Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July 2022: Let’s collect star power and watch your dreams easily come to life


From Annual Forecast:

You can release and heal this month. Transformation is in the air. Changes may be forced on you. Avoid the drama and desire to hold on too tightly. Can you let go of control and go with the flow? Now’s the time. You can either breakdown or breakthrough.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #41 – Flow

Allow the movement and rhythm of the month to gift you with ease and flexibility. Open yourself to the rhythms and cycles of the Universe. Let yourself blossom like a flower on an early summer day. Fill yourself with the warmth of the Sun.

Crystal: Moonstone

This is a stone that channels the Moon. It attunes to the ebb and flow of the moon. Moonstone helps with stability as it balances you during the cycles of life. It represents the inner Goddess and enhances intuition. This crystal also helps you resonate with the mysteries.

Flower essence: Centuary

This is a stone that channels the Moon. It attunes to the ebb and flow of the moon. Moonstone helps with stability as it balances you during the cycles of life. It represents the inner Goddess and enhances intuition. This crystal also helps you resonate with the mysteries.

 Big Star Events:

  1. July 2nd – Mars confronts Pluto
  2. July 6th thru 13th – Mercury out of bounds
  3. July 19th – Chiron retrograde
  4. July 20th – Sun challenges Pluto
  5. July 28th – Jupiter retrograde
  6. July 31st – Uranus and Mars stir up soul destiny

The Weekly Stars

Week 1: July 1 – July 10

Mars and Pluto are just wrangling with each other. They’re up to no good. They’re making mischief in a way that’s not fun. Don’t do anything this weekend that’s going to be edgy.

After the weekend, the energy provides fresh perspectives, new ways to change institutions and different avenues to view the world. There’s a softening and soothing influence, hopefully relieving the pressure that’s been building these last many weeks. Good news may appear at the end of the week.

Weekly tip: Reach out and connect.

Week 2: July 11 – July 17

This is the week for adjustments.

Full Moon

Details: Full Moon 7/13 @ 2:37 pm ET Sun in Cancer & Moon in Capricorn

There’s a building of beautiful energy a more realistic outlook as to what it is that you’re seeing, observing and realizing in your world. What is the right path forward? Traditional structures and leadership methods or new, inclusive and grass roots constructs. Intuitive answers may lead you along the right path to making progress.

Your relationships and finances are under review. What adjustments support you in love and money? What attunements are needed for love, value and relationship. Masculine and feminine energies have the ability to weave in new and different ways.

The remainder of the week continues allowing you to tweak and refine to make your future a reality. How can you adjust your thinking to receive the love and support you desire?

Weekly tip: Strike up a conversation. Ask and you may receive.

Week 3: July 18 – July 24

This is a fiery week with lots of trying to control you and pushing you toward a crisis of some sort. You may be forced to let go of something you’ve been wrangling with for quite some time. Allow yourself to let go and feel the relief. Your mind is playing games with you. Focus on the long term.

Chiron retrograde 7/19 – 12/23

You have the opportunity for great healing. And you observe old wounds and release your ties to them. Also, you reevaluate your relationship with yourself and others in order to understand your past to give way to your future. In Aries, Chiron helps you see how your unique gifts fit into the world. Better yet, he helps you realize your unique gifts stand out and shows you how to bring them into the world – if you’re brave enough.

Chiron in retrograde in the sign is about your identity, uniqueness and ability to live in the world. He’s always a healer. When he’s direct, you have an easier time to release and let go. When he’s retrograde, you can sink in to ruminate and ponder.

Weekly tip: Get healing.

Week 4: July 25 – July 31

It’s time for fun and going with the flow. There’s a lot of energy pushing and pulling you with sudden changes and mind games. Relax into it. Take time off if possible.

Jupiter Retrograde 7/28/22 – 11/23/22

Jupiter retrograde in Aries dominates this retrograde cycle from the end of July until the end of October. During this time, Jupiter asks you to ready yourself for all of the expansion in your life. He wants you to shore up your confidence, your leadership skills and your courage. As he moves back into Pisces for the November portion of his retrograde, he calls for self-compassion and emotional support. He wants to pull back any escapist tendencies too.

When Jupiter goes retrograde. He’s basically asking, “Have you positioned yourself for the blessings, success, leadership and opportunities you want? He’s the giver of them. Jupiter brings them to you. When he’s moving forward, it’s easier to put deals together and to make things happen. When he goes retrograde, it’s optimize, streamline and efficiency time.

