also being a leader, who’s respected and honored. Lead like a boss.

Loving Alchemist

March is nirvana for you as the energies support everyone at a deep, soul level. You feel aligned with others in ways you haven’t in a long while. Be you – intimately, magically and lovingly you. When you do, others appreciate and value your power and gifts.

Listen to Podcast episode that relates to your Intuitive Success Signature.

Bottom Line

Strategic Intuition as a Catalyst for Growth

Finding our path in business often requires a harmonious blend of strategy and intuition. The month offers a robust canvas for those ready to integrate celestial wisdom with business strategy, highlighted by intuitive practices. March isn’t merely about navigating your star path; it’s about elevating your growth through your unique Intuitive Success Signature. This month, let’s master intuitive strategy to elevate your business growth.

If you’d rather not read, listen to the March forecast Podcast episode here.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

 ✨Sky’s the Limit: 3 Stellar Ways to Elevate Your Business 🌟 

Most people who follow astrology know about the ability to use the stars to forecast to find out the timing of events for industry trends, economic cycles and seasonal rhythms. This is the first layer of astrology. There are actually other ways to use astrology, that most people aren’t familiar, yet are the most impactful for your life and business. Find out how to use astrology to grow your business.

There are 3 massively powerful ways to use the stars for your success:
  1. Star Navigation
  2. Star Alignment
  3. Star Mapping

Grab your tips from each way to use the stars strategically to grow your business.


Star Navigation through forecasting is an excellent tool for avoiding pitfalls highlighted by the stars and taking powerful advantage of the prosperous stars. You can use star navigation to:

  • Set strategy – overall themes, intentions, powers and seasons
  • Planning – timing for launches, promotions, streamlining, creating, vacationing
  • Gain resources – use cycles for time and energy management

The stars conspire to create success for you and you can follow them weekly, monthly and for big star events.

The biggest star event is Pluto entering Aquarius. For the next 20 years, the energy of Aquarius is front and center asking you to live your future right now. Aquarius opens you to inclusion, freedom and equity. This sign wants you to become independent and break free of what holds you back from living your future. Spending time with like-minded people is also a benefit of the energy of Aquarius.

Click here to listen to my Podcast to follow the stars to get powerful information that you need to run your business.


Star Alignment or how you’re living your stars, measures how your free will deviates or supports your soul mission.  Knowing where you are on your star journey helps you determine your best next steps.

I’ve set up my success-making Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® methodology so you achieve your life purpose, step into your power and increase your prosperity. You can use star alignment to:

  • Create clarity – know how you’re living your stars and handling your resources
  • Remove blocks – like how star energy integrates with your soul’s energy for clearing your pathway
  • Manifest desires – trust your star imprint to boost your ability to create the life you want
Measuring How You’re Living Your Stars

Determining how you’re living your stars is measured by how you know, like, and trust yourself. 

Your mind gauges how you know yourself, your heart indicates how you like yourself and your will demonstrates how you trust yourself. Your…

…mind identifies what you think, how you make decisions, and why you align with your soul mission.

  • When you know yourself, you can stop second-guessing your decisions so that you can start following your intuition.

…heart demonstrates how you like yourself, what your particular wisdom is, and ways to say YES to support and opportunities.  

  • When you like yourself, you stop seeking outside validation so that you can start reclaiming your power.

…will indicates how you trust yourself and whether you accept individual, collective, and universal gifts.

  • When you trust yourself, you stop experiencing lack through inconsistent success so that you can start living your birthright of being rich and powerful, making big impact, and leaving your legacy.

The key to measuring how you’re living your stars depends on how you know, like, and trust yourself, so I’ve built an entire methodology just for you.

How Can You Benefit from My Success-Making Methodology?

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created my success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business. 

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out so that instead of helping customers to Know, Like, and Trust you, YOU will Know, Like, and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to create highly sought-after personal, professional and financial triumph.

Yet, the way to gauge how you know, like, and trust yourself isn’t easy. Imagine trying to figure it out on your own.

