Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2022: Stand Firm in Your Beliefs

Intense energy is crashing around us: are you firm in your power?


March has the energetic signature of the ocean as it crashes and recedes from the shore. The expansion and contraction of energies feels off-putting and unstable at times. However, with these unsettling energies comes the potential to plant yourself firmly in your beliefs and positively respond to the chaotic energy instead of negatively reacting to it.

Another way to look at the month is through the annual forecast. This month is a mixed bag. There’s good news and fortunate progress on things that have been held back for too long. There’s also an impatient outburst because nothing seems to fit any longer. Enough is enough. Keep your cool and you’ll leverage the positive aspects of this month.

Supportive Intuitive Tools

Oracle card: #1 Calm


It’s no coincidence this month’s card is the push and pull of the masculine and feminine energies. In numerology, the number 1 represents initiation and taking the first step in your journey, but the core of the message is to remain calm and respond to the energy around you. When you do, you can influence the outcome. When you don’t, the outcome becomes the creation you must deal with, whether you want to or not.  

Crystal: Moldavite

Moldavite is an extremely high vibrational stone that helps with transformation and quantum leaping. The crystal is thought to come from a meteorite thus holding the very essence of the cosmos and infinite possibilities. When working with moldavite, take care with its fast-moving energy. Combine this stone with a centering crystal such as; moss agate or ocean jasper. Either one will allow you to go with the flow of the change moldavite brings.

Flower essence: White Chestnut

White Chestnut calms the mind and soothes the repetitive thoughts that may get in the way of your intuition. This flower essence aids in sleep by helping quiet your runaway mind and remove the distractions by bringing you back into the present. This soothing flower essence is a go-to during times of stress.

 Supportive Practical Tips

Quick tip:

  • Find a supportive way to stand firmly in your power. This isn’t the time to go it alone. Find supportive people, groups, situations.

Going Deeper:

  • Choose one of your favorite spots in nature and energetically connect to it through a heart link. Let us know if you don’t know how to do a heart link. We’ll show you in our Power Up Your Intuition Group. (link to group)
  • Claim one song or piece of music that you can return to throughout the month. For even deeper connection, take time to use the song to move energy through your body.
  • Take 3-5 breaks throughout each day to reconnect to yourself.
  • Open your mind to wonder in areas of your life that you don’t often notice. Embrace gratitude for these lesser known parts of you. Let them come out into the world.

 New Moon – Explosive Power

Details: Sun & Moon in Pisces on March 2nd at 12:35 pm ET

This New Moon is powerfully delicious and can be supportive as it asks you to open up to possibilities and look for creative ways to claim your future self. There’s a combination of Mars and Pluto asking you to courageously dissolve the things that aren’t working for you and shed habits, routines and practices that no longer serve you or your purpose. This is the time. Either claim your future or let it go. If you claim, you may feel as if you’re being pushed off a cliff. Yet, remember – you can fly.

Week 1: Embrace Passion & Fortune

Dates- 2/28-3/6

Use this first week of the month to take advantage of the forward momentum from February as you pursued your weirdly (“wyrd’) creative and imaginative side. “Wyrd” comes from ancient Norse culture and means: magical, unknown and wonder. This is a perfect week to explore ways to bring the original and unconventional into your everyday life.

Mid-week starts to feel explosive as Mars comes forward with his intense energy, but when you stand in your power, you can move forward toward in alignment. Be wary of power grabs and manipulation. This is the time to test your progress on the 2020 intentions of discernment and discipline. You’ve had more than 12 months to develop these strengths and it’s a good thing as you need them in spades now.

Stay in the eye of the storm to get passionate about your life and those you love. Welcome new and exciting possibilities.

Weekly tips:

  1. Explore your “wyrd” side by reading, exploring or doing something you’ve been interested in.
  2. Look at any problems that may arise from an opposite point of view and be open to creative solutions.
  3. Don’t let outside forces shift you from your lane.

 Week 2: Revel in the World – Within and Without

Dates- 3/7-3/13

Your future is here, can you recognize it? Creative innovations spring up around you. Are you aware of them or are you seeing reflections of your former self? It’s important to remember the pillars you planted last year. The energies are forcing you to take notice, but what lens are you looking through? Your own or someone else’s?   There’s a push and pull, outward and inward, making you want to put your head in the sand.  If you do, tap into your inner knowing. It’s your only reliable compass.

The good news? The last part of this week stirs up passionate, loving and tender energies to indulge you. Enjoy – you’ve earned it.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Look around in wonder at new things you may have overlooked.
  2. Take some time to yourself for indulgence.
  3. Stand firm in your authentic self and let your intuition guide you as intense energies threaten to pull you off track.

Week 3: Enjoy the Eye of the Storm


This week is a reprieve from the shifting energies so far this month. Imagine standing on a beach as the water recedes back into the ocean and take that time to revel in the calm surrounding you. Relish the calm you have created for yourself.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Get out in nature for a walk or hike to celebrate the Equinox.
  2. Take stock of the ways you’ve said YES to yourself and celebrate them!
  3. Revisit any intentions you have set in the past three months and see if you want to revise or update any of them.

Full Moon – Opportunistic Tension

Details: Sun in Pisces & Moon in Virgo @ 27°on March 18th @ 3:17 am ET

If you took the opportunity to dissolve unwanted thoughts, habits and beliefs during the New Moon at the beginning of the month, this Full Moon will feel delicious. You’re flowing in alignment and using the momentum of star power to propel you forward. However, there’s tension between your thoughts on what the future may bring and the actions you’re required to take.  Remember it’s easier knowing then doing.

Your thoughts are supportive of your future goals, so take some time to consider the words: power, magnetism and charisma and how they feel in different areas of your life. Lean into the earthy energies of Pluto and the Moon to support you as you create your very best future. This is about creation, not intending. Actions are required. 

Happy Equinox and Happy Birthday Aries!

As the Northern and Southern Hemispheres celebrate equal amounts of luscious energy from the Sun and the Moon, we also celebrate the beginning of the zodiac year and welcome in the energy of Aries.

This Equinox is all about the balance between: authority and power, masculine energy and feminine energy and the magical and practical. It’s a time to claim or reclaim your power: are you in or are you out?

 Week 4: Anchor yourself knowing that you are true potential

Dates- 3/21-3-27

Explore your creative urges, seeking areas you’ve overlooked previously. Be indulgent in your imaginative and intuitive pursuits. Listen to those messages and signals from the Universe but STAY GROUNDED!

Pluto wants you to go inward for those deep insights and connections, but stay alert for outside influences that may lead to self-delusion, gaslighting or manipulation from others.

Stay aligned and true to yourself as outside energies can feel aggressive or rebellious in nature.

Weekly Tips:

  1. Ground, ground, ground!
  2. Explore creative endeavors you may have been resisting.
  3. Be aware of any outside influences that may try to penetrate your energetic field. Fortify your energy.

Bottom Line:

March tests your willingness and ability to stay in your lane. Get centered and remain grounded. Mars is here to see if you are strong in your core values. If you are, you witness the energy and respond with calm authority. If not, you’re swept up with the tides. Either way, March is filled with power.

Thank you for reading and sharing with family and friends.

Seriously, it would be great for you to share. Everyone benefits.

As always, wishing you joy,  


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