New Moon

Details: New Moon 7/28 @ 1:55 pm ET – Sun & Moon in Leo at 5°

The Sun and Moon aren’t the main attraction – Mercury’s dance with Uranus, Mars and the collective soul destiny is and comes into exact alignment in 3 days. The Sun and Moon urge the heart forward to move into generous and noble pursuits, however, in the collective, the pressing of ambitions may lead to greedy power grabs to protect pride and ego.

7/31 Uranus conjunct North node

BIG STAR GATE IS HERE! There’s good luck to achieve the higher expression – a massive breakthrough to ensuring an everlasting future for the Earth. (This is new earth). Otherwise, overly-sensitive or dramatic breakdown with violent behaviors and attachment to being victim. Your mind is wreaking havoc, don’t listen to it. Drop into your intuitive knowing.

Weekly tip: Choose to be surprised and delighted by what’s coming up for you right now.

July by Intuitive Type:

Wise Strategist – July can be powerful for you if you don’t hold onto your expectations of what you feel should happen and the way you want it to happen. It’s going to be different than you expect. Ask questions instead of waiting for answers. Stay curious and open by setting your plans and nimbly rearranging them. Your future wants you to be in the flow. Breathe and make refinements, adjustments and minor tweaks. You’re gathering is powerful beyond measure. Your mantra is “Allow, allow, allow”.

Intuitive Visionary – Patience is not your virtue and here comes July asking for it. Go back to the intentions you set at the beginning of the year and review your progress. What’s working for you and what isn’t? Adjust and refine to get into the razor’s edge alignment required to easily embody your future. Your ideas have stirred the collective and they’re trying to catch up. Work on something related to deepening your ideas, not expanding them. If you’re expanding something new, it’s going to crumble. Gather, intensity, define. Work your ideas in this way and watch the exploding expansion you crave come to be.

Collaborative Explorer – This month is a tough one for you as things stir up that require you to stand in your power. You feel you’re being pushed into too many uncomfortable situations. Think less about avoiding offending others and more about showing up for yourself. For more support, combine the annual flower essence of Cerato with the monthly one of Centuary.  Your inner voice becomes a confusing cacophony when you don’t follow it and this combination helps you listen and respond without your mind running amuck. Act from the heart, not the head. Make this your mantra.

Ruling Warrior – The staccato energy filled with power meets you perfectly. There are enough wins this month to satisfy, so take each one and celebrate it without looking for more. There won’t be a natural progression this month. Wins come and time elapses and then another win comes. Trust that the next win will happen. If you don’t trust, you’ll get frustrated and push your wins away. To prevent that, take a vacation or time off, if you must.

Creative Superstar– You can dance through the month by dipping into the power and using it to fuel your path forward. Some of the energies feel good and others don’t. Ask whether those that feel out of flow are even yours. If so, lean into the discovery available. If not, disregard and continue on your way. Be delighted by what shows up without judgment and July holds many treasures for you.

Loving Alchemist – This month feels luscious to you with its intensity and power. You’re at home in these energies. Savor and enjoy without trying to control. Stay in your own space and allow others to do the same. Focus on YOU with self-care measures and self-love exploration. Set up regular self-care routines for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. If you have the wherewithal to do more, drop into your heart to ask its yearnings for bonding. See what comes into your life you’d like to explore further.

Bottom Line:

July requires adjustments, not wide sweeping changes. Throughout the month, refine what feels good to align with your best future and rid yourself of what doesn’t work. If it’s not working now, it’s not going to. Let it go and move on.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2022 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

July 2021: Creative Tension

How do you drop into your heart and intuition?  



May begins with light and fun energy, so enjoy it. In the middle of the month, things run amuck. You feel distracted and uneasy and it doesn’t get better for the next several weeks. Be super clear in communications and get any technology issues taken care of before the 3rd week when Mercury goes retrograde in his own sign of Gemini. 

Big Star Events:

  •   Mercury out of bounds: 5/7 – 5/30
  • Super New Moon in Taurus: 5/11
  •  Jupiter in Pisces: 5/13
  • Saturn retrograde joins Pluto retrograde: 5/23 – 10/10
  • Venus out of bounds: 5/24
  • Super Moon/Eclipse: 5/26
  • Mars back in bounds: 5/27 (since 3/21)
  • Mercury retrograde: 5/29 – 6/18

Week 1: Uplifting

The first week of May offers a long-overdue break from the aggressive energies of the past few months. Minds are opened, perspectives are widened and connecting with others is easier. The lift you feel provides opportunities for sexy encounters and romantic dates. There’s a brief testing point in the middle of the week, but it’s dovetailed by fascinating and fun situations. The end of the week gives you a zany push that lasts until the end of the month. Stay grounded and operate from your intuition to successfully navigate this influence.  