Because this isn’t easy, I’ve created 6 Intuitive Success Signatures which are fun and relatable symbols that give you simple and clear ways to improve your pathway for success. I’ve created a 12-question quiz for you to take 2 or 3 minutes to complete it. More than 21,000 people have taken the quiz and have used the information to help them with their purpose, power, and prosperity. To identify their marketing and sales skills, to assist their leadership positions, and to develop their intuition.

Click here to take the quiz.

Each one of the signatures has a particular strength of either knowing, liking, or trusting themselves.

When you know yourself more, your brilliance shines; when you like yourself, your power amplifies; when you trust yourself, that’s the money shot. Your…

  • brilliance wants to shine if you’re a Wise Strategist or Intuitive Visionary.
  • power longs to come out and play as a Collaborative Explorer or Ruling Warrior.
  • wealth is here for you Creative Superstars and Loving Alchemists.

What’s Your Intuitive Success Signature?

Ruling Warriors adore the spotlight, while Wise Strategists need lots of encouragement to shine their brilliance. But brilliant they are. Wise Strategists are wizards at strategy and planning. If you want to get things done, call on a Wise Strategist. If you want to make a sale, Ruling Warriors are your go-to people. 

When you desire intimate gatherings, Loving Alchemists are your hosts and when you wish to open to your possibility, Intuitive Visionaries help you imagine it.

By completing my 12-question quiz, you’ll receive lots of information about your strengths and highlights to your signature. Click here to take the quiz.

Your Intuitive Success Signature indicates how you’re aligning with the power of the stars and layers on top of your individual star map.   


Star mapping is your personal GPS that outlines your map of potential. It shows what you might become. It begins with your natal chart that’s a scientific picture of the life your soul has chosen as a process for your own growth. It’s a picture of the inner person just as a physical body is a picture of the outer person. The chart illustrates your inner world, unique from everyone else on Earth. The same natal chart only comes into being once every 25,000 years!

When you compare your natal chart with the stars in the sky, you then develop your unique star map, illuminating the exact pathway to open your full potential so that you can live your soul mission. Astrological charting, star mapping, demonstrate the way to get in touch with you – it’s as unique as you are. You can use your star mapping to:

For your life:
  • Identify your imprints for communication, success, purpose, power, relationships, love, money
  • Clear your success path
  • Heal your ancestral and soul DNA patterns
For your business:
  • Team management & client relations – learn skills, talents, motivations and agendas
  • Make big impact –  follow your passion, live your soul mission, create ripple effect
  • Increase prosperity – fine-tune spending, revenue generation & improve your money imprint

This is the most powerful method to use astrology as it combines the stars in the sky with YOU and your uniqueness and business strategies. This requires individual connection and I offer 2 ways of working with me:

1) my Rich and Powerful Leaders (RPL) Academy and

2) my high-end 1:1 application-only exclusive container.

If you’re interested, the best place to start is in my stepping stone RPL program.

At the Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy, I blend the timeless insights of astrology with over 25 years of C-suite business acumen to guide you toward unprecedented success. Tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs ready to transcend the upper limits of mid-6 figures, this program offers a unique journey to 7 and 8-figure realms, ensuring your legacy is not just envisioned but achieved.

What Do You Get?  

Transformative Outcomes: Elevate your business from stagnation to exponential growth. Break through your revenue ceiling and step into the realm of 7 and 8 figures, all while maintaining alignment with your core values and achieving the balance you desire.

Tailored Strategy: This program isn’t one-size-fits-all. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading as a solo or micro-preneur. With my blend of ancient wisdom and strategic business tools, you’ll forge a path that’s uniquely yours.

Community and Support: Embark on this journey with a cohort of peers who share your ambition and values. Our community provides a network of support, insight, and collaboration, empowering you to grow and succeed together.

Bottom Line: Your Best Steps to Use Astrology to Grow Your Business

  1. Follow the star forecasts – weekly, monthly and on an annual basis. Note what’s happening during big star events. Click here to listen to the Podcast.
  2. Take the 12-question quiz to find out how you’re living your stars. It measures where you are on your journey to live your soul mission. Click here to take the quiz.
  3. If you want to take it even further, check out my Rich and Powerful Leaders stepping stone program. Click here to learn more about the program.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Most people who follow astrology know about the ability to use the stars to forecast to find out the timing of events for industry trends, economic cycles and seasonal rhythms. This is the first layer of astrology. There are actually other ways to use astrology, that most people aren’t familiar, yet are the most impactful for your life and business. 

