Strategy Leadership

How to use the Zodiac to your Advantage

The zodiac is for everyone. No matter race, religion, gender, age or geography. The stars are here for every human to use to their FULL and COMPLETE advantage.

How can you do that?

Astrology is tied to astronomy, so the first step is understanding that the stars and planets hanging beautifully in the sky have impact on you.

Then, here are a few simple tips:
Appreciate the limitations of horoscopes.

Here’s why astrology gets such a bad rap. There are horoscopes aplenty online – everything from daily to weekly to monthly and are based on your Sun sign. Most people know their Sun sign, so it’s easy for people to search and connect with their solar horoscope. However, these horoscopes are severely limited.  Yes, the Sun is central to your astrology, yet it’s still only 1 of 10 planets. Plus, there’s so much awesome information in your chart – house behaviors, planetary aspects, lunar nodes, your heart’s desires, soul mate imprint, life mission destiny and arc of intimacy to name only a few. It’s your complete cosmic blueprint. Completely ignoring it is unreliable. But, you can have fun with horoscopes. I’m not saying don’t read them. I’m just saying take them in complete awareness of their limitations.

Understand the cosmos

Knowing what’s happening in the cosmos every month is really helpful to navigating your best interests on a daily or weekly basis. This is the reason I spend hours analyzing and interpreting the monthly energies and lunar cycles every month. It’s important to know what’s going on generally with tips on what to do throughout the month. Other people do this too. Find your person – the one you like, the one who speaks to you – then sign up for their monthly messages. I offer a FREE monthly forecast to help you navigate each month’s energies. Here you can sign up for my monthly forecast to be delivered to your inbox each month.

Follow the Sun.

Here’s some fun for you. It doesn’t matter what your Sun sign is, you can lean into the solar energies every month. You just need to know the zodiac calendar and what it means. I’ve done it for you here:

Dates (ish)Sun SignMeaning
Mar 21 –
Apr 19
Aries – ♈

Aries likes to lead.

Be brave, bold and confident. Go on an adventure. Get physical. Start something new. Seek inspiration and act with enthusiasm. Get others to follow you.

Apr 20 –
May 20
Taurus – ♉

Taurus likes stability.

Take a deep breath and seek the silence of nature. Explore anything sensorial – taste, smell, touch, sight or sound. Play with animals. Find the ability to simply be.

May 21 –
Jun 20
Gemini – ♊

Gemini likes communicating.

Talk, travel, explore, learn – anything and everything. Open your mind to the wonders of the world. Read, teach, speak. Present. Debate. Solve problems, think critically. Do everything mental – literally.

Jun 21 –
Jul 22
Cancer – ♋

Cancer likes to experience emotions.

Sink into your intuition, Nurture yourself. Be affectionate, sensitive and caring. Heal yourself and your family. Go inward. Stay at home – feel safe and loved.

Jul 23 –
Aug 22
Leo – ♌

Leo likes to be in the spotlight.

Get cheery, have fun, be generous and inspire others. Be regal, kind-hearted and charming. Express yourself. Open your heart to joy. Trust and celebrate life. Delight in being alive.

Aug 23 –
Sep 22
Virgo – ♍

Virgo likes order and neatness.

Get to work. Assume your duties and responsibilities. Get organized and set a schedule for routine. Check in with your health. Analyze, research or gain a skill. Find your mentors. Be in service to the world.

Sep 23 –
Oct 22
Libra – ♎

Libra likes balance.

Collaborate, find your teammates and work together in harmony and justice. Seek balance. Discover calm through art and beauty. Make a commitment in relationship. Find your partners.

Oct 23 –
Nov 21
Scorpio – ♏

Scorpio likes to live a secret life.

Dive deeply into honest self-reflection. Pursue the mysteries of life. Confront uncomfortable topics. Tell the truth. Investigate the darker edge of your life and heal with penetrating intensity. Forgive and let go of the past.

Nov 22 –
Dec 21
Sagittarius – ♐

Sagittarius likes meaningful experience.

Socialize, communicate and explore new experience. Open your heart and mind to differing viewpoints. Travel to learn other cultures. Expand through higher learning. Broaden your philosophy of the meaning of life. Begin your quest.

Dec 22 –
Jan 19
Capricorn – ♑

Capricorn seeks Great Work.

Focus your will, assume responsibility and get to work. Go inward to know yourself to determine your true desires. Be discerning and achieve greatness. Make effort to discover your mastery.

Jan 20 –
Feb 18
Aquarius – ♒

Aquarius likes individuality.

Be original. Shake off conformity. Go your own way. Express your truth. Create your own rules and structures. Use technology. Invent. Reach for the future. Be a visionary, create and innovate.

Feb 19 –
Mar 20
Pisces – ♓

Pisces is one with the world.

Imagine. Dream. Intuit. Connection to the oneness of the Universe. Love universally. Find joy in the wonders of the world through your imagination and sensory perceptions. Be gentle with yourself.

Note: ‘Dates- ish’ as the dates may vary by a day or two. It depends on the year.

Have fun with this. I encourage you to lean into the strength of the solar energies each month to take the most advantage of the zodiac.

For example, get stuff done during the early part of January, have so much fun in early August and delve deeply into introspection in the later part of October. The zodiac signs are more supportive of these activities due to the Sun’s entry into them at these times.

Have fun – the stars are here for you!

As always, wishing you joy,

P.S. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to receive my short weekly energetic tips