Week 2: Boundless Easy Fun

Can you take time off this week? If so, do it. It’s an excellent week for fun and connecting with your friends and loved ones. It’s also a sexy and charming time. There is a pause in the middle of the week when you do feel like buckling down and getting things done. Lean into it if you’re spending your week at work. On the 13th, Jupiter moves into Pisces, so it’s kumbaya time! Dreams, healing, creativity, sensuality and intuition are the name of the game for the next few months. 


New Moon: Ideals

DetailsMay 11 New Moon Taurus @ 3:01 pm @ 21°


Get creative, dream and imagine while you have the ability to make it lasting. Think of the intentions you want to set for the next 6 months as you get ready for the ecliptic pair beginning on May 26th. There’s clarity available that will be elusive for a few weeks, so make the most of it. 

Week 3: Unbalanced

There’s an intense energy that urges you to take the long view, do deep research and make moderate plans against the push to be overly optimistic. The Sun enters Gemini to join Mercury and Venus, so your mind goes into overdrive. Your heart is already flirtatious and light, so it’s not a good barometer for keeping you centered and focused on your goals. There’s a slipperiness to the energies this week that contradicts the underlying pull of a longer, lasting tempo. Center, ground, center, ground is the mantra this week. 

Week 4: Confusion

Saturn stations retrograde on the 23rd and Mercury on the 29th and there’s confusing and destabilizing energy all week. In fact, it lasts beyond the end of the month. The only good news is the aggressive influences decrease, but with all of the misinterpretations and sticky situations, I’m not sure you’re going to be able to tell. There is opportunity for creativity at the end of the month and that can give you a little relief. 

Full Moon: Truth

DetailsMay 26 Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Gem/Sag @7:14 am

TRUTH is the name of the game for the next few weeks. Let’s find out if the world is ready for revealing what’s beneath the surface. I’m hoping so. Gather the reasons for celebrating you and all of your accomplishments and plant the seeds for releasing that which stands in your way. It’s the perfect time to reflect and review in order to renew. 

Bottom Line: True KLT is helpful this month

May is a mixed bag, but the more you drop in your heart and tap into your inner knowing, the month becomes magical. May is for healing and developing your intuitive gifts. 

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Tarot: Five of Cups – Disappointment

At first glance, this appears to be a negative message and yet allowing the opening of opportunity presents an entirely different view. The five is about mastery of being a spiritual being and a human one and cups symbolizes emotions. Ponder your availability for the emotional realm. Do you let yourself live in the moment to set your heart free? Commit without expectations, listen to your heart’s wisdom and be free of attachment.  

Crystal: Aqua Aura Quartz


Aqua Aura quartz allows freedom and enhances other stone’s healing powers. Grab a grounding stone such as black tourmaline, to help dispel negativity and keep your technology and communication paths running smoothly. 

Flower essence: White Chestnut

Bach White Chestnut is perfect to quiet your mind. Take 3 drops 3 times a day in water and feel your mind settle.


How to use this forecast: I’ve abbreviated the writing of my monthly forecasts while enhancing their practical uses. Here are my recommendations.

Quickly at the start of each month:

  1. Peruse the forecast to see what jumps out at you and make a note of the date(s) on your calendar.
  2. Go through the weekly themes and compare it to what’s on your own schedule. Make slight adjustments if there are particularly startling events on days you have major plans.
  3. Look over the business tips for the two parts of the month and see what activities to incorporate for you and your staff or clients based on the energies.
  4. Find intuitive tools and practical tips to incorporate into your month.

      Each week:

  1. Look over the weekly themes and drill down on those jiving with what you have going on in your week.
  2. Include a different, lighter or deeper approach depending upon the weekly theme.
  3. For each lunar cycle, use the natural power of the Moon to ramp up energy for success or to release and overcome obstacles.
  4. At the end of the month, take a quick glance over the month to see what works and what doesn’t to make adjustments for the upcoming one.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.  

As always, wishing you joy,  


© Copyright 2021 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved.