Astrology Forecasts Oracle

March 2023: are you prepared to stand bravely on the edge of the world?

Stars + Strategy   

The stars either work with you or against you and it all depends on whether you know what their up to or not. This monthly forecast sets you up to take advantage of these powerful forces. Using the stars strategically helps you remove the blocks to your success and achieve your personal, professional and financial triumph.

March 2023 Summary

Theme: Edge of the World

Sun signs: Pisces & Aries

There’s a crisis of understanding as threats to your stability and security ignite the greatest fears you have. Staying close to what’s familiar and comforting support you as the world swirls, seemingly into chaos. Remember, you are infinite and filled with the universe. Your potential and your future await. Give over to love, as it’s the only thing that’s real. Power punches peak at the end of the month. Be mindful of what’s actually true for you at this time.

There are 2 MAJOR star events in March involving Saturn (Hard Choices) and Pluto (Transformational Hell) as each are moving from one zodiac sign to the next. For Saturn, this happens every 2 ½ years, so his cycle moves through the zodiac every 30 years. For Pluto, this planetary cycle is 248 years and due to its elliptical pattern, spends between 10 – 25 years in each sign. Pluto also creates generational change in the world.

This is, without a doubt, a BIG deal.


Big Star Events: (in chronological order)

  • March – all planets direct
  • March 7th – Saturn enters Pisces @ 0°
  • March 12th – Aries Jupiter conjunct Chiron @ 14°
  • March 20th – Equinox: Sun enters Aries @ 0°
  • March 23rd – Pluto enters Aquarius @ 0°

Week 1: February 27th – March 5th

Access fortune, luck and success through connections for business and love. Diligence, details and serious discussions create excellent opportunities. Solutions, ideas and strategies present themselves. Ask and you shall receive.

Avoid stepping back and riding the ease of the energy. Feelings and thinking about taking time off, sleeping late or calling in sick aren’t in your best interests this week. 

Tips: Say ‘YES’ this week. Put the time in, work late and push yourself to make those calls, schedule those appointments and do the outreach.

Big Star Event: The Right Questions

Details: Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th @ 8:33 am ET

What is real and what is fake? It’s almost impossible to tell and will remain this way for another 3 years. Saturn and Neptune are in concert with each other as they both reside in Pisces from 2023 through 2025. Then, they co-join again in 2026. This time in Aries – a reckoning for resolution like no other.

Right now? There are no answers, only questions. And for the next 3 years, asking the right questions is critical.

Catch the video on YouTube as Mariah and I explain everything you need to know about the next 3 years. We also have star peeks. 🤩 Everyone goes crazy for them.

Week 2: March 6th – 12th

The first BIG star event of the year happens on March 7th as Saturn enters Pisces within the hour of the Full Moon in Virgo to open the gateway to the wholeness of you.

Access the fresh point of view and exciting news pushing you toward healing your relationships in business and love. When you do, you have the ability be unwavering in your commit to your full potential. There’s good news when you open to all aspects of who are you and expand your willingness to remember your internal wisdom.

Avoid playing it safe and going into protection mode as your creature comforts are pushed to the edge. Be wary of defending your current position and letting your prior actions dictate your future moves. Good fortune favors the bold.

Tips: Be brave. Welcome the powerful potential of this time. Do the unexpected.

Week 3: March 13th – 19th

Without the Moon, there are 14 star aspects this week. This is a FULL week!

Access information coming to the surface that sheds light and awakens leadership tendencies.  Bold ideas and out-of-the-blue innovations become known. Serious connections abound in your personal and business lives.  Creativity and compassion serve to open feelings about what’s happening around you.

Avoid busyness, impatience, aggressive thoughts and distorted reactions. Jealousy, hidden agendas and elbows thrown to jockey for attention are everywhere.  Short-tempers and messy feelings add confusion and wrong moves in business and at home.

Tips: Drop into your intuition or use your instincts. Do research and study diligently this week. In business, hire an expert and let them support you in negotiations and deal-making.