There are 3 massively powerful ways to use the stars for your success:
  1. Star Navigation
  2. Star Alignment
  3. Star Mapping

Grab your tips from each way to use the stars strategically to grow your business.


Star Navigation through forecasting is an excellent tool for avoiding pitfalls highlighted by the stars and taking powerful advantage of the prosperous stars. You can use star navigation to:

  • Set strategy – overall themes, intentions, powers and seasons
  • Planning – timing for launches, promotions, streamlining, creating, vacationing
  • Gain resources – use cycles for time and energy management

The stars conspire to create success for you and you can follow them weekly, monthly and for big star events.

The biggest star event is Pluto entering Aquarius. For the next 20 years, the energy of Aquarius is front and center asking you to live your future right now. Aquarius opens you to inclusion, freedom and equity. This sign wants you to become independent and break free of what holds you back from living your future. Spending time with like-minded people is also a benefit of the energy of Aquarius.

Click here to listen to my Podcast to follow the stars to get powerful information that you need to run your business.


Star Alignment or how you’re living your stars, measures how your free will deviates or supports your soul mission.  Knowing where you are on your star journey helps you determine your best next steps.

I’ve set up my success-making Do You Know, Like & Trust Yourself ® methodology so you achieve your life purpose, step into your power and increase your prosperity. You can use star alignment to:

  • Create clarity – know how you’re living your stars and handling your resources
  • Remove blocks – like how star energy integrates with your soul’s energy for clearing your pathway
  • Manifest desires – trust your star imprint to boost your ability to create the life you want
Measuring How You’re Living Your Stars

Determining how you’re living your stars is measured by how you know, like, and trust yourself. 

Your mind gauges how you know yourself, your heart indicates how you like yourself and your will demonstrates how you trust yourself. Your…

…mind identifies what you think, how you make decisions, and why you align with your soul mission.

  • When you know yourself, you can stop second-guessing your decisions so that you can start following your intuition.

…heart demonstrates how you like yourself, what your particular wisdom is, and ways to say YES to support and opportunities.  

  • When you like yourself, you stop seeking outside validation so that you can start reclaiming your power.

…will indicates how you trust yourself and whether you accept individual, collective, and universal gifts.

  • When you trust yourself, you stop experiencing lack through inconsistent success so that you can start living your birthright of being rich and powerful, making big impact, and leaving your legacy.

The key to measuring how you’re living your stars depends on how you know, like, and trust yourself, so I’ve built an entire methodology just for you.

How Can You Benefit from My Success-Making Methodology?

Based on my 30+ years of business experience and 25+ years of intuitive and astrological expertise, I’ve created my success-making methodology based on how to use the ancient wisdom of the stars in your life and business. 

My Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ® methodology expertly pairs the ancient wisdom of astrology and sacred healing modalities with modern techniques and is delivered through simple and practical methods.

I’ve turned the well-known marketing concept of the Know, Like, Trust factor inside out so that instead of helping customers to Know, Like, and Trust you, YOU will Know, Like, and Trust yourself. Tapping into this inner knowing allows you to create highly sought-after personal, professional and financial triumph.

Yet, the way to gauge how you know, like, and trust yourself isn’t easy. Imagine trying to figure it out on your own.

Because this isn’t easy, I’ve created 6 Intuitive Success Signatures which are fun and relatable symbols that give you simple and clear ways to improve your pathway for success. I’ve created a 12-question quiz for you to take 2 or 3 minutes to complete it. More than 21,000 people have taken the quiz and have used the information to help them with their purpose, power, and prosperity. To identify their marketing and sales skills, to assist their leadership positions, and to develop their intuition.

Click here to take the quiz.

Each one of the signatures has a particular strength of either knowing, liking, or trusting themselves.

When you know yourself more, your brilliance shines; when you like yourself, your power amplifies; when you trust yourself, that’s the money shot. Your…

  • brilliance wants to shine if you’re a Wise Strategist or Intuitive Visionary.
  • power longs to come out and play as a Collaborative Explorer or Ruling Warrior.
  • wealth is here for you Creative Superstars and Loving Alchemists.

What’s Your Intuitive Success Signature?

Ruling Warriors adore the spotlight, while Wise Strategists need lots of encouragement to shine their brilliance. But brilliant they are. Wise Strategists are wizards at strategy and planning. If you want to get things done, call on a Wise Strategist. If you want to make a sale, Ruling Warriors are your go-to people. 

When you desire intimate gatherings, Loving Alchemists are your hosts and when you wish to open to your possibility, Intuitive Visionaries help you imagine it.

By completing my 12-question quiz, you’ll receive lots of information about your strengths and highlights to your signature. Click here to take the quiz.

Your Intuitive Success Signature indicates how you’re aligning with the power of the stars and layers on top of your individual star map.   


Star mapping is your personal GPS that outlines your map of potential. It shows what you might become. It begins with your natal chart that’s a scientific picture of the life your soul has chosen as a process for your own growth. It’s a picture of the inner person just as physical body is a picture of the outer person. The chart illustrates your inner world, unique from everyone else on Earth. The same natal chart only comes into being once every 25,000 years!

When you compare your natal chart with the stars in the sky, you then develop your unique star map, illuminating the exact pathway to open your full potential to live your soul mission. Astrological charting, star mapping, demonstrate the way to get in touch with you – it’s as unique as you are. You can use your star mapping to:

For your life:
  • Identify your imprints for communication, success, purpose, power, relationships, love, money
  • Clear your success path
  • Heal your ancestral and soul DNA patterns
For your business:
  • Team management & client relations – learn skills, talents, motivations and agendas
  • Make big impact –  follow your passion, live your soul mission, create ripple effect
  • Increase prosperity – fine-tune spending, revenue generation & improve your money imprint

This is the most powerful method to use astrology as it combines the stars in the sky with YOU and your uniqueness and business strategies. This requires individual connection and I offer 2 ways of working with me:

1) my Rich and Powerful Leaders (RPL) Academy and

2) my high-end 1:1 application-only exclusive container.

If you’re interested, the best place to start is in my stepping stone RPL program.

At the Rich and Powerful Leaders Academy, I blend the timeless insights of astrology with over 25 years of C-suite business acumen to guide you towards unprecedented success. Tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs ready to transcend the upper limits of mid-6 figures, this program offers a unique journey to 7 and 8-figure realms, ensuring your legacy is not just envisioned but achieved.

What Do You Get?  

Transformative Outcomes: Elevate your business from stagnation to exponential growth. Break through your revenue ceiling and step into the realm of 7 and 8 figures, all while maintaining alignment with your core values and achieving the balance you desire.

Tailored Strategy: This program isn’t one-size-fits-all. I understand the unique challenges and opportunities of leading as a solo or micro-preneur. With my blend of ancient wisdom and strategic business tools, you’ll forge a path that’s uniquely yours.

Community and Support: Embark on this journey with a cohort of peers who share your ambition and values. Our community provides a network of support, insight, and collaboration, empowering you to grow and succeed together.

Bottom Line: Your Best Steps to Use Astrology to Grow Your Business
  1. Follow the star forecasts – weekly, monthly and on an annual basis. Note what’s happening during big star events. Click here to listen to the Podcast.
  2. Take the 12-question quiz to find out how you’re living your stars. It measures where you are on your journey to live your soul mission. Click here to take the quiz.
  3. If you want to take it even further, check out my Rich and Powerful Leaders stepping stone program. Click here to learn more about the program.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

Harvesting the Moonlight: Strategic Ways to Channel Full Moon Energies for Business Growth

The Sun and the Moon provide massive power for success when you know how to use the Full Moon Energies to grow your business.

In this segment, I’m covering the Full Moon energies.

Full Moon Quick Tips for Business

The Full Moon signals completion, culmination and celebration. In order to use the Full Moon’s energy for your business, use its energy to:

  • Fine tune your strategy – The Full Moon is a great time to take stock and determine your next best steps. Take note of any course correction and streamlining you want to pursue.
  • Complete projects – The culmination energy helps you complete those things you haven’t quite yet been able to finish. Use this energy to brings things across the finish line.
  • Celebrate your successes and accomplishments – The Full Moon is a time to take stock and gather your energy for achievement. Boost morale to set the tone for positivity for the next lunar cycle.
  • Charge your tools – The Full Moon is a wonderful energy to charge your magical tools and these can include your natural gifts and talents. Hone in on your skills and offer these to the Full Moon too.
  • Network and community build – It’s a great time for outreach as everyone wants to get together due to heighten emotion and connection. Make time to get together or at least talk to those on your list who you’ve been trying to get ahold of for the last few days or weeks.

Let’s delve deeper.

Cycle of the Full Moon

The Full Moon is the culmination of your intentions every month. On the Full Moon, you have the largest range of energy available to you than you do any other time during the month.

You set your intentions on the New Moon and build the creation of these intentions for 14 days until the Full Moon.

On the Full Moon, you assess your position based on your intended desires and then determine what you’d like to get rid of to create space to allow these new intended desires into your life.

Think about this.

Before you go shopping, you want to make sure you have space in your closet for your new purchases. If you don’t cull your closet, you’ll bring your new lovely things home and have to stuff them in without any space – perhaps you lose track or forget about them.

Without space, you’re signaling to the Universe, new purchases don’t mean anything to you. If this happens repeatedly, the universe pulls back its energy on your desire to manifest.

Pretend you’re the closet.

If you don’t have any space, you won’t be able to manifest more.

So, on the Full Moon take a few moments to take stock, celebrate what you’ve created and determine what you want to get rid of to make space for the new.

The next 2 weeks until the New Moon is about releasing and healing to make space.

Full Moon Ceremony

Take these 5 steps during the Full Moon to celebrate YOU.

  1. Note the astrological signs of the Sun and the Moon.

When you know the astrological or zodiac signs of the Sun and Moon, you understand the meaning of their energies. Every Full Moon has the Sun at 180° opposition to the Moon and their signs create momentum for you to gain awareness and to remove any blocks you have in these areas.

2. Pause and reflect how these Sun and Moon signs can help you clear the pathway to your success by asking these 3 questions:

  • What can I do to use the Sun’s energy and meaning to stop hiding?
  • How does the Moon’s power support me in feeling safe enough to achieve my success?
  • Who and what am I grateful for in my life?

3. Journal to take note of what comes to you when you ask these questions. Let yourself bask in the energies of the Sun and Moon. See what comes to you. You may be pleasantly surprised about your insights.

4. Gather a few magical tools if you desire and do a meditation to celebrate. You can subscribe to my Your Star Path to Success Podcast as I do a lunar talk and ritual on every Full and New Moon just for you.

5. Take action to gain support and remove blocks for the next few weeks.

Intuitive Success Signatures for Sun & Moon Power

If you don’t know your Intuitive Success Signature, click here to take the 12-question quiz over 21,00 others have taken to find out how you’re living your stars.  

Wise Strategist – Follow the tempo of the 4-week dance and let the differences in the energies pull you closer toward your goals. At the New Moon, set new goals; during the next 2 weeks, give them fuel to be realized.  Then

celebrate what you’ve completed. At every phase, take action as well as energetically powering your intentions to manifest and release.

Intuitive Visionary – You adore both the Sun and the Moon and the Full Moon is your favorite as you appreciate the spaciousness of possibility in the extreme opposition. This space provides potential that you can celebrate and bask in at every Full Moon. Take the time to do so and power up your natural gifts and talents.

Collaborative Explorer – Let the dance of the Sun and the Moon empower you to become the central character of your life. Dance with the Moon’s phases during her cycle and glow in the light of the Sun. The meaning of the Sun fuels you and the essence of the Moon gives you permission to be you.  