Equinox: Cliff Diving 

Details: March 20 @ 5:24 pm ET Sun 0° Aries

Leadership is awakened. Which type of leadership is the question. Tons of charm and magnetism enable influence and persuasion for your point of view. This can be positive for the greater good or abused by narcissistic desires.  Entitlement and nepotism are up for review. Who’s telling the truth and who’s lying?

Dancing on the edge works when the core is deep and strong. Otherwise, the edge may pull you too far. 

Big Star Event: The New World 

Details: Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23rd @ 8:12 am ET

Pluto in Aquarius creates generational change. This planet stirs up the revolutionary tendencies of Aquarius as a stellium resides in Aries at the time of the planetary transition into a new sign. Freedom, individual rights and quest for the future awakens NOW.  

By the way, Pluto is the God of Hell.

Pluto has no patience. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, 1778 – 1798, it sparked the American and French revolutions. For everything you need to know for the next 20 years, join our Star Pass program.

Week 4: March 20th – 26th

Integrity and decency are challenged this week.

Access the powerful forces to do the right thing. There’s an ignition or flash point awakening thoughts, feelings and actions. Your value, status and physical comforts are under the magnifying glass. Solutions to complex problems and healing energies are available when you say YES.

Avoid plunging into the darkness to protect yourself. Closing off, putting up barriers and taking a defensive posture seems like the answer. As does, following those who say, “I have the all of the answers. It’s as simple as 1-2-3,” or “I’ll save you. I’m the only one who can help you.” Neither benefit you.

Tips: Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. In fact, take 10 breaths. Do this every day.

Week 5: March 27th – April 2nd   

Access the willingness to be bold and original. Activation and ignition spark the pursuit of innovations. New ideas and suggestions position you for new heights and opportunities for success.

Avoid frivolous and distracting purchases. Self-soothing escapism and shiny objects. Impulsive and explosive moves. Breaking up and away just for the sake of breaking up and away.   

Tips: Fill yourself with self-care routines and satisfying actions. Then and only then, dance on the edges. Get creative to pursue brave and new ideas.


The Moon phases help manifest things you want, celebrate things you have and get rid of things you no longer want. Here are the phases and what you should do:

  1. The New Moon is for setting your strategy.
  2. From the New to Full Moon, it’s the time to manifest, appreciate and create.
  3. The Full Moon is for taking stock in gratitude and refinement.
  4. From the Full to New Moon, it’s the time to celebrate, release and merge.

Full Moon: Crisis of Understanding or Embodiment of Full Potential?

Details: March 7th @ 7:42 am ET Full Moon Sun in Pisces & Moon in Virgo at 16°

Full Moons are opposing forces making both available when you act from the core and destabilizing when you choose one over the other. The polarizing actions over the last few decades come to a head later in the month, but are felt keenly now. 

The softness of Pisces meets the hardness of Saturn and that of Virgo, when she’s threatened. Gun violence, severe weather and political positioning (autocracy versus democracy) are ignited by the third week of the month.  

Will the world respond and take long-lasting steps for the wellness of its citizenry or will it choose ‘simpler, easier and shinier’ actions? 

New Moon: Point of Origin

Details: March 21st @ 1:26 pm ET Sun & Moon at 0° Aries

The stellium in Aries with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron in this sign of spark, ignition, and fire. This is a point of origin, a new beginning, an awakening. Finding the structural components that are necessary to sustain, support and provide for the world is possible. How will the world respond?

Every month, the New Moon signals a new beginning and this month is especially true with the Sun and Moon at zero-degrees. This is a flash point of energetic force. Typically, it’s like lighting a match, but this month, it’s like lighting a powder keg.


The oracle cards bring insight into what’s coming for the month. They give your mind something to focus on and remember as you go through the days and weeks. You can ponder the card or go into the guidance in the book when you need more than mental reminders.

The power of animal and crystal energy are easy to employ to help you create the success and satisfaction you desire. Spirit animals are always willing to assist. Simply call on the animal at this time, to bring it into focus and ponder its meaning.

For crystals, grab the crystal and put it on your desk, purse or kitchen table. You want to align with your success and this month’s stone helps you do that.

For flower essences, put 3 drops into water 3 times a day and feel the gentle support for your body and emotions.

Intuitive Oracle card: #47 Optimize

The essence of this card is perfect for March – Expand the trust you have for your business. It’s absolutely perfect when you’re standing on the edge, trying not to look down. I also love the words to ponder: Develop. Elevate. Enrich.  I can taste these words and want to savor them. I’m going to wrap these energies around me, especially the 3rd week this month.

This oracle card is particularly helpful for Collaborative Explorers and Creative Superstars.

Order intuition cards online

Crystal: Emerald

Seek respite in the stone of the month: Emerald.

Its’ true that emerald is a stone of love, as I’ve mentioned in previous monthly stone segments, however, I want to emphasize a few other qualities.

Emerald is a stone of awareness as it allows reason and wisdom to enter into your consciousness to accept the unknown. It promotes an ability to be discerning and a deeper inner knowing. It improves all of your bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, bringing harmony in all areas of your life.

This crystal enhances intuition, clear vision and clairvoyance to help you communicate with the Divine. And, emerald is indeed, a love stone activating your heart chakra, increasing joy and harmonizing relationships.

Call on emerald this month – often. Carry it with you and/or put it on your kitchen table or in your family room. Use it whenever you feel the need throughout this month.

I have a bowl filled with emerald, lapis and sunstone. As this was the stone of the month in June 2020, I’ve moved this bowl into the center of my kitchen table. It’s been there ever since. (Not ironically, the Tarot card that month was The Chariot – 2023’s card). The universe is like a hammer to the head in its messaging.

Emerald is excellent for Every Intuitive Success Type. However, Wise Strategists and Ruling Warriors, in particular, benefit the most from this crystal.

Flower Essence: Water Violet

Move from isolation to connection by taking water violet throughout the month of March. Specialness, elitism, over-rationalization of being separate or feeling above the rest is resolved with this flower essence. There’s nothing special about anyone, every person is unique, brilliant and filled with potential.

Furthermore, people benefiting from water violet control their emotions and hold themselves back with stoicism and aloofness. They 

– enter the world putting up walls and defending themselves against intimacy and connections. 

– tell themselves, “I need to put up boundaries because people take advantage,” or “Everyone is too much – too loud, too arrogant, too ignorant.” 

– feel superior, when actually it’s their lack of confidence in being able to relate and their fear of intimacy that holds them back from fully experiencing life.

Loving Alchemists take note of this flower essence.

Spirit Animal: Swan

The swan is intuitive with instincts to know what lies ahead. When this spirit animal shows up, it’s nudging you to accept your inner knowing and to trust it. Swans are excellent at seeing the truth and looking beneath the surface. When something presents itself, swan wants you to determine what it means for you and reminds you it may mean nothing.

Swans are loyal in relationships and commit to their partners for the long term. They are graceful and poised, no matter the circumstances happening around them. The swan loves going to the depths to avoid the chaos at the surface. Most importantly, call on swan when things become overwhelming.

The swan supports Intuitive Visionaries for grounding their brilliance and deepening their power.


Get Calm & Certainty:

There are 2 ways we help you gain calm and certainty during these chaotic times. 

1. Empowerment Membership

Join our community for engaging your intuition to empower you to manifest your desires. Click here for more information.

2. Our Annual Star Pass

Now’s NOT the time to go it alone. Our most successful clients are part of this program. Join our star pass program by clicking here.

Use Magical Tools @ Home:

Oracle Cards: https://amzn.to/3ZklPwe

Bach water violet flower essence: https://amzn.to/3IVJT3i

Emerald crystal: https://amzn.to/3Z4HPeX


Following our success-making Do You Know, Like and Trust Yourself ™ methodology, tap into the energies of your Intuitive Success Type for the best results this month.

Wise Strategist – This month is your kryptonite. There’s nothing of redeeming quality to these energies for your need to have predictable, clear and detailed guidance. March is anything but, as it swirls forth, picking up additional energies as each week passes. Water burns into fire on the Equinox, yet feels as if it’s burning a hole in your heart and mind. Stand in your core, remind yourself of your strengths and focus on the long-term. This month will pass and you’ll be standing in your power.

Intuitive Visionary – Captain chaos! You get swept up with all of the activity at every level. You love the distractions and chaos-creating energies as ideas are plucked, seemingly, from the sky. The pure potential that’s available this month belongs to you. Stick to your path. Put your head down and act in your own best interests. You’re the only type who can take complete advantage of everything happening. You can embody your full potential by grounding it into your being.

Collaborative Explorer – This month is everything you don’t like. All of the hidden agendas and feelings coming to the surface widens chasms and urges argumentative behavior. All of the power plays and manipulations intensifies tensions and increases chaos. Diving beneath the surface by focusing on yourself, your goals and your needs is the antidote. Acting only on the things directly in front of you eases your mind and soothes your nervous system.

Ruling Warrior – The emotional side of the energies push you to soften and dissolve into vulnerability. This, quite frankly, is one of your worst fears. You get defensive and protective of your position of authority. But, authenticity is the new professionalism, so vulnerability opens you to engage with others and deepens your connections. The fiery forces after the Equinox aligns with your energy. Be careful not to overdo.

Creative Superstar – You adore the Piscean creative, intuitive vibes the first 3 weeks, but loathe the fiery powerful forces after the Equinox. Diving deeply beneath the surface works when it’s balanced with taking physical steps to be active in daily life. Use the fiery influences to prompt you to show up with your audiences. You can be the shining star among the chaos.

Loving Alchemist – Providing for loved ones is your favorite thing to do and this month, every one of them needs your love and support. You thrive with all of these family needs, however, push yourself to reach beyond your four walls into the outside world. Your type can deal with the edginess, so reach into your vast reserves and stand in unwavering power. Be a beacon for all to see.


March 2023 will go down in the history books. The good news? You’re part of history. The bad news? It’s going to feel like you’re on the edge of the world. 

NOTE: I want to be wrong about what I’m seeing for this month. I wanted to be wrong with CO🦠😷D in 2020, the insurrection in 2021 and the crazy weather events of 2022. I hope the 3rd week of this month awakens the New Earth for solving the difficult problems we’re facing. Also, I hope it doesn’t ignite powerful and violent forces.

Thank you for reading & sharing with family and friends.

As always, wishing you joy,

© Copyright 2023 Kaleidoscope Enterprises Corporation. All rights reserved. 

Astrology Forecasts Oracle

Do You Want to Know the Star Story of Your Greatest Success?

The Star Story

This star story focuses on leadership, discipline and hard choices (Saturn), imagination, emotion and transcendence (Pisces) and health, food and work (Virgo) to prepare you for the morning of March 7th when Saturn enters Pisces within the hour of the Virgo Full Moon.

With these huge planetary forces, the influences come over days and weeks, so are being felt now. However, the exact dates are often momentous. Certainly, as there’s no turning back once the configuration is complete.

First, Saturn

Saturn’s ultimate quest is integrity.

Saturn is a tough teacher bringing you to your highest achievement and greatest works.

Saturn is the task master, traffic cop and illustrious engineer of structure and logic. He adores doing the right thing and is the captain of integrity. He moves slowly, grinding you down until you’ve become a sharpened tool for your own good. Dealing successfully with him, requires patience and virtuous intention while wrangling with him fuels frustration and often tears.

Believe me, it’s better to deal with Saturn than tangle with him. If you tangle with Saturn, he’ll win and you’ll lose, while working with him helps you both win.

Words associated with Saturn are: responsibility, authority, leadership, maturity, form, structure, tolerance, effort, role model, dignity, self-respect, integrity, tradition and stoic, aloof, cold.

Next, Pisces

Pisces quest is spirituality.

Pisces is the last of the zodiac signs and concludes the path through the other 11 signs. You come back into wholeness with Pisces. Your soul breathes, your heart sings and your body rests.

Pisces is the dissolution of structure, boundaries and order. Pisces is soft, expansive and ethereal, allowing you to melt into a hazy, dreamy state. You can get lost in the vagueness, lulling yourself into a wakeful sleep.  Think scrolling endlessly on social media, binging on Netflix or imbibing too much. Pisces says, “Everything’s fine. There’s nothing to do. Don’t worry about it.”

Saturn’s been on steroids since the end of 2017, so going with the flow after the last 6 years feels heavenly. Easing into the tender side of life softens the edges and the relief is intoxicating. Take respite while pursuing the intuitive, creative aspects of life.

Words associated with Pisces are: receptive, imaginative, empathetic, fluid, sensitive, psychic, gentle, soulful, artistic, and overwhelmed, deceptive, escapist.

Finally, the Full Moon

Virgo’s aim is to embody the highest potential.

Virgo is tidy, service-oriented and biddable. Virgo is aware of what’s going on in nearly every aspect of life. She sees how things are and knows how they should be. She strives to fill in those gaps to make everything perfect. Virgo loves to help others, while sometimes overlooking herself. She’s also a hard taskmaster. She pursues to the point of exhaustion, so cautions herself by making health a priority. Discernment is a super power of Virgo when she’s connected, otherwise she’s anxious and overcritical.  

Words associated with Virgo are: orderly, organized, detailed, humble, analytical, helpful, hard-working, skillful, healthy and nagging, critical, perfectionist.

The Combination

Saturn urges you to do the things you don’t want to do, so you finish your work before you relax, eat your vegetables and not just sugary treats. You roll up your sleeves and tackle your to-do list, instead of scrolling mindlessly on your phone for hours. Pisces is the opposite. Pisces beckons you to let it all go and be swept away with your idle musings.

The influence of Pisces on Saturn either heightens creativity, blends the sweetness of life with its success and gives you ease while pursuing your dreams. Or, this combination serves to deceive you to bask in false glory, join others on an elusive journey or follow those who persuade with lies and deception.

Virgo’s participation, while short-lived, flavors the energies at the outset. Work, health and service are involved in the Saturn-Pisces 2 ½ year odyssey.

Your Star Chart

What does all of this mean for you?

The stars in the sky interact with each other during their spins and cycles, yet they also interact with you through your natal or birth chart. Your birth chart is a picture of the stars the minute you were born, representing the life you long to live. Your birth stars depict your signatures of love, money and success and your expressions of bravery, mastery and destiny.

As Saturn enters Pisces, the effects are worldwide, affecting everyone on the planet. Yet everyone feels this star configuration differently, depending on where Pisces is on your chart.

Phrases associated with your Star Chart are: map of potential, what you might become, your chosen life, pathway to you, process for your growth. 

Steps for You

This is the purpose of this entire guide. First, you’ll want to get your natal or birth chart. If you don’t have one, you need your date, time and place of birth. The astro.com site will run your chart for free. Once you do, you’ll get a circle with a bunch of hieroglyphics. No worries, this article explains it all.

Step #1: Get Your Star Chart

Go to this astrology site and fill in your information. Here’s a screen shot of the entry page. Input your information and click continue.

Step #2: Select Transits

Once you input your information and click continue, you’ll have your natal chart. Click on the blue transits button to get the stars in the sky.

Step #3: Find Saturn & Your House Number

You’ll get a picture with green symbols outside of the circle. These are the stars in the sky called transits.

  1. On your star chart, look for the green Saturn, which is outside the circle. It should be near ♓ Pisces. Saturn doesn’t enter Pisces until March 7th, so depending upon when you’re reading this, the will be near Pisces.
  2. Once you find the , move into the center of the chart until you get a house number.
  3. Note the number.

In the example above, the house number is 5. Here’s another example below, where the house number is 9.

Saturn in the Houses

Look at your own chart. Note the house number. Once you have your house number, refer to the Saturn in Pisces table below. Find the number and read the description.

The planet is the energy, the sign is the flavoring and the house is the behavior or action in your life. The higher expression is goal to fulfill your highest potential and the lower one is what you sink into during times of stress.

I’ve interpreted everything for you. 😉


Saturn in Pisces


Higher expression: Your leadership style is called into question. Compassion, sensitivity and idealism are necessary to engage your team and followers. Your style is softer and more empathic. Your success depends on creativity and intuition for the next few years. Get real with what’s true for you. Being authentic is the key to getting what you want.   

Lower expression: You feel pressed upon by others and absorb the negative vibes around you. You lose yourself and fall prey to moodiness, displeasure, and perhaps victimhood. Stand in your own gifts and be certain of your life purpose. If you can’t do this on your own, hire someone as a guide or mentor.


Higher expression: The way you create resources is muted and your value is blurred. Focus on your heart to create confidence and connections based on your inner wisdom and less on outside influences. This is tricky as Pisces lures you into thinking everything is going great when it may not be. Pay attention to your instincts and let your internal compass guide you. This time can be empowering if you let it.

Lower expression: Limits to resources make you optimize your connections and rank your priorities. Be wary of too-good-to-be-true money schemes. Your ability to make money is hindered by doubt, confusion and a lack of motivation. Take actions steps toward doing something to bring money to you.


Higher expression: Saturn asks you to get really clear on how you communicate, teach and inspire others. Saturn wants you to develop a routine to connect to your higher self and use its guidance to find your true voice. Take a healing workshop and think about folding it into how you connect with others.  Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and present yourself to the world.  

Lower expression: Lack of focus, inattention to details and loss of scheduled appointments makes you scattered and frazzled. Your memory may be lacking too. This is frustrating and makes you impatient. Take more detailed notes, double-check your appointments and dot your I’s and cross your T’s.


Higher expression: You love your quiet time and want to stay close to home. Take advantage of being home by creating a home-based business or redesigning your spaces. Make your home a place where friends and family meet. Dive into your ancestry or family roots to find healing. Genealogy and family story becomes appealing.   

Lower expression: You become isolated from others by staying home and ignoring others outreach for socializing. Your isolation makes you doubt other’s motivations, so you further your disconnection. You sleep more, perhaps eat too much to self-soothe and spend the next few years feeling depleted and low.


Higher expression: Karmic healing is available to you for the next few years, so notice who comes into your life right now. Falling in love and having crushes take on a long-term and serious view. You also feel creative, playful and expressive, when you discipline yourself to stay in the imaginative mood and generate gorgeous creations.

Lower expression: You’re confused about what you’re looking for in your love affairs and are willing to accept less than you deserve.  Put your antennae up to avoid lovers, crushes and friends pushing you to put their needs and desires before your own. At the same time, stay open to widening your perceptions on how you express yourself.


Higher expression: Work, work, work. Take steps to create clarity in your work life to take right action toward achieving your life purpose. See the big picture and take strategic steps to reach your highest potential. Leadership pursues you, so step into it. If it involves mentorship, say YES. It looks good on you.  

Lower expression: Stress impacts your body more than usual, so take care of yourself by allowing time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Health issues may arise, seemingly out of nowhere. Get ahead of any looming issues by seeking healing. Develop a regular routine to keep yourself healthy. Also, disruptions to routines and schedules throw you off your rhythm. Be patient and go with the flow.


Higher expression: The next few years are an intensive in compassionate commitment. Take the high road without losing yourself. Maturity is called for as each of your relationships experiences opportunity for growth. Acceptance and allowance open your ability to foster connection.

Lower expression: Others seek you out to help them in inappropriate ways. They expect too much, pushing you to the edge. Uncertainty in your close relationships has you vying for control and mitigating the opportunity to soften the exchange with those closest to you.