Ruling Warrior – You’re a natural Sun lover, so lean into the power of the Sun at every phase of the Moon cycle. During the Full Moon, pay attention to the Sun. During the New Moon, connect to the Sun when setting your intentions.  

Creative Superstar – You love the rhythm and flexibility of the Sun-Moon dance. Let this tempo become your own when creating, inviting and selling your offerings. Take note of which parts of the cycle nudge you toward creating, inviting or selling. After a few months, you’ll have a great schedule to follow.

Loving Alchemist – You’re made for the Moon and her mysterious energies. You‘re a natural alchemist as indicated by your name. You can harness the Moon’s power at every phase of her cycle. Lean into her energies during the Full Moon and revel in the blending of the Sun and Moon energies during the New Moon.

If you’d like to use the power of the Full and New Moon more fully, click here to purchase my Bella Luna course for $12. I tap into the meanings of every sign, delve into your Moon’s birth sign and provide 2 rituals.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

 🌟Harnessing the Energy of Mercury Retrograde: 8 Powerful Business Tips 🌟

Hello Star Lovelies,

Welcome to a new dimension of business strategy!

“Oh no, my computer has crashed.”

“He hasn’t received any of my texts or emails.”

“We need to reschedule this meeting and it’s been rescheduled more than once already.”

“My train/plane/bus is delayed – again!”

Yes, this is the quintessential Mercury in retrograde period. When I tell people it’s happening, I hear gasps and groans.

BUT, we can actually use Mercury retrograde to our advantage in business. Because, yes, all of the stars, even Mercury, are conspiring for our success.  

The planets actually have so much to say to us if we only listen and Mercury is the most loquacious. He darts and dives around the Sun 3 times a year and each time, when it looks like he’s running backward, it’s known as the dreaded Mercury Retrograde.

Poor Mercury! He’s only trying to help and he wants us to know how we can use these periods to boost our businesses.

Business Tips

Here are 8 powerful business tips to not just survive, but thrive during Mercury retrograde:

  1. Revamping Strategy: Everything is up for (re) in this period – think review, refine, reassess, release. It’s a time to revisit or revamp, so let’s embrace this period as an opportunity to review business strategies and fine-tune goals to emerge stronger as Mercury shifts gears.
  2. Reigniting Customer Loyalty: Reengage with clients and reach out to former clients or partners who’ve fallen off the radar. Mercury retrograde encourages us to reimagine connections and rediscover opportunities.
  3. Making Small Decisions: This isn’t the time for major decisions as we’ll regret what we’ve been so firm about during the retrograde period. Mercury is a trickster as he wants us to slow down to ensure we’re building a strong foundation. He clouds judgment, so using this time for research, planning and groundwork is our best bet.
  4. Unleashing Creativity: In retrograde, Mercury is asking us how we can be more creative. He wants us to drop into our hearts and feel our passion. This doesn’t necessarily mean we need to pick up our paint brushes or musical instruments. It means we get to brainstorm fresh ideas, innovative new offerings and imagine solutions to longstanding challenges.
  5. Energizing Vision: We get to restore our vision with a fresh new perspective, find deeper meaning to our mission and/or realign with our higher purpose. This is exciting and reigniting if we reach for our patience and allow new ideas to unfold. It’s an unfurling, not a lightning bolt epiphany.
  6. Being Flexible: Change and change again is Mercury’s cosmic dance, reminding us that pivoting gracefully when unexpected challenges arise makes us shine. By going with the flow, we can define our intent without expectations. As we commit without trying to control the outcome, we actually increase our prosperity flow.
  7. Clearing Communication Pathways: Knowing misunderstandings are more prevalent, we can lead the way by taking the time to foster communications within our communities, replenish connections and fine-tune collaborations. Laying out step-by-step goals, guidelines or procedures is very Mercury retrograde.
  8. Getting Intuitive: Mercury wants us to see, know and hear without using our minds. Yup – this is his mission when he stations retrograde. Our challenge, should we choose to accept it, is to spend time in meditation, reflection and introspection. We can get to know ourselves better, more intimately, to become stronger in our convictions, deepen our passions and position our businesses properly within our niche or industry.

All this being said, Mercury retrograde isn’t kind to anything new or big. However, sometimes we have to sign a contract, negotiate or start something new during a retrograde period. My best advice is to double and triple check on both sides. We don’t want someone to think they’re getting something we haven’t offered or vice versa. Taking extra caution, dotting i’s and crossing t’s laboriously, is the way through these retrograde periods.

Also, if we have a launch or promotion that has to happen during a Mercury retrograde period, recognize it’s not going to be the rocket blast we may desire. It’ll be a slower, longer curve, so I always say, plan for a longer lead in and an extra-long tail. Doing an elegant outreach campaign is excellent positioning for the way of the future.

It’s collaboration, collaboration, collaboration that clears our pathways for expanding our influence and making big impact

Using Mercury retrograde periods to teach us patience for clarity in goals, communication and connection, puts us in the driver’s seat for the future.

Mercury may be a trickster, but he has our best interests at heart.

Mark Your Calendar!

We’re in the midst of another Mercury retrograde period until mid-September, but never fear, another one is only a few months away. 😬

Mercury Retrograde Dates

August 23 – September 15, 2023

December 13 to January 1, 2024

April 1 – 25, 2024

August 4 – 28, 2024

November 25 – December 15, 2024

For Geminis and Virgos, extend these periods a handful of days before and after each date range – no matter which year. In 2023, Capricorns and Taurians need to do this as well. In 2024, the fire signs are impacted the most, so those in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are going to join the Geminis and Virgos in the extension periods.

Bottom Line

As leaders, it’s our role to harness the energy around us and transform it into positive momentum. Mercury retrograde is our chance to realign, rejuvenate, and revitalize our businesses. Let’s rise above the common narrative and use these cosmic tides to our advantage!

Stay tuned for more insightful updates to use the stars + strategy to clear the pathway to your success. I’m here to empower you with the knowledge and inspiration needed to lead your business to new heights.

Cheers to cosmic growth,

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Strategy Leadership

Navigating the Stars to Success: How Astrology Influences Economic Trends and Business Leadership Strategies

Astrology + Economic Trends


The first chapter of the New World begins on December 21, 2020 when the 800-year star shines brightest in the sky. It also signals the last chapter of the previous way. 

The decade of 2020 – 2030 is the transition between the old and new worlds. Everyone on Earth has chosen to be here at this time to help usher in these new energies. It’s the responsibility of every single individual on Earth. 

In late 2019, when I reviewed the entire decade, I wrote this about the next few years: 

“2023 – Acceleration of intolerance, racism, fascism, climate crisis”

“2024 – Edgy tensions, everything rises to the surface; uncomfortable and unfamiliar”

“2025 – Fiery advent into living in the new world; chaos breeds change”

That seems bleak, however, it’s merely a quick glance at what the stars are churning up for transformation. When the energies aren’t stirred, they remain beneath the surface and therefore, untouchable. The decades leading up to 2020 existed in denial, submission and obfuscation. 

All of that changes in this decade. 

It may appear too difficult to deal with.  But again, you chose to be here at this time, doing these things, with these people. 

It’s your choice. 

After exploring the star timeline of this decade, the Plutonian movements of 2024 reveal a lot of edgy influence throughout the year.

Pluto is front and center of all trends (including when adding astrology and economic trends). Pluto’s star story focuses on ways for you to find the hidden treasures of love, power and success.  This is by going through denial, overcoming reluctance, as well as surmounting fear. Think of the phoenix as Pluto takes your hand and gives you the courage to remove the blocks and clear the pathways. 

On the world stage, Pluto moves the entire world from the institutional past to the individualized future. And this is done through the energy shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. Dragging everyone from the comfort of the familiar to the uncertainty of the unknown brings freedom, inclusion and innovation. Or conversely, it brings detachment, revolution and chaos. A combination of these is also likely.   

Pluto’s ultimate quest is wholeness. 

The quote of Pluto should be, “Come into the darkness to see the light.” 