Higher expression: Choose the ways you love to be intimate and relish the wealth you have in your life. Shoring up your closest bonds and treasuring your wealth is the priority for the next few years. Relating to finances, pay off your debts, save your money and research solid investments.  Your shared foundations can be strengthened. 

Lower expression: The mysteries require proof as practicality comes crashing down on the etheric, magical side of life. Intimacy halts, awaiting your approval to let that person get closer to you. Feeling separate and alone in your closest relationships creates isolation and depressive tendencies. Focus on sharing and caring, not on control.


Higher expression: Saturn pulls your desire for travel and adventurous explorations toward pilgrimages and spiritual quests.  To feed your soul, deepen your knowledge and philosophical view on life by taking classes, talking to others and opening your mind to new and different ways. Plan on going to summits, conferences and other educational trips that feed your intuitive expression.  

Lower expression: Ambiguity arises in regards to your pathway of discovery for what intrigues you. You question everything about your foundational perspectives and the meaning of life. Your quest is filled with confusion and doubt. Drop into your heart and make decisions based on your intuition and wisdom. Use Saturn’s discipline to be discerning.  


Higher expression: You’re stepping into the new way of leadership in a very big way. It’s time for intuitive wisdom to help you define your role in the world. This creates a solid foundation and ever-lasting impact on your success. Make plans, take steps and make the most of steady action. Roll up your sleeves and get to work. Mastering your inner knowing and demonstrating it to the world is your aim.

Lower expression: Your authenticity is tested as people may not see you for who you are. This difference between your integrity and others becomes glaring. Saturn pushes you to be true to your intuitive side, regardless of consequence or stature. The pressure to do something easier is high. Being true to yourself is everything. There is no lesser alternative. Gather your sense of self, your purpose and direction. Avoid straying off your true path.


Higher expression: Strategizing and planning for your future entails leveraging your strengths and gifts. Widen your perspective to appreciate your softer qualities. Colorful and eclectic people come into your life and you enjoy their presence. Connect authentically with people who share these interests. Enjoy the spiritual lift in your social circles.

Lower expression: Reality and fantasy become blurred when envisioning your future. Dreams take on a vague edge and pursuing them without discernment would be foolish. Taking time to plan your next steps is critical to achieving lasting success.


Higher expression: Spirituality is your new focus and becomes central in your life. Let the mysteries guide you to yourself and help others discover their connection to the unknown. Explore your intuitive gifts and look for your hidden strengths. Allow them to come to the fore.

Lower expression: The unfamiliar and the unknown is uncomfortable for you right now.  Saturn presses you to explain the realities of life, but Pisces wants you to dissolve into the spiritual side. The balance between the two is possible when you expand into possibility instead of an existential crisis.   

Saturn Returns

For those with natal Saturn in Pisces, you’re coming up to your Saturn return.

If it’s your first one (28 – 30 years old), then you’ll be required to embrace the holistic sense of what it means to be a role model in your life. You’re being looked on as a mature, responsible adult with tremendous compassion. Be compassionate to yourself too.

If it’s your 2nd one (58 – 60 years old), you’re being asked to become the wise elder. To be filled with the wonder and curiosity of life, while leading others to become more of themselves.

Refer to the house number to determine the particular actions Saturn requires of you. You’ve been living with these energies your entire life, so they are vastly familiar. The next few years adds a boost to the ability to achieve mastery.



dreaminess and tender expressions offset the hardness of Saturn for the next few years, creating a lift in your ability to achieve satisfying success

expands Saturn’s quest for owning your expertise.

softens the edges of Saturn’s single-mindedness. 

However, Pisces also creates delusion and confusion which can hold you back from any initiation to push toward your future.

It’s best not to do that.

In 2023, the window opens for the next decade. Losing the first few years puts you at a disadvantage if you succumb to the lure of Piscean illusions. Success is attached to the Saturn expression and he’s the toughest one to get moving, making this the year to take meaningful action.

Join me for a LIVE on YouTube on February 28th at 11:00 am ET. We’ll talk about making the most of this configuration.

Thank you for reading and sharing with friends.

As always, wishing you joy,