Diving deeply into your dark places without fear and with great resolve is the signature of Pluto. Transformation through death and rebirth is the catalyst for change. Pluto, the God of Hell, knows the intense plunge required to come out the other side. Nonetheless, using this key to fearlessness and empowerment helps you reclaim the parts of you that you’ve lost along your soul journey. 

The quest of Aquarius is the ideal. 

The quote for Aquarius should be, “Live and let live.”

The air sign of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is a conundrum in his pursuit to include the whole world, yet detach from everyone. In his mission to set higher ideals, yet railing against conformity. In his journey to be original, while yearning for approval. 

With Pluto, everything is systemic. With Aquarius, everything is worldwide. No one is immune to the Pluto drag between Aquarius and Capricorn. Due to retrogrades, Pluto dances between Aquarius and Capricorn for about 18 months until traveling through Aquarius for 20 years.  

With Pluto in Aquarius, the world experiences an unending quest for discovery, invention and challenging the status quo. The world champions the truth of inclusion, freedom and service, while grass roots style movements celebrate social and environmental justice. Escaping the tyranny of authoritarianism and tradition is possible. 

Yet, change for the sake of change and constancy for the new and novel may bring unexpected consequences. Doubt, detachment and revolution accompany revelation and wonder. Liberation requires admitting, reconciling and freeing the oppressed. 

The key to negotiating both possible outcomes is to pursue the future without losing the heart of humanity and its need for connection. 

Applying this star navigation of astrology to business trends also involves the integration of economic levers and industry movements. The astrological indications are that the global impacts of autocratic leaders inhibit natural growth with their isolationist stature, ineffective true leadership and aggressive infiltration into other nations and their interests.

Economic Levers

The economic levers of monetary and fiscal policy of the super power first world nations, China, United States and the Middle Eastern Block, parlay into softening or amplifying the star navigation interpretation. 

The global economy is not going to expand as a whole as it has over the last 30 years. The instability over the next handful of years jerks the economic trends out of their natural trajectory. The monetary policy of an unnatural goal of 2.5% inflation flatten economic growth unnecessarily. The increase in interest rates so far, although too aggressive in timing, have positively impacted consumer confidence, savings tendencies and resupplying the money supply. 

The fiscal policies of the super power nations of China, United States and the Middle Eastern Block, are critical to exploring the health of the global economy. 

China isn’t going to fuel high growth in the next few years, so the economic impact on global trade is a lowering of overall world growth. China’s debt is too high and its leaders aren’t inclined to use government funds to boost GDP. 

The United States isn’t in a financial position to fuel any growth backed by government funding and even with the funds, the paralysis in congress negates its ability to act.  

The Middle Eastern Block relies on fossil fuels and as long as the world is dependent on them, its economy will continue to bust through expectations. However, there isn’t any government funding policy to help the nation’s economy. Only private entities benefit from growth. 

Overall, growth will be lower or stagnant in the next handful of years. 

Industry movements

Innovations in the science and technology fields continue to explode as well as significant growth is predicted in the New Age and climate sustainability industries for different reasons. New Age gets a boost due to Pluto entering Aquarius, making everyone interested in the esoteric. 

Climate sustainability is absolutely necessary with weather and climate events escalating for the foreseeable future. Investments in this area continue to increase.

Space engineering and engineering in general increase ahead of the overall business growth curve.

Leadership Tools

Effective leadership is imperative to get ahead in the business world during this decade. The ever-increasing reliance on remote work, decentralized business functions and third-party suppliers makes strategic decisions and operational work flows critical to business success.

Leadership, by definition, is commanding a group, organization or country and the five components of leadership are: 

  1.  Creating a vision
  2.  Encouraging the change
  3. Motivating the team
  4. Developing the system
  5. Celebrating your success

Great leaders have the ability to identify their strengths and hire and motivate others to shore-up their relative weaknesses. They also know how to connect to people’s heart and souls as well as their minds to foster sustainable growth. 

Given the star power for a new type of leadership, that combining the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine, creates space for women in leadership never before available.

Astrology has indicated that now is the time for feminine leadership. Let’s use astrology to stay ahead of the economic trends.  

Follow this space to be on the leading edge. 

© Copyright 2024 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.